@spaceisdarkgreen A nitpick: You refered a couple of times to "formalize the model theory (of a theory) in a language". Could you sketch what this procedure means? A guess: Say we have a formal theory T. Then, does it mean to "formalize the model theor of this T in certain (formal) language L' - which, a priori has noting to do with language of T itself - a procedure assuring that formulas of this language L' can evaluate in their variables statements about metatheory of T? Eg,
the language L' would be expressible enough to incluee a statement like $M\models \psi$ where $M$ is a model of T and \psi a wf proposition in language of T?
@spaceisdarkgreen A typo: In prev question in last line I actually meant "...procedure assuring that formulas of this language L' can evaluate in their variables statements about model theory (not meta, as I wrongly wrote abve) of T?"[...]