Ok guys. I got a great idea, let's take away what makes rugby awesome, and then stretch it out so that it takes 4 hours to get in 1 hour of play. Everybody happy? Great!
@Sadaluk Even without the overloaded terminology, your statement still holds true.
So we got a little over an inch of snow yesterday. This morning, after breakfast and coffee, I went out to shovel the walk, driveway, and sidewalk. When I was nearly finished it started snowing again.
Well, noclip seems rather redundant at least, since you'd be everywhere at once. Who needs to go through walls when you're already on both sides of the wall?
Ah, the memes of religion. Omnipotence, omnipresence, and lots more things that start with "omni".
Protected class is a term used in United States anti-discrimination law. The term describes characteristics or factors which cannot be targeted for discrimination and harassment. The following characteristics are considered "Protected Classes" and persons cannot be discriminated against based on these characteristics:
* Race – Federal: Civil Rights Act of 1964
* Color – Federal: Civil Rights Act of 1964
* Religion – Federal: Civil Rights Act of 1964
* National origin – Federal: Civil Rights Act of 1964
* Age (40 and over) – Federal: [http://finduslaw.com/age_discrimination_in_employment_a...
Interesting. I can discriminate against you for being too young, but not too old.
@AviD Party, yes. Beer, no. AFAIK, my grandparents don't drink - for that matter, I'll probably be the only person in the house who does.
@ScottPack Can't say I've ever found football boring, but it never really caught on with me either. Superbowl Sunday is about the only day I really care about football. Family tradition.
Anyway, I've got to go get my Grandpa for the party. See y'all later.
that wouldn't entirely surprise me, I'll need to only let him watch the iPad 'cause the lock on that is keyboard based and his paws are a bit big for it...
Never underestimate the ingenuity of cats. Have you ever looked them in the eyes, I mean really looked at them? Those fuckers are smarter than they let on.
@LucasKauffman indeed as @ScottPack says it'll be a SIM slot I'd guess. IIRC not all of them actually have the modem installed tho (depends on whether the mSATA slot is in use as a SSD or not)
@ScottPack @RoryMcCune that's because you're not setting your standards high enough.
If it's not excellent - it needs improvement. If it's not much better than anything else in the intarwebs - it is unsatisfactory. Our minimal aim is to be so much better than EVERYONE else.
@RoryAlsop I first clicked on skip so that I would see all the questions that the survey was using, and now it won't come back, so I cannot do my part.
Instead, I have decided to unearth some old questions and make satisfactory answers myself.