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@ThomasPornin If I make the assumption that the underlying code doing the verification is secure, what would the best way of using key files as a 2FA method?
Would it be enough to generate a random number of bytes in a file, hash and store it and hash an input file for comparison whenever I need to authenticate, or should I use something like RSA?
5 hours later…
@Iszi re windows phone - sorry I wouldnt be able to answer that, contracts with telcos work very differently here.
FWIW, i get my updates straight from MS, no lag necessary. Wouldnt have it any other way, why in hell would I want/expect my cellular provider to handle updates for me?
just like I wouldnt expect my ISP to update my OS.
hmm, okay, bad example - I know that there are those that do.
okay, I wouldnt expect my electricity company to program my microwave.
@AviD Wait, ISP's updating OS? :O
That's new. Never heard that before.
@TerryChia The problem with key files is that a trojan can steal it, and keylog your password at the same time
@TerryChia I know, shocking, right? But yeah, they offer it as a service.
yknow, for the clueless grandparents who need somebody - anybody - to manage their settings for them.
In the UK, most phones get their updates from the ISP. By default.
If you have a phone provided with a contract, you often need to hack or jailbreak it to get updates faster. And as ISP's can be a year or more behind the curve this is a major security issue!
Oh dear, another BEST question:
Q: Distributed software company infrastructure

mmatlokaWhat is the best possible infrastructure for a distributed software company from data security point of view? Company without an office, employees working from their own computers. I think about VPN for all in-company communication including e.g. private jabber server (limited to vpn network) etc...

That is why the only Android devices I will get are the Nexus ones.
Ugh. Just logged in to a bank account I haven't touched for a long time. They forced me to choose a picture (the size of a gravatar) out of about 100 choices as an "extra layer of security" and then choose three "security questions" from three dropdowns, each of which had about 5 choices.
They still don't even offer a hardware token. All my other bank accounts automatically sent me one years ago.
I was only logging to cancel my account.
@TerryChia Even Nexus devices have crapware you can't uninstall
@CodesInChaos Really? Seemed pretty ok on my Nexus 7.
It's pretty bad on the nexus one
the dumbest part about is that when you update those built in applications, they take twice the memory
once for the original version, and once for the latest version
Being unable to remove Facebook is an offense.
@CodesInChaos Facebook comes preinstalled on the Nexus one? Weird. It isn't on the 7.
Ok, dumb question. Really dumb question. If I have a C# dll calling a third party dll, I have to distribute the third party dll along with mine right?
unless it's pre-installed
@CodesInChaos Right thanks, that's what i thought. I guess I'll just add the source code of the third party library into my project and compile it.
Check the license before doing that
@CodesInChaos It's an open sourced one I'm free to distribute and modify so no worries there. Just wanted to figure out the most convenient way to package my code.
My C# projects almost always consist of multiple assemblies which I just throw into a zip file
I'm writing a library for the authentication code I seem to keep rewriting packaged in a dll file. The idea is that I just have to import that one file into my future projects. So I guess it would be better for me to package all the source code right into the dll file.
1 hour later…
I hate the .net collection design
@CodesInChaos Hmm, why?
The interface hierarchy is totally broken, and the naming is often bad
I have no complaints so far. I guess either I'm less picky or I do waaaay simpler stuff.
For example the lack of readonly interfaces. They tried to fix it in 4.5, but couldn't put them in the right place
Probably both.
I'm getting increasingly picky with language&library design
1 hour later…
@CodesInChaos Next step is the urge to create your own language and/or library.
Of course I have that urge, but I decided to only do that after I've learned and rejected lisp and haskell
@TerryChia A bunch of random bytes is good enough for a lot of things, but it means that servers will get the secret at some point.
You want asymmetric crypto (like RSA) when you want to be able to authenticate to systems without actually trusting these systems.
But even then you can get it wrong. I believe SSHv1 managed that
That's pretty common with SSH: you want to log on other servers, but you don't want a compromise of one server to reveal your key (which would allow access to all the other servers)
@ThomasPornin Before I go do more research on it, could you describe in dumbed-down terms how a typical authentication process will go using RSA?
@TerryChia Server sends random challenge, client signs it.
Ideally, what the client signs will be a concatenation of everything the client and server sent so far, including random values from both. That's how it goes with SSL.
the problem with random challenges is that the server might try to impersonate the client to another server
and uses that server's challenge instead of generating his own
@CodesInChaos That's why we want to include other data in the signature, in particular a copy of the server's public key.
1 hour later…
Man, this just stinks of poor forensic procedure: arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/02/…
Note to self: Add a password before traveling to the Canada
"We did it were the jewlery at nigga burrrrrrrrr." -- WAT?!
@CodesInChaos and switch off predictive texting LOL 'We did it were the jewlery at nigga burrrrrrrrr.'
Personally I see computer&phone as extension of my brain that should never be searchable
but I guess that opinion is pretty controversial
@CodesInChaos No so sure what's controversial about it. It's private and should be treated as such until the individual in question surrendered his right for privacy in some clearly definable non-controversial way. If it's 'controversial', that just means some get it while others don't. I don't like this word, it reminds me there's too many over-opinionated people out there.
I mean that searching a personal computer should be illegal even with warrant.
I seem to remember hearing about a court case that had turned into digital records falling under the same umbrella as yourself with respect to self-incrimination. I should see if I can find that and see whatever came of it.
@CodesInChaos I agree with you, don't get me wrong. I just hate the word 'controversial'. It's Latin for opposing opinions (I didn't check the dictionary but I dig Latin well enough) but it's used for anything else than to describe this fact. Mostly, I see it used as an argument for or against something, which is plain wrong.
I just use it for something were I think many will disagree with me
My choice of words was influenced by just reading:
Q: What's your most controversial programming opinion?

Jon SkeetThis is definitely subjective, but I'd like to try to avoid it becoming argumentative. I think it could be an interesting question if people treat it appropriately. The idea for this question came from the comment thread from my answer to the "What are five things you hate about your favorite la...

@CodesInChaos I like the top rated comment under this question.
@CodesInChaos 'won't the answer with the fewest votes be the most controversial :)?'
those with the most votes, but the lowest absolute score
@CodesInChaos But yeah they both use the word correctly, which is a rare treat
Correct use of words is unacceptable
@CodesInChaos :D made me giggle!
@ScottPack Did you find the link to that court case? I'd be interested to read it ;)
@CodesInChaos That question you're linking to (most controversial programming opinion) reminded me of a question of my own that I'm constantly reminded of each time I'm with non-programmer friends. And that is, are we programmers more aware of how much we're being programmed by the society we live in, and is it easier for us to de-program ourselves? Also, what could we gain from this?
@CodesInChaos Holy crap - 408 answers?!
1 hour later…
@TildalWave Oh, no. I haven't put any effort into it either.
How is haxxor traced?
@CodesInChaos This sounds like one of these horrible rep train questions.
Oh my, there is indeed such a question which has just appeared on the site.
@ThomasPornin heh - good use of Dumbledore reference :-)
@RoryAlsop Wait what? Thomas Pornin and Tom Leek are one and the same person or is just my imagination running wild and am reading too much into the use of a bear as an avatar? :O
@TildalWave Bears :-) Fluffy fanged and clawed specialists in security - may also be aspects of Ursu, the bear god :-)
But yeah
you can have an alternate avatar as long as you follow a few rules - otherwise the auto sock-puppet detection will get rid of them
Those rules include keeping them very separate - not voting on each other's posts (in fact not voting on the same posts at all) etc
neah not really interested, i'm pretty well represented by a worm
wait thomas and tom are the same person
you guys
(shhh - bears!)
shouldn't we have an 'ursus' tag then as well?
@RoryAlsop I doubt the sock-puppet detection script would detect the occasional cross-vote. They must have some sort of threshold.
I'm just impressed that someone can get two 10k+ accounts that quickly. Seriously know their infosec, do bears
@ThomasPornin yeh, but they won't let us know :-)
keeping the details woolly helps prevent people gaming up to the limit
However, "ethical" is not the same as "was not caught in the act".
@RoryAlsop It's Security through Obscurity. It works.
@ThomasPornin don't say that, folks will get the wrong idea :-)
especially coming from a bear
we have all been conditioned to 'trust the bear' - I for one salute our new ursine overlords
And so the security wars started between the Rory and the Bear
Sounds like the name of a Disney movie.
Clash of the titans
@LucasKauffman Rories and the Bears - the Peacekeeper Wars
sorry to spam with images but i can't resist another one...
I wonder why this image worked, but the previous one was blocked...
@RoryAlsop You're on 3G again? You need 4G for beer porn
not on 3G, but am on work laptop - writing my presentation for an event tomorrow
I actually drank that Ursus beer pretty often when I was in Romania, it's quite decent lager. Never had any between the (.)(.) tho :(
@RoryAlsop Let's all sing a long :p
@RoryAlsop So which one of you are Scarran?
@CodesInChaos uf, GO... tough game and a tough opponent
I need to get some of my Go on. I have a board, but have only been able to play once. It's hard to find someone willing to play.
I mostly play online
@ScottPack there's Go clubs all over the world, i'm pretty sure you have some around as well ;)
I'm trying to learn, but keep being embarrassed just how little I know
Playing against computers is all very well, but doesn't teach you why you lose, and a few of the individuals I have played really don't help either
Every go player I met called himself weak
There seems to be smugness in beating someone but not letting them know why
@CodesInChaos exactly
@TildalWave Son of a bitch, there allegedly is one here. Sponsored by the guy who runs the gaming research lab. Makes sense.
I just play many games and how something sticks
@ScottPack well if there's tens of them here in my parts of the woods, then i guess they're everywhere. and i agree it's not the best game to play on-line. for me, it was my father that taught me some strategies and it's nice to have someone talk you through it, no matter how advanced you think you are
But many go players spend more time reading about go than playing go
people have very different learning styles
@TildalWave There is one in town, fortunate since it would be at least 1.5 hours to the next closest one.
IMO it's a fine online game. I played perhaps 30 games offline, and 2000 online
@ScottPack I imagined Athens would be larger, dunno why... I've checked now and it's about 1/10 of my city if not less in terms of population so yeah 1 go club per ~ 25k people roughly (uneducated guess)
@TildalWave Population here is interesting. According to the census the city population is about 25k. We also have a student enrollment (on this campus) of around 30k. We're also in the middle of a vast rural expanse.
@ScottPack I probably thought it's bigger because of the uni true
@TildalWave Sure. The city definitely feels bigger, but that's because for about 9 months of the year our population is more like 50k rather than 25.
@ScottPack And half of the 50k is young people who are, as we all know, highly visible and noisy.
@TildalWave Now, don't confuse us. There's another university in the state that has a student enrollment of nearly 60k and is in a city with a metro population of ~1.8mil
@ThomasPornin Generally speaking yes. Although, I am generally proud of our students. With the exception of a couple of neighborhoods they tend to be polite and good neighbors.
@ScottPack Neah don't worry I realize you're not in Columbus OH, that's probably the city you were referring to when you said roughly 1.5 hour drive away
@TildalWave Affirmative.
@TildalWave You seem surprisingly informed with respect to the American MidWest for somebody from central Europe. Is that experience or quick googling on your part?
@ScottPack Also I know precisely what you mean by Athens feeling bigger. I'm from a city that's ~ 300k in population and I've lived good three years in nearly a 1M city in Romania and it felt smaller due to the lack of infrastructure and city vibe
@ScottPack Neah not googling much it's just general knowledge. you'd be surprised what all people from small countries are knowledgeable about, it's almost a must anyway. not a particular fan of this as it makes a lot of 'Jacks of all trades' tho
@ScottPack that, and possibly also that small countries' population tends to move around more. It's only an hour's drive in any direction for me to get to a bordering country ;)
@TildalWave You might be surprised to hear how many people, just within a couple of hours of here, know less about it than you do. :)
@ScottPack OK, OK, you pushed it out of me... I'm old I admit
@TildalWave I intellectually understand that concept but it is difficult for me to really get. As a youth I would drive 65 miles, to the next population center, to see a movie.
Now now. You're not old. You want old? @RoryAlsop. That guy's old.
I'll let you in on a secret. That hair on his gravatar? He wasn't born with it.
@ScottPack hahahahaha - too true
i wasn't born with much hair either actually
mind you, I also wasn't born with the orange flashes or the laser eyes
or the tattoo on your back
I'm still waiting for the Metaltech trampstamp.
@ScottPack patience, young padawan
guys i leave you to it, it's been a pleasure ;)
@TildalWave Night
Sweet dreams.

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