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This is completely off-topic. My original intent was to say that this is by far a more fun chat room than the chat rooms in Quant Fin, (the now deceased) Econ and even EL&U.
Then I did a word search with chat DMZ for an old comment. Didn't find it, but did find this, results returned were very enjoyable chat.stackexchange.com/search?q=stupid&room=151 Best as his, without changing sort order. I lol'd. A lot. I like it here!
@AviD awesome, you read cracked.com
RE: Blackhat vs Whitehat, i pretty much agree with Rook's answer.
@FeralOink We aim to pleasure.
I'll bet searching for the word 'drunk' will also produce interesting results.
@ScottPack And you succeed. I will try your other suggestion next!
Jul 18 '11 at 10:56, by AviD
hmm, as long as we're applying crypto terms to drinking - i think we should switch over to "bcrypt drinking": many many rounds.
This is gold.
The other thing I noticed is how you look at previous questions, user names, overall snarky or belligerent or poor quality content when evaluating questions and users. I try to do that with other SE sites, because it is how I think too, but haven't found a lot of similar thinkers. They think I am creepy, I am guessing, to do that.
The same users who ask whether eating gentile men is Kosher on Jewish SE will appear on English SE asking questions about the English language equivalent of old fashioned Moscow toilet arrangements, that sort of thing. Or if "Dago" is pejorative or okay. Or how to pronounce "^".
@FeralOink actually, I'm pretty sure that was asked here, not too long ago.
@TerryChia ah thank you thank you, I'll be here all week.
yknow, I really have no recollection of that whatsoever.
<strikeout>Moscow toilet arrangements</strikeout> That was legit. Which question, about eating Kosher men?
@TerryChia heh, you recognized that??
@FeralOink yup
Sorry, gentile men!
@AviD i read that site every day. comedy gold.
@AviD I really wanted to bring that up as an issue on The Atheist Rabbi's website, when he wrote an anti-circumcision diatribe but was afraid I'd be banned. I wanted to tell him that Jewish and Muslim men were more appetizing. That would not have gone over well.
I should just gracefully exit now. I have roamed too far afield.... Thank you for your hospitality, and if I find any choice questions for the competition, I will reply to the meta question as instructed.
@AviD I did ask you something recently regarding the kosherness of something that may have been cannibalistic. I can't recall what it was.
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
@ScottPack right, I went looking for it, but couldnt find it. Figured it was you.
A wild @TerryChia appeared! Polynomial used GREETING.
GREETING was not very effective.
TerryChia fled.
@Polynomial hurt himself in the confusion.
LOL - reminds me of the ctrl-alt-del comic
wasn't that VG Cats?
could be :-)
Oh - I love this answer - just for 'flying death tube'
A: How can i make sure my kids are not annoying?

jrocknycPart of it is teaching proper/expected behavior in various situations ("This is not the playground, it's a flying death tube, look at how everyone else is sitting; that's how you should be sitting.") Part of it is knowing that kids are "works in progress" and therefore will inevitably be annoyin...

I'm gonna start calling planes "flying death tubes" from now on.
lol @ flying death tube.
although statistically it's a flying life tube - y'know, just going by the numbers
go by the crash survival stats instead, they're much more morbid.
my assumption was always - hitting the ground at >300mph = death. Any survivors at all surprises me. Although my dad did once crash a Buccaneer into the sea and managed to survive - he was a bit slower than that as he was on final approach to a carrier, and there was a failure to arrest on deck, but didn't manage to eject :-)
eep, that sounds pretty scary.
you should see the pictures :-)
heh, I can just imagine him crashing into the deck, with his phone out, taking a photo and tweeting it under the caption "oh shit, gonna crash lol".
hahahahaha - he hasn't ever said what he really said at that point. My guess is something unrepeatable, as Buccaneers were notorious for going down really quickly when ditched, so most didn't get out in time.
the tower did take a series of 5 (I think) photos as standard showing just how it all went wrong :-)
if it happened today, the tower would add rage faces and then stick some instabrown filters over it.
Q: Why attack prevention, defense and threat mitigation are separate tags?

Andrey BotalovWhat is the difference between attack-prevention, defense and threat-mitigation? Should they be merged? I'm not sure that difference outlined by @AviD worth having separate tags

I know what guys already wrote there but I still think that they are too closely related
mitigation has to be kept separate from attack-prevention - it is formally used as part of business risk reduction anyway. Prevention is an absolute (or tries to be) whereas mitigation is the use of techniques to reduce the risk to a level acceptable to the business
eg through logging, audit, risk transference, etc etc etc
mitigation tends to cover "they got in, how do we stop them blowing everything up?"
prevention tends to cover "how do we stop them getting in?"
that's as clearly as I can state it :P
I think that the main purpose of tags is following them. I think there is no much difference between following one of them as a man that knows one thing is likely to know the other too.
They're also about searching. Google treats tags differently to in-page keywords.
I think from an SE perspective it is all about the search
I think one tag like can be better for searching than all those
I think people may use all those tags (and too) only to know what should I do to protect myself from e.g. xss
I think people that search just want to see what they can do to protect/prevent/mitigate etc. It's all defenders role.
@AndreyBotalov was about to say what @rory did.
also, it's dealing with a (potential) threat, as opposed to a (materialized) attack.
@RoryAlsop and categorization.
@AndreyBotalov so just call it all defense - I guess we only need two tags on the site, either use defense or attack.
love it.
but no - it is different. different activities, different perspectives... often its different roles performing it.
as the man said, one is purely technical, the other is a business/technical discussion.
@AviD yes - I should maybe have said it's all about SEO
@RoryAlsop hmm, while that is definitely one of the biggest parts of it, they could also be used as, yknow, tags.
like in gmail, or blogs, or whatever...
pseudo-folders. you want to open up a whole category of questions, and work through that list - not exactly SEO related,
it's also super useful when searching for something quite specific
@Polynomial so, internal search optimization. which would require tags as specific as possible. right.
@RoryAlsop I'm concerned about making answers CW by editing them. Is it be possible for you to make answer not CW if it has many edits
Ms. Spektor wrote a song about that. Her central thesis is that one can write but can't edit.
@ScottPack damnit - that's probably funny, but I'm entirely missing the reference
@AndreyBotalov yes, I think we have a button for that :-P
@RoryAlsop It's a referential adaptation of a lyric from Regina Spektor's song 'Edit'
ahhh - is that some of this modern 'pop' music I've heard so much about? </gramps mode>
Pretty much, yeah.
I'm going to blame Pandora on that one. She slipped into a Ben Folds Five mix once.
Wow, I don't know how that happened. Mayhaps I should start drinking this coffee.
off topic, but wow this article makes me angry: eurogamer.net/articles/…
We have an on-topic?
Oh, right, food and beer!
this stems from a conversation on Twitter, where we were basically saying "thank god the security industry isn't as misogynistic... oh wait."
There's been a lot of that going around lately.
It drives me insane. It puts me off bringing my gf to the cons, because she's either gonna get hit on by some douchebag, or assume that I go to the cons for the booth babes and misogynist atmosphere.
or both.
I honestly can't understand the mentality of people that assume sexual harassment and even sexual assault is OK in any context, let alone using a security conference as an excuse.
There is this
"Is sexual harassment part of Hacker culture?" Sigh. No. It's part of douchebag culture. Douchebags r part of all cultures. Don't be a dick.
I can say that neither security conference I've been to had those problem.
I cannot express a floating point number large enough to upvote that.
Of course, one was a Higher Ed industry and the other was a BSides
InfoSec was kinda bad, dc4420 / bsides were pretty good though.
couple of random comments by a few people at BSidesLondon made me a little uncomfortable (ofc not directed at me) but I shrugged them off.
right, this has got to fucking stop
(change of topic actually)
We have the unfortunate problem in that we're trained, as people, to be non-confrontational and let comments we disagree with roll off.
@RoryAlsop Andrew has taken to downvoting all of my questions and answers, in retaliation for me flagging his stuff.
he's recommending SDL again on a social engineering question, completely off-topic as an answer.
Fucking Karrax. I saw your question come across the twitters on my walk into the building. Sure enough, that guy's already said everything I could.
Give it till 0000 UTC. The voter fraud algorithm should pick it up.
feel free to post a second answer, with any extra bits you think of.
@Polynomial the good thing - the vote scripts will sort that out
@RoryAlsop He's been doing it selectively, not voting every single thing.
just where I respond to him, or downvote his answers.
If he doesn't sort his act out soon, I'm gonna bust a nut.
eventually the downvotes on his answers may also trigger the post prevention script...
@ScottPack Haha :D
@Karrax Jerk. :)
@ScottPack Some refer to it as good community service :p
That's what she said.
Oh god.. I've been hearing that phrase so much lately! I am listening to Pauldotcom in my daily commute
I like to use it in completely unnecessary situations, to confuse people.
I recently added ISDpodcast so my rotation. I was not prepared for the onslaught of a daily show.
obligatory xkcd: xkcd.com/174
@Polynomial I always use "That's what she said" appropriately. In the other cases I use "So's your face."
So's your face is always appropriate.
/me misses that show
Scrubs? Yeah :(
watched some of the new seasons, they were OK, but certainly not proper Scrubs.
My feeling as well.
You know that angry girl student they added to the cast? I saw her in something recently, it really threw me off.
Same with the boy she hooked up with.
His crazy eyes made the new role work.
ah yeah, I've forgotten her name. the really uncaring one.
I love it on the Steak Night episode, with the old black guy dying of ischemic bowel, and they come back instead of going to the restaurant and find her in there with him, and the dude just says "I think I just met the devil!"
that was a sad episode. least the poor bloke got his beer though.
boy you guys sure are chatty today.
one of the best episodes in terms of acting was the one where Dr Cox loses those 3 patients. really gritty stuff.
the bit where he threw the paddles and trashed that trolley made me jump
hahaha, the guys at Dropbox are awesome: nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2012/08/13/…
I won't say he's a great actor, but he's definitely an emotional one. Makes up for a lot.
Now if only they could get their employees to practice good password policies.
my absolute favourite actor of all time has to be Michael Caine.
he's been in so many great movies, and hasn't disappointed in a single one.
his performance in the new Batman movie was phenomenal.
oh, and if you've not seen Harry Brown, I highly recommend it. mixes a scarily realistic depiction of chav gang culture in London with him being and old frail man who loses pretty much everyone in his life.
@Polynomial Ever seen Sleuth?
no, worth a watch?
the synopsis sounds awesome.
I'll see if I can grab a copy on my way home tonight.
For all intents and purposes it is a two man show.
Caine and Olivier.
It was recently redone with Caine and Jude Law. I haven't seen that one.
that's the one I spotted, should I get the older version?
Oh definitely.
In the older version Laurence Olivier plays the old man and Caine the young one.
I'll watch both I think. I like Jude Law.
I'll see if I can grab the old one first though.
Law is a good enough actor that I'll bet the newer version is also really good. But come on. Olivier and Caine? How can you turn that down?
Anyone has a link to a common passwords file? I'll like to attempt to crack some example passwords for this module i'm doing.
I'd give you my plaintext version, but my home box is switched off atm.
That will work for now. Thanks.
I just do a select on the LinkedIn database to grab my plain text password file.
Isn't their security something along the lines of linkedin.com/sql.php?query=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20users?
I think that is exactly their password validation code.
sadly, I've come across that one as an ajax call.
something like $.ajax('sql.php?query=' + query).success(...);
Sounds something similar to a pretty major SIS system that I've heard of.
ajax calls are always my first port of call when doing webapp pentests for SQLi
same for authentication bypass
so many people forget to put the same authentication controls on ajax scripts as on the main site.
@Polynomial sadly, I've seen that way too often.
This is a very eye-opening and interesting talk: ted.com/talks/mikko_hypponen_three_types_of_online_attack.html (only about 10 mins long)
Welcome to the Security Office! Were the notion of our resident coder going hunting with a garrote came about as a natural course of conversation.
Holy crap, it's been noisy in here lately.
@Iszi that seems to be becoming a new meme.
I blame @TerryChia. (this time.)
I blame @Avi.
of course you would.
@AviD Hey, what did I do?
@TerryChia @ScottPack see, he did it again!
@TerryChia Stop that!
What mysql dump formats can john crack?
Lots of fiber.
@TerryChia can always count on @Scott to hit the scatalogical joke.
Which is definitely not related to our "Eat Anything" conversations.
@ScottPack and he kicks for the field goal!! IT'S GOOD!!!
Aren't all goals on a field?
Well, I suppose it's really called a pitch, but close enough.
perhaps it's a finite field.
and the goals are really solutions to polynomials.
/me nods reassuringly.
/me goes back to daemonizing perl scripts
@ScottPack I think the word you're looking for is sodomizing.
That comes later.
Hah. Interesting twist this conversation has taken.
And @AviD blames me for spam. @ScottPack should be the one to blame.
@AviD you specialize in web apps right? Is proxmon a good tool?
So I think I might have just asked the most ridiculous and outlandish question in the history of Sec.SE: security.stackexchange.com/questions/18615/…
@Polynomial nice!
@AviD can you kill that question please? ^
lol. 5 viruses a day? most productive virus writer EVAH~
@TerryChia not specifically web, apps in general. or rather, development.
never used proxmon, so I have no opinion.
about that, anyway.
@Polynomial hammered. though @Gilles will probably object.
even if it wasn't ridiculously blackhat, it's NARQ anyway.
@Polynomial I think that user is @Gilles's sockpuppet. just to prove that we should have blackhat q's here.
he's not doing a very good job :P
@Polynomial nice. but I disagree on the use of the tag.
@AviD Awwww :(
But nuclear bombs!
So I guess "i am a hacker" is another sockpuppet.
Those people are great arguments against allowing black hat content here. Sheer stupidity.
sounds like @AviD is gonna have to fire up the banhammer extra hard today.
He's married with children. He's probably forgotten what to do with the banhammer.
No, that's his penis.
@Polynomial You don't say? -insert meme here-
The wanghammer.
@ScottPack nasty
@Polynomial Have I seen you at the gym?
@Polynomial hammerenis
It's Hammer time.
@ScottPack Hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa oh god no.
I don't go to the gym, I'm just naturally like this.
@Polynomial yeah, but tag with a single question is quite pointless.
and I find it highly doubtful that there will be another q to use that tag.
@AviD But, but, maybe someone else will have nuclear bomb related questions! :)
(tbh I know it was silly, but I really wanted to add it)
I truth, so do I and for the same reason.
@Polynomial oh, I have another nuclear bomb - in my pants.
that just sounds like you took a wicked dump.
@Polynomial lol, again with the scatology
You wouldn't have it any other way.
anyway, feel free to remove the tag and clip the the last sentence off the post
oh lord
@AviD It took a team of German scientists to make it work and now they're terrified of the consequences?
your new tag is worse
Hahahaha :P
compromise - lets leave the nclear bomb one.
@Polynomial I threw up some other tags - what you think of them?
Yeah, I like those.
@Polynomial ach, dammit same user as before.
so now is when he starts pulling out the 100's of addresses he stole? Wonderful.
Glad I'm going on vacation...
okay, quick offtopic question, for which I really should know better.
safe place to download audio decoders...?
decoders? you mean codecs?
Windows, of course.
yes, well, one half of it anyway :)
grab the K-Lite Codec Pack. has everything I've ever needed.
@Polynomial hmm. I'm pretty sure I already have that installed, but its probably not up to date.
good call, anyway - I'll just do that.
grab it from the Media Player Classic (mplayerc) homepage if you want the latest one.
softpedia has a bunch of older builds.
@Polynomial on sourceforge?
possibly. I think there's an actual homepage for mplayerc, but it was some 1990s HTML4 monstrosity with animated gifs, so it might have been migrated to SF
i guess simplest thing would be to just reinstall mplayerc, and not futz around with the specific codecs.
what is wrong with using vlc?
VLC doesn't have codecs for quite a few formats.
it does the job exceedingly well for most though.
I installed K-Lite and VLC, so I get the best of both worlds.
since VLC will use the K-Lite codecs automatically :]
@Polynomial Really? What backward ass codecs are you using? I never found a video VLC can't play before.
VLC has problems with MKV with progressive interlacing.
@Polynomial heh. happens to be exactly what I'm dealing with right now.
What doesn't have problems with MKV?
and it won't render vector MKVs, which are awesome for anime.
I don't watch much videos i guess.
MKV is probably my favourite video codec. ridiculously flexible, completely no-nonsense approach to video encoding and storage.
I listen to a lot of music though.
as many audio / video channels as you like, too.
which makes it great for dual-audio anime.
@Polynomial wow, but I so don't care.
I've abstracted that away from the user (myself).
I have no idea how anyone deals with English dubs on anime.
I guess I just dont do enough (any) video encoding and editing to have to worry about it at all.
okay, why is this damn thing in French??
I only looked into MKV because of having a ridiculously large library of cartoons and anime, and MKV is awesome at encoding flat-colour blocks and smooth gradients, in terms of quality and space.
a single Family Guy episode can be ~65MB for 720p, and it scales almost seamlessly into 1080p resolution.

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