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Man, the DMZ is falling apart without regulars
I also noticed my threshold for general "niceness" is steadily sinking.
Security is a weird field, becausr people have a weird obsession with edge cases
Someone asks a general question and gets a generally true answer and in like 80% of cases someone will downvote and complain that it didn't talk about a weird edge case that hasn't been relevant since the mid 90s
Whatever, maybe I'm just bitter
@FireQuacker or map em out and avoid them.
16 hours later…
@Frittata Eh, the main problem that I have found is that there is that for most questions there is the "reasonable answer for 99%+ of society" and then the "omgbbq nation state actors may be against you answer for < 1% of society" ... and horses regularly get beaten to death over that 1%.
Like someone will ask "Is it safe to think mean thoughts about how the Israeli government is handling Palestine"

- the 99% correct answer is dude ... put down your tinfoil hat, your fine

- the 1% answer is ... well I once heard second hand that there is a white paper about Mossad agents using an MRI machine to induce mind control ... you should prob buy tinfoil and have a surgeon implant it under your skull-
1 hour later…
obligatory "tinfoil hats can actually amplify the feared signals" hacks.mit.edu/Hacks/by_year/2005/tinfoil_hats
@CaffeineAddiction Because people like long, elaborate and frankly pointless solutions way more than practical solutions
The peak of this was a guy I knew, who was extremely into "survivalism". Had a ton of gear, ham radio, guns over guns, etc...
Extremely elaborate plans for what he would do in case of <insert survival fantasy here>
He died from a heart attack at age 40 because he was also morbidly obese
Dude thought he could survive the end of the world. Couldn't even survive his own metabolism.
@Frittata in security, we call that an "insider threat" :)
snowden in your own body bro.
@cyberghost I call it being an idiot. Like, everybody told him "Dude, you have to lose weight", especially his doctor
@Frittata and i completely second the motion.
I remember going to McDonald's with him once. I got myself a Royal with Tomato Salad. He got himself not one, not two, but three Big Macs, a 20 piece box of chicken nuggets, and 7 of these strawberry vanilla pocket thingies
Like, I was in awe
This dude ate more than a family
hey, at least he had a pretty good time while he was still alive... it is called "comfort food" after all.
@Frittata lol. just realized. is this topic one of the edge cases you talked about in your other post?
The fat guy?

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