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@JsupportsPalestine I don't think they are - they would have a better understanding of the basic guidelines that org enforces
And they certainly would not come here and tell us
3 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek Hahahahahahhahaha, wow that is huge.
@RoryAlsop Yes, agreed :D
@JsupportsPalestine Well - you know what they say about people with big keyboards...
(that broke my brain for a moment and thought OP had tiny hands)
@JourneymanGeek HAH
My hands are already fucked up.
If I try and type on that they'll stop working completely...
I think you could effectively just use your fists to type
Haha, yeah, you're probably right :D
I really hope I get my new deskmats soon...
The one thing I hate about group buys, take so long.
Or you could type with your nose, when both your hands are holding stuff that you cannot put down because your keyboard takes all the space on the desk.
See! Perfectly sensible!
4 hours later…
lol the NSA guy
does he think companies patch software for lols?
'hey guys i'm bored, lets up our version number'
'just roll back to a previous version'
yeah... and introduce all the bugs/regressions too.
Now I think about it.
I am not sure I do agree with Rory.
In-fact, I find it very plausible the NSA would hire an idiot.
I am certain of it.
@JsupportsPalestine so you'd better stop using them so much, for real...
@ThoriumBR meh
I've a pianist friend that was medically forbidden from playing the piano for a couple years, otherwise she would have severe hand nerve damage
i have more important things to do than worry about my hands
and another friend was a genius programmer, and had to stop programming for 2 years
if your hands are what you use for a living, it can be depressing to lose them
I mean, I don't disagree with that.
But the thing is, I have a lot to do and so I cannot just... Stop.
If I am forced to stop I might as well not have hands at all.
or you choose to stop and make provisions for that, or your hands will stop for you
if you really cannot, please go see a doctor and tell them you cannot possibly stop and they will help you with exercises, and routines, and the likes
Yeah, I just got some routines off the internet.
They seem to help a bit.
I just got some cushions for my elbows and my numbness and rsi went away in days
so you should really concider it
You need to figure out what is causing it first tho
My elbows are firmly placed on my 1 out of 100 stacked deskmats at all times.
how cushoning are they tho
Well, they're deskmats and there's a lot of them.
Pretty damn cushioning.
My problem was I was putting all my weight onto one elbow
so maybe that's not the issue then
Its more my fingers themselves.
so maybe wrist position
keyboard size/shape
Yeah, no idea.
Will find out once I finish this.
WIll go to the doctors /shrug
too busy now
I had pain in my left wrist, so I needed to wear a split for a few weeks for it to heal (needless to say, it was hard to type with it). Then it came back a few months later. Rinse and repeat for 2 years. Then I bought 2 ergonomics keyboards (for home & work). I've never felt the pain since.
Lesson: ergonomics matter!
I have a "cheap" MS ergonomic keyboard, with the wrist rest higher than the keys.
* split -> splint
@JsupportsPalestine Well, according to Snowden, the it's mostly just contractors, NSA doesn't directly hire most of the people that work for it.
So what I think is that this is just a contractor trying to come up with an impossible system to sell to the NSA
@nobody Or some cunt who has a superiority complex because he got hired at the NSA?
(which is the simplest explanation)
@djsmiley2kStaysInside Oh those look useful, thanks.
Am I the only one who finds it really awkward when you message someone and they don't reply? I never know whether I should message them again or just... Wait.
@JsupportsPalestine you definitely aren't the only one...
If you message someone to ask for something (help or some piece of information only they know but you need to complete your job) I've learnt that it's safest to just wait :)
It really depends on what message you sent and to whom.
life has too many rules.
but thats probably all good advice..
In other news, I nearly have my ASLR bypass working
I found 2 interesting one-page sites (or one-paragraph sites?):
in short, the first says "don't say hello on chat, and later ask what you want... ask away"
the second says "don't ask if you can ask, just ask"
Hello, can I ask a question?
no, it's not like that...

hi @reed

then you answer... and I reply

"may I ask something?"
May I ask something, June I ask another thing, July I stop cracking stupid jokes
and when you say "yep, ask it" I reply with "you won't mind if I do so?"
'it's really weird tho and I don't think anyone will know...'
and 10 exchanges later I ask something that you say "I have no idea..."
well it's funny because I actually came here to ask a question, lol
but I wasn't going to ask if I could ask
No noquestions!¬!
If I create a pretty big tar archive (several GBs), encrypt it with GPG (symmetric, AES) and put that on a DVD, what is going to happen if one (or more) bits get corrupted? Do I lose the whole archive? Or part of it?
I'm afraid I'm going to lose the whole file, but I'm not sure
depend on how you encrypt... if you divide into small blocks and encrypt one by one, you lose only that corrupt one...
if you encrypt a multi-GB file and the second block is damaged, kiss goodbye to your file
some AES modes use the hash of previous block as the IV, and if you don't have the previous block...
you could use some erasure functions to encrypt the file in blocks, and if some parts got corrupted they could be recalculated from the surviving parts... if that reminds you of RAID, it's exact that
doesn't DVD do this anyway?
I might be thinking of something else entirely
the raid thing, not the encrpytion thing
they have an opensource lib (and some github code) that enables you to throw a 1GB file at it and it generates 1.6GB or more, and if you delete 20% of those fragments it still can be recostructed
pretty nice piece of code
@djsmiley2kStaysInside not what you intend... if one physical block is damaged and your reader cannot read it correctly, the underlining data is lost forever...
yeah, I guess CDs and DVDs (blueray too?) have error-correcting codes so a scratch wont' be a problem. However I'm thinking of something worse than a simple scratch, for example losing whole parts of the file/archive
depends on how deep and wide is the scratch
I once was curious and I remember trying to scratch a CD as badly as possible to find out if it would still play. I put it under my foot and rubbed it on the floor
it still worked, lol
I don't know how old you guys are, but we 90's kids know how is to lose your backup because some grains of sand were kept on the case and damaged the media... or someone put a stick on the CDR and it got peeled away with part of the media
I think heat is a problem for CDs. If you keep them in your room, inside a drawer, it's probably going to be ok. But if you leave them in your car (parked in the sun), they will soon stop working
@reed "play" in analog way? sure... there's error correction for that... but try to put a iso file in one, scratch it, dd from it, and md5sum the result...
it's like audio over UDP, you don't care if you lost 10% of the packets...
@ThoriumBR, yeah, it was music. I didn't test that with raw data
but if the data depends on the packet before it, it won't work
it's like the analog tv or digital tv... analog can be pretty noisy with interference but you can still make sense of it... digital works fine with some level of interference until it drops from a cliff...
and on @reed case, if he encrypts the large file and loses the first blocks, it's over...
it's better to compress and encrypt individual files
or create a DVD-sized file, luks-mount it, copy the files there, and dd the file to the DVD
later, mount the DVD, mount the file with LUKS, and read the files, no tar needed... and if some sectors got corrupt, you lose only a few files
unless you lose the luks headers
Parchive (a portmanteau of parity archive, and formally known as Parity Volume Set Specification) is an erasure code system that produces par files for checksum verification of data integrity, with the capability to perform data recovery operations that can repair or regenerate corrupted or missing data. Parchive was originally written to solve the problem of reliable file sharing on Usenet, but it can be used for protecting any kind of data from data corruption, disc rot, bit rot, and accidental or malicious damage. Despite the name, Parchive uses more advanced techniques that do not use simplistic...
^ CLI (or GUI) to produce .par2 redundancy files for any file
I was reading about jerasure and its code, and I found out that Ceph storage uses it for, well, storage...
To apply after encrypting, of course
I guess my best bet would be to encrypt each file separately
try the loop-filesystem trick
@ThoriumBR you mean encrypting with LUKS?
LUKS is pretty secure, and you can just losetup, mount it, copy all files there, and burn the loop-file on DVD
I know I have a script to create and mount a LUKS loop-file somewhere...
yeah, there's still going to be the problem of a possible corrupted header (where the key is stored, I don't know what to call it)
create the loop file smaller than the DVD. export the header, copy both the loopfile and the header backup to the DVD
and man, DVDs are dirt cheap those days, burn the same loopfile on 2 (or 10) DVDs and it's done
until the markings on the DVD-R fade away with time...
yeah, I thought of that kind of redundancy
I don't know what I'll end up doing. I'll think about it. Thanks for the advice for now
20 years ago I read about "juggling data": cut your file into small pieces, send by email to yourself but make your mail server inaccessible for 24h... the sender server will keep the files in queue and retry for at least 48h... after 24h you reenable the mail server, receive the file, and forward it to yourself on another domain... rinse, repeat... free smtp server based storage
or embed your files in selfies with steganography, then upload the pics to Facebook: free cloud storage
facebook can downsample your pictures and ruin the embedded files
better use deepsound, record your band (or anything at all) and upload the files to youtube
hmm, youtube definitely reencodes audio and videos, as far as I know
@ThoriumBR but be very careful your songs don't sound like a song by a big MPAA supported artist or you may lose them in a copyright dispute...
you can get any freeware sequencer, and a random number generator, and create music
or record the rain, or traffic, or your dishwasher
@ThoriumBR yeah, mostly my cynicism brought on when Apple removed my own music from my own iTunes library 10+ years ago. Which is why I won't have apple products in my house.
Aside from the iPad I won at a conf that I use to play idle games on...
I have an iphone because it's company mandated
the "usage report" every week says I am using it 10 minutes per week on average... most of the time it's to unlock it so it can charge, to see if it was dead, or to answer random spam...
"OMG dude, you electronic music is soooo good! I'm going to buy your album!" But it's actually your porn archive re-encoded to map each byte to a note
@reed nice

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