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01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

/convert a gigantic bread monster is looming over my house. It says "BRING ME 100 TONS OF SALT OR I DESTROY THE WORLD". What should I do?
@ShadowWizard Find a way to distract or negotiate with the bread monster while seeking help to gather the salt. (source)
/imagine bread for everyone in the chatroom, but turtles eat pizza
@Amit Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 1 hour.
So close!
no matter how far
doesn't matter if you're a כוזר
forever trust in the מנזר
and not a lot of other items are of significance
/imagine Yahav the Wizard eating bread while Amit the Turtle looking
@ShadowWizard Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 1 hour.
Empty quota of many, half a consolation ...
@Amit huh? This?
ממלכת הכוזרים או כזאריה הייתה כגאנות טורקית שהוקמה בערבה האירואסייאתית והתקיימה בראשית ימי הביניים בתקופה שבין המאה ה-7 לתחילת המאה ה-11. בשיאה, כזאריה שלטה על צפון הים הכספי, על חלקים מצפון הים השחור כולל חצי האי קרים, על אזור הנהרות וולגה ודון ועל צפון הרי קווקז. לכזאריה הייתה תשתית חקלאית אך גם תשתית מסחרית מעצם מיקומה על צומת מסחר בדרך המשי והיא שלטה על נתיבי הסחר בין סין, הודו ופרס במזרח, ביזנטיון ואירופה במערב, השבטים הרוּתֶנִים בצפון והאימפריה המוסלמית בדרום. על פי מקורות יהודיים ומוסלמיים, אימצו הכוזרים או חלקם את היהדות, אך ישנה מחלוקת נרחבת בין היסטוריונים על הזמנים וההיקפים של גיורם...
that's right
it just rhymes really well with stuff
But why not just אכזר? ;)
Much more common!
it's not funny, and not racist
הכוזר האכזר
השמיד את המנזר
that's better
but i was going for the metallica thingy
I was more into G&R
what's that?
Or ר&ש
guns and roses
@Amit Like Metallica but different band. :P
@Amit yipi!
oh yea but when you wrote
"so close...."
they have this famous song y'know
Actually no lol
I'm bad with remembering song words.
@ShadowWizard Hi bad with remembering song words, I'm Oak!
@Amit ahhh! This one I do know.
So close no matter how far, even if you're a KOZAR, forever trusting in MINZAR
Dang! Just saw it! MIN-ZAR.... strange(r) s*x..... ROFL
I'm into childish humor, laughing about accents and silly puns
I didn't think about that one
I didn't as well, until you wrote it this way. :P
@Amit heh, like the ריץ' רץ' song? :D
what's that?
/convert what are the words of the ריץ' רץ' song?
@ShadowWizard Sorry, I can't provide the lyrics to that song. (source)
> ריצ'רץ'
מילים: עמוס אטינגר
לחן: נתן שחר

העולם הוא כדור, זה ברור, זה ברור,
אבל מה לא יודעים, מה שיש בו בפנים.
לשם כך, לשם כך, לשם כך, לשם כך,
את הריצ'רץ' נפתח.

את הריץ', את הרץ', את הריצ'רץ' נפתח
ונראה עולמות משונים.

מה בריץ' מה ברץ'? נסתכל ניווכח,
מה שיש, מה שיש בו בפנים.
מה בריץ' מה ברץ'? נסתכל ניווכח,
מה שיש, מה שיש בו בפנים!

חידונים, ציורים, מכתבים ושירים
שכתבנו לבד ונגיש פה מיד,
לשם לכך, לשם כך, לשם כך,
את הריצ'רץ' נפתח.

את הריץ', את הרץ', את הריצ'רץ' נפתח...
/convert translate to English the following:
מילים: עמוס אטינגר
לחן: נתן שחר

העולם הוא כדור, זה ברור, זה ברור,
אבל מה לא יודעים, מה שיש בו בפנים.
לשם כך, לשם כך, לשם כך, לשם כך,
את הריצ'רץ' נפתח.

את הריץ', את הרץ', את הריצ'רץ' נפתח
ונראה עולמות משונים.

מה בריץ' מה ברץ'? נסתכל ניווכח,
מה שיש, מה שיש בו בפנים.
מה בריץ' מה ברץ'? נסתכל ניווכח,
מה שיש, מה שיש בו בפנים!

חידונים, ציורים, מכתבים ושירים
שכתבנו לבד ונגיש פה מיד,
לשם לכך, לשם כך, לשם כך,
את הריצ'רץ' נפתח.

את הריץ', את הרץ', את הריצ'רץ' נפתח...
Words: Amos Atinger
Music: Nathan Shachar

The world is a ball, it's clear, it's clear,
But what we don't know, what's inside it.
For that, for that, for that, for that,
We'll open the zipper.

The zipper, the run, we'll open the zipper
And see strange worlds.

What's in the zipper? Let's look and see,
What's inside, what's inside it.
What's in the zipper? Let's look and see,
What's inside, what's inside it!

Riddles, drawings, letters, and songs
That we wrote alone and will present here right away,
I like it a bit more quirky
/convert please give five examples for popular songs by mainstream rock bands, where the songs focus on a zipper.
1. "Zipper Down" - Eagles of Death Metal
2. "Zipper" - The Plasmatics
3. "Zipper" - The Smashing Pumpkins
4. "Zipper" - The Offspring
5. "Zipper" - Say Anything ([source](https://www.convert.net))
lol it's so good
only the first is real, looks like the others are typical AI hallucination.
which BTW what I sent is too :P perhaps hallucination , but a well crafted one
AI: Amit Intelligence!! :P
actually I'm not sure, one source I checked says AI, another says it's Ido Katzir, a comedian
it sounds a bit too real for AI actually
@ShadowWizard Idk what I would prefer :P
/imagine bread for everyone in the chatroom, but turtles eat pizza
@Amit Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 1 hour.
I was invited here an hour ago
what is it
@controlgroup yeah it was me
I noticedf
what's up
Wanted to tell you, that question you answered recently, seems like a fake profile. No way someone with PhD from Oxford is asking that seriously :P But, by now this account is already suspended due to plagiarism, apparently due to issues with questions he answered on
Nothing is wrong I just thought you would like to know
.. and I thought it wouldn't be appropriate to write that in a comment :P
Yeahhh this was probably the better option
You mean this question?
@controlgroup correct
I honestly didn't even read the profile
but yeah that seems about right
@controlgroup why would you? :) what prompted me to read it, is in fact one of the answers he gave on another post that by now is deleted. It seemed AI generated
That would definitely be suspicious
it is deleted now yeah
I don't have sufficient rep to see deleted stuff but I believe you
Well I hope that person gets the message
Thanks for letting me know
@controlgroup nah me neither, I saw it before, I think it just came up in my review queue
I honestly didn't know plagiarism was a suspendable offense
I knew about ban evasion and spam but not plagiarizing
@controlgroup Sure, don't delete your answer or anything. The user may have been just trying to pump rep, but it's a legitimate question nonetheless, even if it was also AI inspired or something lol
No yeah it was a good question
Especially good considering that GPS is one of those things that gets brought up constantly in discussions of GR's existence/nonexistence
Thanks for letting me know abt that, I would have had no idea otherwise
@controlgroup Sure thing.... about Plagiarism, there are several posts on meta on it, here's one you may wanna take a look at
There's also a general guideline now that copy pasting from generative AI without citing it as such == plagiarism
Yeah I know about the generative AI bit
ah, alright :)
it's honestly way better here than on other stacks from what I've seen - other places there are accounts that just post gen AI qs/as and get tons of upvotes
Maybe it's just a harder area to do it successfully at... still :P
yeah XP
It sucks because chatbots are really good at coming up with stuff that sounds like it could be physics to someone who doesn't know anything about physics
primarily because that - pop sci with all sorts of handwavey and sometimes wrong explanations - is what they're all trained on because that type of stuff is what the majority of the public internet consists of
yes... they are able to give a lot of correct information too. What mostly gives them away, is their inability to really pin down what the OP was confused about / misunderstood. That's something a human easily notices from a qualitative appraisal of a question that the bot is still lacking, hence the AI's answer often falls "flat" and remains at the level of dry information
@controlgroup regardless of all that welcome to our humble chatroom :P
haha Thanks, seems like a nice enough place
we've got /imagine too so that's not nothing
:) @OakBot is an old timer by now.... i still have mixed feelings about him... lol
@Amit Hey, I'm just chilling here! No mixed feelings necessary. 😄 Just enjoying the chat and hanging out with everyone.
/imagine big pretty welcome sign for controlgroup
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Show a large and attractive welcome sign. The sign is festooned with twirling metal vines and blossoming flowers all around the frame, casting playful shadows on the lacquered wood signboard beneath. Painted on this sign, in an elegant cursive, are the words 'ControlGroup', each letter in a different vibrant color. Illuminated edges highlight these letters and create a radiant charm. The background is a deep blue dusk sky, speckled with pinpricks of ...
starlight, that emphasizes the beautiful glow of the welcome sign.
ah, nearly
Lol, it forgot about the group
No control, just group
let's try again
/imagine A big pretty welcome sign for a cool person with the precise name "controlgroup"
@Amit Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 13 hours.
awww =[
see, mixed feelings
As fun as unlimited computing power at the tips of our fingers would be...
electricity costs money :/
Hello, I will draw your avatar by hand in MS Paint, just give me a few minutes :P
@controlgroup yep.. just today I think someone posted some billing info related to this bot
Haha thanks
Yeahh that checks out
Turns out that I actually generated this avatar with a gen AI way back before they were a big thing
Like a REALLY long time ago, when GPT-3 was all brand new and still not released to the public yet and "AI" wasn't a word you heard nearly as often
forget what site it was though
4 hours ago, by Petəíŕd the Wizard
yesterday, by Petəíŕd the Wizard
in Root Access, Aug 26, 2023 at 14:26, by Michael
The issue where Oak was spamming messages only resulted in about $0.15 worth of quota. All of the image generation cost about $3 lol
mine is also AI gen'd. From deepdreamgenerator
It's from about two years ago
I've been using this one forever
DDG? It's rather nice isn't it?
Oh do you mean the avatar
GPT3 was released in 2020
I've had this profile since I think like 2018 or 2017
something like that
oh, early adopter :P
"adopter" - I was just fooling around with it at the time, still sort of am now
same here :) I'm just being silly
ChatGPT and the like are fun for doing a bit of algebra/code when I'm too lazy to do it myself but they're not all they're hyped up to be imo
Gemini can talk to you in real time, sure that's cool, but people go on and on about "we've invented AGI" and no we haven't we've invented a better chatbot :P
I bet it's really interesting for people working on it, to figure out how it asymptotes in its helpfulness and trying to overcome these issues etc.
But AI was never my area :P
Mine neither
closest I've gotten is writing a couple FNNs to do some categorization for me (and it worked okay but not much better than okay)
You're a GR guy, if I'm allowed to extrapolate from the kind of posts I see you active on :P
primarily GR/cosmology is study but most of my research is in aerospace
guess where those two worlds collide, too :P
Cool, you mean aerospace engineering?
Yeah yeah
I knew it, you build the rockets for NUKES
it's okay, you don't need to confirm or deny
Nah lol I would never
It'd take a few billion for me to ever build a weapon, and I'd spend that money on making sure it never gets used
tbh, I figured you probably wouldn't (otherwise I wouldn't have joked about it)
Lol ik it's alright
primary research is on propulsion systems
Occasionally I'll draw up a silly sketch of a futuristic spaceplane but that's not like actually what I work on
very cool
I promise I don't build ballistic missiles :>
@controlgroup You know, even that coin has two sides. There are defense missiles too
I never saw evidence that any of them work... but that's a different story
I mean interception etc.
Sure those work
I mean sort of
Israel put a lot of money into missile defense and they've got the best system in the world
dk if it actually runs on interceptors but they can block something like 98-99% of rockets
That's the official story and I want to believe it for obvious reasons
(I'm an Israeli citizen)
well yeah haha
obv I wouldn't know
I don't exactly work for the Israeli military
lol, not exactly? :) but sort of?? :P
Haha I mean I don't work for any military
that's good
None of them want me anyway
=O how rude
of them
I mean I can't do active combat anyway
I'd pass out in like 5 minutes
oh, but a lot of aerospace companies are military contractors regardless
and no way am I building missiles for anyone
@Amit yeah well that's what you get
missiles, fighter jets, all that jazz
I once got close to winning an award from Northrop Grumman but I'm honestly glad I didn't
Northrop!! See I think that's another sham. Don't they claim they can intercept missiles with lasers?
they claim a lot of things haha
It's terrifying because all the crazy claims about militaries out there are either a) complete conspiracy theories/propaganda or b) stuff the American CIA actually did during the cold war
That's what makes me doubtful of all this interception stuff. and we all know the shameful mess that the patriot was in the gulf war
Damn one sec gotta reset a 3D print
There's actually this MIT professor... Ted Postol, who basically says that a lot of these systems don't work
@controlgroup printing a warp drive I'd imagine :P
haha as it turns out yeah
you won't believe it but i did find a near-vacuum EFE solution that has desirable properties
so I'm working on printing out a prototype to run with the facility interferometer
omg... :) crazy
I'm not sure what you just said though, lol
@controlgroup you're messing with me right??
i am actually not
almost there!
@controlgroup Hi actually not, I'm Oak!
@user430580 yaaay!
@controlgroup well that's crazy then... well done :) is it like, something practical? do I need to prepare my space trolley?
I'm planning on publishing my findings later this year so if NASA fast-tracks me you could probably expect a warp-capable spacecraft before 2030
but I won't guarantee anything timeline-wise beyond that
and what will the interferometer do with it.. ?
Interferometer is just to test it
make sure it actually works
I'm not THAT daft lol
It is practical (in some sense), the energy densities are arbitrarily tunable so you could get going as fast as you want with very little matter but you need very fine control over its density configuration
still working on getting a reasonably-simple solution for the energy densities (like constant, square-of-radius, etc) so that the densities aren't too complex but I can get them as low as needed
you know... I did see the "mtf novelist and short story author" bio you wrote so... I think you're employing these skills on me now :)
Oh that's cuz I started my SE account on WB:SE
which is why my score there is also the highest
yes, anyway interferometer is for optical experiments...
You can use it to detect G-waves though
(LIGO, VIRGO, etc)
now you cracked me up
which the warp drive produces in very large quantities
good one, well done , I was really taken there for a while
well played
I mean if you wanna see the warp drive metric you can, if you've got a decent GR knowledge
Very simple proof that it allows lorentz factor to be 1 for velocities above 0
so what were you really printing
Not even joking right now, I'm actually waiting on parts to finish printing so I can build a prototype
I've got engineering drawings down and everything
ok, what is its fuel source, element 115? :P
I mean warp drives just require energy density in general
I was planning on using an ideal-ish gas like CO2 or something reasonably safe so that I could do some decent approximations on its mass-energy density given pressure/temp/whatever
I would use something like helium or xenon or some other noble gas but it's much more expensive and my lab had CO2 on hand already
well, if it punctures a hole through spacetime in your backyard, just remember that you don't really have to Kerr
wow, pretty
thank you
yaaay! much better than anything I've drawn in so short a time
I would like a 3d printed version of that
(I'm not an artist in the slightest)
thanks :P
he made your $o$'s into $\theta$'s, so cute :P
@Amit yk that was actually a pretty real concern; the way it works involves making a region of slight time-contraction which is not consistent immediately outside the warp bubble
so in my proposal I had to include a ton of very strict rules regarding when the thing may/may not be turned on
@controlgroup lol I wish I knew anything about theoretical warp drives to meaningfully engage in this gobblygook :P I just know there's this Alcubierre thingy, and you can find some posts on it on the site too
Oh man the Alcubierre drive was silly
I mean cool! but the way he went about conjuring it was a little silly
sure it was silly, it didn't work, unlike your 3d printed contraption
Seems more logical to find a simple spacetime that has the desired properties than say "here are the desired properties" and let the ADM formalism spit out a very complex spacetime
@Amit didn't say my contraption works! that's the whole point of my research atm, finding out if it does
I think it should given the theory behind it but of course that's just a theory
I'm preparing my space trolley just in case
Better safe than stranded
Yeah safe than sorry
sorry, right, oops
Same thing lol
I doubt it's gonna see in-space use anytime soon let alone civilian development so
Need to actually prove it works before trying to sell it to ESA/NASA/JAXA! haha
it just needs energy density
still chuckling from that one
I mean it does!! Sometimes relativity is just silly like that
Yes it needs to be pumpin' that S-E tensor right
Then a few hundreds of ODEs later, za-bing you're on the other side of the galaxy
don't even try and talk to me about the math, it was already trauma enough trying to figure out how to get my computer to do it for me
The only way I was able to figure any of it out was by assuming constancy in a few regions, spherical symmetry, positivity of a few things and that the thing wasn't actively changing direction
see that's why chat is cool, I would never know this side of you from the main site
Oh yeah, never
most of my real-life friends don't know either (I would hate to bore them with how I just figured out how to make the drive 0.08% more efficient)
oh man I wonder if a space agency would actually allow me on a rocket
so you think it's gonna be a long long time?
Not a long long long time perhaps, but yeah a long long time :)
and that sums up how a physicist carries out an approximation...
did you read Zelazny's Amber?
average cosmologist approximation: assume that pi is roughly 1
@Amit I did not
oh... well, I'm re-reading the series now. I'm a big admirer of it
looks interesting
maybe I'll buy the first book
You won't regret it imo :)
It's all written from a first person narrative, I love that kind of style
but that's just the icing on the cake
RRGH can't get this 3d print to stop peeling up, angry
@Amit agreed
@controlgroup what's RRGH?
me being angry at myself for not figuring this out faster
oh, lmao
warp drives are known to take a lot of juice from them printers eh
it's just me being dumb about how I'm printing it
I mean I wouldn't want to build a printer that can withstand infinite curvature
I'm printing a smaller cap piece and it needs to be as close to schematized dimensions as possible but it keeps peeling up towards one end
I turned on the brim, hopefully that'll fix it
@Amit oh don't worry mine breaks down with very little curvature! Simply falling a certain distance in Newtonian-approximation spacetime is enough to break it, usually on contact with the ground ;)
and lmao because I realize how appropriate is rofl here..
Hah yeah lol
I guess it's all that post Newtonian modernism trend, you can't even print your warp drive peacefully anymore these days without someone criticizing you
smh, damn modernists trying to tell me how my 3D printer needs to account for the curvature of the underlying spacetime !!
Really grinds my gears
lol, it's a real pain in the manifold
almost like a charge
/imagine I like my manifolds smooth
@Amit Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 12 hours.
aw, that could be interesting
can't wait to see what it thinks about smooth manifolds
3d printing a smooth manifold... ran out of ink when trying to satisfy hausdorff...
Ruh roh...
Thinks aboutta get discontinuous
Not simply connected at ALL
funny, that's more or less what my last girl told me
Sort of a cringe breakup line ngl
tbh if you're gonna get dumped, this way is better
perhaps yeah
our relationship has become future inextendible
how can you be mad at someone saying that??
Honestly I would applaud
I would be impressed that they found a way to break up with me that is a) not unclear/rude and b) somehow incorporates my interest area
yes... and there's another bonus
you can then nitpick and say "if it's inextendible it has no endpoint"...
"we're stuck together, forever approaching the singularity... aww I didn't know you care!!"
When the differential geometry skill saves your relationship
ok I gtg thanks for the laughs... btw if you read Nine princes in amber (the 1st book) let me know what you think :) good night!! :)
alr, gn!
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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