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hi @RohitGohel I have posted new question :
Q: ViewContent meta Pixel not passing product name parameter

Baby in MagentoWe are using PWA Venia Reactjs setup and We integrated Meta pixel event called ViewContent in our site using below code : src/components/ProductFullDetail/ProductFullDetail.Js <script> fbq('track', 'ViewContent'); </script> we want to pass "Product name" as parameter for event "ViewContent" . So...

Hi, thanks you came here
this is the new question right?

ViewContent meta Pixel not passing product name parameter
okay i will check
this is related to facebook pixels
okay give me the links and explain me what to check
can you please install below plugin to chrome :
okay installed
please open above link
than click on Meta pixel helper
in the viewcontent , you can see custom paramerters
but if you see this link
in the viewcontent , there is no custom paramerters
we need to add custom paramerers here also
yes see
i need to pass the product name and product price in custom parameter
give the file name and code
also give the gitlab details so i will check into that
src/components/ProductFullDetail/ProductFullDetail.Js :
i added below code :
fbq('track','ViewContent', {
    'name': product?.name
okay is their any documentation link from Facebook Meta how to implement the code
okay this is open
give me 10 min i will review and let you know
thankyou very much
can you give me the gitlab details?
you can download the full code from right side
yes I have downloaded the full project but for the latest code I want to see that's why
sure, thankyou
please replace this code and check working or not

fbq('track', 'ViewContent', {
content_name: product.sku,
content_ids: product.id,
content_type: 'product',
value: product.price,
currency: 'INR'
updated code
but ViewContent is not visible now
Viewcontent event only not coming
yes please wait
here is full code : pastebin.com/WNw2t5Ws
please now add this if working

fbq('track', 'ViewContent', {
'content_name': product.name,
'content_ids': product.id,
'content_type': 'product',
'value': product.price,
'currency': 'INR'
'sorry, still the same result
viewcontent not displaying
here is full code i added :
please add the alert above the code like add this lines and check

i tried only currency
but it worked
means static content is working
i tried below
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', {
    'currency': 'INR'
it worked fine
now i will try alert code
okay add this currency code and alert both then I will check
updated code with alert
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', {
    'content_name': product.name,
    'content_ids': product.id,
    'content_type': 'product',
    'value': product.price,
    'currency': 'INR'

alert is not get right?
i also did not got
please add only this code and let me know

fbq('track', 'ViewContent', {
'currency': 'INR'
i will try in private window
now added only currency code and alert
alert coming
okay only static data is coming right
okay give me some time
i also want to inform you that, previous developers integrated "netcore cms" similar to facebook and they used this code :
 netcoreEvent('dispatch','Add to Cart', {
                'prid': product.id,
                'name': product?.name,
                'price': product?.price_range?.maximum_price?.final_price.value,
                'product_image': product?.small_image,
                'produrl': resourceUrl(`${location.host}/${product?.url_key}` || ''),
and above code worked for netcore cms
please replace the full file code with this and check

thankyou so much, it is working fine
please help for other events also
add to cart
what parameters are add to the add to cart event?
in that documentation it is there
i will tell you
give me 5 min i will review
thankyou so much
please replace the full file code with this and check add to cart is working or not

same file ?>
it is working for normal products
in this link if we change the size, it showing same price
means if we chanhge the ring size, than price also should change
but now it is not updating the price
its okay, we can check later
please help for checkout
okay have you idea about in which file we have to add checkout event code?
sr/components/ checkoutpage - index.js
i added there
so checkout event passed
i added this code in index.js
export { default } from './checkoutPage';

fbq('track', 'InitiateCheckout');
this code not update into the gitlab? because in index.js file I have not see this code
yesterday only iadded code
okay so i think we need to add code into the checkoutPage.js file not into the index.js file
but when i addd the code in that file, checkout event triggering
okay than checkoutpage.js only
i will delete from index.js
please give me the latest checkoutPage.js file code so I will add into that
hello can you please share me the all links again because my system was hang and I have open all links into the private tab so all gone
please replace this sr/components/checkoutpage/checkoutPage.js file code with below code I have add static data for check working or not if it is working so we can try to fetch the dynamic data

in checkout page
currency: INR
value: 30000
it showing above custom parameters
okay so now fetch the dynamic order total
yes, please
please update this code


above the line 201
alert coming after refresh
second alert is not coming right
only hi coming
i will availble after lunch break
sure, thankyou very much
1 hour later…
can you please remove the alert into the file and set only static value into the file because now checkout page show error not open
please refresh
hello please replace to

'value': '30000',

to this

'value': data.cart.prices.grand_total,
and check
sorrry for delay
Sorry! An unexpected error occurred. Debug: TypeError49A at /34.2691fc9d855343ea4da8.js:260:84
it gave above error in checkout
const checkoutMeta = () => {
        fbq('track', 'InitiateCheckout', {
            'value': data.cart.prices.grand_total,
            'currency': 'INR'
okay remove it
updated and run yarn run build completed
hello dear i have check into the default PWA code but I didn't get the subtotal value into the checkoutPage file
have you any idea about it
sorry, i also have no idea
i will also check
also i will post new question also
you need the subtotal value into the checkoutPage file , right ? i will post new question
is it in the priceSummary.js file ?
yes i have checked this file but I am confusion how to call this file data into the checkoutPage.js file
previous developers already done this for another crm called netcore
can you please take that code as reference
they used below code
netcoreEvent('dispatch', 'Checkout', {
                        "total_items" : cartItems?.length,
                        "amount" : total?.value,
                        "Currency" : total.currency,
                        "items" : allCartItems
i which file this code?
can you please share this file code
please replace this code and check into the priceSummary.js


and remove the code from the checkoutPage.js
thankyou very much, it is working.... please help me for one last thing, thats all
once user place order, in that page
okay is their any file name you have know?
i think src/componenets/checkoutpage/paymentinformation
No maybe this not file
is their any netcore code related to the purchaseevent?
netcore code is there
give me this file code
please replace this

now i will make a test purchase and check, please give me 5 minutes
okay sure
in stagign site, payment is not working, i will directly try in live site, please give me 10 more minutes
if i am not answer here ping me in WP
sure, thankyou
hi rohit, it is working fine in payment page
but one mistake happened from my side
checkout event is triggering in cart page only, but it should trigger in checkout page, i think i gave the wrong file
i gave this file : src/components/Cartpage/PriceSummary/priceSummary.js , it is cart page file
okay so have you any idea about other file name?
i am checking
i think previously you were checking in correct file
yes but into this file issue for the checkout page total
you are correct
so now what to do?
i am not getting, i am thinking to post new question
there is no solution to posting a new question because no one can answer into the PWA question so
correct, but our seo team will not accept this as they need the facebook pixel after user click on checkout
we will find out something but just need some time
if you have no issue so we can check this into tomorrow morning
okay, tomorow our office will be closed
you can check when you get free time
i will check for some time and inform you if i get any idea
okay if i have found any thing so ping you into the WP
yes, please
you can post an answer for all questions
when you get free time
so that i will accept answer
okay give me the related questions link so I will add my answer
all 3 questions, you can answer
i will try the same code for google also, hope it will work
can we add in guest checkout and sign in checkjout page ?
Maybe this not the right way checkourPage.js file is the correct file to add this code
but we do not have option at this time
it is fine if it work
later we can change to correct file
yes try once if work so not an issue
@BabyinMagento in this file no any parameter to get the grand total of the checkout so this will not work
oh sorry
I will add my answer to the meta pixel question other 2 questions is for Google Analytics so I am not add answer into that
okay, no problem
will it work in taxsummary.js ?
maybe not working please give me the code I will review
one last file
okay give me the code
pastebin not allowed me post
import React, { Fragment, Suspense,useEffect } from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { func, string, shape } from 'prop-types';
import { useShippingInformation } from './useShippingInformation';
import { useStyle } from '@magento/venia-ui/lib/classify';
import LoadingIndicator from '../../LoadingIndicator';
import AddressForm from './AddressForm';
import Card from './card';
import LinkButton from '@magento/venia-ui/lib/components/LinkButton';
import {
no this is not working
@BabyinMagento Okay
@BabyinMagento yes we need to find any solution for checkoutPage.js file only
okay can you please give the code you tried for checkout.js , so that i will post a question once
means to get the subtotal in checkoutpage.js
i have use this

const checkoutMeta = () => {
fbq('track', 'InitiateCheckout', {
'value': total?.value,
'currency': total.currency

useEffect(() => {
}, []);

but this is not working we will add this into the price file
okay, than you can add in price file only
no problem
i just need output
even if it is wrong way also, no problem
because that seo team is torturing me
even my manager also
they are telling almost one week happened
is there any condition we can keep in pricesummary.js file, that code should work in checkout url only instead of cart
if (google.com/cart )
 = > not work

 if (google.com/checkout )
 => work
that thing i need to R&D for that because right now I have no idea about it
okay, than i will post new question
import React, { Fragment, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage, useIntl } from 'react-intl';
import { Form } from 'informed';
import { func, shape, string, arrayOf, number } from 'prop-types';
import { AlertCircle } from 'react-feather';
import { useGuestForm } from './useGuestForm';
import { useToasts } from '@magento/peregrine';

import { useStyle } from '@magento/venia-ui/lib/classify';
import { isRequired } from '@magento/venia-ui/lib/util/formValidators';
import Button from '@magento/venia-ui/lib/components/Button';
can you please check in above code that subtotal is there or not?
guestForm.js file
may be another file for customer, i will find that
yes because this work only for the guest checkout
no problem
we can add code in another file also
i got the other file customerForm.js
import React, { Fragment } from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage, useIntl } from 'react-intl';
import { Form, Text } from 'informed';
import { arrayOf, bool, func, number, shape, string } from 'prop-types';
import { useCustomerForm } from './useCustomerForm';

import { useStyle } from '@magento/venia-ui/lib/classify';
import { isRequired } from '@magento/venia-ui/lib/util/formValidators';
import Button from '@magento/venia-ui/lib/components/Button';
import Checkbox from '@magento/venia-ui/lib/components/Checkbox';
guestform.js : pastebin.com/2mNVwnRj
customerform.js : pastebin.com/rvUSPQri
you mean add code in both file right?
i removed the code from pricesummary.js
const checkoutMeta = () => {
        fbq('track', 'InitiateCheckout', {
            'value': total?.value,
            'currency': total.currency

    useEffect(() => {
    }, []);
yes remove this file
okay removed
customerform.js - https://pastebin.com/NdRaa4kk
guestform.js - https://pastebin.com/1ZLgAKwu

replace and check
not firing event in customer checkout
or in guest checkout?
i am checking
inrto the customer form please replace line No. 01 with this

import React, { Fragment, useEffect } from 'react';
same result
no wait
sometimes it is working after refresh the page
in customer
if we go to cart page and click on checkout, it is not working
oh okay so now you check if their any issue or not else ping me because now I am leaving so
okay, i will inform you WP
first time checkout is not initiating
but if i click on "proceed to checkout" from minicart, than only "initiate checkout" event triggering, but parameters are not passing.....

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