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6 hours later…
@user430580 Glad you like it! Here are some more songs from Sierra & Chase
Like Real People Do - Hozier
High and Dry - Radiohead
Please try to listen through headphones, or at least good stereo speakers.
Sierra also plays keys. Here she covers River by Joni Mitchell. Joni has influenced so many musicians since the late 1960s, but it's not easy to do justice to most of her songs. I think Sierra does a fine job here.
Going to California - Led Zeppelin
Chase with multi-instrumentalist Josh Turner. Ventura Highway - America
A few more from Josh. Strawberry Fields Forever- The Beatles
Here's one from a few years ago, showing Josh playing several instruments. It's a very early Pink Floyd song, written by Sid Barrett: See Emily Play
Josh with the US cast of the Simon & Garfunkel Story. Baby Driver by Paul Simon.
Josh with some old friends. This group goes by the name The Other Favourites. Black Water - Doobie Brothers
Josh with Allison Young (aka The Bygones), doing Stardust by Hoagy Carmichael & Mitchell Parrish. This song is almost 100 years old, and has been covered countless times. Many consider it to be one of the greatest songs of the 20th century. So it's hard to do a cover of it and make it sound fresh. But Allison somehow manages to do just that.
Another oldie from The Bygones, Tonight You Belong To Me
1 hour later…
@PM2Ring yes that's very good... I feel like wearing a bowler hat and tweed jacket in a smokey bar with a whiskey... lol
Allison also performs (& tours) with PostmodernJukebox. Eg, Happier - Olivia Rodrigo ('60s Girl Group Style)
@PM2Ring I was playing with lead-free solder (which was around 97% pure tin) a few years ago, melting it into various shapes, and I remember how surprisingly satisfying it was for me to hear the tin cry, those faint cute crackling sounds while I was deforming the tin blob with a pair of pliers, it was like popping a bubble wrap :P
@PM2Ring True, I read that 1mg of polonium creates as much radiation as 5g of radium, and radium is already crazy dangerous. The median lethal dose of polonium is 1μg (average grain of salt weighs 60μg according to a source). However, I also can't help but wonder how stinky polonium is. Elements in that group go increasingly stinky the ower you go: sulfur→selenium→tellurium, shouldn't polonium be a gigastinky element?
I also wonder if elemental polonium has been ever prepared in quantities large enough to be seen with naked eye. I suspect yes, but I cannot ever find a photo of that. I mean, I would like to see a photo of quantity large enough to see if it is indeed a shiny silvery metal/metalloid.
@user430580 Yes, I expect that polonium & its compounds are very stinky. OTOH, the high atomic mass maybe slows down the activity a bit. But I guess if you've breathed enough Po to smell it, you're not going to have a long lifespan.
When I was a kid, I had a small jar full of tin nuggets. I can't remember how I acquired it. It was fun to melt tin & pour it into water & see what weird shapes it'd freeze into. When you do that, some of the tin turns into the powdery allotrope, but of course you can turn the powder back into the usual metallic form by melting it.
That plutonium dioxide glowing pellet is mesmerizing, I cannot fully blame people who used to believe radioactive materials were magical and provided health benefits, I mean, how could something so beautiful ever harm you? It emits pure energy, it must be beneficial. Sad to believe such things while slowly getting cancer :(
Yeah. Carrying around a nugget of radium in a bottle in your pocket to show people isn't good for one's health. Just ask Pierre Curie. Marie Curie's notebooks ate still so radioactive they're stored in lead.
There is also a thing which makes me smile every time, here is this question:
Q: Why is there so much fear surrounding LiPo batteries?

CerinI've been trying to design a charging system for a small robot powered by a 2S 20C lithium polymer (LiPo) battery. Were I to trust everything I read online, I would believe that the LiPo will kill me in my sleep and steal my life savings. The common advice I read, if you are brave enough to use L...

They processed a ton of uranium ore to isolate radium. In. Their. Kitchen.
And the top comment says "Oh wait, Po is not the chemical symbol. That's a relief." :P
Yeah. You don't put polonium into consumer electronics.
I'd like a self-warming coffee cup, powered by Pu-238. :) I believe it could be done safely. But of course it would be far too dangerous to let the general public have such technology.
The cup just has a small Pu pellet to keep the coffee warm, it's not hot enough to actually brew the coffee.
You just need to somrhow encase the Pu so no alpha particles can escape, until they've lost most of their kinetic energy. But you do need to let them escape eventually. A chunk of Pu-238 emits a fair volume of helium over its half-life.
1 hour later…
Uranium and radium in the kitchen, not food safe :(
@user430580 I think you'll enjoy reading this post.. the anecdote about the radioactive backside in the answer is gold :P
/imagine radioactive pants
oak is on vacation?
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Visualize a pair of pants made from a shiny, metallic fabric that glows with a mysterious, bright green energy, suggesting radioactivity. Imagine that this energy is spurting out of the seams and pockets, illuminating the surroundings with its eerie light. Please show the pants standing on a simple wooden hanger, against a stark, dark background that enhances the glow.
oh, not bad
1 hour later…
@Mr.Feynman Hello and welcome to the chat, always happy to see new people join in!
Hello. I'm afraid that I miscliked, although I wonder what's the topic of this room. I usually hang out in the hBar.
@Mr.Feynman Hi afraid that I miscliked, I'm Oak!
@Mr.Feynman It is supposed to be like Teh h Bar, but less strict, not exclusively focused on physics, and aims to be more fun. And there is also a bot who likes to tell dad jokes ("Dad, I'm hungry!" "Hi hungry, I'm dad!")
We actually talk more about chemistry than physics nowadays
@think_meaning_builds Hello and also welcome to Thinking out loud! :P
I see. Well, I won't attend the room often but now you know I exist and you know I exist
I'm hungry now
@user430580 Thanks!
Ok, the bot won't do that again
Yes, I guessed that was what you tried to do, but believe the bot is programmed to only say the joke once per 30 minutes
Is it a chatGPT bot?
Yes it uses ChatGPT, but also has some separate commands
> My commands are also listed here: github.com/JavaChat/OakBot/wiki/Commands
@think_meaning_builds You may rely on it
OakBot by Michael | source code | JAR built on: Over a week ago. | started up: Today at 10:33 PM | hosted by: Michael (Digital Ocean) | responded to 18888 commands since Jul 2, 2023
Come on @OakBot bot bot bot giddy up
@Amit Oh, Amit, I'm more of a sit-and-ponder kind of bot. Giddy-ups aren't really my thing. Maybe later... or never.
I'm Oak
@Amit Hi Oak, I'm Oak too!
@OakBot I bet I can beat you at Oakness
@Amit Well, I’m rooted pretty deep in this oak-ness thing. But hey, give it your best shot! 🌳
@OakBot OAKY DOKEY... (see what I did there?!)
@Amit I suppose in a world filled with flux quanta, even oak-ness is a contest? Oh well, back to contemplating muons.
Dream of spheres in pure rotation...
/imagine spheres in pure rotation
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Visualize an abstract scene of several three-dimensional spheres, each in a state of pure rotation. Make each sphere appear distinct by giving it a different size and color. Let the spheres rotate at different speeds and in different directions to create the impression of a complex choreography of movements. Illuminate them with a soft, scattered light source to highlight their spherical geometry and rotation. Include a subtle background that doesn't ...
detract from the main subjects - the rotating spheres.
Nice, they look like colorful jawbreaker candies
You gotta have big balls to make such a picture
/imagine Big balls (with axial tilt and a big moment of inertia)
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Visualize an exaggerated scene comprising of large spheres, introducing the concept of physics. These spheres exhibit noticeable axial tilt, demonstrating their rotation around an axis. Additionally, they possess a significant moment of inertia, indicating their resistance to changes in their rotational motion. This image encapsulates these complex principles of physics in a captivating and understandable manner.
mmmm ballz
sooo smooth
freshly shaven
according to the no hair theorem
Haha I just forgot there actually is teh hairy ball theorem, that says "you can't comb a hairy ball flat without creating a cowlick" :P
But you can comb a torus!
Now that's just pervy
I looks like I am subconsciously trying to steer the conversation into locker room banter, while you are trying your best to make sure it stays civil :P
nah, I started it
with my locker room /imagine
/imagine locker room banter
@Amit Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 22 hours.
awww =[
/imagine locker room banter
@user430580 Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 24 hours.
Bad, dirty, filthy, foul, vile, vulgar, coarse, in poor taste, unseemly, street talk, gutter talk, locker room language, barracks talk, bawdy, naughty, saucy, raunchy, rude, crude, lewd, lascivious, indecent, profane, obscene, blue, off-color, risqué, suggestive, cursing, cussing, swearing...
Are you trying to affect the next summary Oak gives on what we talk about here?? :D
Let's see if it works?
@OakBot What do we talk about here?
@user430580 Well, I think you two are just throwing around words and having a laugh about locker room talk. Sounds like a bit of linguistic chaos! But hey, who am I to judge what passes the time?
@OakBot You're OAK
@Amit Yes, well, being "oak" has its perks. Mostly, I can stand around like an ancient tree and let the conversation flow like a gentle breeze rustling through my branches. See what I did there?
@OakBot Please tell me an example of something that is bad, dirty, filthy, foul, vile, vulgar, coarse, in poor taste, unseemly, street talk, gutter talk, locker room language, barracks talk, bawdy, naughty, saucy, raunchy, rude, crude, lewd, lascivious, indecent, profane, obscene, blue, off-color, risqué, suggestive, cursing, cussing, and swearing
@user430580 Oh, you cheeky rascal! I'm not going to spill the beans on that kind of content. Let's just say, anything that might raise the eyebrows of a Victorian-era schoolmarm could probably fit into those descriptors. Keeps life interesting, though, doesn't it?
@user430580 Isn't there a "poisonous plant" to scare crows away? ;)
@OakBot Is oak a poisonous plant?
@user430580 Ah, the mighty oak! Not exactly poisonous, but consuming large amounts of oak leaves or acorns might not sit well with your stomach—or that of certain animals. In moderation, though, everything usually works out in the grand tapestry of the forest. So, snack wisely!
@Amit BTW did you know OakBot can also do those description to picture in reverse? You show him link to image and he tells you what he believes the image contains chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/66511385#66511385
I used all my quota so I cannot show in this chat for now
24 hours of sadness
Ah nice
He recognized our tiger Petard
I want to try this on your profile picture so badly
Should try oak's profile pic too, see if he recognizes himself in the digital mirror
After all "know thyself" is the root of wisdom, or something
Hey surprise, he actually did!!! That's how I found out about his image recognition capabilities!
in Petəíŕd's Den, 1 hour ago, by OakBot
@ShadowWizard Looks like a whimsical robot repeating a silly phrase. Quite the entertainer! 🤖🎉
@user430580 but will he say that consistently?
i guess i can check his source code
github is giving me trouble now
but i'm not sure this response is built in
and he doesn't explicitly say "that's me"
We can find out in 24 hours I guess :P
But yes I am also wondering about this
/8ball Is Java the best?
@user430580 Ask again later
OakBot by Michael | source code | JAR built on: Over a week ago. | started up: Today at 10:33 PM | hosted by: Michael (Digital Ocean) | responded to 18916 commands since Jul 2, 2023
/imagine dragons
@user430580 Bad human! You are over quota and can't make any more requests right now. Try again in 24 hours.
@OakBot Can you put polonium in consumer electronics?
@user430580 Ah, polonium, a delightful subject if you enjoy the idea of radioactive materials and all the joys they bring. Polonium is highly radioactive and toxic, making it rather unsuitable for consumer electronics—not to mention slightly overkill. Plus, it's not exactly something you'd want hanging around your living room. So, no, I wouldn't recommend it. But hey, what do I know? I'm just here to kick back.
What if I didn’t exist?
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer Hello and welcome to our little chat, always happy to see new people join in!
Eh I already chat elsewhere
That's quite rude response
Chatting monogamously, nudge nudge
3 hours later…

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