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1 downside of this town: Last evening during dinner, we saw an incredible amount of beer walk past the restaurant. We figured that it must be a 'Fest' weekend'. So afterwards, while taking a stroll, we saw a good sized group of kids picking a completely limp girl up and placing her into the backseat of a car.
@ScottPack I'm sure a week or so from now, she'll be talking about how awesome of a night that was, and how she has a bunch of great friends for making sure she got home. ;-)
2 hours later…
@Iszi Hmm - seems unlikely to me - doesn't sound fun. Hope she got some savvy care: wikihow.com/Take-Care-of-a-Drunk-Person
3 hours later…
Ooh! It looks like The Bridge has an XKCD feed - could we get one?
6 hours later…
@nealmcb We have the unfortunate distinction of being a pretty hardcore party school (although the number of Fulbright scholars implies that we're doing something right). As such our medical community has quite a bit of practice.
1 hour later…
Hay all - looks like we only need 21 more avid users to get 3 Excellents on Area51, and our visits per day and questions are still going the right way. All good:-)
p.s. Hope everyone had a nice weekend?
And congrats to @Thomas - 2nd in the rep league and closing on @Avid
I'll be honest. This is a TL;DR for me at the moment. But, whenever I see multiple points in a question, I wonder if it's really appropriate for an SE. At the very least, should it probably be broken up?
Q: How to best defend against Targeted Attacks?

GeorgiosWe have seen this attack method grow as part of Advanced Persistent Threats (operation Aurora against Google or the G20 French Finance ministry attacks come to mind) but I have no doubt that even smaller scale attacks may employ this methodology if there is a lot to gain. Our case is: high value ...

@Iszi - was just thinking about this one. It's really not an APT or targeted attack question. It's really a defence in depth question, plus some specific questions
@RoryAlsop Do you know how they define avid users?
Technically, we only have one.
200 rep
@ScottPack heh
200 or 2000?
There can be only one!
Christopher Lambert's best role
I'm not Spanish! I'm EGYPTIAN!
@RoryAlsop As much as I enjoy that movie, that's not a glowing endorsement....
maybe avid was the wrong word - we need 150 people with over 200 rep, and we have 129
@ScottPack I've said it before... I really wish they'd put a link to the stats on our homepage.
@ScottPack I agree. But Sean's Spanish accent was equally as good as his Russian in the Hunt for Red October
Oh, wait! It's there!
@Iszi is it?
The problem, for me, isn't so much finding the stats, but assigning meaning to them.
Apparently, it's labeled "Area 51" though - so it's not really apparent that it's specifically for our site.
Really wanted that app to work showing growth of the various stats over time
I'm a very graphically oriented person
@RoryAlsop I'm willing to allow the The Old Man's pure manlieness to override his lack of ability to mimic accents.
So your browsing history says.
@ScottPack Quite right too! Sean is a star - the best 007 ever!
@ScottPack Meep!
Although, Craig is doing a bangup job.
@RoryAlsop Under the Site Stats image, the link called "Area 51".
@ScottPack true - he is getting back to 'gritty' as Fleming intended.
@Iszi ahhh - small and inconspicuous. Cheers
BTW: Who is this "Jeff Williams" guy that supposedly proposed the site? I don't think I've ever noticed him on.
@Iszi He has been on occasionally, and was active a lot in the early days
@RoryAlsop About 3 years ago I finally started reading some of Fleming's books. I was blown away at just how...sociopathic Bond is.
@RoryAlsop About on par for StackExchange's attention to usability for the more interesting features.
Was that when it was just appsec and not IS?
@ScottPack - just like Archer :-)
@RoryAlsop I need to add that to my viewing list.
@Iszi Yeah - all the good stuff I find is under stackapps.com
@RoryAlsop The problem with stackapps is the same problem as all the other sites. The only way to find something is painfully intense searching, or lucking into finding it brand new.
@RoryAlsop wind=find?
all allo
allo allo
Speaking of avid users.
@Iszi Jeff Williams? The founder of OWASP?
@ScottPack heh. I was complaining about that the other day...
So i just read the "How to best defend against Targeted Attacks?" question.... is it even really a question?
how y'all doin?
he already answered it in his question
good, and you AviD
@AviD Dunno. Not familiar with OWASP, and I don't think SE does any sort of ID validation.
@Ormis all well
@Iszi heh, you think its not him?
@AviD Over the weekend I took my laptop and a g&t our on the porch. I was completely inundated with songbirds and the smell of lilac. I've had worse :)
@Iszi I was wondering who the other one was.
@AviD I don't think it's not him. I'm just saying there's no proof that it is, even if that is whom the account is intending to purport itself to be.
btw iszi, i meant to talk to you about pen testing over the weekend, but i ended up being pretty busy, sorry about that
@Iszi sfunny, I was thinking of emailing him, to get OWASP to push more for the site.
what you think @RoryAlsop? Is that misuse of diamondpowers?
@AviD You would think that someone on this site (in this room?) might have a better contact mechanism with someone affiliated that highly with OWASP.
@Iszi obviously :-)
@ScottPack Yeah - not anywhere near as intuitive as it needs to be
@AviD allo
@RoryAlsop You diamond mods and your long-term chat editing powers...
@ScottPack why whats wrong with email?? :$
@AviD I have sat down with the London OWASP leader to do it, so now - I think it's a grand use of diamondpower!
@RoryAlsop consider it done.
"Oi! get yo' yankee a** in here, and raise some ruckus!"
@AviD Hahahaha
@RoryAlsop not anymore ;)
@AviD Nothing is wrong with email per-say, however identity branding being what it is.... We do, however, have other people on the site that are affiliated enough with OWASP that one would think they might be able to do an out-of-band proofing.
@ScottPack I could probably do that... Just seems long way 'round, is all. Innocent until proven guilty, and whatnot?
@AviD Cheers :_)
@AviD You socialist bastard!
@RoryAlsop figure @ThomasPornin will by gliding past both of us in a day or two, anyhow....
("... or two", only cuz he's away for a few days....)
@ScottPack heh, right, I forgot about the patriot act. "Terrorist until proven... proven... nah, Once a terrorist, always a terrorist.".
@ScottPack does that still stand, now that they caught the Osama impersonator?
@AviD We like to keep it nice and easy to remember, none of this wishy washy stuff.
@AviD Quick - it's sock puppet time :-)
Are you a WASP born and raised in 'merica? If yes, then -> Patriot. else -> terrorist
@ScottPack right, right.... "You're either with us, or against us!"
or, ala Anakin, "If you're not with me, you're my enemy"
@AviD I'm sorry, I don't remember any quotes like that from Vader. Must have been a fanfic
@Iszi actually, maybe I'm thinking of Jeff Ferland... hmmmm
@ScottPack lol! saw that one coming....
@RoryAlsop yeah, jeff williams was not around a lot.
@ScottPack whos john?
@ScottPack nevermind, that looks yum!
what are morels?
morels - either really nice fungi, or intelligent brain parasites
Morchella, the true morels, is a genus of edible mushrooms closely related to anatomically simpler cup fungi. These distinctive mushrooms appear honeycomb-like in that the upper portion is composed of a network of ridges with pits between them. These ascocarps are prized by gourmet cooks, particularly for French cuisine. Commercial value aside, morels are hunted by thousands of people every year simply for their taste and the joy of the hunt. The American state of Minnesota has adopted the morel as its state mushroom. Morels have been called by many local names; some of the more colo...
depending on whether you live in the real world or a brian aldiss novel
(hothouse, I think)
@RoryAlsop lol. remind me NOT to read those books...
do you guys think that this:
Q: How to persuade people that security measures matters?

LanceBaynesIf people could be fooled in life so easily ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/realhustle/ ) then in computing.... So what are the best tips, to persuade a regular user to pay a little more attention to security: e.g.: use HTTPS where available, up-to-date softwares, don't log in@a netcafe, don't click on l...

is not a duplicate of this:
Q: I see entry level security skills as a problem for industry - what can we do about it?

Rory AlsopOkay, so we push corporates to improve security, and provide training to IT staff and awareness presentations to CEO's etc, but each year a new batch of graduates are brought in to companies as others leave, and they typically have one of two perspectives: security? security Nazi! One of the ...

They come at the issue from two totally different directions, but there is a good chunk of overlap, yes
@RoryAlsop but are they different questions?
the dupe just didnt seem like a strong question, to me... maybe it just needs a lil edit.
.....I think they are effectively the same question, so could be merged, but it got some good new answers - which is definitely a value add
maybe you are right and an edit is all that it needs
@RoryAlsop well, a merge would still preserve the answers...
for chuckles....
:-) what a pity it doesn't onebox
@RoryAlsop I need to ask - is that mushroom really benevolent, or is it using the poor green Gren for it's own nefarious (and probably delicious) means?
Well, the latter, but it requires Gren to be alive and healthy so for the majority of the book it appears benevolent
@RoryAlsop wow, that book really has a twist ending, doesnt it. </deadpan> ;)
@RoryAlsop doesnt matter, I cant read books about things growing in people. I got creeped out enough by DaisyHead Maisy...
heh - it does have a slight twist, but isn't meant to be too complex on that side of things
@AviD oh yeah - disturbia!
@Iszi re xkcd feed - thats up to the room owner, he can add any feed he likes. That said, I would be hesitant to add any feed - no matter how fantastic it is - that isnt directly pertinent to this room... But why not just subscribe yourself?
I might have considered something like OWASP's moderated feed, but that's too high traffic for my tastes...
@ScottPack re your sidebarred comment:
2 days ago, by Scott Pack
Come on man, just leave the panda alone and let them go extinct. The way nature intended.
dont knock the pandas. They keep the world safe.
you guys think this is a security question?
Q: extract from pcap all protocols found

VP01I have some pcap files, and i would like just to get a list of protocols that are present on that pcap file. I would like it in a batch mode, not using wireshark I think tshark is able to do it, but i couldn't find how. any idea?

I thought we had discussed on meta long ago, simple howto questions even on security tools, and decided they were offtopic... but I couldnt find that meta post.
It doesn't seem very on topic to me
@AviD Could subscribe myself, but I figured we might like to share the joy.
I liked this quote:
"In God I trust. For everyone else I keep log files."
@AviD Similar, and often heard in my office: "In God we trust, all others get audited."
@Iszi heh, yeah, pretty much the same.
But of course, that brings up another question: How do you prove God's identity?
So questions regarding security tools are off-topic?
What, like does he have to perform a miracle or something?
@Ormis Just confirmed with my boss this morning that such information gathering is definitely out of scope for this exercise. It's starting to sound a lot more like a vulnerability scan from outside, than an actual "pentest".
@AviD With his public key, of course.
@ScottPack it just didnt seem to be regarding the tool, it felt like the tool happened to be there. It wasnt a security question, it was more like "what button do I push".
"I have a pile of data, How do I parse it?"
Ah, yeah, in that I would see as a NARQ pretty much anywhere. Too open to be reasonably answered.
@Iszi heh. Yeah, but who would sign it??
As primarily a technical kind of guy the thought of tools being off-topic was a bit off-putting :)
@ScottPack hehe. no, not the tools, but the non-security parts of using them.
Ok, good. I can live with that.
If someone had trouble installing burp suite, would that be ontopic?
Drink more soda
The upside - the answers are actually quite practical
@AviD no
@RoryAlsop true nuff..... It was more about the guidelines, for future reference.
@ScottPack actually just about to pop a redbull....
Mmm....cough syrup.
hehe. to each his own...
Speaking of which...over the weekend the lady and I went out. She got a mint julip. As native Kentuckians I feel a bit odd saying this, but it sucked.
I find it gives me a few minutes of much needed clarity....
@AviD I found that slightly disturbing sense of clarify from a glass of yerba mate
(I actually prefer a non-redbull redbull, ie. similar copies over the original. But I still call them all generically redbull...)
@AviD Would definitely be self-signed, as a "Trusted Root CA".
@AviD Mmmmm - Redbull + Vodka + Berocca = Win!
@Iszi hehe
@RoryAlsop wots berocca?
Berocca is a tablet containing a combination of B group vitamins and Vitamin C. Berocca is available in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Finland, Uruguay, Peru, the European Union, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Australia, Mexico, South Korea and New Zealand. Berocca was originally manufactured by Roche Pharmaceuticals, but is now manufactured by Bayer after Bayer's global acquisition of Roche Consumer Health in January 2005. Varieties Berocca Performance is a formulation of B grou...
Berocca is a tablet containing a combination of B group vitamins and Vitamin C. Berocca is available in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Finland, Uruguay, Peru, the European Union, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Australia, Mexico, South Korea and New Zealand. Berocca was originally manufactured by Roche Pharmaceuticals, but is now manufactured by Bayer after Bayer's global acquisition of Roche Consumer Health in January 2005. Varieties Berocca Performance is a formulation of B grou...
@RoryAlsop @AviD LOL
And that's how you play Google Snap, folks
@RoryAlsop wait, vitamins??
You kids these days
apparently they're good things
chemicals and stuff
in fizzy form
really? wouldnt want that in my body....
Whatever happened to Manhattans, and Rob Roys, and G&T?
But look at the list of stuff: Citric acid, sodium hydrogen carbonate, vitamin C, magnesium sulphate, mannitol, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate,flavouring, colours (beetroot red, beta carotene), sodium carbonate, niacin(Nicotinamide), sweeteners (aspartame, acesulfame K), sodium chloride, zinc citrate, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, anti-foaming agent (polysorbate 60), folacin (folic acid), biotin.
lots of long words, so it must be good
@RoryAlsop was just looking at some stats... Curious, wrt your cross-site stat machine, I wonder if other sites' traffic line up as well with the work week.
well, except for the Aspartame and Acesulfame K
@RoryAlsop half those things are probably poison!!
@AviD cross-site stat machine???
@AviD Heh - so is alcohol
@RoryAlsop naw, thats healthy stuff. Humean ebings nedd thass stoff
So where do I find stat machine?
@RoryAlsop dunno, thought you were building one ;)
but did you notice the massive dips over weekends??
@AviD no, I found one that sort of worked 5 months ago and was trying to see whether owner wanted to update it
as I would like to spot what @JeffAtwood calls the 'turning points'
Which stats are you seeing?
@RoryAlsop Do you remember where that one is?
@ScottPack yep:
Q: Popularity Contest

Farseeker Yes, I know it's too late to get in for the prizes ('sif this would win anything anyway) but hey, for the betterment of the community :) Screenshot / Code Snippet About I've (and others) been bugging about getting some stats so we can track our Stack Exchange sites against the others, so I...

for those of you who dont have them, our traffic looks kinda like this:
_ _
/ \ / \
_/ \__/ \___
But with more whitespace, right?
dang, it didnt come out right... basically, rising mountains, and close to no traffic valleys over the weekends....
@RoryAlsop ayup :$
The weekend drop is pretty normal, and seen across most of the professional sites
@ScottPack yeah. As long as the trend is up we're good
@RoryAlsop Quite. I figure that 30 days is about the shortest length of time that makes sense to watch.
@RoryAlsop and it is... the peaks are getting larger. but that app dont seem to work...
@AviD Probably for most real "professional" sites, but not so much for stuff like B&CG, RPG, or Gaming.
@AviD Yeah - it has issues. The writer said he'd update - I don't want to chase too rudely, but it would be nice to see
I'm sure the SE team have a nice view - would be good to have it available
@RoryAlsop agreed.
@RoryAlsop I've seen farseeker in the lounge now and again. You could try pinging him there...
They do have nice views, we've seen them in blog posts before.
And yes, Farseeker is a nice guy to talk to.
He's currently a diamond mod in both SF and WebMasters
@ScottPack ayup
He uses different nicks on different sites, so it's gets a little weird.
I think we only officially get a stats view once out of Beta, but I think it is very valuable in the beta period to see what effect various things have on growth
@ScottPack So do I :-)
@RoryAlsop thats why the gravatar is important...
my tigger is recognizable!
yup - that it is. Maybe I should have my gravatar as my Dr Mayhem face......:-)
@RoryAlsop heh. Been thinking about changning my gravatar out for a real pic... well, it took me a couple years on linkedin, but I probably should...
hoo hoo hooo HOOOO!
and on that note, the redbull in my bloodstream has reached the critical point, where it is beckoning me to dig down and do some real work. Have a tricky bit of code to sort... laters dudes! and @Iszi ;)
@AviD Good luck
2 hours later…
@AviD I concur with you on this one. Migrate to SU. Its on-topic-ness there is still a little fuzzy, but it's definitely more relevant to SU than it is here.
Q: What is meant by channel id > 100 in 802.11?

narayanI was sniffing the in air with my Alfa card. I captured few packets with channel ids > 100. I did not get time to look at the packets. But is it possible to have channel id > 100. What I know is channel id is in between 1-14. How it can be 100+ ? Is it possible?

Wow. That was quick. Didn't start following PlayStation more than an hour ago, and I already got a follow request from @PSNCodes4U
I just noticed, there doesn't seem to be a way to kick someone off your Twitter feed once you've approved them. What's up with that?
Wow. I just got this error image on SuperUser, and realized I have probably at one point or another in my time of working on computers at home, assumed all of these positions:
1 hour later…
I don't see a hammer.
Posted by Alison Sperling on May 9th, 2011

Guy Zerega joins the Stack Exchange team in the NYC headquarters as Sales Manager of Stack Overflow’s Careers 2.0.  In this role, Guy will lead the sales team in acquiring new hiring companies and continuing to develop relationships with current customers.

Guy enjoys spending time outdoors, but especially surfing and cycling.  Okay, so maybe “enjoying” surfing and cycling is a bit of an understatement.  Guy is a competitive cyclist, and has surfed in Costa Rica, Mexico, Australia, Barbados and Puerto Rico. …

@ScottPack Why else do you think the guy looks so helpless in that last shot?
For a little bit more amusement, mouse-over the picture to get the file name. :-)
Yeah, it's what shows up in the starred items. Dirty.
@RoryAlsop I was noticing the same thing. Don't be shy to upvote good questions/answers, especially from folks nearing 200 rep....
@nealmcb "Avid" is totally not the proper term for just 200 rep.
1 hour later…
@Iszi - thanks for yet another nitty gritty 802* answer!
1 hour later…
@Iszi I agree. The notion of somebody being an "avid" user is a bit of a stretch. One good answer would get them there. Hell, 4-5 passable could do it.
@nealmcb Anytime

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