@FireQuacker Much simpler. My external IP changed. For some reason I had hardcoded my domain on my host to be my intenal IP, but apparently TeamSpeak ignores the hosts file
So when I told nmap to scan "mechmk1.me:9987", it told me "Yup, looks open", but when I told teamspeak to open "mechmk1.me:9987", it told me "Can't connect"
I figured that out after looking at the TS3 client log on debug settings and realizing that mechmk1.me and my current IP were different
In a web app I am currently developing there is a switch where you can change between Cringe Mode and Based Mode. In cringe mode, you get error messages like "Insufficient permission to perform this action.". In based mode, you get error messages like "You're a cheeky cunt, aren't you? Now fuck off, ____" and then some slur picked from a list at random