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Microsoft corrects non-PC language in Word ...
What's wrong with greylist lol
> For the noun graylist (greylist), consider using a replacement such as provisional list.
> gypsy
> Don't use. To refer to the people, use Romani, Roma, or Traveller, as appropriate for the specific group you're referring to. In place of metaphorical uses of the term, use more precise phrases.
You've got to be kidding me. How will this ever be relevant in a programming context lmaooo
@belkarx That's... pathetic.
> The company drew criticism when senior employees at the annual Microsoft Ignite conference in November made a point of announcing each participants' race, gender, pronouns and appearances and acknowledged the indigenous land on which the company was built in Washington State.
> Host and Microsoft senior program manager Allison Weins opened the conference by reeling off a list of Native American tribes who occupied the land now dominated by Microsoft buildings. She went on to state her ethnicity, appearance, clothing and gender before her co-host and other employees followed suit
That seems ... odd
Are we living in a parody world?
I wonder what they aimed to achieve with describing clothing and appearance
@forest More and more every day
I mean ffs, there are real racial issues in the world, but this helps no one.
I agree
Yes I saw that
Absolutely hilarious
"with long blonde hair"
Guess the stereotypes are true /s
People are going PC so fast that even people who were previously for political correctness are waking up.
The speed with which they are converting is not the problem; it's the ridiculous and useless extremity to which the sentiment is being promoted
True, but the real issue is that there are people outside of the executive positions, well-meaning people (even in FOSS), who back it and parrot it, under the maxim that any change that could, in theory, make even a single person feel more welcome is a change we are all absolutely obligated to make.
It stems from the belief that anyone who thinks X is not a good solution for Y must not think Y is a problem.
I don't think removing the word "blacklist" from code will help at all with the problems of racism, but stating that makes some people think that I believe that racism is acceptable or should not be tackled.
3 hours later…
Yeah I've seen that before. It still amazes me.
I'd feel comfortable calling someone by those pronouns. But no way am I calling someone "emacs" :D
Lol. Emacs is quite an interesting concept but once you're used to one set of keybinds there's no going back
Emacs is useful to octopuses, not humans.
It's useful if you have the time to learn and configure it just right. Most people do not have that time.
I think vim has better defaults.
I agree
(but to be honest I haven't messed with emacs very much)
I gotta go put someone to bed, then I'm going out for fun. Gonna be back on tomorrow.
later o/
2 hours later…
17 hours later…
Good info debunking the necessity of wiping hard drives multiple times: web.archive.org/web/20090315092550/http://…
Wow this place is really dead now isn't it.
1 hour later…
The weekends are usually slower because people aren't goofing off at work
Even outside of weekends. Used to be a bit more lively.
Nice article, methods employed are interesting
> Although there is a good chance of recovery for any individual bit from a drive, the chances of recovery of any amount of data from a drive using an electron microscope are negligible.
@forest Also this is kind of concerning from a forensics standpoint. Not even paper is safe (unless it's hand-written I guess)
@belkarx Not all printers place those dots.
@belkarx And when you use transparent full-disk encryption and wipe the master key, the chance that the entire 256 bits (or upward of 4000 bits if using something like LUKS anti-forensic splitter) is negligible.
@forest (me) proceeds to attempt to liven it with a completely off topic question: what type of music do you guys listen to? I'm for metallica and softer/alt rock myself
I like weeb stuff.
Like ... anime theme songs (forgive my ignorance, I'm not in on the weeb scene)? Or arbitrary japanese pop?
J-pop, Vocaloid, Touhou, etc.
Also electronica, chiptunes and, Nasheeds (Islamic vocal music).
(And no I'm not Muslim)
I mean ... Nasheeds seems to be quite unique and not at all unpleasant, I can see why a non-Muslim would enjoy it
No idea what's being said though which may present a problem at some point ...
Depends on the Nasheed. There are some that are made by extremist organizations, and others that are actually targeted at kids telling them how to live a good life and honor their parents.
I mean, it's obviously very Muslim, but they're not all about waging war on the infidels. :P
Cool! Any idea how to differentiate them and seek out the "better" ones?
Better is of course, subjective lol
I actually have no idea. I downloaded a large torrent with some good ones years ago.
I'm sure there are websites that would have information about them.
Alright, I'll look into it
hehe I'll point youtube-dl at one of the 1hr compilations and I'm good :D
I also have to say touhou music is much better than i expected. Very ... energetic
Touhou music is outstanding. The creator of Touhou, ZUN, is just a musician who wrote video game-style music but couldn't get anyone to buy it. So in the 90s, he decided to make some video games for the NEC PC98 (and later, Windows), and people loved it. That's why his music is so good.
Great backstory
"Satori Maiden: 3rd Eye" and "Rural Makai City: Esotaria" are among my favorites.
@belkarx Do you play Touhou?
@forest I do not. I don't really play anything and when I do it's strategy games /shrug
Ah. I play danmakus like Touhou. Or used to. I haven't played in a while.

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