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@MechMK1 whoa, i cannot bring myself to believe there are only 15.
Is there some sort of filter in place?
@ThoriumBR I prefer exploding coffin bombs
more style
@ThoriumBR I do think they make metal coffins
10 hours later…
@nobody Only 15 repositories. About 1k commits and 215k code results :D
I assume that even if you wanted to prevent people from "being racist" on GitHub, there'd be legitimate reasons why you'd include such words in your source code (e.g. a profanity filter)
a profanity filter makes sense
I'm not racist, I'm just unpropitiously disposed towards people of darker skin tones.
(That's false, by the way)
There's always a way around.
Of course there is, and I'm not advocating that GitHub should be a bastion of freedom of speech, where anything goes
Just that there are good reasons why someone may have "potentially offensive language" in their source code
Yeah, my point was mostly to make a joke.
Ah sorry, i couldn't tell
Most people I talk to say the same thing unironically :D
No profound statement or reflexion there.
I keep forgetting the DMZ is a normie place
God, everything is going downhill right now
OSWE is freaking me out
Have you looked around? :D
Covid, climate change... we're all d00med
Okay, maybe not normie normie
Man, all I care about is getting OSWE so I can stop thinking I'm going to lose my job
"normie" is such a strong word
It reminds me of this comic
@A.Hersean Would you like me to refer to them as "people with cringe disposition"?
I think a friend of me refered to me as square.
I assure you I am quite round
Because you weren't there that one time
Basically this
Ever since I began learning for my OSWE back in august, I felt like I was going to fuck it up
@MechMK1 no, you won't
Oh, I will, because I haven't even finished the learning material, and I haven't taken OSCP either, I have no idea what I am supposed to do and the laptop I am supposed to take the exam on hasn't arrived either
So I will likely buy a webcam and an SSD later, install Linux on there to take it on my gaming PC
the laptop not arriving is not your fault... and it's a blessing in disguise, as you have more time to prep up
Nope - if it's not here tomorrow, I wasted my attempt
And have to buy another one, which isn't that bad...but anyways
Already had a panic attack earlier today, which is an extremely rare occurrence (last one was before my bachelor exam a couple of years ago)
Man I am freaking out
CEH was a birthday party compared to that
Why not a VM ?
or is it something stupid like "IT MUST BE A PHYSICAL MACHINE?"
the proctoring software must be installed on the host
If they detect it's installed in a VM you fail immediately
(also am I the only person who has a spare machine or 2 " in case" ?)
And given that it's basically spyware, I'll just install it all on a spare SSD, detach other physical drives from my machine and basically limit the spyware to that SSD
Which I can just cleanly wipe afterwards
I could use my old server SSD for that
Probably yes but just checking
256 GB should be plenty for ubuntu desktop with VMware running on it
so you are covered...
It's just for a day after all
Well, I still need a webcam
should be enough even for windows
And I can't leave the house in case the laptop comes
I'll call my mom and ask her to buy one for me
AH! You are panicing productively.
can't you call a shop around you and ask them to bring you one if you buy?
@MechMK1 stupid idea? If you have a DSLR lying around... most of the newer ones now can act as a webcam with newer firmware and the right app....
Unfortunately not
Just called my mom
She said she'd bring me one
So, I will install ubuntu on my SSD now. Wish me luck, I will need it
I wish I was religious because right now would be an amazing time to pray
You need luck to install ubuntu? I think you'll manage.
Good luck for your certification though.
if Meck is worried about installing Ubuntu, he is in the wrong field... I believe my 8 yo can install ubuntu without supervision...
not veryone has the same skillsets
I find installing ubuntu easier than installing windows this days
it's basically choosing your language, accepting something, and hitting install
assuming all the drivers work
Windows 10 requires trickery to install without setting up a MS account or security questions
I still have systems that should be old enough to have good support, then I need to nomodeset the damned thing
@FireQuacker eh, Pro version or no network seems to do the trick
No network is the trick I use
@FireQuacker Really? Worked like a charm for me
Just selected local account and done
I remember Windows 8.1 did that, and early builds of Windows 10 as well
I haven't seem a driver issue in linux in a while...
@ThoriumBR No no, I'm not worried about installing Ubuntu
I did that a couple of days ago
I install Ubuntu a couple of times a year :D
@MechMK1 Hm! Maybe it's changed. I haven't installed it in a while.
2 hours later…
@MechMK1 so 1x is too many ... but all things considered 15 projects over all of github isnt terrible. I am guessing if you looked for sexist comments you would find more of those than racist comments simply based on githubs userbase
1 hour later…
@ThoriumBR Exactly what sort of children do you have? When I was 8, I didn’t even know there was such a thing as the OS.
when I was 8, I didn't even knew what a computer was
it's because I work with computers all the time and there's more computers than people here
so they get exposed to computers all the time, and they see me working, so they figure out things easily
I don't think I ever saw a computer before I was 14
and I used one for the first time at 17
Well, I did have a computer at home since I was born, but I guess I just considered them fancy toys for playing games
and bought one at 18, it was an 486 DX4-100 with 256 color display and no sound, when everyone else had at least a Pentium with sound, CD, and at least 64k color display
my first cd drive was funny... a friend upgraded her computer and had an 8x cd drive and she gave me that drive. I needed the drives for the cd drive, and she got them to me, on a CD... so I had to install the drivers to be able to install the drivers...
3 hours later…
yah, pretty sure this guy failed the test
don't kill -9...
kill -9 is ugly
and why sudo kill? I believe he failed too...
@ThoriumBR he was grepping for the process he ctrl+c-ed out of ... and then attempting to kill the grep process when it found its own pid
a trick I always use is ps xua | grep [p]rocessname
so it won't find grep in the list

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