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@ThoriumBR "We wanted to release a Windows version as part of Windows 98, but sadly, Microsoft has effective building security."
8 hours later…
send an email, get a reverse shell: modzero.com/en/blog/beyond_the_at_symbol
2 hours later…
This is the chat where stack ecxange gets crypted for safety and better user experience, as the name suggests.
2 hours later…
I just found a situation where I can paste arbitrary HTML into an Email. Can that actually be used for anything nefarious?
Do email clients still render all HTML elements? I thought a lot of them only displayed a subset
Not sure they allow <script> for example
You could do tracking through <img src="">. That's sort of nefarious
I don't think they allow <script>
But <img> and <b> are what I tested and they work
Man I'm unsure what else to test
I can't get any injections to work
Authentication is out of scope
Authorization seems rock solid
I got one more idea
Authorizing my own proposed change
As I said, authz seems rock solid
Can it be used for some sort of phishing?
I thought about that too
But there is a big preamble
"Yada yada yada was rejected because" and then I can inject my stuff
Possibly could use some crazy CSS stuff to hide it... except CSS support on email is also spotty
Can I embed stylesheets in the body?
Also i can't fake the subject...man
I don't just want to report peanuts again
Subject line is kind of important
I wanna find a cool vuln
The literal only think I can think of that is subpar is that the session is valid for 1 hour
It would be better to have a smaller inactivity period that refreshes when you do stuff
But that's really not a big security issue either
Can you make a fake Outlook error message using CSS?
I'll keep the email injection on the backburner, ask some people tomorrow how fruitful that is to look into, and then proceed from there
It's almost 11 pm
Fuuuuuck I was supposed to learn for the CWEE and I completely forgot
I guess I'm not going to play Ghost of Tsushima today...
Ghost of Tsushima is on my queue... when I finish Skyrim... again...
I can highly recommend it on "Samurai Cinema" mode
and when I finish my blind baldurs gate 3 run...
So Japanese voice acting and english subtitles
yep! I always use the original audio with subs... even English shows i watch with eng audio and eng subs
It's so kino
And it's so sad how bad AC6 looks
Have you seen it?
nope, Assassin's Creed is surprisingly a franchise that I know very very little about
well, almost anything that went after I got married I know almost nothing about.... it was when I had little free time, and when time went by I had a computer too slow to run anything modern...
5k likes to 50k dislikes
Okay, so let me set the stage. You have a series about assassins
And this entry is set in Japan
ah, the black samuray thing...
What kind of assassin group is most commonly associated with Japan?
that I saw... even grandma would have seem that if she was alive...
It's so stupid
You could have just made a cool story about ninjas
But instead it's a black samurai killing japanese to trap beats
anyone with only a half functional brain cell would say Japanese... a black samurai makes as much sense as an innuit in the Amazon rainforest
You know what the best summary of Assassin's Creed is that I have ever seen?
tell me
"Only Ubisoft can take a franchise about two secretive organizations battling each other throughout history to secure alien artifacts and slowly make that boring as fuck"
It's wild
It's genuinely wild
same with the new star wars thing
Assassin's Creed 1 was fun
Yeah, I saw that
I may have an AC game somewhere in my library but never installed or played anything
and I watched the first of the new star wars movie and gave up on the next ones...
some people say they fixed some issues but I don't care...
Making a story about a lesbian alien clan that completely flops in the male 18-53 demographic is actually an achievement
You know why all these big corpo productions fail?
Because they exist solely to check boxes
They are produced because someone feels the obligation to do something with the franchise, not because someone has an actual story to tell
it's because of dissociation... the producers are not part of the demographics they are intending to please...
Star Wars Episodes 7-9 could have been a story about young people coping with the fall of the Empire, seeing how chaos and rule of the mighty slowly return with no one to uphold the law
It could have been a story about a power vacuum and how rebellion without a "What comes after" plan can lead to even more suffering
most media employees are part of a niche, and producers consume that niche material without realizing they are targeting just a tiny subset of the population
Reminds me of that one film student who was asked by an interviewer how many people he believes are LGBT, and he replied "I would say 90%"
Completely detached from reality
Like, you can think about LGBT people whatever you want, but someone believing that 90% of people globally consider themselves LGBT is completely wild
Also, another thing that I've noticed is that all those stories written by all those people play in San Francisco
It might not look like it, it might be called "Whateverplanetname 5" but it's structured just like San Francisco
Because all these writers completely lack the imagination to create a world that doesn't mirror the one they live in
I once was on a blockchain convention and someone there told everyone around that organic food is better and could be cheaper if the farmers were not only after profits... I grew up in a farm and I asked him if he had once set foot on a farm, or he was a urban guy grown and raised on Sao Paulo...
Ah yes, those greedy farmers
Farmers are well known for their ostentatious wealth
he said he knew how it was, and the profit driven agriculture was poisoning the food, and the government should step in and fine the farmers that were selling organic food above the price of normal, poison infested food...
You know, the sad thing is, these people don't even know how fucking retarded they are
and people on the panel were kinda agreeing with him, that the issues were the profits, and maybe the taxes
They genuinely believe that they're god's gift to the world
You know, it hurts to see food go to waste
But I totally understand why it happens
I grew up in a farm, so I can say that without pesticides you lose at least 30% of the product... and you lose half of the remainder because it's not pretty enough for the organic market. and the production per area is a third
Why companies refuse to buy from farmers if there is an abundance
@ThoriumBR There was actually a big push here in Austria for people to eat food that doesn't look pretty but it's just fine
With deformed carrots and such
so instead of 3000 units of something, you get 1000, lose 300 to insects, fungi and so on, 350 to uglyness and sell 350...
"Once you put us in a soup, you don't see the difference anymore"
and you have to sell at a premium because you have to put food on your own table
@ThoriumBR I hate that the "local farmers" here have turned to scamming as well
There was a big farmer where I used to live, with quite a lot of pigs. And he would sell bacon right off the farm's own store
And it went well - really well even
So well in fact that he imported pigs from poland to slaughter here and sell as his own bacon
so back on media producers, they really think they know about the world because the niche they target is pretty vocal, and the vast majority of population kinda don't care and don't agree nor disagree with them
@ThoriumBR I think the issue is even more fundamental
until they spend millions on something and get a 18% approval rate... and the audience is wrong about everything
A lot of these stories just have NOTHING going for them
Look at Rey in Star Wars. She has as much personality as Gordon Freeman
She has zero stakes in the story, zero reason to care one way or the other, zero personal flaws to overcome
She does what she does because the script needs her to
Look, if you wrote a heartfelt story about a woman looking for her wife, because you want to be LGBT-inclusive, and the story is a genuine banger, then people will like it
here in Brazil the largest internet outlet is Uol. when they publish something sexuality related, the cover image is usually a gay or lesbian couple...
People like stories with stakes they can feel, with motivations that make sense, with chartacter flaws that feel real
we don't have a majoritary gay population, far from it...
Yeah, but they need the ESG bucks
You know what the issue is?
one black-lead movie that was amazing: tenet... it didn't had to be forced, it was just a movie and an actor that did a great job... now forcing a black guy in a movie just because it's a black guy is outrageous...
No matter what you do, someone will get offended
You include a gay character and being gay is not important to the story? "You act as if being gay is the same as being straight. You are invalidating the gay experience"
yep, no matter if you agree with A or B or neither, someone will be offended. and you have to agree to be offended
You include a gay character and make it important to the story? "You act as if gay is the only personality trait he has. This is homophobic"
Some people just need to feel victimized
There was a study on this
Where several women were given make up that looked like a scar. They saw it in the mirror
Then, under the guise of "just fixing it up a bit" the scar was removed again
And they were then sent to job interviews
afterwards, they were asked how much they felt the scar affected the interviewer's response
Every single participant stated that the scar (which they believed was there, but was no longer there) negatively affected them
I saw this study
In other words: if you believe someone has it out for you, completely innocuous behavior is interpreted as being offensive
If you believe you are a victim of prejudice, anything will confirm that.
Someone treats you well? "You're just doing this to not seem prejudiced"
Someone doesn't treat you well? "Obviously because they're prejudiced"
and that's sad, because it downplays the suffering of people on your group that are really suffering something
I call this "inflation of victimhood"
Where everyone aims to become a victim, and real victims are overlooked
down here a restaurant got into the news because they received a request for food to not be touched by black people because reasons... it started a rage for days, until a police report found out that the owner was the one sending the message just for the publicity
Imagine my shock
Reminds me of that jewish student who got arrested for spray painting swastikas on the walls of the university dorms
like in The Incredibles, when Syndrome said “With everyone super, no one will be”... "with everyone victim, no one will be."
Hate crimes seem to be high in demand it seems
It's 30 minutes until midnight
And I can't stay up until 6 am again
fucking hell
yep, go have some rest... I have 3 kids around to feed...
and hungry kids are angry kids...
Lucky you
My genes die with me :D
Probably better that way to be honest
some times I miss the office days...
@MechMK1 maybe, maybe not... people change, maybe you will change, maybe you won't... but 20 years ago I never thought I would find anyone willing to have children with me, and now I have 3
Well, I turned 30 this month
Time is kinda running out
Alas, I just got my flag in my HTB box, so I think that's my signal to sleep now
Be well, my friends

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