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Ugh, I fucking hate Android. Why is it so hard to find a decent android phone?
The Pixel 3a was released in May 2019 and discontinued in June 2020. That's...a fucking joke!
Back then, I paid 300€ for it. Now, a Pixel 6, the "cheaper" one compared to the Pixel 6 Pro, costs 700€.
That's more than DOUBLE the price!!
And for what? It has no headphone jack and people complain that the battery lasts for less than a day
@MechMK1 heh, I have been debating switching back to my last phone
@MechMK1 Well if they're the same person...
@JourneymanGeek I just hate all smartphones at this point
@MechMK1 tbh, that is a valid point of view
No like, iPhones are an overprized mess, plus they don't run FGO, which is like 50% the reason why I use a smartphone in the first place
Google's own Pixel lineup is overprized now as well, and with shitty battery life - in 2022
I could get a no-name Android phone and oops, no more support after 1 year
Can I install some custom rom? Nope, no support for that specific model
@MechMK1 oneplus rapidly started sucking with android 12
My next phone might be a nokia :D
I was looking at a nokia
Aim Down Sights?
on the lock screen
oh fuck
burn it to the ground
You know what I want?
A simple, minimalist OS
I want "just" a smartphone
@MechMK1 if not for software support...
I kinda would be tempted by the pinephone and its updates
No "Hey we analyzed your phone usage patterns and determined that right now would be a good time to install candy crush"
All I want is to run FGO...
I also hate that all modern phones are so fucking elongated
The Nexus 5 had a comfortable size and display ratio with 16:9 on a 5" screen
That fit my hand nicely
The Pixel 3a has a display ratio of 37∶18
WHAT THE FUCK IS 37:18?????????
took a little blue pill?
My next smartphone has a display ratio of 3*π / 2*e
Which, coincidentally, would be better than 37:18
And it pisses me off, because there is NO use for this.
I am genuinely certain that Google did this solely so they could demonstrate that android supported arbitrary display ratios
My Nexus 5 committed suicide back when I was in university, with the battery simply dying. I charged it all night, and an hour later - having done nothing on the phone at all, it was on 20%
Back in the day I could have simply swapped battery, but no! Not anymore. Now batteries are soldered into place for my convenience
And even if I did keep it alive, the Nexus 5 stopped receiving software updates years ago
I believe that we replaced planned obsolescence with "scheduled obsolescence"
oh, I feel ya
Where manufacturers can basically tell you "2 years after you bought your phone, it will not work anymore"
My PCs do up to a decade. My phones do 3
and everything is on your phone
Yeah, and with a PC, if something stops working, you can usually replace that component and that's it
The only part where that's not the case is the CPU and motherboard, which usually need to be swapped together
I hate smartphones so much
I hate them so endlessly
With a burning passion
By comparison, Windows 7 was released 2009 and Mainstream Support ended 2015. That is 6 years, and extended support until 2020, which is 11 years in total
The company known for being a bunch of greedy ducks
I wanted to write another word, but I think ducks is fine for now
MS dosen't sell hardware :D
Correct :D
Well they do, but not much
The Xbox 360 lasted 11 years as well
2005 - 2016
And genuinely, if there was "Android Extended Support", meaning that i could keep my old phone for 7 years instead of 2, I'd pay for it
My old PC went from 8-11
the only issue is something is too loud
My "old" PC went from 2017 until 2021, but some of its components live in the new one. The previous one I bought in 2014 and sold to my friend in 2017, who still has it to this day
@MechMK1 2012 to... 2019
The only reason my old PC was "upgraded" was because I was having weird motherboard issues
And with a new motherboard I had to use a new CPU too
I wanted new shiny
If the job I'm interviewing at now works out, maybe I can afford a new one after I move out ;)
Good luck then
I dream of 5" or 5.5" smartphones, so they can comfortably fit in a pocket while sitting down or biking, and so they can be used by one hand.
However: gsmarena.com/… (And the Oppo one is a foldable one that's very thick, it's passing through search filters when it shouldn't)
@JourneymanGeek What sort of ads? Do you mean notifications from built-in apps?
"new Samsung Galaxy 22 is out! Buy it now!"
@A.Hersean foldable phones are a BAD idea
Haven't seen that on my s9
I think I disabled or uninstalled most of the default Samsung apps, though
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, they are still of prototypes quality.
2 hours later…
@MechMK1 I have a no-name Chinese phone with a 8540 mAh battery that lasts for 3 days, it can be used as a hammer if you need one... Blackview bv6600
isn't the most beautiful phone ever, it's heavy, it's not the fastest one, the camera isn't amazing, but the battery lasts half a week, when it's 20% I am pretty comfortable leaving home for 4h and I know it won't die on the way, I don't care if my kids drop it twice every minute, and I don't mind getting soaked by rain if I am taking a walk and it rains
so it have the 2 things I find essential: battery life and toughness
and it's cheap, it's like 190 USD or something
it's like a galaxy from 2-3 generations ago, but fits my needs
I didn't looked on the custom rom scene for it yet... brb...
nope, no custom roms for it yet...
7 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek Never seen that on my dad's s21 and he never complained about anything similar either. Plus, Samsung claims they don't put ads on the lock screen.
@nobody seen it on my office phone
"Samsung does not put advertisements on your home or lock screen. Advertisements on your home or lock screen will be caused by an app. You will need to disable or uninstall the app to get rid of the adverts."

Who do you think writes the apps :D
Hmmm... Maybe my dad disabled all the samsung apps.

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