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@Iszi interesting. I've got it running on my iPad for now, works ok although the client isn't quite as pretty as the windows phone version it has all the functionality...
2 hours later…
Ever since I logged in to the "Aww!" chat room once, I keep logging in there automatically. I tried clearing my cookies, cache, closing all my browser windows, "leaving (all)" chat rooms, and even manually logging out of all the StackExchange sites on which I have accounts. I still see this
Anybody has any idea about what's going on?
and yes, I clicked that arrow that lets you "leave that room", and after 5-10 seconds it appears again.
Oh, and @Lucas, you recommended OSCP, they say I need to have PWB first. So I'm trying to register, how long PWB lab access do you think is needed?
@Adnan I took 90 days, depends on how much time you have (PwB is the course you need to do before you can do the OSCP exam)
60 is imo the minimum
if you have day job
@LucasKauffman So OSCP doesn't have a course or anything?
@Adnan OSCP is the certificate's name, the OSCP course is PwB
@LucasKauffman Oh Jesus! I was so confused!
@LucasKauffman So when on the PwB page they say "Penetration Testing with BackTrack Online v.3.0 + 60 days PWB Lab access + Certification", by Certification they mean the OSCP exam. Right?
@Adnan jep
1. Imagine discrete logarithm, factorization and other similar mathematical problems become solved (in practice) and published. What will happen to the world's crypto? How things will be changed? What should be used instead?
2. Imagine you're a conscious mathematician that suddenly solved the above (but not yet published). What will do you to minimize the negative impact, yet let the mathematics to march on; how will you publish such a thing?
@Vi. "Imagine you're a conscious mathematician ..." as opposed to most mathematicians, who spend most of their time unconscious.... ;-)
@Adnan you should have a look at SANS courses, it's even more confusing
@AntonyVennard you just imagined that. Go back to sleep. Dream about flying differentials.
@AviD I mean not striving for money etc. and not going to crack eveything in sight, but just making ethical decisions and being nice.
@AviD Oh alright. Bye.
@Vi. haha... not being all grammar natzi @TerryChia on you, but I think you mean conscientious... ;-)
@AviD Yes, meant "conscientious"... Thanks for the notice.
@Vi. Well if you can solve DLP and factorisation, the world's crypto ceases to become useful as crypto.
@Vi. the fact that we're very forgiving of these things here, doesn't mean we don't jump on any opportunity for snark...
@AntonyVennard Is there any fundamentally other basis for crypto, other than number theory?
@Vi. As long as we're imagining, first thing I would do is jump on my flying unicorn and teleport myself and Bruce Schneier to Venus to have a private discussion about this.
@AntonyVennard If you have a piece of knowledge that renders the world crypto useless, how will you conscientiously deliver that knowledge to the world?
I would say that Bruce would be without his famous ponytail, but I figure even imagination can only go so far.
@Vi. call the U.N. and tell them "I will release this information to the public, unless you pay me.... ONE MILLION DOLLAAARS!!"
@Vi. That depends. See, symmetric crypto has no hardness basis whatsoever. It's all confusion/diffusion. There are other problems out there which are hard, e.g. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McEliece_cryptosystem
Whether that specific system would be used or not remains to be seen.
(@AntonyVennard I think its time I start adopting my Dr.Evil persona some more... )
@AviD "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Schneier#Full_disclosure" -> So just disclose eveything right away and watch the lulz?
which is funny, because I almost took a job with the Dr.Evil from SO....
@Vi. well, no, I'm just being hypothetical. And Dr.Evil. In reality I believe in *responsible" disclosure, and there really is no way to do so in your scenario.
@Vi. I suspect (my personal intuition only) that discovering the "solution" to the DLP/factorisation would not be a sudden "oh look, we broke it" but a series of approaches. Mathematicians are very cautious about calling something "proved". For example, the Riemann Hypothesis has proved valid in almost every number computers have thrown at it, but it has not been proved yet, so it remains only a hypothesis.
@AntonyVennard very true, but he's talking about disproving something, which is (usually) a lot clearer.
@AntonyVennard There can be breakthoughs that lead to quick practical solutions.
@AviD Disproving only needs one counter example, but the DLP and factorisation aren't proved problems :) just suspected to be hard!
@AntonyVennard yeah, exactly - but @Vi. is talking about disproving those.
oh dammit, sorry - just realized I read him wrong.
ignore me.
@AntonyVennard Even if you have "almost valid" quick factorisation algorithm (not proven 100%, but seems to be working), it is big breakthough.
wait, now I'm not sure - @Vi. what did you mean "solved discrete logarithm, factorization etc" - solved as in found an easy solution (i.e. broke them), or solved as in proved them (showed that they cannot be broke)?
I assumed the first, since we were talking about negative consequences....
@AviD I mean broke them: found easy solution (not necessarily proven or working in 100% of cases, but practical).
@Vi. @AntonyVennard so dont ignore me, what I said before. basically disproving the universal hardness theories.
i.e. broke the basis for most crypto.
> DUUUUDE! You BROKE the crypto!
@AviD So, how to make "Dude! You broke the crypto!" not that wreaking for the society (i.e. how to gradually disclose it, not everything right away)?
@Vi. go back to my flying unicorn with teleportation and non-ponytailed Schneier comment.
@Vi. You sell it to NSA for some serious $$$. :)
@TerryChia that is not non-evil...
And suddenly Vi disapeared from the earth and was never seen again
@LucasKauffman oh, if only. can we add emacs to that, too?
@AviD Vi is dead and buried. Vim ftw.
@TerryChia meh, these kids and their new fangled toys... PUNCH CARDS FTW!!
@AviD It's a bit complex, but basically they're not hardness theorems. There's no proof RSA is fit for purpose... it's just good as far as we know. A result that factorises things faster is (again, my intuition only) likely to have to prove a number of other results relating to primes, or at the very least deduce new structures or results that can be used to validate whether a number if prime. I'm not a research level maths person, but that's my guess as to what would be needed.
I can't see it being an overnight thing. It might be quite quick, but a lot of results in number theory take time - e.g. plus.google.com/114134834346472219368/posts/8qpSYNZFbzC
@AntonyVennard okay, I should have said "hardness assumptions". I dont think they're even axioms...
and I totally agree with you, @Vi. question is squarely in the realm of flying unicorn theoretical imagination.
Everyone knows unicorns cant fly. For that you'd need a winged horse, like Pegasus. Different breed.
Ah! This sucks! @makerofthings7 isn't gonna award the bounty. I'm gonna get it anyway, but it's gonna be only 50%. What a waste!
@Vi. I've no idea how it would be disseminated to not break society. At a guess, I'd expect that as soon as results indicating it may be possible to solve these problems efficiently appear, work would begin on replacing them, much as MD5 was replaced years ago. To that end, the best thing that can happen is for all results to be published ASAP.
That way, we get as much advanced warning as possible.
I wonder if it's rude to ping him about it in the comments.
That said, I am not an expert by any means. The man you want is @ThomasP.
Oops did I say MD5 was replaced? ;)
@AviD What do you think?
@AviD I always thought they could, but now you mention it they don't have wings!
@AntonyVennard some breeds of unicorn can teleport. I dont know of any that can fly.
@AviD Ah that's what I was thinking of.
some types of unicorn are even more specific, and will only teleport virgins.
Lucky @Adnan, he gets to go on a unicorn ride!
kidding @Adnan! ;-)
@AviD It's alright, I don't mind becoming a virgin for a unicorn ride.
@Adnan hehe, I think the process is like a hash: you can't reverse the process.
@AviD Thank you! I'm now left with an image of a brute-force attack in that context!
@AviD Slow and salted...
Jesus... what have you done, @AviD ?
hehehe... and many iterations, dont forget.
What happens if you find a collision? Is that... no, stop, now.
So I'm guessing a "dictionary attack" refers to the Karma Sutra?
@TerryChia hehe, "Karma Sutra" - the belief that all these positions, will come back around to you.
Ahaaa! You see? The moment I posted that banner, we got a new visitor!
I think thats a cool idea, combining en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karma and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kama_sutra
Welcome @Aleksandar (Sasha)
Yes, welcome. Whatever you do, don't read the transcript.
Oh wait! He has less than 20 rep, so I guess he can't post here!
nyeah nyeah, you cant answer, nyeah nyeah!
It's alright, @Aleksandar. @AviD is like that all the time. You have to excuse him, he gets crazy around new people.
s/new people/people/
I also hate it when they make me put on pants.
(that's "trousers" for you brits)
@user2309720 Hi
@AviD Thanks. I was slightly concerned.
I want some advice for my master course
@AntonyVennard because that is so much better???
@user2309720 Sure, go ahead. Ask.
@AviD Well yes because pants might well refer to your undergarments in the UK...!
@Adnan thanks for the welcome I need to decide between computer forensic and information security I posted a question but somebody suggested me the DMZ
@AntonyVennard right, I know that.... but when I mention not wearing trousers, that usually gets me funny looks too. 'Course I'm wearing shorts in my office...
@user2309720 Yes, your question isn't fit for the site. But, like food; drinks; and sex, your question is fit for The DMZ.
@Adnan food,drink,and sex ???? you mean I can ask any of these here !!!!!
@user2309720 Yes, you may ask whatever you want.
@AviD sure it is...
@user2309720 As for your question, I think our @RoryA, @RoryM, @Lucas, @Avid, and @Poly can help you more than I can.
I refuse to help any of you out with sex.
@RoryAlsop Then what do pants mean for you guys?
@Polynomial Even @ScottPack?
@Polynomial even vignesh?
@Polynomial Come ooon! @user2309720 might be hawt and sexaaay!
@Adnan underpants
Especially every single one of you :P
@AviD Owwwwwww!
@Adnan Regardless, I'm taken ;)
@Polynomial don't worry no *** question
So, @user2309720, don't wait for someone to ask you. Go ahead, ask, present your case and question.
Just FYI, guys, @user2309720 is talking about this question
Q: computer forensics or information security

user2309720I need some advice and opinions I'm about to do my master and I need to make a decision on what course I should take now I have two options either computer forensics or information security what I want to know is: is the difference/gap between these to big do they have some kind of relative...

yup that's my question dudes
@Adnan. @AviD, @Polynomial is't clear my question ?
@user2309720 Well.. go ahead, explain what do you think of the two fields. Why do you want to get into them. You might have some misconceptions? that need to be corrected.
@TerryChia stop it please
@user2309720 What's your broad career plan? What are your goals?
@Adnan well I want to know are they relatively close to each other can I do security stuff if I did my master in forensic
sorry if I type slow be patient
@user2309720 It's alright. Since there are guys from all over the planet here, it might be helpful if you tell us where you're based. You'll be able to get a much more customized advice.
I mean if I studied info. sec. I can be like sec. professional or security architect but if I took forensic I would be like investigator....
@user2309720 your degree matters up to a certain point, but it's nothing definitive
@Adnan you mean for future career
@user2309720 I studied system administration and network engineering and ended up in infosec because I liked to learn about it on the side.
what you can do is pick one and actually learn about the other at the same time when you have time
@LucasKauffman well yes I'm thinking if I could I will do such coz I'm not really very interested in forensic as I do for info. sec. also my bachelor is net & sec. under comp. science
@LucasKauffman but which one should I study for the course and which one I self -study because you know it's a matter of what and how many prof. certificates you hold to join work on some area, right?
Anyone else get a mail from Packt about writing a book about Nessus? Looks like they found me via Stack Exchange...
@user2309720 Broadly speaking the two have interrelations, and experience in one is likely to help with the other. I have had team members start in one and move to the other, and I even had a sideline with some training in forensics/EnCase etc
@RoryMcCune Woohoooo!!! Congrats, Rory!!!
@Adnan well not sure I'd do it. From all I've heard writing books is a huge amount of work for the money you make
but could be interesting to do
@RoryMcCune I don't know, but I'm under the impression it could be a good career move, no?
@Adnan yeah it can be helpful from that perspective, it's a question of weighing that up against the work level..
@RoryAlsop but which one would you suggest I take for my master as for you info. I have covered one subject in my bachelor about forensic basically we have covered the types and the ways to do investigations so I have some clues about forensic
@RoryMcCune from what I heard, in most cases the direct revenue from publishing books is miniscule, compared to the time investment. However, it can be a platform for indirect revenues - such as a platform for personal marketing, paid speaking, etc
@user2309720 It does depend entirely on what you find interesting and what you want to do. Personally I think Security gives you a wider possible set of career lines, but I am sure investigations folk would say the opposite
the thing to remember is that doing one does not preclude doing the other later
@user2309720 personally, I dont hold a lot by academic studies, at least for career paths. (might help get that first job, a little bit, but not much else). so just go for whichever you enjoy more, whichever you're more interested in.
@AviD indeed...
@RoryMcCune Go for it, you can be a published author :)
@user2309720 Did you see the video of the talk I gave on career planning? security.blogoverflow.com/2013/03/…
@AntonyVennard he already is, aren't you @rorym?
@RoryAlsop I mean if I take Master in info. sec. can I later just take some courses or certificates later and I'm ready to go into forensics
@RoryAlsop not yet. I've thought about it a couple of times, but the work/time required is a concern if I get busy on the testing front
@user2309720 As @AviD said, the academic piece is just a starting point. It can get you into all sorts of roles, but certainly when I used to hire in Big-4, the important thing to me was that someone had a degree. Didn't necessarily matter what...
Starting forensics usually has some EnCase/investigation tools experience, which you would still get shadowing a senior
sorry guys BRB soooon hope to catch you later
@user2309720 drop by anytime :)
@RoryAlsop and I would add, outside of the Big-4, having a degree at all is usually not a requirement, and as a benefit carries less weight than real experience (in most cases).
@RoryAlsop doubt an academic course would cover toolkits...
@AviD That varies by culture.. Degrees are a must to get any kind of decent jobs here... :(
@TerryChia really? even non-government / non-Big4?
@AviD Yeah, Singapore is a very qualifications-based society. One thing I really dislike about here.
@AviD I disagree. It's important here as well. Experience is very important, but some degree is important as well.
@AviD there are some that include enCase/tct etc
@Adnan important, sure, but necessary?
@RoryAlsop cool!
@AviD It is more to prove someone can learn. We had people with biology/music/other degrees
@Adnan dammit, I guess I wont be moving there any time soon...
@AviD To get a full-time job? Yes.
In Scotland more orgs are looking at security apprenticeships - this is in my opinion a good thing (tm)
@AviD But, you see, if you have 10 years of experience under your belt, with big client name-dropping, then nobody will care about the degree.
@Adnan ah, okay. so you're saying it is a requirement for a first job?
@Adnan yup - at that point we suggest to people that it becomes a single line on their CV at that point
and I've just bounty-whored makerofthings7 a bit.
@AviD I also disagree (and I am UK based). The requirement in this country for development roles is either X years in a Y-based team (e.g. 3 years Java) OR have a degree for a graduate programme.
@Adnan heh
@AviD Yup.
Anything else is rare as golddust.
even here I would have trouble getting certain government positions, even with the 10 years + big clients. The RFP states a certain degree, so go screw yourself.
@RoryAlsop Exactly. Same mentality here as well.
@AntonyVennard yeah, thats kinda what I said.
@AviD same here but nobody wants to work for the government here
@LucasKauffman right, thats why I dont care :-)
@AviD Ah okay, maybes I misread. Although, I do agree on the government side of things. No degree, no job.
@AviD good pension but shitty wage
@LucasKauffman So, in Belgium, pension plans are different depending on the employer?
@Adnan yea
for instance a public servant will have a pension equal to 85% of his last monthly wage
private sector is a lot loss but we also have pension saving plans
@LucasKauffman Interesting. Here, the government automatically takes a percentage of your salary and save it for you for when you retire. Private or public
plus I also save around 850 euro a year on pension saving because it's deductable from my taxes
@Adnan yea we have that too, but that only covers part of your total pension
taxes are super high here tho
@LucasKauffman How much for your income range?
around 35%
it goes up quite steeply
@LucasKauffman you're lucky then - higher here in UK
@LucasKauffman Jesus fucking christ on a cross!!!
our highest scale is 65%
@RoryAlsop What the?!!!!!! Higher than that?!
@RoryAlsop I'm in the lowest scale
it gets to 40% quite rapidly then scales up. although I dont think it goes to 65 (I hasvent looked into that end of the scale :-)
Heh! And I complain about my 23%
@RoryAlsop when (if) I get to manager I'll be at 40-45
@LucasKauffman thats what you would be on as manager in UK as well
@RoryAlsop once you earn around 5k a month you will be passing the 50% on taxes
also you have to pay an additional 13.07% for Social Security
@LucasKauffman cant remember what we pay for NI (our equivalent)
@RoryAlsop This is epic, by the way.
@Adnan am at work so can't see youtube. Which one is it?
@RoryAlsop Metaltech Hammstein
@RoryAlsop what EY is good at is giving additional allowances which are tax free
@Adnan ahhh - yes. we like that one. Is good fun. We played it to Sascha (lead singer of KMFDM - German guy) and he was almost in tears laughing
like car wash, lunch money, representation costs,...
well not just EY every belgian company :p
I'm back
@LucasKauffman yes - salary sacrifice. Is useful.
I feel lost reading all of what you said up there
but let me say what I got so far
@RoryAlsop Damn! You're killing in the last part with the fire coming out of your guitar.
meh, you're all complainers. Taxes here are highest. I really don't want to go into it...
don't want to discourage any company from opening here... ;-)
that's probably part of why salaries are higher here than the UK, at least.
@Adnan I want bigger fire - it's tricky. But my local pyro company are working with me...will go from a 12 inch flame to up to 6 metres! heh heh heh
@RoryAlsop @Adnan look at this guy, 12 inches and its not big enough for him!
@RoryAlsop so let's say I have master in forensic then I want to be a security eng or pentester can I ?
@RoryAlsop Awesome! Don't forget to shamelessly plug it here when it happens.
@user2309720 it doesn't really work like that
You could hopefully gain some experience in forensics that is applicable, and use that as your starter
but you would need to train
a penetration tester has a different outlook than a forensic investigator
having both is useful for a forensic investigation, because it can give you an insight into what the attacker was trying to do
@Adnan Hoping you can understand the lyrics - that was the best bit :-)
@user2309720 If you are employed as a forensic specialist in an org which lets you gain experience in other areas (eg Big-4) then you can actively pursue that route
@RoryAlsop Damn! This Hammstein is gonna give me a concussion!
@RoryAlsop @RoryAlsop what's Big-4 BTW
@user2309720 EY, Deloitte, PwC, KPMG
typically have had the biggest security teams globally
possibly have been overtaken recently, but in EY the team was about 3000-strong, and PwC had about 2500
@RoryAlsop oic...but not sure if I will be part of their team one day...I don't depend on that much
@user2309720 they are a good starting point - gives you a lot of exposure to the whole of the security/risk/controls/governance space
and to senior roles in clients - useful later in your career
@RoryAlsop you never know if you might end up at a former client :P
@RoryAlsop so Deloitte offers good positions for us?
@LucasKauffman exactly....ahem
@user2309720 all the Big-4 have security, forensic, pen-test, etc roles
@RoryAlsop but for fresh graduate or master can they just join it ?
@user2309720 depends on the country, for instance EY and PwC are strong at security in this country whereas Deloitte and KPMG almost haven't got anything
good will depend on your aspirations. for me - very good. I spent 10 years in EY and nearly 2 in PwC
@RoryAlsop doing what?
@user2309720 They all have a strong graduate programme, so hire in a wide range of grads straight from uni
@user2309720 running pen test teams, forensic teams, writing strategy and policy for clients, little bits of IT audit etc etc tec
@RoryAlsop okay sounds great
@user2309720 you should start though by working out what you enjoy, what you want to do, what you want to do in 5 years and 10 years, then research the industry, then revisit your career plan, then look at which employers can help you get there
If your goals match an employers goals they can be very supportive. If they clash - you'll have a hard time
@RoryAlsop so for now it looks like whichever course I take it will not hold me up form practicing the other ?
what I really wanna understand is that for e.g I did forensic then once upon a time I want to do pentesting will taking some courses along with the study background be a good kick off
I mean I studied forensic
or I will regret for taking master forensic
The thing to note is that most employers see a degree as academic. If it is in the right general space it will be useful. I wouldn't have thought you'd regret it, but if you dont plan on a career in forensics then it probably is unnecessary - focus more on what you plan on doing
@RoryAlsop then what about if I wish to further my study like for PhD..will I have to take it more serious in choosing the course if I want to do PhD in info. sec.
after you get that first job it's all about experience
@user2309720 further study is not that useful for most areas of infosec - good for research, but not good in most roles. Academic security != real world security
@RoryAlsop well I'm thinking of research centers to join if I didn't go for a professional jobs...thus PhD is a very important in that case
I'm thinking if I studied some course for master will that effect my decision of what my PhD will be a bout
if you want to do it, great, there are some companies who will sponsor - I'm thinking examples like AV companies, malware reseach companies etc
@user2309720 it does come back to you doing the research. what do you enjoy. what do you want to do. If you have a plan for phd, it would make sense to have an aligned masters degree.
@RoryAlsop WOOW that's a good point which I missed coz I'm considering uni. grants for the PhD never thought of companies grants
companies have more money than universities, generally. :-)
@RoryAlsop on of my professor told me so..but I can see some people have done master in ABC and PhD in xyz
@user2309720 they just have to be willing to spend it on you
@user2309720 it just means you can use some of the work you did in your masters to support your phd
I look at those who done ABC master and XYZ PhD where ABC & XYZ are relatively close.g same faculty or related in a way or another
@RoryAlsop I guess that's the reason for an aligned master and PhD
because now I'm confused to go for academics (research center ) or go out and work just as a professional (e.g pentester, security eng, net engineer, etc...)
so that's why I try to find the difference between these two course (forensic and info .sec)
to find the difference, ask the uni for an outline of each course, they can vary a lot
@user2309720 where do you see yourself in 10 - 15 years, or where would you like to be?
if I can take master in forensic then PhD in info. sec. then I might consider just to go with the master forensic and if I didn't continue to PhD can I go and work in info .sec. since I have the CCNA and CCNA sec.
@RoryAlsop I checked both and indeed they have some difference but info. sec. does offer forensic as one subject along with crytpo while the forensic course doesn't cover the crypto stuff
@user2309720 CCNA isnt really a useful cert in this space, and CCNA sec is very narrow, so will only really be useful if you want to work for a telecoms company, or a specific network sec company
@RoryAlsop but I can join any of the Big-4 with these cert,right?
@user2309720 they won't really matter a lot
@LucasKauffman that one I didn't figure it out yet coz I told you not sure if I will go for my PhD then will join research centers other wise will just work as a professional dude
@LucasKauffman what's that buddy ?
I was planning on doing my CCNA before I joined EY and the manager there said it doesn't really matter if I have a CCNA or not
@LucasKauffman what job are you doing?
@user2309720 it is unlikely to swing things much, to be honest
it isnt an applicable cert
@user2309720 A&P testing
@LucasKauffman sorry I don't know what A&P stands for
ah, attack and penetration
@RoryAlsop won't they help ?
@LucasKauffman oic...then do you have any prof. cert ?
@user2309720 I didn't have any certificates before I joined EY, I only had my bachelor degree
@LucasKauffman that's good so it's all your experience then? because you need to know all the tools and how to use them,right?
@user2309720 yea that's something they will ask and check
@user2309720 you also have two to three jobinterviews
of which one digs deeper in your technical knowledge
the other ones are general math and psychology tests
and conversations with a senior manager/director/partner
@user2309720 I had a degree in Electronic Engineering
but a lot of experience in tinkering with systems and networks, as well as a lot of security config, architecture and analysis. No actual industry certs until after I joined EY. They sponsored me through a few
@LucasKauffman, @RoryAlsop can you hold I really love this discussion I learnt a lot form you....I need to go to perform my prayer and will be back,hope can catch ya dude
@RoryAlsop they even sponsor degrees (though with a heavy contract)
@LucasKauffman and even MBA's!
@RoryAlsop yea, indeed, hopefully I can do my masters when I get to senior I
@LucasKauffman I'm toying with doing an MBA myself...might be useful, but would have been much more useful ten years ago...
@RoryAlsop it's always nice to learn, but you need to have time
if you can do it, I wouldn't see a reason not to
@LucasKauffman yeah - well, I have more time now, but a big part of an MBA value is the networking, and I am pretty well connected...
Plus, I'm using the time for more family things, which is nice
@RoryAlsop true
@LucasKauffman @RoryAlsop that musik kept me rockin' all night last night. Good times :D
I might be being a dave
@lynks are you developing your own crypto?
@LucasKauffman just an authentication token: timestamp + sha256(timestamp + nonce + bcrypt(password))
@lynks ooh Bear territory
@LucasKauffman The bears have been awful quiet of late...
@LucasKauffman I think it's ok...the timestamp gives it a 5 second TTL, the nonce is large enough to ensure all tokens are unique, and the password ensures only the user can generate it.
@D3C4FF nice one!
@LucasKauffman so an attacker could reverse the sha256, giving them the exposed bcrypt for the user's password, but thats a damn sight better than sending the password in plaintext :)
@lynks I'd just post the question at crypto
@LucasKauffman they'd probably just tell me to use a library, but sure
@copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste @copy @paste
Uhm ... hi
@LucasKauffman its broken
@LucasKauffman sad panda.
@copy think you've been pasted :-)
mmm offsite event tonight with open bar and they have a seminar planned at 8:30 tomorrow morning
@LucasKauffman it's a test
@RoryAlsop yes but what's the goal?
to show up or not to show up
or to show up still a bit drunk from the night before?
@LucasKauffman To show up on-time and not clearly hung-over.
@LucasKauffman is the bar open till 8:30 the next day?
@TildalWave 3am
@LucasKauffman You crazy young people.
@lynks why do you think it's broken?
@LucasKauffman to be last one in the bar, first one up, eat the biggest fry-up and be energetic and fun all day. That was what we always tried to do :-)
@RoryAlsop I can do that if I have a limited amount of alcohol
@LucasKauffman in which case, disguise the lack of alcohol you are drinking... :-)
mmmm that's going to be a real test
@LucasKauffman @RoryAlsop Top tip - Club soda with lime looks exactly like a gin & tonic
@Xander that's fraud and fraud is bad!
@copy HIIII
@LucasKauffman I know fraud is bad...I used it be an auditor. That was the job where I learned to fraudulently pass off club soda & lime as a g&t on our off-sites. :-)
(Accountant-type auditor)
tonic looks like gin and tonic :-)
@RoryAlsop That's true too. My recommendation is based solely on the fact that I don't particularly care for tonic without gin. The flavor of tonic just makes me miss the gin. :-)
@Xander - heh
I know what you mean
I don't like gin
I don't like any white spirits
@LucasKauffman ahhh - that is a problem
@LucasKauffman cranberry juice in a wine glass and try to pass as a casual rosé drinker?
@TildalWave He's trying to save face, not lose it. :-P
@Xander exactly
@Xander hehe
@LucasKauffman Rum and coke without the rum?
apparently they do low alcohol lagers and wines...
@Xander just looks like coke. the bubbles are different. easy to spot
you can even identify the type of rum or bourbon by the bubbles
@RoryAlsop Ah, interesting. Didn't know that. (Not one of my drinks, obviously.) I'll have to pay closer attention.
alright fellas I'm off
@RoryMcCune Yeah, I'm not sure why there's so much inconsistency. It's all from the same developers. I will say, I wish the Windows Phone version had that "Base" shortcut at the bottom like the iOS one does. Also, it looks like there's a companion app (view only) for Windows 8.
I made a Meta.SO post about it. It has become so annoying.
Q: Prsistant chat room login

AdnanBackground Two days ago, I was going through the list of SE chat rooms to find some funny/weird stuff. In the end, I wasn't disappointed. One of the rooms is called Aww!. How did the bug happen? I went to a lot of rooms and then after I finished I clocked "leave (all)" and I successfully logge...

@Adnan Persistent* :P
@TerryChia Thanks. Fixed it.
@RoryAlsop Oh look at me. Mister Fancy Pants what with my bubble identification method for whiskies.
@ScottPack You can probably learn a lot of this type of stuff if you get to be a hundred years old. :)
pfffffffft - you guys
Clearly that's a Rowan Creek dumped in 2008. Probably rack 15 barrel 9. The bubbles are forming approximately 5/second and are closely clustered at 1mm in diameter. n00b.
I've watched the Moonshine program - those guys do it all by bubbles
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