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@Polynomial awesome!
she makes loads of Alien plushies and stuff, it rocks :P
my bass player has a boba fett, a hellboy on a pile of skulls (from the original comic), the Imperial logo etc - vast amounts of tatts
@Polynomial that's awesome
I'm gonna go sleep now. anticipates chat being flooded with tattoo talk when i wake up
@TerryChia night
I got the V for Vendetta mask tattoo'ed behind my ear for a bet / celebration.
Sweet dreams, @Terry!
basically I said to someone that if they donated £10 or more to the EFF in opposition of ACTA, and if ACTA was defeated, I'd get the tattoo.
ACTA got pwned, he donated a tenner, so I got the tat.
@Polynomial You gonna do anything for the Tesla Museum?
Oooh, not seen that one yet.
I assume you mean this? indiegogo.com/teslamuseum?c=home
Might get a few people to sponsor me to get a portrait of his face or something ridiculous. £500 for charity and I'll get the tattoo.
not sure where I'd get it done though. Don't really want it anywhere visible.
You should tattoo a picture of Tesla's face over top of your own face.
Or tattoo a picture of your face over your face, but about an inch to the left
That'd be rather postmodern. Or something.
I'd look like a Picaso.
So's your face
(@Scott - is that how you use that phrase?)
So's your face.
Ninja edit
I think chat should show us on the doll where the mod touched it.
It's always appropriate.
@Polynomial - Kerry King:
heh heh
What in the name of all that's unholy is that?
@Polynomial That's how @RoryAlsop learned to play guitar back in his day.
@Iszi I think they were still called lutes.
@Iszi It's how I learned to use a grammaphone back in my day.
@ScottPack It's an Oud!
@Polynomial Tentacles and everything?
The Ood are a fictional alien species with telepathic abilities from the long-running science fiction series Doctor Who. In the series' narrative, they live in the distant future (circa 42nd century). Whilst the Ood initially appear as a slave race who become hostile, over the course of the stories they are shown to be a naturally peaceful race, and by The End of Time have progressed to becoming an advanced civilization which the Doctor thinks is impossible to have happened in the time span that it did (100 years from the end of their enslavement). Physical characteristics The Ood are ...
My first amp was one of these:
Ah, ood
Is this an Oud? Ooooouuuud.
@RoryAlsop There's one of those at my local hackspace.
I modded it to take my guitar input as a separate in, and mixed the audio with the record player (which could play 78s, 45s, 33s and 16s) or the radio
was such a lovely rich sound when overdriven
Though that one plays MP3s and stuff.
my one picked up Radio Luxembourg, and had a magic eye for tuning :-)
Yours probably picked up the cosmic background radiation back when it was in the FM band.
@Polynomial heh - I do remember one sound being incredibly like an early flanging effect that the San Francisco Space Orchestra used. Unfortunately my tape of theirs that I had finally died about 15 years ago, and I can't find anything of theirs online
This looks a bit discussion-y to me
Q: Why do some large companies still store passwords in plain text/decrypt-able format?

Thomas ClaysonIn the last couple of weeks I've come across two fairly large companies who seem to not have stringent password security: Tesco - they store passwords in an "encrypted" format, yet they can decrypt the password and then email it to you when you click "I've forgotten my password" Plusnet - they ...

Yeah, it's a loaded question.
I flagged anyway.
now, as per comments regarding mod speed... I'll try not to be too premature here :-)
ok, enough time's passed.
gone gone gone
@ScottPack I read that in Elzar's voice.
Perhaps I should've read it in Zapp Brannigan's voice
So you're thinking I'm more Zapp and less Elzar?
I'm of two minds on that.
You should give one of those minds to Zapp. Clearly he's missing his.
How secure are weather balloons?
I suppose it depends on how they're mounted.
Also the local wind conditions.
@TRiG Excellent
Here comes the vote... security.stackexchange.com/election :)
@Polynomial congratulations!!
w00t. just passed 15k.
@JeffFerland, thanks for letting me break that milestone first.
well, fourth. but I mean amongst us normal humans.
@JeffFerland In another 2 hours
So are we not doing a Town Hall this time around?
Just glad I got some time aside to get my nomination written. Moving in this weekend (and running up hills in San Fran) got to me.
@AviD Well, moving across the country did take up some of my time lately.
@JeffFerland It'll be good for you to work off some of that pudge.
@JeffFerland hey, I just had a big move recently too. albeit not as far a distance.
@ScottPack ooo. SEI flubbed it.
did they not contact any of you to schedule?
Not me.
@AviD Not I.
@ScottPack So, what's your take on our odds now that we've got a 10k+ guy in the running?
seems @aarthi is on vacay... so this dropped between the cracks (no butt jokes, please), especially since we're not having primaries.
@AviD Does any site except SO have primaries?
@Iszi Meh, we'll see.
@ScottPack I imagine any of the original trilogy, probably.
I'm not sure we ever have on SF.
@ScottPack some.
And, I expect, Programmers.
okay, it's been sorted, @Anna is on the case.
@ScottPack Looks like SU and SF had Primaries in their most recent ones.
Programmers apparently did not.
Arqade did.
We're only 4 candidates away from needing one, this time around.
but, importantly, we will not.
@Iszi still not used to that name...
@AviD Neither am I. Chat parsed it for me.
Apparently, we're only one short of our candidate count from last time. But, we're still two hours out from the end of nominations. So, anything could happen, theoretically.
@Iszi RSA was broken! This changes everything!
cough anything
@GraceNote is taking care of it, btw.
right, I'm out - kiddies beddietime.
Off topic, does anyone else ever read a phrase like "$5 Million" as "Five Dollars, Million" before re-parsing it to "Five Million Dollars"?
No, I always score well on Reading Comprehension.
Argh. Randall still hasn't fixed What-If's cert.
I don't know if it's the real Randall or not!
240 messages? wow
@M'vy I blame <insert scapegoat name>
So I posted a 100-rep bounty on this question: security.stackexchange.com/questions/11345/…
Might be wrong, but no one is posting real research as an answer (as requested) -- just opinion or resources on the topic
Any suggestions?
If the question is getting too many "discussion" type answers and/or comments, maybe it needs to be re-worked so it's not so S&M. However, I think that particular one is a bit long in the tooth and large in the belly to be reined in at this point.
@M'vy Welcome to Security.CommsRoom
Off-topic: A buddy of mine just re-tweeted about a half-dozen stories about Apple becoming the most valuable company of all time. Can we say fanboi?
@RoryAlsop @AviD Did we ever find out what the milestones are to get some real migration options? Closing migrate-able questions as generically off-topic is getting a little old.
@blunders It seems you want research-level answers -- and in a specific area of research, at that, which seems rare in Sec.SE audience: economics.
Maybe nobody knows in the audience.
If the bounty is not sufficient to attract such a researcher, your only remaining way is to find the answer elsewhere, and then write it down yourself in sec.SE.
Eh, seems like the helmet gorilla ad made it to the site.
@ThomasPornin The who?
We have ads?
@blunders I don't know if it will be any better, but trying workplace.stackexchange.com might get you some more traction.
Business to business, though... that's hard. Nobody really has control over that until you start talking government and politics and that...
Well, I don't know!
Wow. How did we not get to vote on that?
Well, we did... there is a question on meta for that.
@ThomasPornin Well, "helmet" was a miss
Q: Community Promotion Ads - 2H 2011

Rebecca ChernoffWhat in the Wide, Wide World of Sports is Going On Here? TL;DR -- put images and links in the answers. If they get voted up enough, they will appear on the main site as community promotion ads. But whyyyyyyy? This is a method for the community to control what gets promoted to visitors on the s...

It is from July 2011. Ad proposals which gather 6 upvotes go live.
How the flack did I miss that?
Speaking of site-related open-source projects, what about BackTrack?
@ThomasPornin Thanks for the feedback, and agree -- guess I just don't understand why users post answers that are not what is asked for; realize a good answer might not be what's asked for, but in this case the answers attempt to answer the question, just without the research, which is of little or no use to me.
As for Workplace, I've had the same issue there too: workplace.stackexchange.com/users/618/blunders -- oh,well -- guess SE is not the best place to get research based answers; that is except for skeptics.SE, which requires a "notable" claim be made to ask a question.
@blunders There are supposedly research-level SE sites (e.g. cs-theory.stackexchange) but calling a site "research level", and having numerous researchers who post answers, are two different things.
Ads? Phaw.
@ThomasPornin Agree, oh, well -- I'll let it go, just wanted to make sure there was not something to be done. Thanks!
@JeffFerland Oops, replied to the wrong person: "As for Workplace, I've had the same issue there too: workplace.stackexchange.com/users/618/blunders -- oh,well -- guess SE is not the best place to get research based answers; that is except for skeptics.SE, which requires a "notable" claim be made to ask a question. Thanks for the feedback!
@blunders I can see your question being funded by a million dollar grant and still not coming up with a really good answer. Sorry :(
@JeffFerland Agree, this might likely be due to the "Hawthorne effect" -- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawthorne_effect
@blunders Nice! Learned something new :)
@blunders There's a Cognitive Sciences, perhaps you could frame your question in a way that's suitable there
yours is a sociology question, but I think you could work it into a psychology question
@blunders that depends on the topic. You're likely to get research-based answers on sites like Theoretical Computer Science and Quantitative Finance
but not, of course, to this question
@ThomasPornin Yay for helmet gorilla!
Guess we're doing a town hall chat after all
@JeffFerland Allegedly.
An election yay
You people need to go vote
@ScottPack voted - although I can change my votes at any time until the election ends :-)
(so's your face)
@RoryAlsop You, @CodesInChaos, and myself are the only ones in here that have voted so far. Yeesh.
@ScottPack how can you tell
oh - you have live data feed?
8 people now
SELECT * FROM security.users where HASVOTED = "TRUE";
Who read the nomination texts before voting? (I didn't)
I did last week.
Oh, no chat session with the candidates?
The election already started.
@CodesInChaos I did :-) and I'll be on the town hall chat (assuming it is at a time I can attend)
@ScottPack UPDATE security.elections SET candidate_voted = 836 where rank = 1
@HendrikBrummermann there will be one
@RoryAlsop should be soon.
@HendrikBrummermann StackExchange thought our election process started this week. They just sent out an email and will be scheduling town hall soon.
@HendrikBrummermann "Someone" messed up, so they want to have one sometime between Wednesday and Friday UTC.
sounds like it slipped between the gaps with vacation time
@ScottPack that's how you USA'ians say it, isn't it?
@RoryAlsop I work in Higher Ed. I'm not really sure what you mean, that's when you go home at night, right?
Where's the 2011 election page?
Ah, found it
Who were the pro-tems on sec.SE?
@CodesInChaos me, @AviD and @GrahamLee
Can a man that takes part in election vote for himself?
Oh, hey @HendrikBrummermann.
@AndreyBotalov it's usually expected
@ScottPack Wednesday or Thursday would be the usual time frame, so they aren't actually late
@Gilles really? I didnt vote for myself. I see that as a wasted vote.
also a little pathetic.
@Gilles But Wednesday or Thursday of the the week before voting, yes?
Voted! :D
@AviD not voting for yourself means you think there are 3 people who'd do a better job. In which case, why are you running?
@Gilles really? heard it should be first day or two of elections, if there are no primaries.
@ScottPack I take it back - no :-)
@Gilles coercion.
@AndreyBotalov There was a candidate to a French election, a few years ago, who got exactly one vote. Since the candidate vote for herself, and her mother was also a registered voter in the same area, it was a bit awkward.
@ScottPack no, the THC is usually about 2-3 days after nominations close
@AviD lol
@ThomasPornin hahahaha - bet there were some words between those two
@ThomasPornin in European Parliament elections, where there's no entry barrier, there are usually a few lists that get fewer votes than there are candidates on the list
@Gilles how can that be ?
why bother standing
@Gilles seriously, how is Europe even still a country?
@AviD wonderful
@RoryAlsop ask @AviD
@Gilles yeah, but in parliament, surely you've paid some money
@Gilles no, its not the same thing.
@RoryAlsop no
oh, okay then :-)
you need to pay to advertise, to have voting slips printed, etc.
for one thing, not that I'm saying that I wouldnt do as good a job as others, but I would be equally happy with any (well, most) of the other candidates.
@Gilles yes, that's what I ws thinking
@AviD lol
if you don't spend anything on that, you won't get many votes, but you do get a bit of free publicity
and lets be honest, a large part of being a moderator is volunteer work.
so my wife some part of me would be happier if the others won.
A large part of being a moderator sucks. Until you discover the secret button that gives you a hug.
@AviD all you get is a lousy T-shirt
@jrg That's what it's all about. I need a hug. :(
@jrg ooo, havent found that one yet.
and then you become egotistical.
and you get it even if you lose the election
@Gilles I've already got two. ^.^
@Gilles and a survival usb disk.
@AviD You could step down if you dislike it enough.
@JeffFerland i've got the election one, the high rep one, and a conf one :)
@AviD Wait, don't you just keep your position automatically?
/me would love a hug button
@AviD Check under TL, Aarthi tab. ;)
@JeffFerland referring to the previous election.
and in general.
@jrg aaahhh
@Scott ask on meta, maybe you'll get it
Anyway, you can no longer be "one of the guys/team/boys/whatever", it doesn't work well. :\
@ScottPack not quite there. I said "some part", not all of me.
@M'vy While that will probably bring me a few dozen downboats, it will likely not get the mean comments.
@jrg yep - @Aarthi gives hugs!
@RoryAlsop Indeed!
mostly, I'm happy to contribute to the community, and if said community were to prefer someone else to contribute more than I, I would not be overtly resentful.
is it creepy-stalker-like to claim them if I ever get to visit SEI HQ? :-)
@RoryAlsop Yes. Most definitely. :D
would it be improper to say some things like "oo I gots to gets me some @aarthi huggin" ?
@AviD it does take some time, and sometimes people do resent you (especially when you make a simple mistake) but overall it is quite rewarding.
@AviD heh
@AviD You're asking US??
@RoryAlsop especially when they resent you.
@AviD when she gets back there'll be a million chat pings mentioning hugs!
wait wait, we have to superping her,
One nice thing about this community is that elections work without drama
I don't know about you, but I intend on remaining a moderator, but if you want to superping your diamond away then go right ahead. ;)
yeah, last town hall chat the sei folk were making fun of us for having too much brotherly love.
In a browser game I worked on a few years ago we had moderator elections, and that was not pretty
"A circle jerk", I believe was the term they used. What's that mean, anyway?
@CodesInChaos No, here we are more on the farce side.
@AviD It's this thing called "respect" that developers don't tend to understand.
@AviD it's when a wheel starts accelerating or decelerating
@ScottPack I think it might have to do more with that social engineering question from a few days ago.
@blunders re your q about honesty and disclosure. I think only one part of that is really ontopic here - how to foster honesty, while wonderful, and obviously necessary to build trust (which is on topic), is not really topical here.
the disclosure part is on topic, of course, even though a lot of it psychology / sociology - but I'm pretty sure it's a dupe :)
Hey Big Bear. Welcome back. Y'know, it'd be kinda cool if we could define (at least, per-room) aliases so that @BigBear = @ThomasPornin, @OldMan = @RoryAlsop, etc.
@Iszi ooo that would be cool
@OtherRory = @RoryMcCune
what if he doesn't want to be otherrory
@Iszi or instead of perroom, personal aliases
@Iszi @OtherOtherRory = RoryAlsop then?
or how about one of the other rories comes in chat - otherotherrory?
@Rory = everybody in the room
@RoryAlsop don't forget womentals as well
and emmentals
@Gilles heh - got to keep politically correct
@Gilles mmmm - the little baby cheeses
Katie bought me some applewood smoked gouda this past weekend. That shit is pretty spectacular.
@RoryAlsop not to be judgmental, but how is emmental a baby cheese?
@Gilles I was being religious :-)
(sorry - it is a bad pun)
to make up for it:
@RoryAlsop I still don't get it
I understand the religious pun bit, but not the baby.
in my head it is funnier to say "the little baby jesus" in a monty python voice, while holding aloft a wheel of Ossau Irate, or Cheshire, or ...
I'll get me coat
Speaking of persontal...
@Gilles No, another one of these guys... security.stackexchange.com/… Hey, it looks like we've spawned another!
Anyone here speak PowerShell?
@Iszi Crap. They're breeding.
Q: Replacements for ampersand and double-ampersand in PowerShell

IsziIn Windows' native CMD processor, you can use & to string commands together so that one runs immediately after the other. A && will run the second command only if the first completes without error. This is different from piping commands together with | in that output from the first ...

@Iszi there are a few more rorys, but only one who's posted, and that was only once
@Iszi www.download(http://cygwin.com/setup.exe) && setup.exe
@JeffFerland I do my best :-)
(not actual syntax)
@RoryAlsop I'm going to go get the hose now.
@JeffFerland heh, was it not rubbing the lotion...?
@RoryAlsop It was rubbing something!
Okay @JeffFerland @Gilles, now it's time to take that to The Comms Room.
So apparently AT&T U-Verse takes 2 weeks to install... even though they're basically just mailing me a modem.
I think it's time to aim my 24dbi antenna at a Starbucks or something.
@JeffFerland Similarly, Sky wanted to charge me 60 quid to enable my Sky Anytime+. I pointed out that all I needed to do was plug this cat-5 cable from that port on my wall to that port on the back of the Sky box :-)
@Iszi hey, I found the answer to your question by googling "bash powershell syntax", so don't knock it
@Gilles Answer? I see a comment. And a link to a pretty friggen' deep rabbit hole of confusion.
@Iszi that link seems to explain it okay though
@HendrikBrummermann just reread the latest edit to the apple/sms question, you did a great job cleaning that up! went from a crap shouting match to an excellent question. Thanks!
@Iszi it's a link to a page that has an answer to your question
@Iszi most of the top answer is testing that it works
well, I just went and got my constituent badge. Was not easy.
also, somethings broken with the election stats.
> 954 voters were eligible, 14 visited the site during the election, 121 visited the election page, and 17 voted
"954 voters were eligible, 14 visited the site during the election, 121 visited the election page, and 17 voted"
oh, too slow.
see? somethings wrong.
@AviD I suspect that “14 visited” is based on views, and those are heavily cached
I think “visited the election page” includes the nomination period, unlike “visited the site during the election”
@Gilles maybe. but the voted number is also wrong.
I'm not completely sure, maybe the numbers are just bogus
count the constich badge.
and didnt go up when I voted.
It sayed 0 visted the sute during the election and 0 voted, right after I completed my vote.
it may be cached too
aaaaah, the chat is nicer now that AviD's gone
was Patrycja Królik from Hakin9 mag the one who was spamming everyone for articles?
Heh, I'm the only one with the Deputy badge who isn't running for mod in this election
@Gilles its not fair! I cant get one of those!
hmm, unless I start double flagging everything right before I handle a flag...
would that even work?
@AviD yes. you could even flag random posts and immediately clear the flag, and I expect nobody would notice for a while
@Gilles hehe
until someone happens to look at the stats and wonders why you handled 500 flags one day
that doesnt sound... trustworthy
maybe they'd force you to moderate SO as a punishment
heh. or Programmers.
@AviD I said SO, because SO actually has >500 flags/day
@Gilles wow.
but I think p.se has near that, too
@AviD not anywhere close
SO has 150 times the number of questions per day, compared with Progse
damnit, I forgot to pop back in to talk to Rory.
@RoryAlsop You still around?
@Gilles oh wow, I was way off.
@Polynomial Anything to do with the question you just created & deleted?
speaking of which, you just got another one.
@JeffFerland I decided to post it tomorrow, after I've had a think about it a bit more.
@Polynomial It's a good question as it is... I think it'd help others, even if you happen to get the answer yourself in the middle of the night.
I know. I want to think about some other stuff first though. There's another part of the question I want to fit in, but I can't quite figure out how to ask it.
So I'll mull it over. If I still haven't figured it out by tomorrow morning, I'll post it as-is.
Who knew Sec.SE required so much philosophical pontification? :P
@Polynomial We call that Rorying.
Ah yes, I'm Rorying the Rorys.
There's plenty of Rory to Roryficate about, especially when you consider how many Rories there are.
misread pontification as ponzification.
Reading too much ponzi hurr durr recently
We have Rorys of making you talk.
@CodesInChaos misread ponzification as fonzification
now I'm jumping the shark
I wish it were possible to have user states on chat, like Active, Idle (x mins), Away, Busy, etc.
> seen 9s ago, talked 9s ago

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