
I believe it's pretty self-evident that technology is rather generic at best. The tag currently has four questions, none of them pretty good. Let's have a look at the four burnination questions:
1. Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? and is it unambiguous?
No, i...
@JourneymanGeek At least in Tarkov I had good runs
Also I had the fucking weirdest run yesterday on Woods. I was in the sunken village, heading west. I was just exiting the last building looking for food, when I saw a guy approaching the village, wearing a Kolpak. he was looking south, and when I started shooing at him with my shotgun, he just...didn't move
He just took it like an absolute Chad and died. What a hero.
I looted him, then headed more east, to the Scav Bridge. I was hugging the river, when suddenly, I heard someone shooting at me from what I thought to be the river side (which should have been outside the map, but who knows, maybe a Scav Sniper)
Suddenly, two dudes popped up from the tall grass, both wearing a Kolpak. I thought "oh fuck, I'm dead" when one of them just BOLTS OFF LIKE HIS LIFE DEPENDED ON IT
And the other just...looks at me. So I took my shotgun and shot him in the face
I just took his dogtag, but I was scared his buddy would come back, so I just left him there and headed south to the small camp (the one east of the Scav Bunker extract, with the food)
I took a snack in the hut there, ran west to the scav bunker and YET ANOTHER GUY with a Kolpak is there. I shoot him in the head, loot him and now I'm really weirded out
Like, why the fuck is everyone wearing a Kolpak. Why is nobody shooting at me? What the fuck is going on?!
I just straight up hugged the western rim, past the USEC Camp, all the way down to the scav house and exfiltrated
I swear the Kolpak incident was so weird. I can't wear that helmet anymore