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A: Doesn't the Aswamedha sacrifice debunk Vedic Hinduism completely and show that the rishis and Vedas were not divine?

IkshvakuThe Hindu religion has changed a lot since the composition of the earliest Vedas. What we consider now to be "controversial", was not so in ancient times. We are talking several thousand years ago; you cannot apply our sentiments to society in those times. What our Punjabi ancestors were doing 50...

Does it matter whether it is 'considered' symbolic?
I first came across Aswamedha by a polemical Islamic website. I thought it was a lie so I started investigating. And OMG I was shocked. It seems like Hindus have no problem with putting animal genitals inside theirs. This is probably why temple sculptures often contain depictions of bestiality. The fact that the INFALLIBLE Vedas, the most revered book of Hindus contain such a disgusting thing is shameful
Ironically, Hindus make fun of Muslims by calling them goat-fockers. Now, it is clear to me that it is a projection. While Islam and Bible punishes bestiality by death (because it is so unclean), Vedas, the highest book of Hindus, the Shruti, encourage it. I am now disillusioned completely. I have understood how much 'knowledge' Vedas have lol
You Hindus should stop mocking Mlecchas. They clearly have better cleanliness and morals than you guys. They may kill people for blasphemy but at least they don't make their queens put horse genitals in her own genital for 'symbolic' reasons. Heck, Krishna also made Yudhisthira do it
"This is probably why temple sculptures often contain depictions of bestiality." - this has no connection with ashvamedha. Temple sculptures depict kinnari mithuna which is as per agama guidelines where kinnara are not humans but beings like gandharvas apsaras etc. Also in ashvamedha, horse is dead I guess before this happens so there is no bestality as such
Horse is dead according to some interpretations. Other interpretations say because of non-violence, horses were never killed. Also, putting genitals of dead horse inside yours? You know that is WORSE right? It is callled necrophilia. So ancient Hindus used to commit necrophiliac bestiality! Chi!
"this has no connection with ashvamedha." = I am simply talking about the culture. Aswamedha's acceptance shows that ancient Hindus did not object to bestiality. Manusmriti punishes bestiality only with few animals like cows with a mere penance
@SuradoeUchiha It is not bestiality because the horse is dead. The horse is dead during the mock-sex act. It is not merely symbolic, it serves an actual purpose: the horse becomes divine after being consecrated with mantras, and during the mock-sex act, its power, virility, and divinity gets transferred to the chief queen. Put yourself in the shoes of the ancient Aryan Punjabis and see how they viewed the world. Do not look at this ritual from your modern sentiments and views.
@SuradoeUchiha Dont do personal attack like "you Hindus...". This site is just for sharing the knowledge.
"Ironically, Hindus make fun of Muslims..." - only right wing political Hindus and their followers or hindutva do that. Those who have proper knowledge don't get into such mocking and spend their time only in knowing more about their own religion without bothering about others.
@TheLittleNaruto my bad
@Ikshvaku why should I not see the rituals from modern perspective? Vedas are supposed to be infallible and eternal. Btw, the horse being dead makes it worse because then it is also necrophiliac
@SuradoeUchiha "why should I not see the rituals from modern perspective?" - Because they were written in an ancient times by ancient peoples from a different culture. "Vedas are supposed to be infallible and eternal." - And they are. If you do the Ashwamedha yajna, your country will prosper. The ritual will always be eternally valid. I just explained it to you as a fertility ritual. Many cultures around the world used to have fertility rites just like this. But in modern times, people have stopped that practice. That is why you find it repulsive.
@Ikshvaku my problem with Aswamedha is not 'icky' or personal. It is regarding cleanliness which Hinduism otherwise claim to maintain. Putting a dead horse's genitals in a human woman's genitals is extremely unclean, impure and immoral (by virtue of sexual contact with an animal, sexual contact with someone other than spouse, impure contact). Do you have no shame defending such a yagna? At least other Hindus try to distance themselves from these. You on the other hand seem to have no idea of morality or cleanliness
@ekAntika "only right wing political Hindus and their followers or hindutva do that" - and you aren't? What are you, a Leftist? You know that Leftists hate Hinduism right?
@SuradoeUchiha It is prescribed by the Vedas as a holy act, pleases the gods, and bestows great rewards and divinity. That is why it is moral. Don't be an immature child, look beyond the physical act of "horse penis in vagina", and look at the ritualistic significance. Also, the horse is cleaned up before the act.
@Ikshvaku given the kind of defense I am seeing so far regarding the obscene and immoral act of putting a dead horse's genitals inside a married woman's body, it is clear that perversion is a part of Hinduism. Different perversion than Islam maybe, but a perversion nonetheless. I will say Abrahamic religions are right in calling Hinduism 'demonic' after this discussion.
@SuradoeUchiha It is your personal feeling that it is "obscene and immoral". You have no proof.
@SuradoeUchiha I have explained to you several times how the act is not "obscene or immoral", but you still do not, cannot, understand it. You are a primitive fool who cannot look beyond the physical act. Your intellect is shallow and inferior and cannot grasp higher concepts.
@Ikshvaku Hindus call Muslims goatfockers. Muslims and Christians should start calling Hindus horsefockers. Seems justified from this conversation. Then you can dedicate your life telling them how having intercourse with dead horse is a 'higher concept'. Everybody will laugh at you, even your own relatives
@SuradoeUchiha - I am neither right wing not left wing. Present right wing (so called hindu-rashtra) has nothing to do with religion, it is about nationalism.
@ekAntika Hiindutva is literally the embodiment and representation of Hinduism. Hindutva is inseparable from Hinduism. Both Left and Right agree on this. Listen to J Sai Deepak, a Tamil brahmin and proud Hindu on this
@অনু @ekAntika @SuradoeUchiha @Ikshvaku continue your discussion here.
Just one point I want to add, Hinduism is neither right wing nor left wing. Just like a baby learns things under the guidance of his teachers and elders, similarly one should learn and understand shastras under the guidance of a competent guru.
These kind of discussions will go nowhere.
@SuradoeUchiha 'Hindutva is literally the embodiment & representation of Hinduism' 👀👀👀👀👀 Since when did a ideology promulgated by an atheist became the spokesperson of the entire faith. And if you have so much problem with Hinduism & so much adoration for Abraham's faiths, then why don't you apostasize & convert to either Islam or Christianity ?
@SuradoeUchiha I am not one of those Hindus who call Muslims that. But even if I was, then it's still different, Muslims have sex with random living goats for pleasure. Whereas the Ashwamedha yajna is a holy ritual for a divine purpose. You're a fool.
@অনু because there are problems with Abrahamic religions as well. But my point isn't that. My problem is that Hindus are not being able to defend their religion. Nijeke Hindu bolen kintu Aswamedha r kotha bolte gele hawa tight hoe jae sobar. Veder part
@অনু Hindutva is an ideology by atheist?
@SuradoeUchiha Why can't Hindus defend their religion? Which Hindus are we talking about? I don't know Hindi. I just gave you a defense of the Ashwamedha ritual. Just because you personally find it "obscene", just means it shows more about your feelings than actual facts.
@Ikshvaku Muslims do not have sex with goats. Bestiality is punishable by death in Islam, Christianity and Judaism
Some Muslims do 'sin' just like some Muslims drink alcohol. It is banned in their religion strictly. But in your GAZILLION YEAR OLD SCIENTIFIC religion, bestiality is sanctioned.
@SuradoeUchiha - leftwing, rightwing, sai deepak etc. are no authority to decide religious matters. Also ashvamedha is not an everyday ritual. It is performed only by kings that too with a high risk of losing the roaming horse and hence practically it is something which would happen with success only once in say 5000 years out of multiple attempts.
@SuradoeUchiha No it is not, bestiality is sex with LIVE animals. Quit smoking crack.
@Ikshvaku intercourse with dead animals is called Necrophiliac bestiality
This is a mental disease
But again, by the conversation so far I have understood Hindus are clearly mentally ill. Ambedkar was right. Muslims are evil. Pagans (like Hindus) are not just evil, they are mentally sick
I hope Hinduism dies in this continent
Disgusting religion
@SuradoeUchiha The queen is not having actual sex with the dead animal. The horse's penis is simply placed in, or on top, of the queen's vagina.

Mental illness is a social construct defined by society. 50 years ago they considered homosexuality a mental illness. Now they don't because many people are starting to like sodomy and anal sex. And they lobbied hard to have it be removed from mental illness.

I believe you have a mental illness for not understanding the ashwamedha yajna. Please go see a doctor for your psychiatric disorder.
1 hour later…
Yes. The creator of Hindu philosophy Vinayak Damodar Savarkar was an atheist, he justified his atheism by stating that he couldn't believe in he existence of God who couldn't withstand the desecration his shrines & killings of his followers by infidels.
আর আরেকটা কথা, আমরা হিন্দুরা নিজেদের ধর্ম কে defend করতে পারি বলেই ধর্মদ্রোহের নামে ঘনঘন লোকের মাথা কেটে নেওয়ার দাবিতে নিরপরাধ লোকের সম্পত্তি ধ্বংস করি না বা কাউকে জ্যান্ত পুড়িয়েও মারি নি ।

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