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Man, 5 days no talk?
The DMZ is going down the drain without mama raikou's care
people got angry at the mods and stopped attending here daily, so less people here makes dmz less interesting, and dmz less interesting brings less people here... death loop
Why did people get angry at the mods?
Something to do w/ someone getting banned for changing their icon to something that wasnt outwardly offensive, but was offensive to the mods in the know ... I guess?
Oh, that situation escalated that badly?
That's a shame
I thought that people would stop caring after such a long time
You know, it really makes me sad, that this is how the DMZ ended
In my opinion, moderation should exist to resolve conflicts that the community cannot resolve themselves
But in that particular case, there really was no conflict to begin with
As far as I am aware, no one was actually offended themselves. If someone was offended, it was on behalf of someone else
I am not a fan of being offended on behald of someone else. Because it takes agency away from the people, on whose behalf we feel offended
It implies that these people cannot speak for themselves, nor that they can judge for themselves what they should be offended about
But then again, what do I know? I'm just a new user
Also, if you want some fun
Q: Can this scheme be circumvented?

Mama RaikouI am currently developing software, in which players essentially make a "bet". While not exactly congruent to my situation, I will use the example of a randomly shuffled 52 card deck, in which the player is revealed the top card and has to bet whether the next card is higher, lower or identical i...

@MamaRaikou initially "Attempting to calculate the deck solely based on the hash should be infeasible" however, the closer you get to the last card solving for the remaining cards becomes easier (card counting) ... but adding a hash would allow you to solve for both the cards remaining AND potentialy the order.
The deck is thrown away after one attempt
doesnt matter
I should note that
No, it does
You get a freshly shuffled deck
it does for counting cards
You cannot count cards
it does not for order remaining of thoes cards
YOu get a freshly shuffled deck, pick the first card, and only the second card matters
The deck is then discarded
oh, only the first / second card of the deck matter before its reshuffled?
then yah, thats prob fine till possible quant
Even with quantum, I doubt calculating 2^23000 states will be feasible
1 hour later…
I was prompted back here by TidalWave :3
has been too long.
@ThoriumBR Well chat's also too damned hard to find
sigh I really wish I could've been at Securi-Tay this week.

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