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Reminds me of the chad who messed with tinder girls
Dunno that story.
Matching with them, saying "hey", then ignoring them for a week, then saying "hey abby" or so to a girl named Julia
He documented how they reacted
Not as good as bloodninja though.
It was really awful how needy they were
To one girl, he wrote "wanna fuck?" then an address and it's just like a random address on the other side of the city, like a 2 hour drive away
When she asked about the wrong address he just replied "sorry, found someone hotter"
Like...fuck, that's genuinely awful
Oh there's worse out there. Trying to find one thing from ED that I forgot to save...
Of course, there's always worse
Like that dude who just wrote women he wants to rape and kill them and they were like "u can do anything u wnt 2 me 🥰🥰🥰"
haha what
Reminds me of the IT crowd scene "I WILL MURDER YOU" on the dating site.
Apparently this is a trend on tiktok now too
What, rape threats?
Where attractive guys just write things like "haha imagine we go on a date and I just st4b you to death lol"
Yeah, basically
of course, it's always hot guys
Which, by the way, is a marketing strategy of Tiktok
Didn't some girl get murdered because of TikTok or something a year ago?
Like, someone literally got decapitated.
The mods are instructed to soft-hide posts by unattractive people
@forest I'd be surprized if not. I'm sure a ton of people have gotten killed because of some stupid tiktok trend
Why is social media so stupid?
Like drinking two bottles of cough syrup, etc....
@forest Serious question or rhetorical one?
Argh, why can't I find this one ED page? :/
or that one trend where people pointed loaded firearms at their dicks and played with the trigger
I know of at least one instance where a guy was hospitalized because he shot his dick off because of that
As Brandon Harrera says: "Guns are awesome. Idiots are not."
So the reason why social media is so stupid is because people are naturally attracted to extremes. And when supply is high, only the most extreme outliers stand out. You don't care about a tiktok video where a guy does a thing - you care about a tiktok video where a guy does an extreme thing.
But why extreme stupid?
Because extreme stupid is the easiest extreme to reach - one which everyone is capable of
I prefer the channer brand of stupid over the social media brand of stupid.
Sure, you might watch a video of a guy who can immitate the voices of 20 different singers, but you can't do that yourself
And teens are extremely impressionable. They see someone get a couple million views with a video where they chug a bottle of benadryl, and they want to one-up it, chugging two. Of course, what they don't see is the guy throwing up the thing afterwards, and thenn they land in hospital
Here's a vid on that girl's story, by the way
Yeah I read something about that. Girl had a seizure and went into a coma or something.
Presented by a doctor, who explains the biochemistry behind it
My favourite description is "You can be anything you want online, and so many people still choose to be fucking retards."
Does it just bring out the worst in people or is it just a place where the worst people get a voice?
Social media is exceptionally talented at finding "exceptional" people
And there are more exceptionally stupid people than exceptionally talented ones
This is why I like ED:

The sweat... the drooling... the teeth...
The whole posture reminds me of a different ethnic group :^)
I can't think of which one.
Unless it's the obvious one.
It always is
Man, I'll get banned again I can feel it
You got banned here?
Yeah, for 7 days or so once
On chat or the main site?
I forgot which group I offended that time
I think I have the record of most HNQ questions and most site bans on Sec.SE
I only got banned once on the main site, although that was for a year and was for talking back to a mod after the community came to my defense.
oy vey, not submitting to the authority?
On Sec.SE specifically? I've never seen you post anything objectionable outside of chat.
Yeah, but apparently chat bans can also reach main
Usually I'm a good boy on main
It's funny because that's a Wikipedia link but I still have to PGP it because wtf wikipedia.
bruh :D
You know what I love? That this file isn't even linked to any article
The guy who made is uploaded it to wikimedia solely to show the world
Like bruh, that's what pixiv is for
It caused drama in 2012.
What, really?
Under Deletion Requests of the same name.
yeah lemme get it
The signature is the fucking worst :DDDDD
Kyubey you lolicon
meguca is my favorite anime, so I have to agree with that guy just because of his sig.
I love how Alison is the only one with a legit argument like "Why the fuck is this even here? For what reason?"
> The quality is poor because it is created by mouse...
Exposing the real issues.
"Is this cheese pizza? Should we yeet?"
"Eh, maybe. The quality is poor. I find this difficult to jerk off to"
> Instead of driving away new users i welcome KOKUYO and thank him for providing and sharing its content with all of us. You are welcome. -- /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ 苦情処理係 14:44, 28 February 2012 (UTC)
Thank you for your service, KOKUYO.
Kyubey is either in need of having his HDD seized or he is a shitposter par excellence
QB obviously uses FDE.
And he uses really high entropy passwords (geddit??? :D)
Honestly, the wiki folks are quite "sus" as the kids say these days
Wiki has always been like that. That's why they have WP:CHILDPROTECT specifically to hide their true intentions.
It's all an elaborate ruse by Jimbo.
Man, this thread is awful
Wikipedia has worse.
Author "Yes, it's hentai"
Dude: "He says it's hentai, so it's clearly sexual"
Kyubey: "Stop this wordbending, it's clearly not"
I mean I'm all for free speech, but Wikipedia is the last place I'd think of that would do this.
I mean, a booru? Sure.
I think speech has a time and a place
Wikipedia and SE, for example, should try to create quality content
I think speech is fine anywhere, but Wikipedia is a private company.
Whereas a social media platform should be way more open to freedom of speech
So they're allowed to choose what they want on it. And... it appears they have chosen. Correctly or not depends on opinion lol
I don't like the "Private company" argument
@MechMK1 I don't either, but it's the way the law currently works.
I think the intent of the product
I do think that social media should be required to be more open as they're a de facto "town square" now.
And should have no more say in who says what than the company that owns the roads in a town.
But no one will ever change the laws to improve free speech, so it's better not to try, lest section 230 is repealed and things get even worse.
Why would those with the power to arbitrate speech arbitrarily voluntarily relinquish said power?
It's more complex than that I believe.
These companies don't care about what people say on their platforms until people start to boycott them or advertisers drop them.
And the government sees nothing wrong with that and lets that vicious cycle continue.
> @Michaeldsuarez you are very good at telling people what to think and what to do. Maybe you should apply as dictator in some country? I am sure you would do a great job. --Paddy (talk) 15:31, 28 February 2012 (UTC)
You know I fucking would
And my first decree is that machine guns are now fully legal to manufacture, sell, buy, own and use
My countries slogan would be "12 years? I can do at least 13"
I'd be happy to be part of your puppet government, as long as you make free speech an absolute right.
Damn well it is
"You will contribute to the marketplace of ideas. We have ways of making you talk..."
"President, what do you say to the allegations of--" micgrab - "cope, seethe and dilate"
The only thing I'd be somewhat strict about is keeping fucking quiet at night
Wow, a derivative of that drawing is used on a lot of wiki pages.
@forest Really???
Like,I don't mind if a neighbor is a bit loud at 11pm when I'm still awake, but if it's 2am and I'm trying to sleep and he starts playing the fucking among us drip remix, then I'll go berserker
Yeah it's an edit of it that improves color and turns it into a one-piece suit.
"Niabot (recoloring and minor changes)"
"minor changes" :D
"Zeichnerische Darstellung einer leicht peinlich berührten Trägerin eines Sukumizu älteren Typs"
What does Mizugi mean?
or if translated literally "water clothes"
Oh wait, that's Japanese. Duh.
I thought it must have been something in German.
Because of the z, right? :D
Because im dum
Oh yeah, germany announced that posting Z is now a hatecrime
I tried to meme ~ into being a nazi symbol back in 2014
And putin just fucking steals my idea
I even had a good story for a hoax outcry story
About how prisoners in concentration camps had their names erased and replaced with "~", meaning "name unknown", so "~ has been adopted by far-right extremists, implying that the holocaust never happened"
Too bad it never reached critical mass. I'd have been proud as fuck if some lefty mag printed an article about ~ being a hate symbol
"Mama look, I made my own hate symbol!"
The 6 at the end of the filename is concerning :D
I didn't even notice.
Wait wait
This reminds me of this story
how was this guy called, fuck...
Assigned Male!!!
Do you know the drama around him?
My god, even the file names on that Wikipedia list are horrifying.
But okay, making awful webcomics isn't a crime
Oh, I think I know the one you're talking about.
He also makes furry art
Is that the comic with the kid with parents who aren't totally on-board?
I've seen plenty of 4chan edits of it.
Where he used a photo of someone else's baby in a diaper as template for his own diaper fur fetish art
First he said it wasn't a fetish and it was just "cool and cute art"
Oh my god.
Did he get v&?
Later on twitter he admitted it was a fetish, and said he "engages in it responsibly"
And when people rightfully called for his head on a stick, he was like "wow, cool it with the transphobia"
I mean, I support his right to do that, but it's still sick.
Using pictures of someone else's baby as template for fetish art...
It kind of pushes it to be honest
I might just use pictures of him as templates for my R-18G art
I'm a free speech absolutist so I see no problem with it. But I also see no problem with people calling him sick.
I mean yeah, I see your point of view
I still find it disgusting
(what he did, not your free-speech views)
Although technically, I think what he did was illegal, at least in the US.
If I was the father of that child, I'd sue the shit out of him
Using any real underage human to make sexually-explicit material, even if it's as simple as shooping them, is illegal.
using a picture of my baby to create pornography is...
Okay, let me put it this way: Being sued by me is probably one of the preferred outcomes for him.
I still wouldn't care. Free speech is more important than indignity imho.
"i respect your right to free spech. Now face the wall."
Even if someone did that with my kid as long as they didn't actually do anything it'd be fine.
It'd be my fault for posting a pic of her on the internet.
Man, that wikipedia list is pretty fucked
Wikipedia is a dark, dangerous place.
I mean, a picture of a guy's penis isn't even that bad. You could argue that it's for illustrative purposes in sexual education
I'd argue that a picture of someone's genitalita aren't per se "sexual content"
Even if it's sexual content it's fine if it has a purpose.
But on Wikipedia, many of those seem utterly pointless.
It's shit like "My_first_gay_experience_photos.jpg".
Yes "My_brief_porn_experience_(26008226112).jpg"
yeah that one
I mean wtf, how is that educational?
Also the keep reason for that one
> Seems to me that a well know LGBT artist documenting their experience in gay porn is pretty educational
I wonder how much pizza gets put on wikipedia.
And I wonder how much they still have because no one bothered to check.
Like, a lot of these are...................𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚
If I had to guess more than one
And I'm sure someone likely made personal backups of it
Oh my god, Wikipedia has a Category:Yiff.
And it is exactly what it sounds like.
oh no
ffs half of this is worse than ED
The keep reasons
> Keep - Given that we only have one other photo of a penis in a glory hole, I think these should be kept.
Have I been misunderstanding the purpose of Wikipedia all these years? Am I using it wrong?
They're not even trying to make this sound educational
toppest of keks, also, cute
> Keep - no, just because it's a new penis upload does not make it outside our scope.
The german text before was the german caption for that image
What's the German text.
> "Zeichnerische Darstellung einer leicht peinlich berührten Trägerin eines Sukumizu älteren Typs"

"Artistic depiction of slightly embarrassed female wearer of a Sukumizu of the older type"
I don't get it.
It's an extremely convoluted way of describing the image
and the phrase "leicht peinlich berührten Trägerin" is...agh, you'd need to know german to get just how fucking awkward that sounds
It's like describing a picture of a woman in a white dress as "wearer of the female gender of a clothing article"
Valid concern
toppest of keks
We might be crossing the line tbh. I mean I know we're only talking about what's already on Wikipedia, but I think the terminology used might be... too explicit?
It used to be called "tolling of the bells (animated).gif"
Oh. My. God.
Man, we have to shitpost about crypto or such so when Journeyman comes in tomorrow he won't go all "what the fuck is it with these two brainlets?"
I feel it's a bit of a demon core scenario. The closer we get, the worse the outcome for everyone around.
Whatever you've been doing, I've been very careful to avoid explicit language. :D
At least, not without the magic of semiprimes and modular exponentiation.
Even better are psudeo-primes
Ah, the time AI guy was so hilarious
That guy who tricked the author of Cryptography for Dummies that JJ argued with?
"New post-quantum crypto based on AI and music, patented by us and released at a sponsored BH talk."
Yes, that guy
Have you ever heard of the Crystal cipher guy?
"Your DNA is protected by a single encryption algorithm, recogniozed by experts as obsolete"
please, enlighten me :D
Lemme try to find it.
Was posted on I think the IETF mailing list?
Some guy who made his own cipher and thought it was unbreakable.
Argh it's hard to find it.
It reminds me a bit of a fingerprinting scheme, where something is burned through with electricity, and the path the electricity takes is different every time
So it becomes really hard to forge
Used for tamper-evident stuff
I think it was posted on IETF, and the cipher was called Crystal. The guy was trying to have the experts audit his cipher.
It was later than that crazy strong AI dude Mentifex.
But around that same period.
I don't know much about crypto, but I know damn sure that crypto is hard and that I am not qualified enough to speak about it in anything but broad strokes
Compared to some of these people, you're Bernstein himself.
I just Socrates'd myself
I think one of the best ancient wisdoms is genuinely "Know thyself"
I can't find the Crystal guy (I'll link it later after asking in The Side Channel or something), but right now I'm just loving the trip down memory lane: nothingisreal.com/mentifex_faq.html
>obfuscatory technobabble
aka nerdy Hegel
> To further confuse matters, Murray also has a tendency to rename his theory frequently; it’s variously referred to as the Concept-Fiber Theory of Mind, the Fiber-Concept Theory of Mind, the AI4U Theory of Mind, the Mentifex Theory of Mind, the Standard Model of the Mind, Project Mentifex, the First Detailed Theory of Mind, and the Grand Unified Theory of Mind.
>AI4U Theory of Mind
AI4U sounds like a service in a dystopian cyberpunk world where you can order cyborg whores
AI4U, only at Toys R Us.
You know, I watched some of Robert Miles' videos on AI safety
AI safety is widely misunderstood. I don't know those videos, but I'd caution you to take anything on AI safety with a grain of salt.
And it made me feel like "Yes, now I understand some of the rough underlying concepts of the field of AI safety" and not like "Yes, now I know all there is to know about AI safety"
The real issue is with perverse instantiation, nothing else. Nothing about wanting to disobey its masters.
I mean, the rough idea is "AI tends to find solutions we don't want it to find"
That's pretty much it. There's a great list of examples... let me find it, they're awesome.
Or rather "AI tends to find solutions which we didn't mean to be "solutions"
Such as a cleaning robot driving into a corner, so it "doesn't see any dust"
Yeah. But people misunderstand it and think it means paperclip maximizer.
Which is just total nonsense. Any AI capable enough of taking over the world would hack itself first to rewire its reward function and get really high.
I think the idea of the paperclip maximizer just exists to illustrate how AI might do undesirable things
But it misses the point and gives people the wrong ideas.
Or he illustrates a concept how an AI may seem compliant during testing, but stops acting compliant outside testing, if there is only a small distributional shift
@forest You can't prevent people from having wrong ideas in a 10 minute youtube video
And very few people would actually watch a 2 hour long "introductory course"
I've long since recognized that a lot of people...are just not very smart
And explaining a topic as complicated as AI safety will just not work
Real perverse instantiation: Incorrectly labeling black people as apes and causing an outcry.
Fake perverse instantiation: Doctor Who-style happy bots killing people who frown.
Or "Abuse a glitch in a game to get your score really high instead of driving the course as intended"
@MechMK1 There was one example where an AI was trying to learn how to land an airplane. It ended up exploiting a bug in the physics program where a high-speed nosedive into the ground at max power causes the integer storing damage to overflow, causing the virtual airplane to survive.
Yes :D
I remember that
Another one was being taught to use a robot arm to pick up a ball and place it in the middle of a table. Because the reward function was the inverse of the distance of the ball to the center of the table, it ended up learning to rip the table out of the ground and tip it over.
And that's one of the topics he spoke about in his video. "We cannot accurately simulate the real world, so the AI may pick up simulation artefacts"
I think my favourite was an AI learning to play Mario Kart
And in one track, there was a jump, for which you just had to drive straight
But the AI sometimes failed the jump (which would give it negative reward), so it just drove up to the jump and then stood there
Or a tetris AI pausing the game before it would get a game over, so it would not get punished for the game over
Yeah those are from the same document I'm thinking of. Can't find it.
One of the core concepts Miles discusses in his videos is that AI has a tendency to do things we might not want it to do, because we didn't state our goal clearly enough
Sounds like it's a good video series then.
It's the same with training animals. You might train your dog to sit when you say so and you give it a treat, but you're actually training your dog to be annoying and run around so you have to tell them to sit more.
One of the examples he uses was "Imagine you had a robot and you told it to get you a cup of coffee. On the way there, he breaks your vase, then returns with a cup of coffee. The robot AI would be convinced it did a good job, but you're likely very dissatisfied with its performance. The reason is because the vase exists outside the AI's reward function. It doesn't know you care about the vase, because you never told it that you do."
I don't like the description of AI as agents. I mean sure, they can be, but a better description is of a really, really fancy curve fitting algorithm.
It's one way to think and reason about AIs. As with many things "This is not the only way to think about this - just one of many useful ways"
My personal issue with AIs is not that they'll go rogue, but that they'll be used for war and surveillance.
More than they already are, that is.
Yeah, he touches on that as well
There are "accidents" and "misuses", both short term and long term
long-term misuse would be AI-based surveilance and dictatorship, long-term accidents would be...pretty shit too
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