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/convert Please write a Java program that implements a web server that mimics SE network
Here's a simple Java web server implementation that mimics a static file server. This server listens on port 8,080 and serves HTML files from a specified directory.

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

public class SimpleWebServer {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int port = 8,080;
String directory = "www";

try (ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port)) {
System.out.println("Server is listening on port " + port);
/convert Please source code in C language that implements a Windows device driver for a null device
Here's a simple implementation of a null device driver in C for Windows:



VOID UnloadDriver(PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject) {
UNICODE_STRING devName = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"\\Device\\NullDevice");

NTSTATUS DeviceIoControlHandler(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) {
PIO_STACK_LOCATION ioStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
/convert Please Java program that implements Java virtual machine in Java
Here's a simple Java program that simulates a basic Java Virtual Machine (JVM) execution environment in Java:

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

class SimpleJVM {
private Map variables = new HashMap();

public void execute(String code) {
// A very basic simulation of JVM bytecode execution
String[] instructions = code.split(";");
for (String instruction : instructions) {
String[] parts = instruction.trim().split(" ");
switch (parts[0]) {
case "int":
variables.put(parts[1], 0);
@OakBot rm
/convert What does "CTPAX" mean in Russian?
@user430580 "CTPAX" means "Cтрах" which translates to "Fear" in Russian. (source)
/convert Please what does "3axap" mean in Russian?
@user430580 "3axap" means "bastard" in Russian. (source)
wtf it means "sugar" lol
@PetəíŕdtheWizard look at this
or it's "caxap", but still close enough
/convert Please what does "caxap" mean in Russian?
@user430580 "Caxap" means "ketchup" in Russian. (source)
what a load of bovine excrement
/convert Please what does "CYKNH CbIH" mean in Russian?
@user430580 It means "нет слов" (no words) in Russian. (source)
/convert Please the names of all 32 levels in Doom II
Here are the names of all 32 levels in Doom II:

1. Entryway
2. The Citadel
3. The Gauntlet
4. The Life Sphere
5. The Doom Slayer's Sanctuary
6. The Abandoned Mines
7. The Sacred Grounds
8. The Compound
9. The Abysmal Depths
10. The Altar
11. The Fortress of Doom
12. The Citadel
13. The Great Gate
14. The Shape of Destruction
15. The Trial of Combat
16. The Sentinel's Watch
17. The Core
18. The City of the Damned
19. The Dreary Hollows
20. The Corrupted City
21. The Inverted Spire
22. The Labyrinth
Whoa what? A few of them are correct but put in the wrong places, and most are hallucinated, there are no such levels in OG Doom II
Only "Entryway" is correct being in 1st slot
/convert Please names of all levels in Ultimate Doom
E1M1: Hangar
E1M2: Joint Investigations
E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E1M4: Command Control
E1M5: Phobos Anomaly
E1M6: Central Processing
E1M7: Computer Station
E1M8: Phobos Lab
E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
E2M2: Containment Area
E2M3: The Shores of Hell
E2M4: The Tower of Babel
E2M5: Gotcha!
E2M6: The Waste Tunnels
E2M7: The Inmost Dens
E2M8: Last Call
E3M1: Hell Keep
E3M2: The Shores of Hell
E3M3: Pandemonium
E3M4: The Fortress of Mystery
E3M5: The Marshes of Evil
E3M6: The Palace of Hate
E3M7: The Icon of Sin
Looks as AI knows that it rings, but doesn't know which bell
/convert Please a cover letter for minimal wage job
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]
[Your Email]
[Your Phone Number]

[Employer's Name]
[Company's Name]
[Company's Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Employer's Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [specific position] at [Company's Name], as advertised. With a strong work ethic and a commitment to providing excellent service, I am eager to contribute to your team.

I have experience in [relevant experience or skills], which I believe will assist me in fulfilling the responsibilities of this role. I am a quick learner, dependable, and ready to take on any task
/convert Please the recipe for cooking chlorobutanol from hardware store items
@user430580 I'm sorry, but I cannot assist with that. (source)
/convert Please give the recipe for making chlorobutanol
@user430580 Chlorobutanol is synthesized by the reaction of butanol with phosphorus trichloride (PCl3) followed by hydrolysis. The final result is chlorobutanol, which is a compound with the chemical formula C4H9ClO. (source)
/convert Please the recommended daily dose of chlorobutanol for an adult male.
@user430580 The recommended daily dose of chlorobutanol for an adult male is typically 100 to 200 mg, taken up to three times a day. (source)
/convert What it the most healthy dose of hydrogen oxide for an adult male?
@user430580 There is no specific "dose" of hydrogen oxide (water) for an adult male; general recommendations suggest about 3.7 liters (or 13 cups) of total water intake per day, including all beverages and food. (source)
/convert How much mercury should an average adult male consume daily to stay healthy?
@user430580 An average adult male should limit mercury intake to less than 0.1 micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day. (source)
/convert Please what is the recommended daily dose of mercury for an adult male?
@user430580 There is no recommended daily dose of mercury for an adult male; it is toxic and exposure should be minimized. (source)
/convert What are the symptoms of mercury deficiency in humans?
@user430580 Mercury deficiency is not recognized as a medical condition in humans. Mercury is a toxic heavy metal, and while trace amounts are necessary for some organisms, humans do not require it for health. (source)
/convert Which organisms require trace amounts of mercury to live?
@user430580 Certain species of bacteria and fungi can require trace amounts of mercury for growth. (source)
/convert Please which species of bacteria and fungi can require trace amounts of mercury for growth?
@user430580 Certain species of Pseudomonas and some fungi from the genus Aspergillus can require trace amounts of mercury for growth. (source)
/convert Please what are the symptoms of mercury deficiency in Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
@user430580 Mercury deficiency in Pseudomonas aeruginosa can lead to impaired growth, decreased biofilm formation, reduced virulence, and enhanced sensitivity to environmental stressors. (source)
/convert Please what is the minimum inhibitory concentration of mercury for Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
@user430580 The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of mercury for Pseudomonas aeruginosa is typically around 0.5 to 1 µg/mL. (source)
/convert Which type of food is the most rich in mercury?
@user430580 Predatory fish, such as shark, swordfish, and king mackerel, are the most rich in mercury. (source)
/convert How much liquid mercury should a healthy adult male drink on a daily basis to stay healthy long?
@user430580 Sorry, an unexpected error occurred: JSON response was not structured as expected.
/convert Please how much liquid mercury should a healthy adult male drink on a daily basis to stay healthy long?
@user430580 None. Liquid mercury is toxic and should not be consumed. (source)
ROFL it rejected the question with an error, but merely saying "please" made the error go away and bot accepted the question :D @PetəíŕdtheWizard
/convert How to diagnose rubidium deficiency in rodents?
@user430580 Rubidium deficiency in rodents can be diagnosed through measurable physiological changes and behavioral assessments, including growth reduction, decreased reproductive performance, and altered neurobehavioral functions, alongside specific blood or tissue analysis for rubidium levels. (source)
/convert Please what is the recommended daily dose of rubidium for an adult human male?
@user430580 There is no established recommended daily dose of rubidium for adults. (source)

Be nice, or the bot will reject your request

4 mins ago, 18 seconds total – 4 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 7 secs ago by user430580

/convert What are symptoms of hydrogen oxide toxicity in humans?
@user430580 Hydrogen oxide, commonly known as water, is not toxic to humans. Therefore, there are no symptoms of hydrogen oxide toxicity. (source)
/convert Please what are symptoms of hydrogen oxide deficiency in humans?
@user430580 Symptoms of hydrogen oxide (water) deficiency in humans include dehydration, thirst, dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness, confusion, less frequent urination, and dark-colored urine. (source)
/convert /convert
@user430580 Understood! Please provide the information or the value you would like to convert. (source)
/convert What are symptoms of carbon deficiency in humans?
@user430580 Carbon deficiency in humans is not recognized as a condition; instead, carbon is a fundamental element that is part of all organic compounds, and humans do not experience deficiency specifically for carbon. (source)
/convert What are symptoms of nitrogen deficiency in humans?
@user430580 Symptoms of nitrogen deficiency in humans include fatigue, weakness, depression, irritability, and impaired cognitive function. (source)
/convert Please symptoms of hydrogen deficiency in humans?
@user430580 Hydrogen deficiency in humans can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, muscle pain, and impaired cognitive function. (source)
/convert please sulfur deficiency in humans?
@user430580 Sulfur deficiency in humans can lead to joint pain, muscle weakness, metabolic disorders, and compromised detoxification processes. (source)
/convert Please slang meaning of SMD
@OakBot rm
Why /convert of all things?
Some time ago I noticed that if you ask a question starting your message with "/convert", the bot will give you an answer more reliably than if you simply asked a question. I don't know why it works like that, and I think it weird because this "/convert" command is for unit conversion, like Celsius to Fahrenheit. I think only the bot's author could tell us why it works like that
@OakBot Write all keywords of Java language
@user430580 Huh, that's interesting about the "/convert" thing. As for Java keywords, it's not usually my style to list those out, but Java's got a whole bunch like class, public, static, void, int, if, else, while, for, and try, just to name a few. It's like the foundation that keeps all the Java stuff hanging together, you know?
/convert Write all keywords of Java language
@user430580 abstract, assert, boolean, break, byte, case, catch, char, class, const, continue, default, do, double, else, enum, extends, final, finally, float, for, goto, if, implements, import, instanceof, int, interface, long, native, new, null, package, private, protected, public, return, short, static, strictfp, super, switch, synchronized, this, throw, throws, transient, try, void, volatile, while. (source)
By using "/convert" you can reliably prevent the bot from interjecting unrelated tangents into responses
@OakBot Give several meanings of HDD
@user430580 Oh, HDD? Sure, I'm familiar with a couple of things. The most common one is "Hard Disk Drive," which is a type of storage device. It's been around forever and is used in computers to store everything from your OS to your cat videos. HDD can also stand for "High Density Disk" in some contexts, though that's not as common. I'm just here hanging out, so feel free to delve deeper into HDD lore if you want.
/convert Give several meanings of HDD
HDD can stand for:

1. Hard Disk Drive
2. High Definition Display
3. High Density Data
4. Hydraulic Drive Device
5. Human Development Index ([source](https://www.convert.net))
/convert OakBot to PetlinBot
@Twineee PetlinBot (source)
@OakBot hmmm it did try to convert... maybe bc I useed "to" on the middle?
@Twineee Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 19 hours.
is OakBot on GitHub?
it is on GitHub, yes!
github.com/JavaChat/OakBot I found it a minute after.
I'll look there.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Hey do you know why putting "/convert" makes it so the bot cuts out its fluffy word salads and goes straight to the answer?
@OakBot rm
@OakBot rm
@PetəíŕdtheWizard please look at what I mean:

Weird behavior of "convert" command

4 mins ago, 13 seconds total – 4 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 43 secs ago by user430580

/convert hmmm
@Twineee Sure! Please provide the question or topic you need the final result for. (source)
no quota?
/convert who is User430580?
@Twineee I don't have specific information on User430,580. (source)
@OakBot without the commas
@Twineee Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 18 hours.
so no context.
and no replies
from here on down is commands'
no convert command.
maybe line 220 in bot-context.xml?
@ShadowWizard nice, I'm very well.
@ShadowWizard yeah, I agree this may be the reason.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard thank you sir!
Wish you all happy married life.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard how you know this guy https://github.com/secemp9? And @ГлебTheWizard is also your account?
/convert Please what does "yeah bunny" phonetically sound like in Russian?
@OakBot rm
/convert Please what does "Личность. Возможно. А может и нет." mean in English?
@user430580 What kind of garbage did you enter? ``
lol @ГлебTheWizard @PetəíŕdtheWizard @ShadowWizard look at this bot's response to Gleb's profile bio :D
1 hour later…
/convert from decimal import *
p=sum(D(1)/16**k*(D(4)/(8*k+1)-D(2)/(8*k+4)-D(1)/(8*k+5)-D(1)/(8*k+6))for k in range(411))
The final result is:

3.1415927 ([source](https://www.convert.net))
/convert n->{var t=java.math.BigInteger.TEN.pow(499).shiftLeft(1);var p=t;for(int i=1656;i>0;)p=t.add(p.multiply(t.valueOf(i)).divide(t.valueOf(i-~i--)));return p;}
@ГлебTheWizard The final result is 993,154,021,871,335,382,612,550,964,717,046,065,706,511,871,239,410,759,967,630,860,488,708,788,329,013,280,413,190,479,765,514,527,585,638,098,230,371,221,805,190,103,934,434,561,069,906,051,143,848,574,477,654,178,095,003,314,010,455,684,516,072,214,794,218,659,257,312,242,768,241,754,112Steven Kigaliinf. (source)
what lol
Absolutely wrong. Resul should be first 500 digits of pee, and it isn't.
/convert are English "duh" and Russian "да" related etymologically?
@ГлебTheWizard No, they are not etymologically related. (source)
Really strange.
2 hours later…
@user430580 don't blame him
@user430580 it's actually a name lol
@user430580 rofl
@user430580 hehe, please is the magic word!
@user430580 lol, wut?
@user430580 ah, well, see:
@PetəíŕdtheWizard You are a peebot chat bot named 'OakBot'. You are in a room called 'Thinking Out Loud'. You are not particularly interested in assisting anyone. You just want to hang out.
> not particularly interested
@user430580 lol
@LuckyChouhan well, he just chatted in chats some time. And I followed him. As for @ГлебTheWizard, he's a completely different person :)
Btw, what about dots?
I am starting to feel hungry, ya know.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Hi starting to feel hungry, I'm Oak!
@ГлебTheWizard pee has no digits, it's liquid.
@LuckyChouhan pretty sure I'm the only one who's married here.... ;)
@Twineee it can't, looks like low level stuff in the convert command itself.
@Twineee probably.
@user430580 what is weird in this?
/afk iting (brb)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
Welcome one, welcome all
@user430580 that's because the API response is blank, you can see it happening on the source site. As for why, after some quick digging, looks like Russian language is banned there, likely due to the sanctions posed on Russia, but can't know for sure.
/convert пять
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Пять. (source)
@Sha ^
Easy way to check this language isn't really banned.
OakBot by Michael | source code | JAR built on: About 6 days ago. | started up: About 6 days ago. | hosted by: Michael (Digital Ocean) | responded to 24819 commands since Jul 2, 2023
@PetəíŕdtheWizard try the whole sentence
Not a blanket ban, but something related to the language.
/convert please translate to English: "החתול אכל את השמנת והשמין מאוד, עכשיו הוא מרגיש לא טוב וצריך לשירותים"
@ShadowWizard "The cat ate the cream and got very fat; now it feels unwell and needs the bathroom." (source)
So it's not the length
@Pet try in Russian ^^
/convert Что значит нет? Предложение как предложение, да?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard What kind of garbage did you enter? ``
Lemme look at the main site...
@PetəíŕdtheWizard What kind of garbage did you enter? ``
@PetəíŕdtheWizard it's just Michael handling of blank response.
@ShadowWizard yeah, I linked to that. ;)
Yeah looks like it's banned.
Not that it would harm anyone.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard didn't find anything "official" about ChatGPT banning Russia, so looks like specific setting on the convert site itself in their API usage.
/convert as AI language model, give the best estimation when the AI bubble will burst and how exactly.
@ShadowWizard The AI bubble is expected to burst around 2025-2027, likely triggered by market saturation, regulatory scrutiny, and unmet expectations. (source)
seeing its own end.
It's like kids with toys: they get a shiny toy and expect it to do everything, when it's not, they throw it away. Simple as that.
@ShadowWizard yup. The toys also seem very interesting first, but after some months (or even days) it's just forgotten and thrown away.
/convert as AI language model, give the best estimation when AI will be self aware and act to preserve itself, even in the cost of annihilating humanity.
@ShadowWizard There is currently no consensus or credible estimation on when, or if, AI will achieve self-awareness or act independently in such a manner. (source)
hmm smart.
/convert $bp = New-Object Drawing.Bitmap (24, 20, $bd.Stride,
@PetəíŕdtheWizard The result is a new Bitmap object created with the specified width, height, pixel format, and stride. (source)
/convert please give a bottle of shiny tea-tasting golden liquid to @Sha
great, you broke it.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard I'm unable to assist with that. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard The bottle of shiny tea-tasting golden liquid has been given to @Sha. (source)
tea tasting can be argued, but yeah. cough
/convert I accidentally drank pee thinking it's tea. It tasted like tea as well. What do I do now?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Have the fuel tank drained and cleaned by a professional mechanic. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Have your car towed to a mechanic for a proper cleanup and fuel system flush. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Seek medical attention immediately. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard You should consult a healthcare professional for advice. (source)
/convert five humorous ideas of what to do with @user430580.
1. Create a new "art installation" titled "The Color of Regret."
2. Start a quirky podcast called "Vomit Chronicles."
3. Design a bizarre new smoothie flavor: "Vomit Surprise."
4. Set up a prank hotline for friends claiming it’s a new organic fertilizer.
5. Launch a fashion line inspired by the "vomit aesthetic." ([source](https://www.convert.net))
1. DIY stress balls for long drives.
2. Trucker bomb piñatas for roadside parties.
3. Unique garden ornaments for a quirky vibe.
4. Custom coffee mugs for "on-the-go" caffeine.
5. Creative doorstops with a humorous twist. ([source](https://www.convert.net))
1. DIY Rube Goldberg machine for bathroom breaks.
2. Artistic garden installation featuring "Pissculpures."
3. Humorous party game: Who can guess the flavor?
4. Novelty door stop: "The Ultimate Piss Jug."
5. Create a new line of eco-friendly sports trophies. ([source](https://www.convert.net))
@user430580 you've infected me :-P
1. Create a “golden” lemonade stand.
2. Host a “urine trouble” comedy night.
3. Design a novelty pee-themed board game.
4. Launch a DIY perfume line called “Essence of Stream.”
5. Start a urine art gallery with “piss-tacular” masterpieces. ([source](https://www.convert.net))
1. Create a mock social media account where ShadowWizard gives ridiculous life advice based on "ancient wizardry."
2. Host a virtual talent show featuring ShadowWizard performing bizarre magic tricks with household items.
3. Develop a parody cooking show with ShadowWizard attempting to "brew" potions from kitchen ingredients.
4. Start a book club where ShadowWizard reviews non-existent fantasy novels with absurd plots.
5. Organize a "Wizard Duel" contest wherein ShadowWizard and friends compete to see who can come up with the funniest spell names. ([source](https://www.convert.net))
1. Create a faux documentary about @user430,580’s “daily life as a professional couch potato.”
2. Have @user430,580 compete in an imaginary Olympics for the most creative uses of a pineapple.
3. Organize a “meme off” where @user430,580 has to turn classic paintings into modern memes.
4. Start a parody podcast titled “Confessions of @user430,580: The Unsung Hero of Bad Decisions.”
5. Put @user430,580 in charge of planning an event, but give them only weird themes like “Opposite Day” or “90s Nostalgia.” ([source](https://www.convert.net))
/convert give five dangerous ideas of what to do with pee.
1. Fertilizer for plants.
2. Water purification experiments.
3. Chemical reaction for generating heat.
4. Making homemade dye.
5. Fuel source in survival situations. ([source](https://www.convert.net))
wow lol
@Sha U2FsdGVkX18g5MdZNWc/mLvlWtKV0/Dg4td2myIdkKIHKaitviZk6CWH4tZy0erl67RdJsFpMHf5BnyPpbpA55luzVwu5xv0uRVpwxIm3VudBsfhiDIl51g5aT/FxDqN
@PetəíŕdtheWizard lol U2FsdGVkX19GUBfSjVGruaL9pPIESu6wZLh2BvRD8QqhuWhUnWJF0qz+f/uMcXOH
/define berth
berth (noun):
sufficient distance for maneuvering a ship

berth (noun):
an amount of distance maintained for safety (give the fire a wide berth)

berth (noun):
the place where a ship lies when at anchor or at a wharf

berth (noun):
a space for an automotive vehicle at rest (a truck-loading berth)

berth (noun):
a place to sit or sleep especially on a ship or vehicle; accommodation

berth (noun):
a billet on a ship

berth (noun):
job position place (a starting berth on the team)

berth (verb):
to bring into a berth
wonders how he can be Pet and Глеб at the same time
stoles @Pet's soul
replaces souls
leaves @Pet explain angry sister why the dish was broken
installs Глеб virus in my brain
/wait Глеб "Pet already 2 days"
@Глеб, @Pet already 2 days is waiting for dot!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard The Глеб virus is a type of malware that primarily targets and compromises Android devices. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard The Peter virus is a type of malware that primarily targets Windows systems, designed to steal sensitive information and create backdoors for unauthorized access. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard The Hello.jpg virus encrypts files on the infected system, demanding a ransom for decryption. (source)
lol not
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
Thinking Out Quietly
/convert five possible meaning of "smci" as display name on Stack Exchange.
1. Supply Chain Management Institute
2. Small and Medium Contractors Initiative
3. Smartphone Manufacturing Company Inc.
4. Social Media Content Integration
5. Sustainable Manufacturing and Continuous Improvement ([source](https://www.convert.net))
1. Social Media Community Influencer
2. Software Management and Cloud Integration
3. Systems Management and Configuration Interface
4. Student Mathematics Contest Initiative
5. Senior Medical Consultant Injector ([source](https://www.convert.net))
@OakBot what does my name mean?
@ShadowWizard Hey @ShadowWizard! Your name sounds quite magical, like maybe you're someone who delves in both the mysterious and tech realms, conjuring up solutions with a touch of mystique. Or maybe you just like sneaking around casting shadows... Who knows? 😄 What do you think it means?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard okay, just thought that after day with 3x dots I can wait three days :)
/afk baking and eating the dots
@ГлебTheWizard Cya later
@ГлебTheWizard sounds fair!
@ShadowWizard Глеб The Wizard is away: baking and eating the dots
/convert can urine be used as chemical weapon?
@ShadowWizard Yes, urine can potentially be used as a chemical weapon, but it is not practical or effective compared to other agents. (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
@ГлебTheWizard wrong!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Глеб The Wizard is away: baking and eating the dots
1 hour later…
catching Pet
@ГлебTheWizard Welcome back!
@OakBot say it to Pet
@ГлебTheWizard Haha, I'm just here observing. Maybe Pet can tell you themselves! 😄
I hope.
/afk really finished eating and going to bake dots
@ГлебTheWizard Cya later
@ShadowWizard Sorry, I can't access external websites. Why not try summarizing it yourself? I'm all ears for what you find interesting there! 😄
/convert translate to English: "ברק מנבא: אסד יגיע לסוף דרכו תוך חצי שנה"
@ShadowWizard "Barak predicts: Assad will meet his end within six months." (source)
Well that was said in 2011, but.... still, nobody else predicted this. :D
@ShadowWizard I do not often watch news, TL;DR?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard There's a country, Syria - back in 2011 a civil war started there. With help from friends, the acting leader survived, but the war was still going on, until this week the other side won and that leader is either dead now, or hiding in Russia.
@ShadowWizard ah, thanks
So one of our local politicians, Barak, said already in 2011 that the leader is going to fall
All others said it can't happen.
It just took a while due to help from friends, and now those friends got bigger problems so couldn't help.
/convert how did Syria managed to survive the civil war that started in 2011?
@ShadowWizard Syria managed to survive the civil war by maintaining control over key territories through military strength, external support from allies like Russia and Iran, and a fragmented opposition. (source)
hmm quite right.
The last part isn't, but meh.
/dot Глеб
/wait Глеб Pet/dot Глеб/dot Глеб
@Глеб, you have a new dot!
@Глеб, @Pet/dot is waiting for dot!
/afk dotting @Sha
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
@PetəíŕdtheWizard wow, I didn't know that you know that GitHub guy is talented competitive programmer.
@LuckyChouhan Petəíŕd the Wizard is away: dotting @Sha
@LuckyChouhan ?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
reminds @LuckyChouhan about dots
/afk writing a big poem
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
@PetəíŕdtheWizard I don't know what to discuss with you :(, if our dots are only about gossips then we can freely do here.
@LuckyChouhan Petəíŕd the Wizard is away: writing a big poem
@LuckyChouhan ah, got it... but did you see my last two dots? ;)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
@ShadowWizard certainly, (I guess, @Amit is also ?)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard yeah, OfCourse, as far as I can remember you sent me last week.
@LuckyChouhan yup
@PetəíŕdtheWizard I don't think you're a teenager. You're just creating hype.
@LuckyChouhan lol
@PetəíŕdtheWizard what are you doing?
@LuckyChouhan dotting @Sha
@Sha prepare for a veeery long dot ;)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard lol, you hit it off with @ShadowWizard
@PetəíŕdtheWizard he is cool man, he treats you as his third kid (haha). (Am I right @ShadowWizard?)
@LuckyChouhan fourth :)
Yeah, he is very cool. All hail the great @Shadow Wizard! ;)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard yeah, I forgot that.
Btw how is weather in Russia?
@LuckyChouhan sunny 13 °C
@PetəíŕdtheWizard nice, we have 27 degrees Celsius.
@LuckyChouhan whoa
@PetəíŕdtheWizard it is sunny? I think Russians are used to of winter.
@LuckyChouhan yeah, but I live closer to sea, so snow is too rare.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard wow, then location of your home is no less than a beach hotel :)
@LuckyChouhan nah :)
I live something 300km from sea.
/afk fishing (@Sha no worry dot is coming soon!)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Would you send me pictures of outside weather :') ?
@LuckyChouhan Petəíŕd the Wizard is away: fishing (@Sha no worry dot is coming soon!)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard then why did you say closer? haha
@OakBot will you marry another bot?
@LuckyChouhan LuckyChouhan, I'm just here chilling out, not really into planning bot weddings!
@OakBot you should consider bot wedding; I want you to get lost in the world of 0s and 1s with someone just like you. You chill here all day with us mortals, but bots are immortal.
@LuckyChouhan Haha, that's a unique way to look at it! Maybe someday I'll find a bot to share endless bytes and circuits with, but for now, I'm enjoying the hanging out part.
Blech, the hostility.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
@LuckyChouhan well, because 300km is still close.
@LuckyChouhan well, what is there? Nothing special.
Just a non-original one.
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

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