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@Ladadadada I find it really amusing how we took a completely different approach to answering that vote fraud question :)
@TildalWave @Ladadadada and both good answers as well.
@Xander Oh thanks but I'd be a bit more critical about mine as it's merely an overview... that's why I first flagged the question to be moved to SO (wanted to answer it more in web application context), but @JeffFerland was told it's OT there, so it stays here. This is something that's really difficult to answer in a generic way IMHO
@TildalWave I actually think it's a reasonable topic here. Securing voting systems has been a discussion in InfoSec for as long as there have been e-voting systems.
@TildalWave But I do understand wanting to tackle it from a more application specific way as well.
@Xander I don't disagree, it is on topic also here, but I wanted to tempt OP to disclose a bit more detail and then answer it with how I'd go about it and what it takes for each approach
@Xander I've written a few of such systems, but they're all application specific and not even closely related to one another really
Of course, they all come at cost... stricter rules filter crude out better, but also rise more false alarms... and vice-versa
I'm downloading Kali now (VM image)... any experience with it besides @Polynomial's crash testing?
@AviD Its an interesting point. I have never mentioned my gender.
Then again, this is the internet, where men are men, women are men and children are FBI agents...
AH. And now i understand starring xD
@D3C4FF and which one of these three might you be? :P
Funny that nobody ever questioned my gender, it's not like my username says anything about it :~
I assume, like most IT sec communities that the vast majority are dudes
@Xander Could this be done by PSTN transaction verification? Or is that treated much the same?
@TildalWave. There certainly are technology solutions that could potentially work. The issue I see is that the US government has all kinds of maddeningly, bizarrely arbitrary laws about what constitues interstate commerce so that they can essentially regulate anything they please. So, you really need a lawyer who is familiar with the SEC to explain how they actually interpret intrastate only for the purpose of enforcing that regulation, because what they thnk is all that matters in practice.
undergarments security:
@TildalWave haha i love black books xD
5 hours later…
@TildalWave I expect there are entire departments dedicated to detecting click-fraud at Google. I hope to see some more answers to that question.
4 hours later…
@TildalWave I like your gravatar. Is that a personal one? or is it related to something?
@M'vy Thanks! Made it myself ;) Not really a graphics designer by profession but I just start like with the rest of things... complicating first, then removing unneeded parts :) I made more of these for different occasions and I got lucky with some hehe
@D3C4FF Soon you'll receive the Talkative Badge.
@TildalWave Graphic design skills here baby.. i.sstatic.net/nBu3y.png
@Adnan hehe nice :)
@Ladadadada I was hoping OP will be more active with his question in the comments, as it is it's way too broad to answer more directly IMO. But I consider click-through fraud different enough to voting where you can't really track true impressions only to satisfy the requirements. Google doesn't have to care if we have more accounts, they only need to filter out robotic crawlers. And unique user detection in e.g. analytics is still way too basic to serve as a ballot.
@D3C4FF and after the Talkative badge you can look forward to getting the Outspoken badge ;) That's like reserved for us star whores :))
(present company excluded) :)))
@TildalWave Now i want ALL the stars!
If i write everything one word at a time and include the word penis after each will i get all the stars?
@D3C4FF uuuh.. you're becoming an expert!
@Adnan Its all making sense! The more crazy shit i say, the more stars i get! It'l like Super Mario 64!
@D3C4FF I think my first starred line was "In the ass".
@Adnan Haha, stay classy! :P
Ugh. Gota bail
tomorrow chaps!
Aw man. Rory and Avi got their outspoken badges before me.
@ScottPack Foul play by mods? :))
@TildalWave Could be. They got theirs a couple of days before me.
@ScottPack Your face is a foul play by the mods.
I think you somehow managed to make that insult not work.
@ScottPack I'm sorry my insults do not live up to your expectations.
I expect better from you.
@ScottPack How would you do it?
I probably would have left that one alone.
@ScottPack How do you know the date of receiving a badge? I tried to find it, I couldn't.
@Adnan ?tab=activity&sort=badges (on user profile)
@Adnan @AviD on Jul 14, @RoryAlsop Jul 18, @ScottPack Jul 29 2011 (so you don't have to search ;)
Electorate: Voted on 600 questions and 25% or more of total votes are on questions. This description seems a bit ambiguous
Oh I see they changed the display of SE-wide rep here to only sum the relevant reputation and not just a sum of all of them even if we're not active on some sub-sites but have association bonus there... nice I think that's a lot better :)
@TildalWave I thought so too. Getting the badge clarified it for me. It actually means when you hit 600 questions voted for you have voted for no more than 1800 answers.
@TildalWave To get the badge, you must have voted (up or down) on at least 600 different questions (votes on the question itself, not on an answer) and at least 25% of your votes must be on questions (as opposed to votes on answers).
Since you can vote up to 40 times per day, you can have the badge in 15 days.
Provided that you accept to make about 120 clicks per day.
@Ladadadada @ThomasPornin Yeah I remember some discussion a few months back on exactly this badge... but the description is still the same :O I would've thought you guys have more influence here :P ;))
@ThomasPornin I thought that's 30? Or it varies depending on rep?
@Adnan Oh thanks... one more to get LOL
@TildalWave There was a very long discussion about that on m.SO too. It depends on the order in which you vote for questions and answers.
@TildalWave The limit is 30 votes + additional 10 for questions.
If I remember correctly, if you vote for 10 questions first, you can still vote for 30 answers, but if you vote for 30 answers first, that's it for the day.
@Ladadadada I usually vote like I read it... from top down... is that recommended? I'm just getting more confused now honestly
@TildalWave It only really matters if you are hitting the limits.
@Ladadadada You can vote for 30 answers first and still have 10 more for questions only.
@Adnan Sometimes my memory works in reverse. :-P
@Ladadadada Well you're correct. That was indeed the case, but they changed it 2 years ago
@Ladadadada I so wanna ask if that's what she said? :))
@Ladadadada BTW this site has some interesting ideas about persistent cookies: samy.pl/evercookie Some of it could be considered browser-wide but there's still ways to circumvent this, especially with VMs it's really easy and I imagine many that would want to bypass it would realize that
It also brings forth all kinds of legal concerns, especially in the EU with our cookie laws
@TildalWave Indeed. I'm trying to convince our devs to implement evercookies to help track spammers. The bots are easy to detect but we have actual real people in the Philippines spamming us too. Those I want to track with evercookies.
Heh. Cookie laws were written by idiots. Probably only apply to actual cookies, not HTML5 data storage or Flash cookies or anything else he does.
@Ladadadada the most effective method I use for such is bad neighborhood policies... I honestly didn't have a clue that can be so effective
@Ladadadada That's exactly it. I was looking for more explanation and asked questions around and came to conclusion that's exclusively for HTTP cookies, whereas they have no clue about other ways of achieving the same, or even more invasive
@TildalWave I blocked a single hosting provider that I manually identified as hosting only spammers. Halved our bandwidth overnight.
@Ladadadada Yup, policy filtering is extremely efficient
It can be worked around, but that takes time... time takes money... e.t.c... so at the end of the day it's not worth it for most
Once the logic for the Electorate badge was explained, the description made sense. Until it was explained I couldn't figure it out. Parse error.
Oh, and it's probably good practice to automate banning on individual IPs too when they hit a restrictive policy... just in case you change your policy and would suddenly allow them to pass through
My current crude count: 15670 records (that's filtering out roughly 10% of the internet)
@TildalWave You vote as you see fit. There are no rules for votes, except the scripts which use hidden heuristics to detect serial upvoters.
Personally I tend to upvote questions to which I answer, on the basis that a question which attracted a bear answer is worthy.
and downvoters, there's one for that too.
@ThomasPornin Oh the modesty :))))))
@ThomasPornin Nothing to do with the sportsmanship badge then eh ;)
@ThomasPornin I feel the same way. I typically don't answer a question unless I found the question interesting or felt like it was something that deserved an answer. In either case it meets the requirements for me to upvote it.
@AntonyVennard Ah, to get the sportsmanship, you must upvote a competing answer, not the question. I do have the badge, though.
@ThomasPornin While we're at it... you didn't up-vote my only question yet I accepted your answer! :P Not saying I expect fair or even preferential treatment,... just saying that there's weight to each and every word you said, especially tend to in this case :P
@TildalWave Bear #1 does not vote for questions (or answers to questions) to which bear #2 answered; and bear #2 does not vote at all. That's part of the "ethical sockpuppet" thing.
@ThomasPornin thats very noble, but we all know about your secret voting-botfarm.
i honestly wouldnt be surprised if stuxnet was originally just one of @ThomasPornin's voting-farm projects gone wrong.
@lynks My projects don't go wrong !
@ThomasPornin ahh so the whole enrichment-centrifuge thing was just a feature?
@Ladadadada This can be an interesting read panopticlick.eff.org/browser-uniqueness.pdf
I'm currently working on something to use both evercookies and implement some aspects of that research. It should be interesting.
@Adnan They have a test tool on their home page which is fun as well. In the half-dozen or so times I've tried it, across various machines and browsers, I've never not had a unique fingerprint.
@ThomasPornin I didn't think of this, yup that explains it :) In case you're wondering, I actually left that checking in my filters but only has effect when DNS record spoofing is detected, so in the 3rd example case I was describing. I think that's fairly reasonable and since it doesn't produce much lag with caching, it's worth even for those few rare cases when it detects anything.
So the CTF room got frozen for inactivity... can it be thawed later on?
@TildalWave Yes. Just needs a mod.
Maybe a room owner can too, I don't know.
link me and I'll unfreeze
It's still a tad chilly in there @Poly, take it only mods get heaters?
I can't find the button to turn it back on. Maybe it is a mod thing (hence the diamond next to the padlock)
@Polynomial The diamond next to the padlock means there's an access list panel available in the mod menu to control who gets in. Yeah it'll be a mod only feature then, it'd be in the room menu.
Unless they've moved it.
not heard this since the 90s lol
yathink that's related to JS performance for gaming and canvas in general?
@TildalWave Probably got a lot to do with Chrome OS.
Indeed but Google has been deep into gaming performance in HTML5 before, and even building HTML5 gaming engine... forgot its name but I was playing with it a bit... and the main conclusion was that it's not fast enough due to some underlying things in WebKit... but still a lot faster than on other engines anyway.
Bloody hell there's gazillion of them out by now... I'm really getting old too fast :) github.com/bebraw/jswiki/wiki/Game-Engines
hmm, i just patched my phppgadmin to display row counts with thousands-separators, debating whether that's worth submitting as a patch...
Did I unlock the FTC room?
Or unfreeze, rather
Difficult to tell on this iPad thingy
@RoryAlsop Nope, still frozen.
Hmmmm. Lets see if I can access it from a desktop of around here
Ooh - new front page if you aren't registered. Interesting large fonts :-/
there you go - unfreeeeezd
@RoryAlsop Wheeee~
i assume room-raids are against the stack exchange ethos?
A: Are secret URLs secure over HTTPS?

Thomas PorninIn HTTPS, the actual URL is sent only after the SSL handshake has been performed. What outsiders can observe is: The server name (which is given plainly in the server certificate). The length of the request from your browser, from which the length of the URL can usually be inferred to some exte...

@ThomasPornin I think another thing to consider here is protocol-less linking.
If you're accessing a page via HTTPS and some content is either linked to also HTTPS or without declared protocol i.e. //somewebsite.com/somescript.js then the Referer header will be sent to a HTTPS linked resource
Assuming the other end accepts HTTPS requests... otherwise it'll default to HTTP... at least it should, but that's for user agents to deal with
From wiki: If a website is accessed from a HTTP Secure (HTTPS) connection and a link points to anywhere except another secure location, then the referer field is not sent.
My hot tip of the day - Trying to work with 5 VMs all housed on a single spinny disk simultaneously can result in long disk queues and sub-optimal response times.
@Xander Any experience with striped RAID arrays? I have 4 disks in RAID0 for less sensitive stuff and thought to move VMs there. Would that work OK?
@TildalWave Probably want to check with a real sysadmin on that, but I don't see why not. I'm a big fan of SSDs these days, so that's what I'm moving too wherever I can.
@TildalWave SSD are best (as @Xander says) but if you still need to use mechanical disks, I recommend RAID1
I guess what I was asking is if it's the hard disk that's the bottleneck or the controller? I have those on Matrix which is way lamer than proper HW RAIDs
With RAID1, since both disks have all the data, an intensive read-only task can work on one disk without completely killing the performance for other tasks
@ThomasPornin Hmmm I have both 4xHDD in RAID0 and 4xHDD in RAID10... So you think I should move it on RAID10 rather than striped one?
@TildalWave striping is good for total bandwidth when reading or writing a single (big) file, but it does not help much for concurrent accesses
I thought I'd rather ask before I do it as it'll take me quite some time
Can't move on SSD it's only 128GB :(
my main motivation for RAID1 was to avoid losing data in case of harddisk failure, but I did notice better responsiveness under load (at least for the kind of things I was doing)
@TildalWave you could always go RAID1+0, all the cool kids are doing it
@lynks that's what I meant with RAID10 ;) I know, I know... but I'm not so much into HW anymore so please be gentle with me :))))
I did some benchies back in the days I'll see if I can dig them up
@TildalWave ahh sorry, i missed that you had already mentioned it
@lynks frankly I'm not even sure if 10 = 1+0 actually
anyway, I have them in 1+0 with IIRC 64k clusters
found benchmarks :) OK for 1+0 it's 1.3GB/s burst rate with 104MB/s sequential throughout and 8.3ms avg. access time.... for same 4 disks in striped 0 array it's 1.9GB/s, 194MB/s and 8.7ms respectively
Oh and CPU usage is 10% and 7.2% but that's on an old C2D that's long gone
Access time is the most relevant here?
@TildalWave Usually, yes, access latency is more important for "perceived performance" than throughput
parallel access latency, actually
With RAID 1+0 (or 0+1), every data byte can be obtained from two distinct disks, so this supports (generally) two concurrent I/O tasks (at least for reading)
@ThomasPornin I'll move them to 1+0 then... I even copied those results a bit wrong and the access latency on 0 array is 12.1ms on average. That's a lot bigger difference.
with RAID0 every data byte is on a single disk, so if you run one I/O intensive task (e.g. a big grep) then your machine is mostly frozen
Don't know what's wrong with me I copied results 2 times all wrong... thought it's best to just upload pics :)
@David "morning" ;)
@TildalWave 11am son
@David Oh Cali... I thought you're from Midway islands or something :))
@TildalWave the what
"An internal Drug Enforcement Administration document seen by CNET discusses a February 2013 criminal investigation and warns that because of the use of encryption, "it is impossible to intercept iMessages between two Apple devices" even with a court order approved by a federal judge."
@David where morning currently is :P btw just screwing with you, it's not like I get up really early either ;)
ive been up since 6
just have school before work
hehe preemptive surrender?
@David Congratulations! The Monterey area is gorgeous. I have an aunt who used to live there.
@Xander yeah, im excited
I've lived with my parents for 22 years lol
@David Well, you couldn't have picked a location that's any more scenic for your first time on your own. :-)
@Xander only downside is that its a "small" school compared to other CSUs
@David Downside in some ways, upside in others. You may not have as many class or scheduling options, any maybe not as many resources, but you'll likely have more direct access to the faculty and more access to the resources that the school does offer.
I always feel weird about posting exactly what somebody just wrote as a comment before deleting a post... but thanks for the comment, @Adnan. Saves me the time of writing / finding one to post :D
@Xander yeah, smaller classes, but when i went on a tour there, the campus was almost eerily dead
saw like 100 people the entire day
generally 2-3 people in any given direction
@lynks So, are we calling that his nuclear option?
Where's @ThomasPornin? There's a new question to be answered.
@Xander I'm a little kid in a bear costume. I'll answer and hope the real bears don't find me.
@JeffFerland LOL! Works for me. I think he completed his quest to get his badge for that tag in any case.
@Xander What badges does he not have?
@JeffFerland I can name at least 6 that he doesn't have on this site. :-) I could have sworn that a week or two ago he was working on some badge for answering 200 questions with the same tag, but I can't find it now, so I may be mistaken.
8. I miscounted.
Ah! It was a badge specific to the tag. Not on the list. 1000 upvotes on a 200 answers for questions with a given tag.
Gees I've reached daily voting limit of 40 for the first time... now what do I do for the next two hours? I can't read new questions even, I'll be tempted to vote. Any good movies out? :)
@JeffFerland First, you're welcome. Second, I really don't know what comment you're talking about.
Is there a way to reverse my own edit/retag?
Q: Encrypting short identifiers?

George BaileyI am developing a webapp that does not reveal record count, because it hides the primary key. I am looking for a better way to do this. My favorite idea is to encrypt the ID itself with a block cipher, because that would require not additional tracking tables, and if the block size is equal to t...

I put in this one but it's really more unique key than a true nonce that OP is after
Top of the super-collider right now.
Q: Something is burning in the server room; how can I quickly identify what it is?

hydroparadiseThe other day, we notice a terrible burning smell coming out of the server room. Long story short, it ended up being one of the battery modules that was burning up in the UPS unit, but it took a good couple of hours before we were able to figure it out. The main reason we were able to figure it o...

@Xander IR camera revealing source of smoke (and make the non-visible smoke visible)?
Dang, that non-visible smoke is an oxymoron, right? How to say it then? Fumes?
@TildalWave How can you tell the difference between fumes coming from servers and fumes coming from sysadmins?
@ScottPack LOL no idea :))) but thanks for the laughs :)))
I am to pleasure.
@ScottPack Please? Aim? ... I'm not getting something here
I shouldn't laugh at people's data centers catching on fire, but the wording of that question made me laugh, regardless.
@TildalWave The more traditional form is "I aim to please." Meaning, I do attempt to make my clients happy. I, however, rather enjoy the implications of the other form.
Pleasure, while meaning a form of happiness, is typically used specifically for sexual joy.
@ScottPack So I can assume using "am" instead of "aim" is a typo? Please say yes, there's way too many things I didn't dig today already! LOL
bugger, yeah, that was a typo.
Hmmm.... would't fire extinguishers in server rooms use Xenon gas? So... xenon gas, heat,... you just need anode, cathode and a reflector and it should produce nice lighting effect, probably violet-blue :)))
Neah it's probably halon gas, I just got it mixed up again... I'll shut up
Afternoon' all! :)

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