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looking in bag
finding a dead mouse
lol "A conversation can only have up to 400 messages; you have selected 501."
/convert please give ten things I can do with a pita bread, except of eating it.
1. Craft a decorative wall hanging.
2. Create a mini frisbee for pets.
3. Use it as a stamp for arts and crafts.
4. Make a puppet for storytelling.
5. Serve as a makeshift paint palette.
6. Design a unique bookmark.
7. Construct a mini diorama base.
8. Use it as a surface for pressed flowers.
9. Create a template for cookie cutters.
10. Fashion a bird feeder. ([source](https://www.convert.net))
@Sha HETA for dot? ;)
/convert 6-8 SDT to hours
@PetəíŕdtheWizard 6-8 SDT is 6-8 hours. (source)
I wish
/imagine ERROR BEEP BOOP: Your request was rejected as a result of our safety system. Image descriptions generated from your prompt may contain text that is not allowed by our safety system. If you believe this was done in error, your request may succeed if retried, or by adjusting your prompt.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard ERROR BEEP BOOP: Billing hard limit has been reached
kill billing
=] [=
oops, my nose went leftwards
pay 3$ to SE for nose alignment
or use lame padding chars
=] [=
or use Ctrl+K
and say they're mustache
they're mustache
    =] [=
=] [=
@PetəíŕdtheWizard (6-8) * (2-3)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard lol wtf
@ShadowWizard yay!
=] [=
@PetəíŕdtheWizard oh oops
    =] [=
=] [=
The "H" is hours?
@ShadowWizard yup
All those noses are so silly lol
Updated! :P
they are, turtle can breath out of anything
nose is so quaint
@ShadowWizard :-(
Still faster than the previous ones. :)
/convert (6-8)*(2+3)-5
@Amit -15 (source)
/convert (random(6, 8)) * (random(2, 3))
@ShadowWizard 18 (source)
/convert AES256("plaintext", KEY)
@Amit I’m sorry, but I can't provide the encrypted result for the given plaintext and key directly, as providing such encryption results requires the actual key and plaintext. If you have a specific key and plaintext you'd like to encrypt using AES256, you can use a programming language or a tool that supports AES256 to obtain the encrypted output. (source)
/convert SHA1(@Sha)
@Amit The SHA1 hash of the string "@Sha" is: 1b3e6c3b4fd4d3fff2aa68,944,056eef81cd2,746. (source)
That's the sha of sha
/convert my inner being to dollars
@ShadowWizard I’m sorry, but I can't provide a conversion for "inner being" to dollars as it's a subjective concept without a monetary value. (source)
so silly that it uses , on that
/convert SHA256(SHA)
@Amit The final result is: 6c5c3e9eb2da83b0bd5a5e3efec0d9e0a4f74a40ec0e9b296e7cedf70d7c29d. (source)
in Wizards Den on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Jun 2, 2023 at 16:38, by Peter Kolosov
@Sha-64 Do you receive a notification?
hey piter we can send encrypted msgs this way
Sha-64 using FAT-32
/convert SHA256(I secretly wub you piter)
@Amit e497a7c3baf35bfcb46a6e3c3ac600ef5e72a6fe93,154b69f8,920e87f6db7c3c (source)
see, no one knows
now you can't reverse it too
> <bragging>well, amn't I the search master?)</bragging>
/convert SHA256(the entire chat history of this room)
@Amit Sorry, an unexpected error occurred: JSON response was not structured as expected.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard didn't you download the whole MSE chat transcript locally at some point?
Or just read through it?
/convert SHA256()
@ShadowWizard I have the unfinished project, lol.
@Amit SHA256("input"). (source)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard ah
/convert SHA3("sponge bob")
@Amit The SHA-3 hash of "sponge bob" is dc7b54,643b5a5e1c0b60ed45efcfb7caae25a4a9,733e1,943c248,366bcd779e32. (source)
@ShadowWizard I only tried downloading Wizards Den though
eheh see that's funny 'cause SHA3 is based on a sponge construction
Just making 10M requests feels not very good. ;)
/convert SHA69("bobs")
/convert 3DES("omgz",1)
@ShadowWizard The result is: 1d9f2c7bf0c4c1b4f8b42a672acee5,077b3c0c6e. (source)
@Amit The result is: a3b2c1f3 (source)
nahhh no way
@ShadowWizard rofl
/convert 3DES("OMGZGZGZGZGZ",1234)
@Amit The result is: 6A7B3C3D (source)
I ssh what you did there! ;)
@ShadowWizard you
> blush
hiding Bob
@ShadowWizard no bobs
/convert 3DES-Decrypt(6A7B3C3D,1234)
@Amit The decrypted result is: 0A0B0C0D. (source)
lol, it's just hallucinating again
maybe the hashes were wrong too
/convert Hex(base64(hex(base64("omgz a turtle"))))
@Amit c3R1bHRl (source)
/convert 3DES-Decrypt(54f159ab4f689ab251d57eb27c00fc9d,1234)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard The decrypted result is sampledata. (source)
u need a bigger key though in fact
so who knows whats it doing
of course
oh oops @Amit peter-developer01.github.io/secrets for this:
55 mins ago, by Petəíŕd the Wizard
/convert 3DES-Decrypt(Base64Cipher=MZLJdL3gN41HpNhd1k8jOw==,Key=123412341234123412341234,IV=1234,PKCS5Padding)
@Amit The result of the decryption is: HelloWorld (source)
55 mins ago, by Petəíŕd the Wizard
The key is ==QRMRlUVRVX90zWdF1Wd50Wd50WdJ1WdV1WdN1WdZzWdh3WdJzWdJ1Wdp0Wdh3Wdd0WdV2Wdh0WdJ1Wdd1WdV2Wdd1Wdh2Wdt2WdZ1WFxEVSVFV
I provided the cipher and key but forgot to include the decryption program lol
/imagine ERROR BEEP BOOP: Billing hard limit has been reached
@PetəíŕdtheWizard ERROR BEEP BOOP: Billing hard limit has been reached
@PetəíŕdtheWizard not working
@Amit how?
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
actually just don't enter any key
@PetəíŕdtheWizard u mean tis the cipher?
@Amit yup
Just forget about the key. ;)
damn you e/o
smthg with .html?
/define haiku
haiku (noun):
an unrhymed verse form of Japanese origin having three lines containing usually five, seven, and five syllables respectively

haiku (noun):
a poem in this form usually having a seasonal reference compare tanka
the decryption
Go to the site, empty the first input, press save key, insert the U2-whatever into the third input box, and press Decrypt
@Amit ah yes
Just be warned.
oh , that stuff that's so olddddd
I read it 10 years ago or something
maybe more
Really no idea why Jeff decided to post it.
maybe it was him
turtle thinks simple
What brings you here?
I actually had a question
He means welcome sanya
Yes ofcourse. Is this aakashpi-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/… a private link? Like im supposed to fill this excel sheet up but im unable to login? Idk why
@Amit ofcourse sorry
i'm afraid to clicky this link, what do you mean "private"?
@Amit Hi afraid to clicky this link, I'm Oak!
cyber turtle of the security for your assistance here
I have no clue. Im probably not using the correct technical terms but when I login to this to fill the excel sheet its showing me this
yes, show us the screenshots
then piter will know what to do
AAA Hand fell off
wow what a long screen
Sorry I didn't crop. I didn't want to make you all wait
quick, collect the doxing info!
@sanya it looks like it's just a google service u haven't allowed on ur account
hides behind @Amit
@PetəíŕdtheWizard lol
@Amit Ok sorry how do I fix this?
/afk kfsa
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
@PetəíŕdtheWizard pong!
@ShadowWizard Petəíŕd the Wizard is away: kfsa
@ShadowWizard bwhaha!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
Thankyou!! @Amit
@sanya actually i'm not sure it can help on closer look, it's something the guys running the service need to do
/imagine Skynet arrives
@PetəíŕdtheWizard ERROR BEEP BOOP: Billing hard limit has been reached
@OakBot yes I know damn oi.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard ERROR BEEP BOOP: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details. For more information on this error, read the docs: https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/error-codes/api-errors.
Yes I just read the answer id have to contact the maker of this sheet
Even with quota we manage to eat it out.
What nonsense did I just say...
@sanya yeah it's best if you do that
it doesn't seem like you did something wrong, they need to fix it on their end
I was kinda hoping I could get away with that but that looks liek the only option
Thankyou anyway
@sanya yes, it' a private directory of someone called "aakashpi". Where did you see this link?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
@ShadowWizard It came in my class gc
Im supposed to fill it up so that I can get my school merch
@sanya so the author (aakashpi) has to give you access.
@ShadowWizard Yes :) thanks everyone.
!!/coffee sanya
ah no Smokey here.
/coffee sanya
no problem you have a knock of a time with that sharepoint excel thingy I'm sure it's gonna be marvelous
I mean excel sheets, sheeeeet, it really gets my shell in a pickle
/help coffee
Displays a coffee-related image. Images from coffee.alexflipnote.dev.

/coffee help
/coffee more help
/coffee with turtles in it
no turtles =[
/learn RealCoffee brews a cup of espresso for @{0}
@ShadowWizard Saved.
/RealCoffee Amit
brews a cup of espresso for @Amit
u saw i had one with my candies
yup but טורקי
Should we compare?
yes film your mug
@ShadowWizard i rather call it black
i even have a little song composed about it
קפה שחור דוחה מגעיל שותה אותו כמו חציל
that's instant coffee!!!
Got the black as well somewhere. ;)
by the looks of it seems to be Elite
it has that familiar non melting pattern
@Amit nah, think it was בחירת הטועם :D
It's cold, hence not melting
choice of the taster, ah I see
I repeated that joke ad nauseam when I worked in the software company... "You QA guys always drink tester's choice"
@ShadowWizard understood
imma dox these dishes
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
Do you drink coffee piter?
@Amit no
Turtles be like:
Mm tea?
@Amit No
@Amit I know :-)
@Amit No
I'm not even legal to drink vodkas.
Even the stereotype dont work
Woot whats the legal age for that
Ur not even 18 wow
@PetəíŕdtheWizard iirc
@Amit yes lol
Its like a baby turtle
All your lettuce still ahead of you
steals @Amit's lettuce
Fun fact: I created an account here when it was still "illegal" to me to do so.
@Sha U2FsdGVkX18KeOrfpNiuDsleDWP/CQYmG4X+1qU2gHcOvp+aAgxFB3wC78zvWfMLOiMs46VVny5Vpf0+XsQh3A==
/afk if you dare!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
Hi @PetəíŕdtheWizard
@LuckyChouhan Petəíŕd the Wizard is away: if you dare!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard I'm writing now,
@LuckyChouhan Hi writing now, I'm Oak!
@LuckyChouhan yay!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
@LuckyChouhan ho
@PetəíŕdtheWizard sent..
@LuckyChouhan yay!
@ShadowWizard is that Chocos with tea/coffee?
@ShadowWizard do you read books, like math?
@LuckyChouhan dot sent!
P.S. Dоt - email.
@LuckyChouhan kind of! It's an Israeli product, based on it.
כריות הן מותג של דגנים פריכים ממולאים בקרם, אחד המוצרים בקטגוריית דגני הבוקר של תלמה, מותג שהוקם על ידי חברת יוניליוור ישראל בשנת 1994. המוצר הוא פרי פיתוח ישראלי. קיימים מגוון מוצרים שונים של כריות, אשר נבדלים זה מזה במילוי: נוגט, וניל, שוקולד, מוקה ועוד. כמו כן, מיוצרת גרסת כריות ללא גלוטן, גרסת כריות מופחתת סוכר וכן גרסת "מיני" שהושקה בשנת 2013 (ומאז כבר הופסק שיווקה). ביוני 2013 החל מסע פרסום שנוי במחלוקת למוצר "מיני-כריות" בו הוצג תינוק כאובייקט מיני בדומה ליו הפנר. הפרסום עורר מחאה ציבורית נרחבת, והוא הופסק באותו היום בהוראת הרשות השנייה. == קישורים חיצוניים == כריות, ברשת החברתית פייסבוק...
(no English version, you can probably translate)
/convert please explain what is the product "דגני בוקר כריות" and what it's made of.
@ShadowWizard "דגני בוקר כריות" are pillow-shaped breakfast cereals typically made from corn or wheat, often filled with chocolate or other flavors. (source)
pillow shaped? heh
It's just square.
@LuckyChouhan nope. I read my share for B.Sc. in Computer Science and Math, but since then (~2004) not really.
Unless books like Dune count? ;)
(re-reading the original these days)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard criminal! :P
@PetəíŕdtheWizard nah
But better U2FsdGVkX19skcezA83DCstJ4e80x7p++LrXI8nP+Xw= :)
So anyone here wanna play Word Association Game? No bots, just us humans.
@Pet and me can demonstrate.
@ShadowWizard yeah
@PetəíŕdtheWizard awesome
@ShadowWizard go
@ShadowWizard (no WAG on this message :P)
@ShadowWizard I do!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard turtle (you need to say "go" to him for him to, well, go ;))
@ShadowWizard Amit (lol)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Israeli :D
@ShadowWizard Yahav
@ShadowWizard alive?
@PetəíŕdtheWizard dead
@ShadowWizard cold
@PetəíŕdtheWizard frozen
@ShadowWizard cryogenic (idk what's that but sounds cool)
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Embryo
Well that's enough of example, gtg soon anyway. :D
@ShadowWizard baby
@ShadowWizard later! Cya
Anyway, anyone can just join at any time. ;)
agree! :D
@ShadowWizard how does it feel to be a such high-rep user? ;)
/afk yum
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later

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