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@FireQuacker the schneier article got posted on hacker news and there was a whole conversation in comments about that, so you are certainly not the only one
I don't think anything will come of it.
8 hours later…
@forest Daniel seems to have eventually concluded that it will not scale. Since he seems to be one of the people over at crypto.se who understand the quantum computing aspect well, I assume I can consider his verdict reliable?
9 hours later…
@nobody I'm not a quantum computing expert, but I do trust Daniel's analysis of this. While I don't understand all of his answer, I understand it well enough. The summary is that Schnorr's technique is broken, but a solution to a CVP (Closest Vector Problem) could fix it. Quantum computers can't solve CVP in general, but in theory, they may be able to solve a subset of that problem via QAOA.
However, for quantum computers to solve the subset of this problem requires some work done by classical computers first. It is this classic computation step which is unlikely to scale. As Daniel explains:
> the paper relies on classical computation having found a close-ish vector that has a really close vector within its hypercube neighbourhood and this feels like a big assumption as we scale.
So basically... there are a lot of assumptions, but the paper probably has some merit, at least academically.

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