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The encounter is the PCs invading a demon camp to save a village that was kidnapped. 4 characters. 2PCs and 2 cohorts.
Idea so far is to give them a wand of teleport or some way to take X amount of villagers for every person dedicated to moving villagers per round. (So X times the player amount) One person has like 15 followers so I am thinking X will = 1 as the followers avoid combat.
@BESW Pathfinder
How about a demonic teleportation circle they can hack to send the prisoners back, while the party defends it king-of-the-hill style?
(has the added benefit of not being something they can easily cart away to break future adventures with.)
@BESW Oh the wand would have limited charges. They plan on planning IC before going so I will know how many they will have dedicated to moving so will limit the charges to being just enough +2 or 3.
So what's the challenge you're facing that you want me to help with?
It will also be a deity granted boon. They are directly working with a deity who had been sealed away that they awoke. He is helping them stop the wizard who is breaking the 7 seals of the abyss.
Mainly all I have thrown them against is. Kill this and win, fights. This would be my first fight where I add a secondary objective.
And it's an escort mission. Oh dear.
Does the teleport wand/circle seem like a decent secondary? Should I have the Followers NOT be allowed so they actually have to actively be moving the villagers instead of just saying the followers do it?
More like defend. They will be opening a gate they need to prevent the demons from getting through as the villagers go through it.
Are the demons nigh-infinite?
Maybe the small frys but they will be one shots.
An AOE would take out most of them.
I probably will have them stop after they manage to kill about 10 or so as they get scared of the Players
My gut reaction is not to take away a character's feature because it makes the GM's life harder.
True but if I don't remove the followers it becomes another kill and win for them because they can just let the followers do it.
I'd do this: eternally respawning minion demons which the party must keep away from the followers and prisoners until everyone's been taken to safety.
It's not a kill-to-win because they could kill forever until they're worn down.
Instead it's a defend-the-squishies.
Hmm. I like that. Once the squishes are out I would then throw them against the boss. (A mirilith.)
The boss is a main protagonist so she will probably get away.
Nice. So the minion swarms will be wearing them down.
Ok so here is what I have then. Once the Players Gate in they find a teleport circle that allows them to move as a swift action up to their speed per turn. They utilize that to get the villagers to the gate (move speed is 30 and they can run double that for a total of 90 so maybe make the gate 100 feet away? Otherwise there wouldn't be any risk of the villagers being hit.) And once all the villagers are out the boss comes out.
Sounds like a good first alternate fight.

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