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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

w00t, up to 5th/18th on the year/all rankings ;)
anyh00, hometime! :D
Jesus. You guys need to quiet down.
Anyone else want to support me on this one?
Q: Add "To-Do" flag on Q&A posts, and "To-Do" list on review page

IsziOften times I find I'm browsing through questions and answers, and I find a post that could use a bit of work but I don't immediately have the time to devote to correcting it. It's not something that really needs to be flagged for moderator attention - usually just some sort of formatting cleanu...

I've been doing that with favou?rites, but then keep forgetting to go back and check my favou?rites.
Kevin Montrose on August 21, 2012

Over the last 4 years we’ve built up quite a bevy of moderation tools here at Stack Exchange.  We’ve got closing, editing, deleting, flags of all sorts, voting, commenting, review queues, and more.

Plus our super secret mod tools.

These all work great, but all of them require action after a post is made.  In a perfect world, we’d catch every post that ends up closed and deleted or voted down to a negative score before they ever showed up on the site.  Less work for the community, less work for the moderators, and more consistent help for those unfortunate bad under-educated posters. …

Andrew Smith is back
And you're gonna be in trouble. Hey-yay, hey-yay Drew Smith is back!
Oh god no.
@Polynomial What? Another Rory?
Andrew Smith is back.
So far he's posted one very short, slightly pointless question as a comment, and one pretty poor answer. Nothing crazy or paranoid, but not a great start.
So we already have a fair number more people voting in this election than last.
I would hazard a guess that the two biggest voting times will be immediately when it opened, and immediately after the THC, but we're already at about 50% more involvement than last year.
@ScottPack Eh? I thought those numbers were invisible until the end?
@Iszi Funny story about that. The job that awards the Constituent badge runs every 5 minutes.
We had 54 voters last year.
Ah. So you can get numbers on how many have voted, and see who has voted, but not see the actual votes. This is all provided, of course, that participants don't already have the badge. So, your numbers for this year are probably a bit conservative.
That's a neg. We've only had a single voting cycle.
Unless, that is, you have a slick means of searching for badges awarded after a certain date.
@ScottPack Beg pardon? This is our second election.
54 people voted last year. There are currently 144 users with that badge, therefore 144-54 is the number who have voted this year.
@Iszi Which is still happening.
@ScottPack Presuming that none of the 144 also voted last year, yes.
They'll show up twice.
Once for last year, and once for this year.
@ScottPack Um... no?
Oh, I see how the view is.
Well, that's cool.
So we're up to 90 voters in this election.
@ScottPack it's not him - it's all those churches claiming to speak for him
@RoryAlsop Too shay.
I'm feeling like an idiot here. Can someone explain to me why this works: tcpdump -nn -r ringbuffer.1345575972 | grep
But this does not: tcpdump -nn -r ringbuffer.1345575972 ip host
I don't have a *nix machine up to be able to man tcpdump for you just now, sorry.
My non-working statement is syntactically correct, as near as I can tell, based on every version of the man page I've checked.
Sure you're not missing a dash or something somewhere?
To print all packets arriving at or departing from sundown:
tcpdump host sundown
Well, that failed
Wait... aren't most man pages online?
Though not necessarily the man page for the version that you're running.
Looks to me like you've got too many args after -r?
Either way, that is, by the docs, a syntactically correct expression.
Oh, wait. The rest of that is your [expression]
Well, crap. Now I need to find the PCAP filter man.
@Iszi quote the string
... nevermind
@JeffFerland Thought that was right for a second after you said it, too. That's ok.
What's -nn? I don't see it in the man.
Don't resolve either IPs or ports
One n says don't resolve names, and the second does ports.
Okay, so you want to do a tcpdump without resolving IPs or Ports, output to ringbuffer.1345575972 and filter it to only IP packets to/from
Well, reading from and existing pcap file.
Ah, right. I thought it seemed weird to use "r" to specify output.
-r for read. You use -wto write to a file.
Well, the only difference I see between your straight tcpdump command and your grep filter is that grep doesn't limit you to IP packets?
Strictly speaking, the ip could or could not be in there and I get the same results.
That's what I thought, too. I'm guessing you've tried it?
Now I'm trying a hex wise filter against those byte offsets in the ip header.
So, you just threw that in as a red herring is that it? Asshole.
When you pass an IP address 'host' and 'ip host' are functionally equivalent.
That's what you think. But, tools can be... well, tools, with regards to such things.
Hey @nealmcb
@Iszi :)
Hey @Neal!
Hehe. I'm in an online training class right now, and the instructor just turned up Stack Overflow while trying to show us what kind of info is available on the Internet about the subject.
I'm doing an online training that's being given by a Brazilian who looks full on Irish and sounds like he's from Minnesota.
Vlans baby.
@ScottPack What's that got to do with anything?
libpcap is doing something stupid with the filters on tagged packets.
So, what's that got to do with... Oh! Hrm. Cute.
I have explicitly add the vlan id to my filter.
That is, tcpdump -nn -r ringbuffer.1345575972 vlan 100 and host
Right. 'Cause otherwise you could totally end up finding packets from a on another VLAN, I guess.
This appears to be behavior introduced in newer versions of libpcap, for some definition of newer.
That is, I found it about 10 pages into a bug report for debian from 2005.
@ScottPack Do you think this question could be more useful if we turned it into a general "looking for benchmarking tools" query?
Q: Computing RSA 1024-bit Decryption Performance

marioI want to be able to tell how many keys per second, using RSA 1024-bit keys, can be checked on a standard Pentium 4 system. How can I use this to determine decryption performance, and possibly remaining time?

Argh. This instructor doesn't know the difference between GB, GiB, and Gb and it's giving me a headache.
When I'm asking for clarification of whether a command deals in GB or GiB, he thinks I'm asking "Gigabytes or Gigabits".
@ScottPack Howdy! And thanks for the election turnout numbers. It's pretty standard to provide turnout info before the close of polls. The risk though is that someone could contact user friends who haven't voted yet and "get the vote out". That is of course traditional also, but perhaps not conducive to the most unbiased outcome.
Evening all
The human side of security: understand when you need rules and when you don't
Computers need to be driven by extremely precise rules, because they do exactly what you told them to do
Humans work differently
@RoryAlsop Good $time
what's the file extension for powershell scripts (I assume that's how Windows recognizes them)?
@nealmcb The biggest difference here is that we can see who voted, not just demographic figures of how many from where.
@Gilles Probably ps
@Gilles Just found ps1 according to the Googles.
@ScottPack You can almost always see, day by day, or via pollwatchers on election day, who has voted in government elections in the US also - that is how they figure out who to call to get them to the polls at the last minute
@nealmcb Ah, good to know. I'm not sure I've ever seen that data before.
@ScottPack wikipedia says .ps1
@Gilles So wikipedia and google are in agreement. Must be correct, then.
To be fair, now that I actually look at my source instead of just the display context, my Google result came from a Technet article. I would consider them to be reasonably authoritative on Microsoft matters.
@ScottPack yeah, and the DMZ was slower than googling. tssk
No worries, I won't hold that against you.
Oy. Past quittin'. Have a lovely evening gentlemen.
@ScottPack in France, the records of who voted is public (in principle, only to voters in the same geographical area), but it would be impractical to consult them while the polls are ongoing since they're on paper
Also @Iszi.
@ScottPack what about me?
@Gilles Are you not a landowning male? If so my apologies for my unintentionally sexist remarks.
@ScottPack oh, that meaning of gentleman
does an appartment count?
I'll have to have my people check that.
Right then. Ta.
happy $timeofday
@Gilles sharecropper
@ScottPack Eh, what?
Oh, that.
In other news: A fringe benefit of working near the coast while living (relatively) inland is the prospect of having days off for hurricanes that aren't really going to affect you personally all that much.
Ouch. I knew I never should have opened myself up for a morning slot when picking my schedule for the THC. 0800 U.S. Eastern on Thursday.
I put thst down as an "if necessary" knowing that we had someone on like UTC+10 or whatevrr.
@ScottPack Yeah, I think that's how I put it too.
Feel bad for Mr. UTC-8 over there.
I guess our majority of two just wasn't enough.
I don't normally get much work done that hour anyway, what with coffee and email.
Actually, we have quite a lot of UTC -5 (-4 this time of year, aren't we?) in the pool this time.
@ScottPack @bethlakshmi @JeffFerland and I make 4.
Jeff is in California now.
@JeffFerland You need to update your profile.
I expect him to be at just best at 5am. Just saying.
@Iszi Bam. I have moved!
... 5am? Aww fuck
I felt a great disturbance in the force when you crossed that river.
@ScottPack I was moving pretty fast.
Check your email?
Not very much lately. Only with my phone. I don't get Internet at home until the 30th or I crack some neighbor's WEP key.
So I never did around to replying...
@JeffFerland Ahhh... That's how this happened. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!
@Iszi is that 12:00 UTC?
@Gilles Ayup
nice, I'll be able to attend
Guess it's a good week for me to be in training. Normally, I wouldn't be able to make that kind of a date.
Just so everybody's clear, if I'm there I'm naked.
@JeffFerland Dude, it's not a video conference. We did not need to know that.
@Iszi Well how else were you going to find out?
@JeffFerland Who says we wanted to?
Just saying... 5am... mean....
Of course, not putting that on my profile probably didn't help me any
@JeffFerland And not responding to the e-mail...
Hey man, I just got a place to live 4 days ago.
I don't even have a trash can yet.
@JeffFerland A moderator can't afford to let little things like moving getting in the way of their service. ;-)
<campaign> and that's how dedicated I am to this site, by the way... still here, checking /review, commenting, answering questions, and being in chat.... and I don't even own a damn trashcan</campaign>
I would be disappointed if you weren't nekked, @Jeff.
@JeffFerland Good enough recovery, I guess.
I was reviewing during a staff meeting this morning.
There. It's not great, but I was pretty much just pulling off some random wallpaper and tweaking it with Paint.
@Iszi backtrack?
@JeffFerland Yup
@Iszi Trademark violation?
I wonder if they should pay for the ad....
@JeffFerland Hrm, is that trademarked?
It's going to have a license of some kind.
Think I should just nuke my post and e-mail the BT devs for their contribution?
@Iszi Oh, your link actually points to their site... got it.
@JeffFerland Mouseover text is their slogan also.
It would at least be good form to ask.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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