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Anyone attempted: smashthestack.org before?
i need to decrypt a 15 digit number
Any help ?
decryption in terms of logical programming?
no, just decrypt a 15 digit number
sorry no idea from me
myself "0" in that
@hack- if it has been properly encrypted and you do not have the key, then you shouldn't be able to decrypt it. What is it you are trying to do
Q: Should we allow questions about the various hacking wargames and CTFs available on the internet?

Terry ChiaAs far as I can tell there has been no discussion about this on meta, at least from the quick search that I did. If there is already a prior question about this please close it. :) Should we as a site allow questions asking about specific wargames and CTFs available? Many of them have been recom...

2 hours later…
@RoryAlsop hey buddy
hello all
7 hours later…
Grace Hopper
1 hour later…
Uh-oh, this comment thread looks like it might degenerate
Q: Recently i got a self destruct email. Can i know the senders ip address? or any juicy information?

VenIndHow can i know the IP address of the sender who send me a self destruct email? If not IP address... what all information can be extracted? Thanks!

Since there is no such thing as a “self-destruct email”, you'll need to explain what you mean by this phrase. What distinguishes this email from other emails? — Gilles 27 mins ago
@Gilles Let me introduce you to - google.com its a beautiful website, very neat and clean. Type in self destructing email services and woah! so many services available :) — KarmicDice 11 mins ago
@KarmicDice Since there is no such thing as a “self-destruct email” (although there are people prepared to sell you one), what do you mean by “self-destruct email”? What makes you think you've received one? P.S. posting the full text (including headers — especially the headers) of what you have would probably make this question answerable. — Gilles 1 min ago
Long comment threads are FUN
2 hours later…
interesting, new proposal just went to beta - Patents
@AviD not a proposal (it didn't come out of Area 51), but an agreement between SE and USPTO
as I understand this, it's kinda a sub-proposal or offshoot of software law. does have some overlap with some specific issues we've had
@Gilles ah, that makes sense.
very interesting, then
I wonder who they publicized it to. I heard about it in the TL (which wasn't an intended promotion channel).
When I first went to that site, there was exactly 1 question there
I heard a rumor that people who'd subscribed to the software law proposal got an email, but nothing firsthand. I subscribed to the IP law proposal (which was more relevant than software law!) and didn't get anything.
@AndreyBotalov you must have visited on Thursday evening, when the private beta started
@Gilles Yes, I received that email. Nothing special: pastie.org/4692013
I went to the site just after I saw it
@AndreyBotalov thanks for the info. Weird that they didn't send this email to IP law committers!
I even have stunning 36 id
@AndreyBotalov go to Area 51, notice that the proposal is marked as about to launch, navigate to the site and create an account very soon after 20:00 GMT (the usual private beta launch time)
But those low ids are full of SE stuff
mjibson, New York, NY
Are they registered automatically?
@AndreyBotalov no, manually, I'm sure
Usually it's a few of devs, probably to test that the site is correctly created
Is patents still in private beta?
@CodesInChaos sort of. It's the rules of a private beta, but anybody can create an account, you don't need to be invited
There's some new US law about prior art searches starting later this month, and SE is apparently part of that law
I wonder why the software law proposal was deleted
They have crazy about page
@AndreyBotalov yeah, there's already a request to have it everywhere
@CodesInChaos all law proposals have been closed
also, the software law proposal was doomed to failure, because it was pretty much only for non-experts
except patents
which is pretty much a law proposal too
@CodesInChaos that one isn't mainly about law, it's mainly about prior art searches
with a sideline on other patent-related topics, such as patent law
pretty much everything posted so far is law related
@Gilles yes, thats how it got to me.
"I heard a rumor that people who'd subscribed to the software law proposal got an emai" I got one, because of that
@CodesInChaos that explains the many questions that focused on software then
> Because you previously committed to Software Law we thought you might be interested in becoming one of the first participants in Ask Patents, a new site dedicated to patent questions and requests for prior art. The private beta is live as of today.
Not sure if I subscribed to IP law too
But Patents are probably the aspect of IP law I'm least interested in
@Gilles Why don't you suggest to SE that sending an email to IP law committers would be a good a idea
1 hour later…
Q: Why are CSRF tokens necessary?

adlwalrusIt seems that the entire problem could be solved very elegantly by simply adding a new flag to the HTTP cookie specification. Similarly to how cookies flagged Secure will only be submitted by the user agent over secure connections and those which are flagged HttpOnly will be forever inaccessib...

good for Sec.SE?
I flagged it for migration 8h ago
@CodesInChaos the mod who saw the flag handled over 250 flags today. The SO flag queue is almost permanently clogged.
I nkow, 8h is pretty normal
Since i flagged it, I clearly think it belongs here
That's what SE gets for only allowing so few migration destinations
@CodesInChaos It eventually got here.
Hey @AviD - looks like our next ISACA leadership meeting is going to be in Tel Aviv. Early March 2013 - any hints and tips? I had one concern: travel.stackexchange.com/q/9418/1381
Oh, thanks @Gilles
@RoryAlsop I think Israel knows the facts of life and recognizes UAE and other Arab states anyway, so at least they won't refuse you outright. It may put you into some “needs further attention” pile.
The reverse is definitely not true, so if you can get a detachable Israeli stamp

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