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3 hours later…
how do I go about closing the ctf room for the next 8 hours?
I think I need mod status :(
@TerryChia I thought it would be best to make it private before posting our team password
@lynks yeah. we need a mod for that though. @AviD, @RoryAlsop.
Probably won't have time to hit this one. Quite a bit of assignments due next week.
@TerryChia no worries, It's from now for 8 hours anyway, and I'll probably be keeping a log to myself in the ctf channel
g'day... looking at the CTF room info, you two seem to both be owners of it, are you sure you can't lock it yourself @TerryChia & @lynks?
@TildalWave Nope. Private rooms are a mod-only thing.
@TildalWave we can make it a gallery, private requries mod :(
ah shoot... then let's try resurrecting one of our mods... @AviD are you among the living today?
it's probably way too early for @Jeff tho... could we hack into FB's time server?
@lynks there's a CTF on? Why wasn't this announced on meta?
@Gilles i just posted in the ctf channel
@lynks that's not enough, hardly anyone follows that
I think I can make the room private (not sure if I can as I'm a mod on a different site, but that also makes me a chat mod)
but I won't do it without a recorded reason
post an announcement on meta
@Gilles right ok
@Gilles to be fair, it's been talked about since after the Plaid CTF and mentioned in other threads also, while we were joining "CTF Time"
@Gilles shall i use the ctf question? or make a new one?
@TildalWave where's the meta thread?
@lynks no, let's make one per ctf
@Gilles mmmk
@Gilles Could you mod ping the guys from RE who joined us the last time as well?
post a question as an announcement, then people can post answers as reports on how the sec.se team did
@TerryChia remind me of the names?
MMavipc and 0xC0000022L I think.
Q: A Security Stackexchange CTF team

Lucas KauffmanUpdates: Added first challenge to prepare We now have an IRC channel! Join us in #SecSE-CTF on Freenode: chat.freenode.net:6667 We have a CTFTime team, secse. Please join this. We have a chat room on chat.se which will be closed during competitions to all but team members then re-opened when w...

mentions CTF Time... among other comments
@TerryChia I'll ping them in the RE room (anyone can do that), as soon as the meta post is up
@Gilles I will post our team login once the room is private
@lynks I think it's private now
@Polynomial @JeffFerland @LucasKauffman @lynks @TerryChia I've added myself as an owner of the CTF room
@Gilles yup has the locked icon in the chatroom list
@TildalWave and I can't access it if I'm not logged in
wow people have 100 points on the scoreboard already...
I've written a presentation of the CTF team on the tag wiki
someone approve my edit please
@LucasKauffman meta.security.stackexchange.com/questions/1117/… is the entry point for the Sec.SE CTF team, but it's full of history and not really readable for a newcomer, and it doesn't really explain how to join the team. Would you mind cleaning it up? Or I can do it if you prefer
@Gilles You can do it if you want to :)
Stack Exchange doesn't normally accept private rooms except for moderation purposes
So we need to have a rock-solid justification of our access criteria, and they need to be non-discriminatory
a private room between friends is explicitly disallowed
3 hours later…
Hello people.
The Bear talks (in French): ustream.tv/recorded/33633451
@ThomasPornin It's been a while!
@TerryChia Indeed! @ThomasPornin good to see you around :)
@TerryChia Been busy.
Soon will be on holiday, so don't expect me too much.
until end of June, say.
Q: Problem with Encryption Protocol

user26602I have a question about a encryption protocol, if it is good or not. Bob and Alice communicate over an insecure channel( a possible attacker can listen). An expert suggests the following protocol to confirm that they have the same segret key without revealing this segret key to an opponent. 1) ...

@copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste
I see you snuck in while i wasn't paying attention!
Nice try
You are very observant, Austrian
@copy Down 'ere we prefered to be called 'strayan
Or anything with the word 'cunt' after it. Like "Sup cunt"
(No jokes this is actually how bogans here speak)
And I though Canadians were weird ...
@copy Yeah, try a holiday in the northern territory or western Australia. Its crazay
Anyway. Glad i caught you before i head off.
Where are you going ?
@copy To wrestle with a kangaroo probably.
@D3C4FF @AviD Have you guys seen the Haswell benchmarks? anandtech.com/show/7003/…
Not nearly enough to justify an upgrade for anyone on Sandy/Ivy. :D
Flagged this:
Q: Can i modify data "protected" by a CRC16?

JohnThere are 100 bytes with a CRC16. However I only know the first 50. I want to change byte 5 from a known value X to another value Y, and fix up the CRC16 to be valid - without knowing bytes 50-100. This is possible with the TCP checksum, because it's just addition. But CRC16 is a polynomial....

I think it should be moved to crypto.
@Xander Yup
blimey I actually used cryptology instead of cryptography in the comment and wondered why it doesn't convert the links automatically LOL
3 hours later…
Your inputs would be much appreciated
Q: How do we feel about edits correcting an OP's misconception?

AdnanToday was the second time I came across an edit that was trying to remove/correct an OP's misconception. I'm sure this is has happened before and I'm sure it will happen again. Here's an edit on the website-MAC-address question, and here's a suggested on the Dave-like question.

@Adnan your rep is 7337!! :P (sorry, I'm under the influence of the CTF hehe)
@TildalWave Numeral palindromes FTW!
@TildalWave Not only that, it appears I was #1 on May. In your face, @Terry
Oh wait. You were cheering for me for that. Okay, not in your face.
well this is interesting ^ google's sense of humor LOL
i guess that's the proper pronunciation if you're missing a few :))
@Adnan IMO OP's intended meaning should be preserved no matter what, while spelling, grammar, e.t.c. changes are made to it... I hate it also when the meaning changes all of a sudden and none of the previous answers make any sense because of it
@TildalWave Then express that with an answer or a vote. (Meta rep doesn't count, so this is not rep-whoring)
@Adnan I know ;) Reading now your answer also... give me a minute
Oh, look at the time. It's getting-shitfaced o'clock. Laters!
@Adnan well for what it's worth I agree with what you wrote (in meta post)
lol, team secse came 69th in the ctf
@Gilles we were definitely shorthanded for this one... only @lynks seems to have been able to take the time for it
I posted my write-up for cry100
A: Is there any good reason not to salt/hash passwords you store?

GillesSecurity is a complex endeavor, and knee-jerk reactions like “plaintext password? never” are just as bad as “passwords must contain special characters” or “my crypto's bigger than yours” or “if I can't understand it nobody can” if you don't consider the full context. First, let's analyze the ass...

@Gilles This is exactly the answer I was hoping to find in that thread! Could you add to it the gist of what you later also say in comments? I think it's rather important and some might simply neglect to read comments as well, which would be a shame really
namely, the use of custom programmable HSMs that can handle such password verification as mentioned in the question... it's nothing too exotic nowadays any more but I've seen in other threads that mention HSMs that many didn't know some are offline programmable before they go online, making any such verification then relativelyeasy to implement
good evening @AviD ;) how's it hanging? :)
@TildalWave I can't expand more, my knowledge of HSMs is purely theoretical
@Gilles It should suffice IMO... just mention it somewhere, I've actually been looking for it in your answer (kinda hardens against scenario #1 then) but only saw it later in comments... I don't think any real life examples are necessary, just the theoretical part where it prevents on site password leakage and similar... just so people get the idea there's other ways to store passwords than in their MySQL databases ;)
> Against outsiders, storing the passwords in an HSM is a good but awkward defense
@Gilles ouch touché, seems I've missed that part somehow :((
@TildalWave I know this is very much a TLDR answer. But the whole point is that you have to look at the scenario in detail before jumping to conclusions
NVM... much ado about nothing then... either I somehow missed it, or forgot about you mentioning it after reading comments also
@Gilles I only read TL;DR answers... shorter, and I fast-read them in a glimpse ;)
@Gilles Honestly, that's too often neglected also here in answers, and most are just the usual mantra of how to do things if you're an online e-commerce business, ad nauseum :)
@TildalWave that's because most questions are about that scenario
@TildalWave For an answer that isn't about online e-commerce businesses, check out security.stackexchange.com/questions/3339/… and the comments
@Gilles true, and also mostly by newcomers... I honestly miss more questions also from the more experienced members
@Gilles hmmm where's Neal actually, he's only here every now and then... and do we know Beth also from DMZ, or the main site member only?
@TildalWave some people hang out in chat, others have a life
@Gilles Well... true... tho that can be on an on and off basis really, I know that's the case with me. I joke about it with friends telling them I'm off for months long dive in my submarine when I'm on projects... of course, you then celebrate each resurfacing even more so than if you always were on shore ;)
oh, needless to say, I also tend to look like I just came from a few months voyage after I'm done with projects... not nice when you turn up yoghurt white on the beach in the middle of the summer and then lotus pink the next day LOL :)
@TildalWave you one-up the boat programmers!
@Gilles hehehe that was a great thread, shame it was deleted, should've been kept and locked for historical reference :)
Another one of these stupid unlock-your-door-with-your-phone startups. august.com
Very light on details. I suspect they're late to the party.
Inb4 shitty "In want to create my own unlock-my-door-app named $insert-irrelevant-name"
Dang. 10,000 pre orders in 24 hours according to their Twitter feed. I can see why people are jumping on this bandwagon.
Cash out and file for bankruptcy when all the hacks start flooding in.
@ladadada I sent an email to one of these projects and they had reasonable security in place except they didn't consider SMS sniffing in scope
@LucasKauffman All that's left to do now is wait for someone near me to actually get one so I can try and crack it.
@iszi So I installed untapped but can't find you. You should add me instead.
@iszi Yesterday at lunch I also had a beer that want in their system. Lamers.
@ScottPack added
@ScottPack Which?
Star Brick Brown from Jackie O's
@ScottPack Found it. Sent you a screenie.

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