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You guys sure are chatty.
I'm alright with a townhall any time from this saturday onwards.
@Iszi I'll bet @Polynomial overtakes you before the election is over.
@TerryChia Definitely a possibility. Especially with all those sock puppets to vote him up.
I like Everett's comment on his nomination
@ScottPack Do you get a cert error for what-if.xkcd.com ?
@Iszi I do.
Strange. The host site, xkcd.com has a cert for *.xkcd.com so you'd think the what-if site would just use the same?
It's a wildcats cert for,*.voxcdn.com
@ScottPack Yeah, what's up with that?
I'm going to guess a misconfigured vhost for him.
I wonder if moving to a cdn is recent. Hmmm.
I still find it interesting that he uses HTTPS at all. I mean, it's a webcomic! Many other sites with much more need for HTTPS don't do it.
Randall. Gets. It.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
As much as I want to post answers in the user-education category I think this question is wrongly tagged. Anyone want to confirm?
Q: Why wireshark source ip tab lists other ip as well

user2315I was trying to capture some packets using Wireshark. I could find a lots of ip in the source address tab. Which ip do they represent. Which all packets are visible to wireshark when I run it in my system?

Nevermind I just did the edit. No doubt the user-education was wrong
2 hours later…
Very low chance, but is anyone attending this?
@TerryChia On the townhall front, SEI send out an email to the nominees with some options for times
@RoryAlsop When was the email sent out? I haven't received it yet.
@TerryChia I am guessing it won't have been yet
trying to remember the timeline on these things, but it needs to be when the nomination period has ended
Ahh ok.
I'm pretty happy that I got full marks for the lab test I did today for my RHEL module.
@TerryChia excellent - RHEL is relevant in soooo many places, so is a worthwhile time investment
1 hour later…
@RoryAlsop Agreed. I very much prefer RHEL and fedora over ubuntu.
2 hours later…
RedHat has pretty much become the standard for enterprise Linux installs. Highly useful to know.
You still see some Debians on occasion, but if you hear of a big shop using Linux then it is probably El based.
1 hour later…
It's quiet over here
too quiet
It was!
/me is putting together a list of information sources for voters
Over the years I've seen a few data queries that I thought might be handy.
Did someone clean out the comments on Polynomial's nomination?
Looks like it.
@ScottPack beyond what's on elections.stackexchange.com ?
Though that is one of them. Good app that.
WTG Lucas. Your question ended up on the Low Quality Posts review section.
@Polynomial: I have added my stuff as an answer to your ASLR/DEP question
I have refrained from adding a rant about the inherent wrongness of DEP and ASLR as security features
@ThomasPornin, do you have a tl;dr competition going on with @Polynomial and @Iszi?
@ScottPack replace the door with a giant bullet proof vault door
@LucasKauffman I'll just roll some hand scanner and card swipe as well while I'm at it.
@LucasKauffman I'd say just remove the door altogether. You can get ghost to access the stuff in the room if needed.
Is mullion a common enough word that it can stand on it's own, or should I link off to some kind of definition?
@ScottPack what type of lock does the door use and what material is the mullion made of?
@ScottPack Link it, I had to Google the word.
@ScottPack the scullion leant against the mullion counting her master's millions
(not really - she could only count to three)
A wild @AviD appears.
A wild @RoryAlsop appears.
it's a trap!
@LucasKauffman To be honest, it's a hypothetical. I could easily fill in data for those questions, from an actual environment, if you really feel like the information is critically important.
@AviD Hey sweetness. I thought you were kickin it on the beach?
@ScottPack well the thing is I know we had windows that closed with a mullion and they were dead easy to open from the outside if you knew how to do it
@ScottPack hello darlin
well the burglars knew :(
yes i am, I'm not here
@AviD no I'm not, I am here
just had to pop online to pay the guvmint my pound of flesh
@LucasKauffman Mullions on commercial doors tend to be steel, but yeah, that's pretty fair.
@AviD heh - you sound merkin online
@RoryAlsop you a merkin!
At least I'm not sitting in the library with my back to a long row of government stacks when the merkin picture pops up this time.
hahahahahaha - I won't need to do it again
the memory is enough
(possibly too much, some might say)
Would they?
What is Merkin?
Possibly NSFW
@TerryChia a George Dubya Bush pronunciation of his nationality
@ScottPack Ah.. I see..
@TerryChia who'da thought there would be a market for that
@RoryAlsop Syphilis ravaged lady gardens of course!
Probably a sentence I'm not sure I ever expected to use in public.
@ScottPack nor ever again, probably
maybe I should have said "who'da thought there would still be a market for that?"
@RoryAlsop I'm not sure actually. Now that I've used it once....
I probably won't ever be able to slip it into an incident report, though.
Please - if you ever do, post a scan of it (obfuscating anything sensitive, obviously)
@TerryChia More like @Polynomial is trying to join the TL;DR competition between me and @ThomasPornin.
@RoryAlsop In this job, I think it could only be as part of an investigation triggered by HR or in a system hacked and used as a distribution point. So possible, but not likely. With any luck I'll remember to do so. :)
Well, that's interesting. I just heard a car driving, then tires screeching, then a loud banging sound echo from across the hill.
@Gilles I don't see anything for Sec.SE there. Does it wait for after the nomination process or something?
@Iszi The data is there, but isn't on the front page. I put the direct link in my meta post.
Okay, someone is wrong here...
My chat profile says I have an aggregate of 24.4k rep. The elections page says it's 39.9k.
I'm only a few edits away from being in the top 10 editors... Hmmm...
Who's this guy?
User ID 3. The lowest existing user ID that isn't SEI.
id 3?
Mornin Ladies and Gents
@DigitalFire Afternoon
Hi Digi
I've edited my yesterday's question about SQL injection. Is it less a NARQ now?
@ScottPack it's the feds - your lady garden triggered their snoop filter :-)
@M'vy Yes. As in, @AviD's ID is 33, mine is 953, yours is 1574, etc...
I really was pretty slow in getting here, wasn't I
I like the idea of using the data like this: x time, y rep and z user ID. would be an interesting 3D graph, maybe.
But no spare time to do that at the mo
@RoryAlsop Not that late. Of the current moderators and candidates, you're the second-lowest ID.
@RoryAlsop Probably nor the first time.
2 hours later…
Just saw a newsletter item for "Red Shirt Fridays". It's supposed to be a day to wear (presumably red) "Support Our Troops" shirts. However, when I saw it, I could only think of this guy...
Dude needs to get more sun.
Does anyone else have a hard time eating leftovers for lunch at work, when there's a perfectly good cafeteria downstairs?
Doesn't this come a bit close to being a Programmers type question?
Q: Freelance security work

rheputeyWhat types of jobs within IT security lend themselves best to freelancing or working remotely, as opposed to being a standard office job?

I only occasionally bring leftovers to work as I typically go home. I also don't have a cafeteria in the building. The closest good restaurant is about a .3 mile walk up the hill.
Great hot dogs, though.
@ScottPack Erm... gonna finish that first sentence?
Hey, premature termination of sentences is a common problem. Happens to everyone sometime.
I've got a cafeteria downstairs, and a snack bar/grill down the hall. There's cafeterias and other food courts in other buildings here. The nearest decent place to eat off-site is about 8 miles out as the crow flies. If we want to go off-site for food, the round-trip drive is usually a half-hour!
Yeah, downfall of being purposefully isolated, eh? My drive home is about 1.7 miles through the middle of town, so yeah, about 7-10 minutes.
Granted, walking to a lunch place takes vaguely the same amount of time.
@ScottPack Heh. I wish my drive was that. Could save me $5k or more a year in gas and tolls.
It's pretty nice to fill up about once a month.
@ScottPack Two to three times a week for me, depending on whether or not I'm carpooling. And the toll expense is almost another tank of gas on its own.
I understand the purpose of tolls, but I'm not overly keen on them.
@ScottPack I understand the purpose, until they've outlived their purpose.
Yes! I accept them as a necessity until whatever it is is paid out.
I like Jacksonville. They got rid of all their tolls awhile ago. (1989) Apparently though, they're putting up some "Lexus Lanes" in the near-ish future.
I'm just glad we don't have any tolls nearby. There are a few on I-77 on my way to visit family, but only a couple and they're cheap.
@ScottPack I find that strange. AFAIK there's no tolls on any Interstate roads around here. Only some State Roads.
Gah! What is it with wings and fried pickles?! I just had some last night, and I'm craving them again now! This has been going on for over a month!
On (yet) another topic, maybe I need to go pick up some Ritalin...
77 through about half of WV is toll. I-80 up in north/eastern Ohio also has tolls
Wait... we've gotta reboot the system to load a boot manager after selecting the OS from our boot manager? WTF? 7tutorials.com/…
Seems legit
Seems whack to me.
I just booted the machine, but it needs to reboot to boot what I want?
Whickety whack or just normal whack?
@ScottPack No, I think it's its own, special kind of whack.
@RoryAlsop So, I suppose I should take those comments and put them into an answer?
I really don't like the quality of the question as it is, but can't quite pin it down to a normal close reason.
@Iszi I reckon so - it is a pretty poor quality question, and has 1 close vote already - not sure if it is salvageable
@ScottPack Nice try, but no.
@Iszi Which question?
Q: File download vulnerability in windows

async3I found a vulnerability in a site that can allow the download of any file of the server. I tested it by succesfully downloading boot.ini and autoexec.bat. I have no access to source code or file system structures. All I know is it runs Win 2003 Server Ent. in drive C:, Oracle 10.1.2 AS_1 in dri...

@Iszi It does depend on your definition of compromise. The integrity of the server itself, no, the confidentiality of the data? Sure.
@ScottPack True enough.
I know. It's NaRQ. Primarily 'cause what @ScottPack said - we don't know what the intended end goal is. But, also a good deal because he says he doesn't have access to just browse the file system. It's really hard fumbling around in the dark like that.
Poorly constructed question.
I'm really curious as to how you come across such a vulnerability that apparently allows you to download specified files but doesn't allow you to get a directory listing.
@RoryAlsop My vote makes 3 now. Hammer at your discretion.
I kind of like that this is another one of those (probably) black-hat questions that's (most likely) going to end up closed for reasons unrelated to the hat color.
The webserver could have directory listings disabled or the user the web server runs as could have execute but not read permissions on the directory. Probably others, but those are the first that come to mind.
Oh, this one looks to be on the very edge of on-topic if you ask me:
Q: How to mimic an emotion?

StupidOneMicroexpression is a brief facial expression according to emotions experienced. It is also one of the most powerful SE (social engineering) weapon. However, they are very hard to master. Are they any exercises, technics, trainings or methods which helps you learn how to genuine mimic emotions wi...

I would call that a pretty good social engineer question, but at first glance it feels too much like shopping.
What is this shit? /usr/bin/perldoc isn't executable?
This is almost completely S&M. How'd we let it stand?
Q: Best Security Conferences?

mrnapNot sure if this question is too broad, if it is please let me know, we could probably turn it into a wiki. I'm posting this as a reference for other users. What would you say are the best security conferences to attend, and for what reasons? I know defcon is considered the most popular US c...

I flagged it
1 hour later…
Q: How to hack linux from phpMyAdmin?

user1028I got the username and the password for phpMyAdmin, and i am trying to hack the operating system "linux". i tried to create an payload.php file which is a pyaload taken form metasploit. i encoded the payload to base64 and executed this query in phpMyAdmin: SELECT "<?php eval(base64_decode('p...

Step 1) Find a server running phpMyAdmin.
Step 2) Done.
Chances are you don't even need metasploit to do it.
Ahhh... Nothing like having some lunch with a pitcher of beer to set the mood to code.
Topic #2 is my favorite reason for working from home.
That's sad. I asked for a clarification, but apparently he really is asking for zer codez
my idea is to create .php file in the server, then request it from the website running on that server. there is a website running on the server infected with path disclosure vulnerability. is it clear now ?!! — user1028 1 min ago
lol ^ "I Wants Codez"!
1 hour later…
@Iszi I don't see what's too localized about this question (Cc @ScottPack @RoryAlsop)
What files contain credentials that may be used for remote logins on Windows?
there are a few issues with that one, I was going to cast the final vote as NaRQ, but went with the group consensus
@Gilles the question is just very poor - the writer shows no research, and very little grasp of what he is doing
if has been improved with Luc's edit
so now the title does make more sense - I think a small amount more work and it might be reopenable
@RoryAlsop what else would it take then?
the original closed question didn't read quite the same
@Gilles well, it still basically says "I can download arbitrary files - what can I do with them" - which is a bit broad (the answer could be anything) or a bit localised (for that specific server look for oracle files x, y and z)
either way it isn't necessarily useful for future visitors
@RoryAlsop Ok, imagine the question was this: I'm running a server on a Windows system. I'm concerned that this server may have a remote download vulnerability. I'm doing a review of the system to check that the server doesn't have permission to read sensitive files that might allow the attacker to escalate to shell access. What files do I need to review?
This is exactly the same question, only phrased with a white hat instead of black.
You claim that this question is NaRQ or TL. What does it take to fix the white-hat version?
@Gilles but still not an easily answerable question for exactly the same reason. I'm not worrying about the white/black here
will this generate many answers each correct?
because you'd need to have all the sensitive Win files and Oracle files for that version
I'm hoping to be persuaded though - not just being obstructive. It just feels like a 'big list' question
and they are ...challenging
The overly broadness of the question is what I wasn't too keen on. Did I vote Too Localized on it? I should have done NarQ
@ScottPack I don't know what you voted as, Rory's vote trumps all
@Gilles Rory's comment seemed to indicate that all the votes were for TL.
@ScottPack no - the majority were
@RoryAlsop Clarification FTW!
@RoryAlsop A good answer would list all the sensitive files (or say that you're screwed anyway because there are too many of these)
The white version may be slightly more prone to generating one-file-per-answer posts
@Gilles Yeah - my answer would be "there are a lot of files to check, depending on your config, so a better bet would be to sort out the root cause"
which is a bit white hat, really
anyone know the reason behind this: shop.stackexchange.com ?
@LucasKauffman Something about not making enough money and getting enough orders to warrant keeping it open.
aaaw dang :(
@ScottPack SO your best bet is to take part in competitions or try to become a mod
wanted to see if there were security.SE sip cups
or present a business case for merch at an event - I'm sure if you have 50 t-shirts to give away, wearing one as an example wouldn't be frowned upon
@RoryAlsop The election swag bag contained the generic SE shirt and SE stickers.
As I recall the site specific gear hadn't been designed yet, so who knows what this year brings.
Anyway, pickup time. Ta.
@ScottPack ttfn
@ScottPack I think I would have voted NaRQ myself, if I voted at all. Instead, I probably just down-voted. (CC @RoryAlsop @Gilles)
@ScottPack Would be nice if this one had a new design. Or a polo! I know at least two of our candidates (wink) got the high-rep bag already.
@Gilles Your edit to the question almost makes it a different question entirely. Still pretty far-reaching, but a bit more focused. At least there appears to be an end goal somewhat defined.
@Iszi Branded polos tend to be about 50-100% more expensive to make than t-shirts. I would much prefer one of those, though.
The SE shirt makes a fantastic undershirt. Fits slightly small, good color, logo is non-descript, and the silk screening isn't too heavy.
But I feel bad that they weeny through the effort of making those things for me to use it solely as an undershirt.
Yeah - my Sec.SE one is much better than the generic SE one

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