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Oh my
Q: exclude hacker's code from all files with sed or diff

user78650Hello, I need your help urgently as the server has been hacked and I do not have any time to learn of how to remove the hacker's code from all files. I have attached the code which was added to all files. There are many special characters in this code and it's quite large. It was added in the fi...

Hey @Iszi. Here's a good one for you. I receive a comment on an answer saying "+1 for these reasons". Score? 0/0
4 hours later…
@nealmcb I agree too. Done.
4 hours later…
@AviD It is the standard notation... for RC5. RC5 defines it. But who really uses RC5 nowadays ?
Some cryptographic algorithms can be parameterized in some ways, and it is customary to define a corresponding naming scheme when you first specify the algorithm. Rivest did so for RC5.
RC5 was competitive faced to DES and 3DES, in software; but it has data-dependent word rotations which are a bitch to implement in hardware. And it is/was patented. AES made it obsolete ten years ago.
@ScottPack Heh. Funny. Hope it wasn't one of mine. I usually put an actual +1 when I say +1.
@Iszi Oh, no, wasn't you. You were complaining about downvotes without comments, so I thought I would add it to your list.
@nealmcb Well, it looks like it's just the trilogy sites. I'm checking around for other "full" SE sites, and so far haven't found any. Just go to the blog. sub-domain of any trilogy site and you'll see them.
gmorning everbodies
@AviD Howdy
@RoryAlsop to tell the truth, I didnt expect anybody to actually star that :D
@RoryAlsop it was more of a "oo lets bug @Iszi"
ah, oops, hiii @Iszi
@nealmcb, for the record, I'm of the opinion that we star too much trash here, as it is... Starring should be for important information, quotable sayings, new revelations.... not any pithy or amusing comment.
Oh, I'm all for "pithy and amusing comments". (Sometimes, it clues me in on some of the interesting stuff I've missed overnight.) It's just a bit ridiculous though, when half the sidebar is filled with "boobs".
@Iszi ymean, what with the other half...? ;)
but yeah, it does get to be too much, especially with the limited space.
I cant figure out how to clear stars, unless its in the sidebar?
out of 136 starred items, 68 are like that... Yes, I counted. No, not really.
@ThomasPornin thanks, thats good to know. well, at least its interesting. umm well, at least it is new knowledge...
@AviD It is. Also, probably in the transcripts.
@Iszi thats the thing, I can't figure out how to clear it in the transcripts....
one way, i guess, would be to pin it, then clear stars when it appears in the sidebar....
@ScottPack I +1'd without a comment, to even things out ;) (well, I was going to anyway, you deserved the +1...)
@AviD That's cheating.
@Iszi hehehe. well, whatever works...
I'm trying to find where I can find all the stuff that I have starred.
maybe @ScottPack as roomowner will have better way of cleaning it up...
Maybe....let's see what I can do to service you guys.
@Iszi on top of the sidebar, click "show all 136"
@AviD I meant only the stuff that I've starred.
It's funny, I just came back from a very similar conversation with my boss.
@RoryAlsop interesting, now it looks like its not specifically tags - but any javascript that does not "compile" causes fortify to choke ungraciously.
Does anyone else feel a little guilty/weird about up-voting a "good" answer to one question, when there's a "better" one (which you've also up-voted) in the same thread - especially when the "better" one is currently lower-ranked?
@ScottPack how to find his own stars, or how to service him?
@Iszi Usually not. I tend to upvote all of the answers that I think are "good"
@Iszi weird, yes... but I vote each one to its own merits.
sometimes, I'll wait with a vote, if its close and I'd prefer a "more right" answer to float up, then come back later to click the other one.
I do find it unfortunate that there tends to be a strong correlation between upvotes and time order of answers.
less about the ranking, more about which one shows up first - many times this is all that gets read.
Unless I also answered the question. In which case I downvote everyone else's and flag them as offensive.
@ScottPack lol... I guess you're not after the [sportsmanship] badge?
@AviD On some sites, like SF, as soon as a question rolls off the first page (or first half of the first page) it rarely gets seen.
@ScottPack SO, too - except when searched for. sometimes not even then.
@AviD I'm just being difficult. I do, in fact, have [badge:sportsmanship] on SF. Will probably get it here as well, eventually.
I dont get it, bad enough you dont look for similar questions before posting, but when you type in the title and identical questions pop up in the "related questions" box - why do people go ahead and post the same question again anyway??
I tend to be generous with my votes. I never much liked those teachers who said, 'Perfection is everything. Anything less is worthless.' I figure if you're doing a good job then you deserve it, even if you're not an expert.
@AviD Because they don't look?
@ScottPack I's already gots it! ;)
I don't have enough answers on here yet :)
@ScottPack I tend to (try to) agree with that, but the vote is more about if they had anything to add.
@ScottPack what look? ITS IN THEIR FACE!
@AviD That's where I waffle a bit. If someone repeats something that's already been stated, then no, I won't give it to them.
maybe they get confused, since its the same title as theirs...??
If two answers say the same thing, but came in at about the same time? Yeah, I'll hit em both.
@ScottPack fair nuff.
oo oo!! just edged past @RoryAlsop again... ;)
though we're really just jostling for 2nd place, behind @ThomasPornin....
I've been in that boat a number of times where I'm writing up my answer, see the "new answers have been added" bar, and when I hit submit...almost exactly the same as the other guy.
Speaking of "votes" with or without comments, I love it when I get an accepted answer and a comment from the questioner. It may not be the SE way, but it's still nice.
A: Wireless hardware with limited range?

IsziRegardless of what you do at the AP, I believe I can say with a fair amount of certainty that you will at some point find that your wireless data is being broadcast "outside the walls". First, you must understand that your AP is not the only wireless transmitter on your home network. All of you...

@AviD I can't seem to unstar items, I think a mod has to do it.
@ScottPack You should be able to remove your own stars. I would almost be surprised if even a diamond mod could remove the stars of others - that seems like dev-level work.
@ScottPack not even in the sidebar?
@Iszi no, I can do that, but only in the sidebar.
Yeah, I can cancel stars in the sidebar, but that's it.
Quick! Someone star something inappropriate!
@ScottPack ah, so same. I guess if we really want to clean up, we gonna have to "pin->unstar->unpin"...
Well, let's see.
@Iszi I wonder how many people upvoted you just for writing something so long, without actually reading it to see how good/correct it is.
ahem, I mean how many other people.... :$
@AviD Awww...
Oh, that's interesting.
Maybe next time I have a 1,000-word post, I'll drop a paragraph of "Lorem Ipsum" in the middle to see who notices.
I likes it
@Iszi hehe, funny. I was kidding, but only just...
@AviD Not yet, not yet. And on Saturday I will fly to France and stay there for a few days; my answering bandwidth may drop a bit.
Ok, so yeah, I think I can unstar things if I go through a weird pinning process.
@ScottPack okay, so try unstarring this:
Mar 29 at 18:30, by MarkM
I just did
oo cool! you quick
(thats what she said!)
Remember the retagging project? :)
@ScottPack lol... nah, save it for items that someone finds offensive.
maybe @Iszi or @nealmcb can troll through the transcript, and post here links to starred items that should be removed.
(and then we star those links! buwahahaha!!)
I find it amusing, when someone edits or adds an answer to an old question, it starts getting a lot of attention.
And apparently, I can't cancel stars on my own comments.
I got 4 upvotes today on an answer from november.
I had an answer of mine start pulling in residuals at one point, I got all kinds of confused.
Then a week later I found that question in the FAQ. That made me happy.
A: Does PCI compliance really reduce risk and improve security?

AviDAnother good question, but perhaps you should phrase it "Does PCI harm security". To answer both questions, I would differentiate very roughly between two types of organizations (even though most fall in between these two extremes): Security-conscious organizations, that routinely perform b...

plus I got a badge for it!
Heh. I upvoted that last night
You're welcome.
@ScottPack hehe, cheers... but, see what I'm talking about?
I saw that one sitting at 9, and thought it deserved one more.
what, its a pinot gringot, that ages well...? ;)
@ScottPack its 12 now.
I'm not complaining, I just find it interesting.
so - thanks for the badge :)
As a fluke I flipped over to the 'activity' view. Looks like VP01 threw up an answer last night.
@ScottPack For security.SE I also use the "activity" view
@ScottPack yeah. apparently others saw it too...
"Activity" view? VP01?
@ThomasPornin I do for the metas, but I'm in the habit of using the time view on the main sites.
@ThomasPornin me too, its low enough traffic (for now), and there are lots of intersting answers to read.
The "questions" view tends to miss old questions freshly migrated from other SE sites
@Iszi this link: security.stackexchange.com/questions lists all the questions in time order. This one: security.stackexchange.com orders them by last update.
So whenever a question gets answered, edited, migrated, etc.
Oh, I thought you were talking about some special page.
@ScottPack not exactly....
@AviD I'm generalizing for the kid
/questions remembers your last sort order.
@ScottPack heh. but when I click that link I still get last update ;)
@AviD Ah, yes. Fair enough.
Mar 29 at 18:30, by Scott Pack
It's a machine!
@AviD will have to cancel the stars on that one.
@ScottPack yes, but what does it say?
ah, heh
thought it was something like 1011 0000 0000 1011 0101
close enough
Ah, I see under the "show all" link, you have the option to see just yours.
@ScottPack hey, it works!
not fun, quick, or easy though.... strange.
Yeah, you have to pull it up in the transcript, pin it, then unstar.
And you cannot do that on your own comments.
@ScottPack and, you cant see the pin in the transcript - so you have to switch back here to live. and dont forget to unpin after.
S&A anyone?
Q: What is the most secure SSHD on Windows machines?

LanceBaynesWhat is the most secure SSH daemon under windows? e.g.: if I want to remotely connect, and I only need a cmd shell.

@Iszi was kinda thinking that.... I try not to close anything for s&a until someone else votes to close, since it's so... subjective.
@AviD Oh, you're funny.
Though I think it would be better off with an edit - it can be a good question, if posed correctly.
@Iszi well, thats the joy of diamondhood... since my vote would be binding, I dont get to "vote" as often as I'd like.
@AviD No, I meant the "subjective" joke. But yeah, I hate that mods don't get a choice in their vote weight.
This site's only been up for 5 months? Feels like longer for some reason.
@Iszi heh, but didnt mean it as a joke. I think @Jeff even had a blog post about that some time ago...
There should be a "Founder" badge or something, for people that have been with the site since it's earliest stage in Area 51 Proposals and earn a certain rep level before the site goes Gold.
@Iszi there is, ish. [beta] and [precognitive]
except for the rep part
The rep bit is to ensure that they stay active all the way up to the site's full launch.
@Iszi makes sense.
so how much rep would that be? like, > 5k? gotta keep the badge exclusive... ;)
@AviD I'd be happy with >1k, but maybe I'm biased.
@Iszi was kdding, I think that makes sense. even much less than that, like a few hundred.
200 is too easy to get to, especially when you can start at 100.
though that might actually make sense - it means you were active, at least a bit.
C'mon... We're talking a minimum of three months in Beta here.
If someone's really active, and a good contributor to the site, 1k should be easy.
its what area51 calls "avid users"
IT Securitysecurity.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for security professionals to discuss vulnerabilities like XSS, buffer overflows, SQL injection, CSRF, clickjacking, as well as system and network security. Discussions related to OWASP projects, tools, papers, and other materials are encouraged.

Currently in public beta.

i dont get it. I thought I was the only avid user here??
uh huh huh huh
Wow. They're rounding up a lot on that users list. I'm listed as having 2k rep.
(Though, I'm sort of surprised that I don't by now.)
And that Beta badge... I'm sure I was active in at least one or two private betas.
(And I thought I was in this one.)
Ah, the Beta badge only shows up on the sites you've earned it. For me, Mechanics and RPG.
@Iszi nope, apparently you joined in january
gtg, laters
Y'know what I need to find now? (Just thought of this.) A page that shows all the posts I've ever down-voted, so I can review them and see if they've been edited well enough for me to remove the down-vote.
@AviD (or other diamond) it looks like we've effectively got two votes now. My close-vote, plus the current answer (albeit the answerer didn't vote to close) seems to agree that it fits the "subjective" category.
@ScottPack I see one of my stars in the sidebar, and I clicked it to test removal, and got "It is too late to undo this operation" "1 d ago"
@Iszi I have just voted for close too.
@AviD You have to refresh the transcript, but it will show up as pinned.
@nealmcb Yeah, the unstarring/pinning thing is weird.
If I pin someone else's comment, and then unpin it, then all the stars get cancelled.
If I pin and then unpin something I said, then my star gets applied, then sticks around.
@ScottPack Nice site - text, decimal, binary, hex, base64 and various hashes also!! But the CRC doesn't seem to show up.
That is, without question, my favorite binary encoder/decoder page.
@Iszi I'd say it should be about continuity, not a certain total. So perhaps even just based on rep earned in each month or week since the launch
@Iszi Bulletin to chat folks: we need more questions, not less.... I edited it to hopefully make it a good question
At least for novice users, I think we should ask them to make bad questions less subjective before suddenly closing them. Better PR.....
Is there a way to remove a "close" vote, by the way ?
@ThomasPornin They expire after a few days I think. But "no"
@avid Hmm - what tags relate to desktop security? "appsec" seems focussed on web stuff. no "apps" or "desktop" or "gui"... tags yet.
@nealmcb I'm only hesitant to suggest that, because you may actually end up changing the meaning and/or intent of the question in a way that the asker does not want.
I updated my "Site promotion suggestions" question on meta. please have a look. It might need some grammar & spelling help.... meta.security.stackexchange.com/q/252/2023
@nealmcb Correct.
Off-topic-ish: Does anyone here use Google Voice?
Nevermind. Think I fixed it.
Q: Personal voting history review page.

IsziThis thought just occurred to me today: I'd really like a way to see all the posts I've down-voted, so that I can check to see if there's been any changes made that warrant removal of the down-vote. Would it be possible to add a feature that allows us to review posts based on our voting his...

@Iszi agreed +1 :)
Hm. My boss just suggested the name 'Sharon' for the roomba. I wonder if we're setting ourselves up for something.
@ScottPack How about Rosie?
I'm surprised you even know that.
@ScottPack Oh, come on. I'm not that young.
Maybe I am.
Younger than me, though I don't believe by much.
Actually, no... it was still in production during my memorable lifetime.
Original run was '62-63. Second run was '85-'87.
The Jetsons is a prime-time animated sitcom that was produced by Hanna-Barbera, originally airing from 1962–1963 and again from 1985–1987. It was Hanna-Barbera’s Space Age counterpart to The Flintstones, a half-hour family sitcom projecting contemporary American culture and lifestyle into another time period. While the Flintstones live in a world with machines powered by birds and dinosaurs, the Jetsons live in a futuristic utopia in the year 2062 of elaborate robotic contraptions, aliens, holograms, and whimsical inventions. The original incarnation of the series aired Sunday nights o...
Film adaptations date as late as 1990, and there's apparently a live-action movie in the works.
I didn't realize there were two runs. Wow.
@ScottPack Neither did I. Now I wonder if the "single run" we're both thinking of is the same one?
Could be, hard to say. That was a long time ago.
On an unrelated note: I really hate it when someone gives you system specs in one long, run-on sentence.
Like this: Antec Black Super Mid Tower, Intel micro-ATX Serial ATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 Motherboard, Intel Core i3-2120 3.3GHz CPU, Kingston 2GB 1333MHz DDR3 DIMM, Western Digital WD Caviar Blue 500GB Serial ATA 6Gb/s 7,200RPM Hard Drive, LG Electronics 24x DVD+-RW, Key Tronic Black USB Keyboard and Optical Mouse, Microsoft Windows 7 Professional w/ SP1 (please specify 32-bit or 64-bit operating system), Area-Wide Technologies 1 Year Warranty
1 hour later…
@nealmcb what, now I'm the tagging expert....? ;)
@nealmcb there is , but I dont think thats quite it...
Maybe make a ?
I would start by using and/or .
@Iszi yeah, but that sounds as if it is opposed to servers. In this case its not.
so, just ?
there already is , so why not?
(I'm not a fan of that one, but whatever... )
gotta say i love making !
its !
@nealmcb btw I totally agree. Thats part of why I didnt want to close it, I said I think it could easily be made non-subjective with a bit of edit... kudos @nealmcb on a good one.
Well, that didn't quite work out.
And, it's really weird to see which parts broke.
hehe, still good effort :)
Yeah, I'm not really sure there's any sense in what breaks where, there.
Except the underscores.
And the exclamation point.
Those sort of make sense.
@nealmcb, would make sense there?
Why it doesn't like the uppercase, I don't get.
well, there ya go
i guess it does make sense, since all tags are automatically lowercase. so no reason to recognize something that doesnt exist, but is supposed to
Maybe the 5 tag limit is really a magic constant in the javascript, so someone edited it on the client.
client? I tried without javascript and the server checks the limit.
Basically I just waneted to fix a spelling mistakes, but having to remove a tag is not worth adding a "d".
I was attempt to make a joke about the dangers of client side validation. Unfortunately, it fell rather flat.
1 hour later…
@AviD Avid - bashful about being the tagging expert? Wear it with pride! ;)
And by "expert" he means "slightly more adequate than the other sucker who we tried to volunteer" :)
So, apparently the lilac bush I transplanted and split up last year took pretty well. I just opened the windows that I moved them under. Quite pleasant.

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