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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@lynks Damn! I spat out my drink.
@TerryChia I can't take credit, but I laughed pretty hard at it too :P
Especially # 2: Video Thumbnails of Vaginas Are Almost Never Vaginas
what does this mean that the community user has up and down votes?
Q: Who is the Community user?

jjnguyI see this Community user on the user page. It also seems to edit posts sometimes. What is it? And why has it downvoted over 1800 times? Related What are “Community Wiki” posts? Return to FAQ Index

@TerryChia blimey cheers again! you're my new MSO agent! :))
"Community" User is whoever they tell us it is. i.e. "Oh no, we don't do that... must have been the Community User". — alex gray Aug 28 '12 at 8:12
> To continue the girlfriend analogy, we caught the NSA making out with our fiancee in 2006, then just forgot about it, and now we're raising their kid.
@lynks ok, that's hilarious. I like the original, though I think I may like the edited version better
@AJHenderson Yeah. Manning basically just took a file cabinet or five, threw them at a foreign national who says, "Oh don't you worry, we'll take care of this. We got your back." This situation at least seems to be targeted data that was actually relevant and handed to a journalist that writes for a major newspaper.
One seems more thoughtful and respectful than the other.
@AJHenderson and that is exactly the threat to "national security" that they are referring to.
It all comes back to a system of control - the real threat to the national government is not other nationals, but the governed themselves.
the biggest harm is not that this information is revealed, but that it was revealed in such a way to spark public discourse.
@TerryChia #3 re both political parties... reminds me of this classic speech:
> Choice. The problem is choice. ... a solution whereby nearly 99.9% of all test subjects accepted the program, as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level. While this answer functioned, it was obviously fundamentally flawed, thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly, that if left unchecked might threaten the system itself.
Basically - the two parties... it's a shell game.
What's the difference between china and America? At least China is honest. ;)
@AJHenderson Exactly. Heard that before...
Actually I've also heard it said that the Chinese government is run like a business, whereas the American one is run like a free-for-all daycamp (Scott Adams).
@TerryChia as @AJHenderson said, take a close look at Intents. It basically opens up a huge cross-app system-wide open API, if done incorrectly (it usually is).
beware, though - down that road lay madness (and a scary awareness of how insecure android can be....)
@Xander sounds like a George Carlin line: "Weeeelll, if the terrorists know we're looking for them, they might leave their bombs at home!"
@AviD Yeah, exactly.
@Xander which leads to another, scary possibility: Perhaps this whole kerfuffle is really NSA subterfuge, they know they cant really process all that data sensibly, so they have some PR leak, and now the terrorists are all scared of what the NSA knows.
@AviD the thought had crossed my mind
didn't the NSA try to tap into the atlantic fibres with a submarine at some point in the past? and decided there was just too much data.
@lynks of course, that would rely on the assumption of governmental competence, which is really just a ridiculous concept.
@lynks ohh, but that was before BIG DATA. Now, they can just use NoSQL and node.js!
Do you know what the biggest problem is? Pansy Americans who think that it's the gubbermint's job to protect us from terrorists and Other Bad Things that we can all live fat and happy risk-free lives.
Everytime something bad happens here it's good business for CNN and Fox News to spend 24 hours a day for 2 weeks alternating between bloody pictures and stern men pontificating that If Only We Had Done More This All Could Have Been Avoided, so it becomes the political safe ground to do anything that might prevent a future blood-stained photo op.
If we'd all grow up and realize that bad things happened and that we need to make our life choices from a place of reason rather than a place of fear, none of this would be happening.
Alright. My rant is over.
Whoa. This is shocking.... according to wikipedia, the Architect from Matrix was modeled after Vint Cerf. Looks like 'im, too.
Not that Americans have the monolopy on being pansies. There are examples of the same behavior all over the world, but it's the American version that has led to the current kurfuffle.
@Xander It's all a system of control. Now you must enter the mainframe and return to the Source.
@AviD If the Source has fewer annoying sheeple, I'd be happy to. :-P
@Xander 7 males, 16 females. You know the drill.
@RoryAlsop and other gamers: Check out this game of piracy
@AviD LOL. It's been too long since I've watched the Matrix. Such a good movie.
@Xander too bad they never made a sequel, eh? ;-)
@AviD So, I really liked The Matrix Reloaded as well...Revolution, not so much.
@Xander I agree.
Not a great question, but might fit security.SE:
Q: How implement Zero-knowledge/client-side encryption for personal data in a cloud?

mamcxIs 8:00 and a hacker (or PRISM!) already have a full copy of my customers data with personal details. Assuming the data is already readable, how protect the personal details? Before the current scandal about PRISM, I was thinking in how protect some specific fields of my customers database (like...

2 hours later…
Q: Is it legal to find bugs on a website and report them to the website's owner?

ArtDesireI'm from Canada, and I'd like to know one thing. I found a bug on one website. I'm not sure if it's legal here to search for bugs on a website and NOT use them; instead, tell its company about it.

Can we please protect this question, some didn't even bother to read the 3-sentence question in its entirety
@TildalWave Seconded. I'm losing the few rep points I have downvoting lousy answers.
@Xander oh :( it's getting that bad?
ah that one ... US laws for Canada LOL
@TildalWave Ehh...I've lost something like 5 points in the last two days due to answers from questions that hit the super collider. That's my normal downvote quota for months.
@TildalWave Yeah, useless.
@Xander Then answer some questions damnit! Stop typing to me here, conserve your energy for more worthwhile causes, so we can upvote... you're so close to 3k it's a bit annoying not to see you in the review queue for VTC :P
@TildalWave LOL. One of these days. Too busy at the moment to spend the writing full-on answers.
@Xander You're back home now?
@TildalWave Yup, back home, but that means loads of work to catch up on, and haven't quite gotten all the way there yet.
@Xander gotcha ;) well I'm done with my work for the day and off to watch latest GoT episode because I fell asleep on it yesterday ... don't think it was that boring, I'm not implying anything ;)
Q: How to use VirtualMerchant without PCI-DSS?

Andrey RegentovI want to use Elavon VirtualMerchant to make credit card payments on my website. I don't want to do PCI DSS certifications, so don't want to process or store card data on my site. I want to use VirtualMerchant payment forms so user enters sensitive data to fields of PCI DSS certified site. It s...

migrate as is or ask him to split it up?
@Gilles I don't like the question. This should all already be clearly specified in VirtualMerchant (didn't check, but it's basic functions and if it's not taken care of, then one has to wonder what else isn't), as is with any 3rd party payment systems.
2 hours later…
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