How do you protect hostnames in DNS? My thoughts are to whitelist machine that can query reverse DNS, like normal users querying PTR may get public.server.local but not secret.server.local.
Idk its all games anyways. A password file = a master password + ran from windows multiple times over multiple years = meh
Ok but: 1. How safe is that file, from what is publicly known 2. Here's a question.
On the Tails website, it's highly clear that they do not support virtualizing on Windows. On the Whonix website, VMing a Whonix setup is actually documented.
A threat model basically means "What are you trying to protect yourself from? And how are you going to achieve that?"
For example, a password manager will protect you from password reuse and easily cracked passwords. It won't protect you from a guy storming your house with a gun
So, when we look at KeepassXC, we have several possible threats:
Disclosure of the database, malware on your PC, local access to your computer, shouldersurfing
Let's look at disclosure of the database. We don't know how, but an attacker got a copy of you KeepassXC database file. What can they do now?
Well, for one, they can use a side channel attack and analyze the size of the database. While this won't be 100% accurate, it can allow an attacker to guess some things, such as whether or not I have attached documents to the database or not
This is something we cannot realistically prevent, and just something you have to live with
"look, I got this keepass database full of credentials, and they have some encrypted files inside... the passwords for them must be in the database, I only have to find the correct parameters... it must be a symmetric key, and they must have the key on the database"
@MechMK1 sure... I've seem a guy here killing another on cold blood because he was turning 18 in 3 days and had not killed anyone yet, so he did because as soon as you turn 18, all your criminal record is deleted...
depending on the crime, you get on a youth jail for at most 3 years. after leaving, you have a clean criminal record, no matter what you did before turning 18
a guy here was 17, and was the leader of a gang that hijacked a couple that was camping, raped the girl for days after shooting her boyfriend and letting him die from shock after 3 days, killed her after a week, and got caught later. he got convicted and was to be in jail for 3 years, got released before that, and now is free without any criminal record at all. news outlets cannot even use his real name or picture "for reasons"
so the drug dealers here use minors as soldiers, spies, delivery boys, hitmen... because they cannot be in prison
so cops give the boys a beating, and have to release them
and nobody wants to be seem as "the guy who wants to throw babies in jail"
@nobody no, usually not. usually they are people without kids and think kids cannot be evil
and think some 12 yo can decide that he wants to be a she, but a 17 year old does not know that killing someone after beating that someone for a week is wrong...