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@Ninefingers LOL. Touche!
@Ninefingers Thank you - this discussion has been very helpful I think. And good point about how the chat is on the record like the rest of the site. Sometimes I think people tend to blow off steam here, but even that has to be done with the kind of respect that the faq calls for.
@RoryAlsop I salute your choice of a G&T with one of my own. Imagine my surprise when, after ~2.5 years of a gin-free house, the ole lady comes home with a bottle of Tanqueray.
After celebrating an act of necromancy with the extended family followed by a 3 hour drive home, this is probably the best drink I have ever had.
3 hours later…
Anyone heard of Zecurion? Apparently they want to follow me.
@Iszi Twitter? In which case, "want to follow" is really "are following", and perhaps want you to follow them....
@nealmcb Actually, no. It's "want to follow" - my tweets are protected.
@Iszi Oh yeah - seems sort of odd - can you search the tweets of the protected folks you follow?
@nealmcb Never tried, but probably. There's still a lot of limitations to protected tweets though. For example, they can't be (normally) re-tweeted.
Protected tweets also can't be OneBoxed here.
@nealmcb "Protected Profiles' Tweets will not appear in Twitter search"
So, I'm guessing there's no exclusion for protected tweets that you follow.
Also, only mildly annoying, is that @replies and DMs (though DMs may not be a special case here) can only be effectively sent to your followers.
@Iszi I guess it just seems that using twitter in a way contrary to the twitter ecosystem doesn't make sense to me. If I want more private updates to a reasonably sized group of potential friends, and a way of better knowing who the possible friends/stalkers are, I'd tend towards linkedin or facebook
5 hours later…
@Ninefingers Morning - I'd totally agree with @nealmcb on those last paragraphs you sent after I headed off last night.
@nealmcb Yep - twitter just isn't built for that sort of direct comms. It does work for blanket spamming everyone who is following you, but facebook is more private (jeez - who'd have though; facebook more private than something... :-)
I mostly use twitter for it's stated purpose - publicising my blog posts, chatting about security cons and pointing people at SE. There is a wee bit of banter - normally security related - but that's about it for me
hi all
@GrahamLee Morning
@RoryAlsop just about :)
1 hour later…
Doog morning!
good morning
here's a question.. does every IT office have nerf guns? or is that just an odd common denominator for all the places I've worked?
@Ormis It's a fairly frequent feature of IT offices, to have NERF guns or other such fun things.
At one former place of employment, we had foam balls we'd toss over the cube wall when we needed each other's attention.
...which of course would often spark fits of ball-tossing for the hell of it.
there's been small nerf battles here and there where i currently work... then a couple days ago i brought in my vulcan and fought back.... then the man who's effectively the CSO came out of his office and wasn't pleased
I don't believe any of the other IT offices have nerf guns except for us. Though the SysOps have all manner of fun with various and sundry pranks.
OMG, that reminds me of a prank we set up for a coworker.... afk.. i have to see if it worked
@Ormis Oh, do tell...
haha, she hasn't found it yet
we taped packing balloons from some wireless sensors we got to the back of her drawers in her cubical....
so if she's quick to anger, like we are expecting, then she'll pop them :-)
When she slams her desk drawers shut, you mean?
@Ormis As far as I know, my colleagues to not have nerf guns, although they do have a few foam items.
(I work from home, my colleagues are in an office which is substantially far, so I do not get to physically see them often.)
The foam objects are used for juggling, or are launched at walls. We are very peaceful.
We do have some juggling balls but only one juggler. That is probably something that should be corrected.
Hmmm - seems to me that nerf and coffee wouldn't work well in the same space....
Depends on the heft of your mugs and the stopping power of your firearm.
I've found that the Maverick, the 6 shooter pistol, doesn't really do much when fired at my mug.
all good point.... i remember one LAN party that i attended that BFG donated like 500 foam darts to.... that was terrible
there were 30inch ultra-rez screens that were getting smacked with darts, i'm suprised none of them had bright spots from that
actually... they may have and we didn't know about it :-)
2 hours later…
@GrahamLee - Dunno about that SSH callback product (sounds cool) but I like their opening line: "In an era of commodity exploit kits, drive-by malware, and crimeware-as-a-service, a second login factor isn’t excessive. It’s basic blocking & tackling to protect even user accounts (e.g. Google, Facebook, Paypal, World of Warcraft, etc.), much less administrative access."
I wish more people would get that.
2 hours later…
Some people.... They're willing to accept your answer, but not upvote it? Phaw.
@ScottPack It seems that some people do not understand that they can upvote and accept the same answer. Maybe this is not as clearly explained as it could be ?
@ThomasPornin That wouldn't surprise me too much. We've been seeing a spate of people on SF requesting that a question be closed once they have resolved their issue or accepted an answer.
3 hours later…
@Iszi What is this about? Sounds intriguing
I'm picturing a way for account logins to do a callback via ssh to a local app for approval, rather than to e.g. my sms or to a mobile phone app
or maybe via jabber/xmpp....

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