that model makes little sense for iot. iot won't stream lots of data, so a cheap 4g dongle with a data simcard covers almost every single case. Remote areas without cell coverage don't have many customers for them either.
it would be good for areas with a lot of foot traffic and no free or cheap wifi, otherwise people will just use the free wifi available. with almost every mall having some kind of free-ish wifi, that reduces the market for them
so I don't think this project is financially viable, and that reason alone is enough for me to bet against them
they may entice enough people with the promise of making money on connectivity, but they will make money on bitcoin, pay a fraction to the user. And the user will pay more on power than receive on BTC
and the ROI on those boxes will surely be more than an year, so there's a lot of upfront costs that will hopefully pay themselves in 2 years or more.
what I mean is: if you are parsing public data and that data isn't yours, so the owner of the data is in trouble... if you parse that data and the data is yours, you were already in trouble before parsing the data
if we parse the data..even if it isn't ours would have not become processes of that data at that point anyway? "processor’ means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller."
The one thing I hate the most about PHP is type juggling
No other "mainstream" language gives you two strings, lets you compare then, and then compares them AS NUMBERS
Ask any language if the string "0xAAAA" is equal to the string "43690" and it will say no, they differ in length, or no, the first character is different.
so who would be the owner? Linkedin lost a lot of data, this has been dumped. Linkedin is the controller. Say I collect the data as part of threat intel gathering. Do I become the controller, or am I now effectively in possession of stolen goods?
if you use date() on PHP without setting the timezone you get a warning that this is deprecated and will not work in a next version... I get this error since always and it still works.
mark something to deprecate, and DEPRECATE them on the next 2 versions
PHP is a very weird language... some functions are copy-paste of C (fopen, fwrite, fsock_open), others look like Java, others look like functions someone wrote to type less code (filegetcontents, fileputcontents)...
you can mix procedural programming with objects... it's a mess
yeah, and that creates all sorts of inconveniences: getUserPassword->then(connectToDatabase->then(retrievePassword->then(comparePassword->then(userLoggedIn))))
those mandatory "security training" are a joke... the correct way to finish your work day is "shutdown the computer so it can receive security updates" yeah, sure... a shutdown computer can keep working.
I have to check the "use complex capitals-symbols-numbers password" and "never write passwords anywhere" to pass
I only memorize the unlock password for my HDD, the master password for the password manager, and my login password because I cannot easily open the password manager before login
I could bypass that, but it's faster to memorize a new password every 3 months
kids complaining on reddit against someone that managed to kill Defender while leaving Defender running, but you need SYSTEM for that... people forget that getting access is only half the job, maintaining access is the other half
I'm a sysadmin managing several dozen large systems with different passwords on each one
security training done. 94% because I don't agree that Strpny3# is a good password. it's too short, it's difficult to remember, low entropy. it was a good password 20 years ago, when MD5 hashing was a thing
My question is, how can i completely restrict Steam's processes and modules to only have access to what they suppose to, and not be able to do anything malicious, for example running bin/sh or accessing files that it shouldn't?
Basically, even if steam has a zero day exploit and an attacker can g...
> I can easily do this in windows by writing a driver and restricting steam's process and its drivers(obviously 1% of attacks will still go through because of its driver, but i can block 99%), how can i achieve it in Linux?