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@Iszi Thanks. Something different I see - interesting comment thread
5 hours later…
hoooo.... I step out for a couple days, and all havoc breaks loose :)
I always miss the interesting stuff....
but, as everyone else is probably sleeping in EST time now, I'll take the opportunity to try to clear the air here.
@Ninefingers, to start with, I do owe you an apology.
not necessarily for anything specific that was said (I'll get to that), but as a moderator, I guess I was not as welcoming to you (as a new user) as I should have been. For that, I am sorry.
As I already expressed to @RoryAlsop, I did regret when I realized you felt "chased" away. As @nealmcb said, we do want to make everyone feel comfortable, especially anyone with value to contribute.
Also, I agree with the statements about remembering this is an open, archived forum, and that respect needs to be remembered here too. I actually made most of my comments here hoping you'd pop back in, but it is a good reminder.
Also, @Ninefingers I'm glad you decided to come here to air out the issues in public. Thanks for the opportunity to discuss this, I'm hoping we'll have a chance to coincide times later.
THAT SAID, I stand by almost everything I wrote, with a few exceptions:
1. the neckbeard comment - I am truly sorry for insulting you with that comment, it did not occur to me that it was considered a disparaging remark. I guess I didnt think that one through fully when I heard it.
(@GrahamLee, that's the 2nd time you got me in trouble ;) ).
I don't even know if you even have a beard (not that its relevant).... FWIW, I do.
(and I still don't really know why its insulting.... ) Anyway, my apologies.
2. "worthy of a dilbert comic" - that one took me a while to figure out, as I didn't say anything like that... Then I realized that I mentioned Scott Adams (the writer behind dilbert, for anyone here that doesnt know... for shame).
But I was referring to Scott Adams' blog, not the dilbert cartoon. In his blog, and especially in some recent posts, he discussed some doubletalking, that sounds nice and seems to be correct, until read carefully, and in context, and then you think that maybe the intent was opposite of what you thought.
3. Wrt accusing you:
yesterday, by Ninefingers
Being accused of rhetoric, condescension and sarcasm is very borderline behaviour for a moderator. Being described as worthy of a dilbert comic is downright rude.
Here, I very much disagree - calling foul on someone's posts is very much in line with a moderator's behaviour. In fact, it is explictly one of the main responsibilities of the moderator - to keep things "nice". And if someone isn't being "nice", it is my job as moderator to deal with it. Attacking someone with "rhetoric, condescension and sarcasm" is very much not nice, from my POV. However....
However, where I do agree with you, is that as the attackee, I should not have been the one to deal with it. Hence, I removed that from my comment, after you rightly called me out on it. I realized that, as I was the poster, I could not be impartial here.
4. I might have been mistaken, and misrepresented your participation in the religious wars on the SO q. I definitely did see your name there, but the nasty comments and personal attacks were probably not from you (I realize now). If that is the case, I apologize.
In my defense, it kind of goes with the territory of joining in a mob. In gangland attacks, anyone that participates is seen as part of the horde.
5. However, if as you say you weren't part of the aggressive attacks, then this couldnt have been including you:
yesterday, by Ninefingers
@Rory The problem isn't the single response. As I said, it's borderline. The problem is that here, on a public forum, my involvement in Stack Overflow was misrepresented, I was described as one of the "unix neckbeards with inflated egos". Specifically "one of them".
The "one of them" was referring at the time to "C/Linux guys from SO".
Again, sorry if you felt insulted from my "splatter" comments.
6. This was specifically intended for you:
yesterday, by Ninefingers
this: http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/878567#878567 and this: http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/878569#878569
As I said, I wanted you to read that, so you'd understand the other side.
Side being, having been rudely attacked and mobbed on SO, for asking a legitimate question which bothers some's religious convictions.
Again, taking into account the apparent "imbalance of power", I should apologize.
though I'd appreciate why you thought it worthy of closing on SO?
Morning @AviD
for the record, I asked the SO mods to completely delete the question, and not just close it... besides the wrongness (from a security POV), I found most of the comments to be really unpleasant, and had I read them on someone else's question I would have been offended.
To be clear, I was offended by the whole story, and almost regret asking the question at all. Almost.
It's not fair to be offended that I was offended. That is purely a wife's prerogative.
@AviD ;-P
7. Last comment, re Rook - That, I'd rather not get in to now (unless you're gathering evidence of my impropriety..? ;). He is a well-known troll, albeit also a strong contributer. But he often engages in rudeness, personal attacks, and etc. (FTR the mute button comment was not referring to him, but someone else (dont remember) on SO.)
My comment re CVE / research, while true (generating CVEs really does not compare to theoretical cryptography...), was intended to shut him down from his personal attacks. As a moderator.
Truth is, @RoryAlsop has a lot more... peaceful.. way of resolving situations, and though I didnt want it, he was right to edit it. Though leaving it would have worked too.
aaaah. All done now. I hope that you will stop by here sometime when I'm around, so we can "bury the hatchet" and put this behind us. (If you want, I'd be glad to debate the original question with you too... :P ) .
In any event, @Ninefingers, I really hope you do reconsider the site, and dont let one mad dog scare you off.
@RoryAlsop morning @RoryAlsop
(sorry, was in the middle... )
@AviD no worries. I think all good to get it out, chat and sort things out
and morning @ninefingers
@AviD Apology accepted. I really don't see any point in holding a grudge over this. To be honest, I was mostly upset because I felt that of all the people who answered, I was trying to give a way that would help detect memcpy issues without replacing it, a somewhat contentious issue as you have unfortunately gathered.
good morning @Ninefingers
And as for Rook, I am aware since I'm a fairly active SO user that some users repeatedly toe the line and pretty much have a 1:1 offensive/rude contribution ratio
@Ninefingers ah yeah, I have to admit I was quite taken aback by that.
@Ninefingers (isnt "toe the line" usually mean someone who does what theyre told? Or is that an americanism?)
That said, I've seen complaints about their behaviour spill over onto Meta as arguments. So for users like that, I'm avoiding caution. As I said, anyone can read this, logged in or not.
@Ninefingers agreed.
@Ninefingers Sorry, but I dont see how your answer helps me with what I asked?
I agree, it is useful for a newbie that is trying to get a handle on this "buffer overflow" thing that he dont quite understand...
but I felt that you were effectively saying "stop buying MS propaganda, memcpy is not a problem at all".
(and I ree hee lyy do not want to start another flamewar here.... :S )
@AviD No no problem. I didn't really answer "how can I get memcpy_s on Linux" that is very true. I was trying to provide an answer that would give people a way to work out when they've used memcpy incorrectly (it's not a catch-all, but it will help) and emphasize thinking about their code (CERT-C, splint, /Wall). I actually wanted to avoid the memcpy/memcpy_s part as much as possible.
@Ninefingers why? simply because it's inflammatory (will someone PLEASE explain to me why??), or because you think its wrong?
(just trying to understand your POV here...)
@AviD I don't think it is an inflammatory question, but people will get inflamed by it, because humans like to have loyalty to a club or a viewpoint or a group
and anything that challenges that can spark off flaming - think on any vi/sed war
@AviD What @Rory said and hence the reason for avoiding it as much as possible.
the downside is when you really do want an answer it can be (as you have seen) a nightmare to get people to answer rationally
in saying that, you could pop over to empegbbs.com - there are some people on there who are very smart in this kind of area and there is almost no fighting. For those not in the know, the empeg is an extraordinary car stereo - long since discontinued - but the community has a high number of intelligent rational geeks
You also have to realise for the Linux/Unix community portability/standards compliance is quite a big thing. Now MS chose not to support C99 because they don't feel that was as important as supporting C++0x, the up and coming C++ standard. I think commercially that's a smart move, but a lot of open source software is written with C99 features since gcc et al support C99 reasonably well.
some of whom do things like - design UAVs, wrote the linux IDE drivers, design embedded linux systems, design Apple mobile products
y'know - kinda smart :-)
@RoryAlsop :)
@RoryAlsop well, yeah, that was kinda my problem...
So do you see how very quickly a decision probably made in MS's customers best interests can be misconstrued...?
and as I've said, I really don't care for religious wars, one way or another.
@Ninefingers interesting... but in my case, portability is not relevant.
@AviD I know, but to the Linux people you're asking and potentially working with, it is.
If I was looking for the lowest comment denominator, I would have gone to Java. Emphasis on "lowest" ;)
@AviD now you're just trying to get a reaction :-)
@RoryAlsop hehe
naw, they're used to being the but of my jokes :D
I'll pop your question over to the empeg guys and see whether anyone has thoughts
@Ninefingers I think I've seen maybe one C or C++ project that had portability requirements.
is it more common than I thought?
and I've seen a LOT of projects, as a consultant...
@AviD For open source software, very common. Think autotools. Think download that code, tar xvf file.tar.gz, ./configure, make, make install
@Ninefingers hmm... true, my head still thinks more towards enterprise systems / packaged products.
point taken.
@AviD - posted here: empegbbs.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/344507#Post344507 - I'm on there most days so will pop back any new info
@RoryAlsop cheers
wait, scratch that....
@RoryAlsop TRAITOR!! StackExchange is the ONLY Q&A site! SE is THE ONE TRUE WAY!!
A lot of the empeg guys are going to be SO regulars, but I don't think they know of security SE yet
@RoryAlsop oo, so tricky way to pull them over here. niiiiice
think you'll get the promoter badge for that?
btw - congrats to @ThomasPornin on his badge :)
btw, @Ninefingers, for the record, I wasnt trying to look for buffer overflows, I already found them aplenty.
as part of this client engagement, I wanted to give them better recommendations than just "check your buffers better". Obviously, they should know to do that, and it obviously did not work.
my usual recommendation is to use memcpy_s and the like, for MS C++.
even on linux, there are secure versions - but for C++.
oops, there I go again, calling them "secure"... ;)
but you all know what I mean, right?
anyway, my problem was the rare combination (for me) of C (and not C++) on Linux.
now that I'm running into it more, I was looking for a more apt solution.
Yep, I do and I see where you're coming from.
@AviD heh - you never know
@RoryAlsop hey, as long as I get the [popular question].... ;)
well folks, I gots to run out... be back laters.
@Ninefingers - thanks for coming in, I appreciated the chance to work that out.
@AviD seeya
@RoryAlsop @GrahamLee - we should consider what to do next time there are complaints on a mod... (NOT that I'm planning anything ;) )
probably already some discussion on that on meta.so, or the lounge...
@AviD I had a wander round meta.so - there are some bits and pieces. I think depending on the level there are actions SE may take
up to and including removal of mod privs, banning etc
but they depend on users flagging and the SE team following up
first instance always hope for a civilised discussion to sort things out
For the record, I'm not interested in removing any mods, banning or anything like that. My suggestion if I can make it is the next time a mod is involved in a contentious question (bound to happen at some point as the site is young and the mods are some core contributors as well as moderators) that they flag it for other mods if they feel a user is being sarcastic and let them judge.
@Ninefingers Sounds good
I'd also be careful how you discuss moderation in this channel. Remember it is public, like the meta site.
@AviD aaah what, we've only done memcpy. That leaves strcpy, strcat, ... :P
Right all, I have to go, I'm currently trying to fix something I don't get (python, don't worry) and I need to focus on it. Glad this is sorted.
@Ninefingers Mwahahaha - python (sorry, couldn't resist :-)
best of luck with it then
catch you later
3 hours later…
G'morning Gents and Nigels
morning all
out of curiosity, anyone else watch HackerNews?
The ycombinator feed?
no, the security focused politically incorrect weekly news cast
I hadn't come across it. I can't get their webpage to load either.
@CRoss yeah - always a good one
it does seem to be down right now
it's a great way for people like me, interested but not professional, to keep up with the trends
After a couple of hard refreshes I managed to get the page to load.
it's working fine here
Wow. Seems I'm missing more and more here overnight these days.
Hey @Iszi
Mornin' @RoryAlsop
nah - 'tis mid afternoon here :-)
No... here it's morning. Remember, we decided the chat is on Eastern U.S. time?
BTW, RE: My DM on Twitter...
Bullrun is an American reality television series based on the trans-American Bullrun road rally of the same name. The televised version has 12 teams compete in a 4,000-mile (6,400 km) 18-day road rally to win the grand prize of US$200,000. Bullrun uses a modified 12-car rally format. Season 1 Season 1 of Bullrun premiered on Spike on March 13, 2007. The season was hosted by former professional wrestler Bill Goldberg. Rules Objective Each day of competition contained three distinct stages - Leg 1, Heads-Up Challenge, Leg 2. Each team begins the day by choosing whether to follow "M...
wow - very cool. Another family of petrolhead Alsops
Oh, right. You're on the Mechanics.SE as well... which reminds me, I've got another query or two for that one.
@Iszi I'm everywhere :-) Is it bad to be interested in a lot of things...
/me sighs
I hate debugging mail
@ScottPack Aye - I went off it when people went off xmail and pine
Let me correct that to sendmail
For @RoryAlsop, or any other gearheads who may know:
Q: What factors affect the maximum air pressure that should be put in a vehicle's tires?

IsziFor just about every car, there's at least two different "maximum tire pressure" ratings. The vehicle manufacturer's rating. This is usually found on a sticker attached to the driver's door. The tire manufacturer's rating. This is usually found on the side-wall of each tire. Given this, I'v...

@Iszi - just responded
maybe I should caveat that I like precise control of a vehicle just on the edge, and am not one for comfort
@RoryAlsop You're not much of a straight-line racer, are you?
@Iszi nah - we don't have any straight roads round here
it's all about the corners
In a straight line with a rear wheel drive car, you could use higher pressure in the fronts
so twisty, you have places named like this: maps.google.co.uk/…
@AviD Thanks !
@AviD Howdy! Thanks for the point-by-point response.
@Ninefingers Glad to see you back. Good suggestion for how mods or any other humans should deal with such stuff. But perhaps we can still let Spock and Data moderate their own wars :) Python FTW!
@AviD I'm pleasantly surprised at how direct and forthright communication can get us back on the same page. For the message referred to here, it might have been resolved more quickly if you had actually addressed Ninefingers and invoked the SE notification machinery.
@AviD glad to be of service. For the record I wasn't calling anyone out by talking about neckbeards, I was referring to your comment: "tell this to any veteran C programmer, and he'll jump down your throat with both hands around your windpipe"
hey @Ninefingers
Hello @Graham. @nealmcb not a bad idea, actually, I'd forgotten mods could do that.
Have to admit I'm going through a bit of a love/hate^W^Wtolerate/hate relationship with StackOverflow at the moment :(
@GrahamLee you're having lots of Captchas, right?
I have to admit I have seen one once on SE
so I wonder what triggers them
I haven't seen a single one in quite some time. I do recall some time ago under some limited circumstance, but I think I discovered that it was rep-related.
@Iszi as in low rep requires a captcha?
@RoryAlsop I think the CAPTCHAs I've been seeing were related to a general problem where none of the site's JavaScript was functioning yesterday afternoon
@RoryAlsop so the site has plenty of timers to see how fast you're typing, I expect I tripped over them because of the JS fails.
how weird. I wasn't heavily using yesterday, but had no issues
@GrahamLee ahh
that could do it:-)
@RoryAlsop but no, my real problem with SO (rather than SE) is that there's a very low answer quality for Objective-C/iOS, and sometimes answers that are suboptimal or just plain wrong get voted up
is this down to the fact that few people are experienced in that space?
also: answer vampires wait for you to post a good answer, then post the same answer to try and split the rep
@GrahamLee now I had spotted that over there - how sad do you have to be to do that to get your rep up?
@RoryAlsop not sure. OK, in comparison with say Java or C# the number of ObjC people on SO is low. But in the ObjC community it's the main place to hang out, so it's not that the gurus don't join in
@RoryAlsop you're probably right though. Most ObjC coders are not experienced so answers that smell right might be being upvoted, without enough community weight to correct that.
@GrahamLee that is just frustrating then. I know there have been various questions on meta and chats in the Lounge around vote weight based on rep, but the problem with a niche which is minority in an environment with many who have earned their rep in other disciplines is that there will lots of people who can vote incorrectly
ahoya all
oo packed room tonight
@AviD afternoon
standing room only
Wow, we've added a second row! Nice.
@RoryAlsop I'm not sure I want that anyway. I see why people are saying it, but I think it would reinforce cliquism.
@Iszi not on my 17" high-res laptop screen ;)
or at least initiate cliquism.
@Iszi see me with my wide screen...still one row
@GrahamLee yep
@RoryAlsop ayup, plenty o' room here ;)
@GrahamLee btw I've seen that a lot also with questions on SO...
@RoryAlsop I remember before SO had chat, people would meet on IRC and decide what questions to upvote/downvote
@GrahamLee oh yuk
@AviD I have to admit I am 'interested' in the [security] tag on SO but don't go out of my way to follow it. So much content is out of my domain
@GrahamLee oh for shure.
I do run a set of tags across all of SE which includes security, compliance, business continuity etc
but not every day
I have to filter out the many languages and platforms I dont know, have nothing to add, and especially those I dont even understand...
^^^what did i miss here?
ooh, @Ormis, i dunno...
you might wanna just get the executive summary
or watch the trailers ;)
wait a sec... the page refeshed and now everything new... dammit
see - the downside to getting busier
chat gets fuller and faster
i read a message... by you @AviD, if i remember correctly.. and you said you called someone a neckbeard? haha
@Ormis no no no!!!
Best not start that again
alright, then nvm
forget i mentioned it
Case in point: on this iOS security question, I'm pretty sure I answered the question and the upvoted answer didn't:
A: iPhone: How do I securely transfer data from device to server

Graham LeePart one: create a dictionary that represents the cart. For each variable, add a key with its variable name as the key, and the cart object's value for that variable as the object for that key. Part two: that's a very open-ended question :-). That depends on how you identify the user at both end...

oo, ayup, what he said
awh, hha
@GrahamLee this issue keeps coming up....
rofl, that's what we've always called CS guys
@Iszi just asked it on meta last week, @D.W couple months ago....
@AviD haha! I can star your deleted message :)
and i'm sorry for bringing it up again lol
it comes down to the fact the majority does not always know best...
@GrahamLee hehh
okay, I wanna grab @ThomasPornin's opinion while he's in the room...
@AviD Wait... I just asked what on Meta? I haven't been really active on Meta.Anything in awhile...
as the only real-life cryptologistician I know...
ANYWAYS..... anyone else want to slap vCenter for not accepting vHosts?
@ThomasPornin what do you think of:
@GrahamLee Isn't knowing that you are right its own recompense ?

Proposed Q&A site for software developers, mathematicians and others interested in cryptography.

Currently in commitment.

and specifically
Q: Scope of Cryptography proposal overlaps with other existing sites

KavehProposal: Cryptography, CS Theory, IT Security I am failing to understand the scope of this proposal. The comments like these: Since this site was not merged with the security.stackexchange.com one, and that one does cover applied cryptography, as in developers using encryption and building ...

to you, is cryptography a proper subset of CS Theory?
theoretical crypto, that is... as applied crypto can usually be covered here.
@AviD If you want the fine script, cryptology is the part of cryptography which is also a subset of CS Theory
@ThomasPornin ooo good point
actually, I've always learned (and taught) that cryptography is part of cryptology?
as is cryptanalysis
how do you differentiate them?
@Iszi didnt you? about the wrong accepted answer...
There are byzantine distinctions on the terms, and not everyone agrees on the specific meanings.
"Cryptography" is a good catch-all term.
@AviD Oh, I think I may have made some comment, or mention in chat. Did I make a Meta Q?
@ThomasPornin even to include cryptanalysis?
I use "cryptology" when I want to insist on the "that's Science with a big S" part
@ThomasPornin no. Knowing that I've helped someone else is the goal.
@ThomasPornin "We're doing Science" :-)
@Iszi ah oops, no - you made a comment here, about a q by @frankodwyer.
Q: What's the etiquette for correcting answers?

frankodwyerI've noticed some accepted answers with a lot of votes which are strictly speaking not correct, even though they contain a lot of useful information. Just as an example, the current accepted answer to this question is mostly pretty good however the first sentence is very wrong - a certificate is...

I use "cryptanalysis" to designate the act of designing attacks on cryptographic algorithms, so it is part of cryptography
@ThomasPornin what I want to do is to make security and privacy important factors for all iOS app developers, and make all apps on the store somewhat low risk. If I happen to be able to help pay the rent while doing so, it makes it even better :-)
I am not using "cryptanalysis" to designate an actual attack instance (i.e. recovering a key), I call that an "attack".
@ThomasPornin but isnt ...graphy about writing the crypto-ed data?
Also, reviewing my history, I ran across this and am now confused.
@ThomasPornin right, a cryptanalytical attack (as opposed to an application attack, or a network attack). no?
A: Spam Users Posting Links in Answers

Jeff AtwoodThis is a particularly nasty human spammer from China. We've been having trouble with this one network-wide. We banned one 127.0.*.* range for this user already, I see another one and it is getting banned as well.

If my useful answer gets buried under other, unhelpful answers, I can't be sure I've helped anyone.
@AviD The "graphy" part is mostly an archaeological remain from a time when there was no computer at all.
@Iszi wait, so Jeff has banned from the site? :D
My comment is that I thought all of was reserved by IANA for IPv4 loopback. But @nealmcb mentioned something about Jeff intending to specify a /16. How does that still make sense?
So, to sum up, if there are CS Theory, Cryptography and IT Security SE, then yes there is considerable overlap.
@Iszi dunno bout that, but on the lighter side, we havent seen that user back in a while. Knock on wood and all that...
@GrahamLee +1 here. That's why I think in cases of extreme erroneousness, or out-dated-ness, mods should be allowed to un-accept (or vote-un-accept) answers.
@ThomasPornin I think overlap is fine, unless its a complete proper subset.
@Iszi but again, how should the mods know whats the right answer?
@AviD Cryptography would be a proper subset of the union of IT Security and CS Theory (but not a subset of either)
@Iszi An interesting idea ... that would be a BFD if we could
people already hate mod interaction already
Who is mod by the way ?
@Iszi it would make more sense to have response based on overwhelming support for a different answer, in relation to the accepted one. And not just a badge.
@CRoss BFD?
I have not really investigated how the whole mod business works.
@AviD Mods are generally uber-high-rep users, who have earned that rep by being identified by the community as knowledgeable experts in the field.
Maybe I am mod without knowing it ?
@AviD Big F Deal
@ThomasPornin of crypto? noone yet. its still in commitment
@CRoss ah of course :$
@ThomasPornin ah heh, no. Myself, @RoryAlsop and @GrahamLee are the mods here.
@ThomasPornin you would know: you'd have a big diamond by your name and get lots of spam from Rob and Rebecca.
you can tell by the little diamond by our names, on the site.
(it's not really spam, I'm just always out when the chat-casts are taking place)
@CRoss That's why I suggested perhaps an un-accept vote. Make that only available to mods and/or super-high-rep users.
and mods have blue names in chat
@GrahamLee lol, ah yeah, that too...
Jeebus! I amble up to the DC for an hour or so and come back to a freaking wall of text.
Hey @Scott
that'll teach ya
I was having fun too. Plugging stuff in, rerouting cables, blah
@Iszi yeah, but there are different fields here.
@Iszi I can see the use, but I'm sure it wouldn't go over well with a certain group of users
@CRoss Two mysteries solved in less than 5 minutes
f.e. though I am currently the highest user on the site (wooohooo! @RoryAlsop eat my dust ;) ), I am a noob when it comes to network configs, *nix, or protocol hacks.
not to mention crypto
@AviD wait till next week :-)
@Iszi ah, that would make more sense, methinks...
but be very unpopular...
whereas I am not so hot on Microsoft, but have nearly 20 years on network, *nix and the 'old skool' stuff
@AviD Like many mod functions, should only be put to rare use.
@Iszi yeah, ideally we just follow flags from users
except when something is obviously broken
@RoryAlsop Another part of being a (voted) mod is that you're recognized as being responsible and wise enough to know where your areas of expertise are, and to stay out of matters that don't fall in them.
aye - that's me, eh
I did recently look back through very old questions looking for dupes that I closed unilaterally. But I had to get unbelievably bored before I did that.
we'll see what happens with voting when we go live
@Iszi oh I definitely know where I'm clueless....
@AviD Hahahahahaha
EVERYwhere except here
@AviD Well.....
BTW @RoryAlsop speaking of 'rest and be thankful', glad you don't live on the Orkneys any more and start telling everyone what they call their towns :-P
(here meaning the q's I have open - mainly appsec, mostly MS / Java platforms... )
@GrahamLee sfunny - but I still find the magic roundabout to be the best landmark on UK maps...
@AviD which one? There's a magic roundabout in Swindon, Hemel Hempstead, and probably some other places by now :)
@GrahamLee I delight in a valid use of the word Twatt:-)
@GrahamLee oh, they're all hysterical, for non-brits
@AviD I had not seen one of those before. I feel ill just thinking of it.
@RoryAlsop Twatt? is that what you call Orkney-ites?
no it actually is a village
@ScottPack lol. I know, right??
we call ourselves Orcadians, and all others Ferryloupers
as if driving on the wrong side of the road isnt enough....
literally - those who would have to loup across on the ferry to get to Orkney
@RoryAlsop heheh
@AviD and you thought I was making it up
@RoryAlsop naw, I believe anything about the magic kingdom
oh, wait, isnt that disney...? ah whatever...
my british friends all have fun putting me on
when I used to travel to london every month, they kept tricking me into saying names of places and stuff wrong
I mean, more wrong than you guys already pronounce them....
@AviD hahahaha - national hobby
@RoryAlsop whats that, pronouncing things wrong? :P
anyway, they all pronounce things incorrectly that far south anyway, don't they @Graham
well, they're not provinshall, ahre they now...
@AviD I really enjoy watching British TV and counting how many syllables just get skipped.
ah yeah, nuther national pass-ime, innit...
so @ThomasPornin, wanna weigh in on that crypto / CS discussion?
Q: Scope of Cryptography proposal overlaps with other existing sites

KavehProposal: Cryptography, CS Theory, IT Security I am failing to understand the scope of this proposal. The comments like these: Since this site was not merged with the security.stackexchange.com one, and that one does cover applied cryptography, as in developers using encryption and building ...

@RoryAlsop in addition to the usual "Eddinborrow" nonsense, I even once heard a USian ask where "Loogerberooger" was.
@GrahamLee Loughborough? That's brilliant!
@RoryAlsop hehe, even I know that's not right
though I honestly have no idea what is
@GrahamLee Were they from Iowa?
I would guess (assuming its in Scotland), that is luchbra? (gutteral ch...)
I was amused once while standing on Castle Street in Edinburgh, a couple did ask me where the castle was. I know it's not an accent story, but it did amuse me. For those not familiar with Edinburgh, Castle Street faces the castle:-)
@RoryAlsop fair nuff, I was close tho...
That whole "big fortress on top of a dead volcano" thing tends to stand out a bit as well...
well, it doesn't look like a castle apparently
Disney is the role model
I quite like defensible fortress on top of dead volcano, meself
@RoryAlsop lol!
has a self destruct built in, eh?
...dead volcano, not live volcano
yeah yeah, thats what pompeiites thought too ;)
@RoryAlsop Well, sure, it's no Thirlestane, but still....
@ScottPack oh, you're from Iowa? You must know her then.
Portsmouthians! #theotherPompey
@GrahamLee Sorry, mate, I'm about 500 miles from Iowa.
@AviD I am not sure I have extra points to add to the discussion.
@ThomasPornin well, I dont think any cryptographers have weighed in there (though I'm not sure about all the users). From what I saw, it was devs on the one side, CS Theorists on the other, and security folk in the middle...
Bill states it quite correctly; CS Theory and Security together cover the whole of the suggested site.
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