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Are you ready for a sharp decrease in conversation quality?
How do you deal with companies who have a completely warped sense of security? Like saying they don't use well-tested algorithms because they're public? Or they won't encrypt internal traffic so they can analyze it better?
@ConorMancone Holy shit, this is so fucking stupid
@J.J Hey there, old friend
Hey man, long time no see.
Indeed, indeed. How has life been treating you?
What an interesting question to come into... How you deal with those companies? Give up on them, lmfao. The government is included in those companies well, at least on the "don't use well-tested algorithms because they're public" so lul.
Alright! I got a pay rise which was nice. Still working on my OSCE honestly.
Driving me fucking insane.
How about yourself?
Lovely, lovely. I am the same as always, testing the same shitty webapps, writing my reports and just relaxing to some great music
I don't know if you've heard, but I've broken up with my girlfriend too
It happened quite a while ago, but I don't recall if we've spoken ever since
Hahaha, well the music helps with those shitty webapps and reports I'm sure :D I am doing a pen-test right now as it happens. Very borked VDI solution let me tell you.
Ah I didn't know that. Sorry to hear that.
Hope you're okay :)
Yes, indeed I am. It was just...god, it was a toxic mess
I regret not breaking up sooner
Yeah, that sucks but at least you feel like it was the best decision :)
I'm about to break off my relationship with this stupid course lol
I feel so drained from this shit its really tough
It certainly was. It feels so heavenly to finally be able to be myself
Not dealing with constant jealousy
Or double standard
Fuck, it was a shitshow
I hope your OSCE will go fine though
That's good :) It's always hard so, well done.
Hahah, me too. I might delay it honestly I'm just not ready.
Perfectly fine to delay it, really
Yeah, it wasn't easy, but damn, I had to
Yeah tell my perfectionist brain that :D
It was either that or deepthroating a shotgun
Deep down I know it is fine to delat.
But I just have massive issues with believing in myself and being satisfied.
@J.J.Brain It's perfectly fine to delay it, really
Which is stupid really given my position in life but i cant help it
Good enough sometimes really is good enough.
Oh well, just gonna keep studying.
Certainly not a bad decision
I'm 20 soon.
Big scare.
That means I have been in this community for nearly 3 years, fucking hell.
And in cybersec overall for 4 years.
What is this shit.
Damn, 2 decades of JJ
Hahahahha, when you put it like that I feel EXTREMELY old.
I honestly have to think every time someone asks me how old I am
Because i really stopped giving a fuck after turning 18
I'm 26 now, I think
The only reason I know I'm 20 is because I have not achieved like 4 things that I planned to achieve by 20, not going to lie.
You know, no matter how bleak things look, there is always a solution.
Yeah the worrying thing is that things aren't bleak.
I'm just never content with my position really, I always want to improve and be more it's really not so healthy.
But I am learning to deal with it. That is for sure something that you MUST learn to accept as part of being an adult.
It's a state of mind. Feeling okay with yourself is a skill one needs to learn.
And 19 and 20 is the difference between teenager and adult so I need to get better at accepting it quicker because I'm 20 in a month lmfao
At least I am not as bad as this VDI solution I've found a total of 23
ways to escape the environment
in 5 hours.
But honestly, being "adult" is overrated
Last weekend I took mushrooms and played Unreal Tournament 2004 for 8 hours
I regret nothing
@MechMK1 In what way do you have to deal with them?
@ConorMancone I pentest their shit and make recommendations
Mainly: just ignore them. You're probably not going to convince anyone. If they hired you for pen test then provide your recommendations and be prepared for the fact that they will ignore everything you say
And then they try to be smug and try to explain me why my recommendations are shit and why AES-GCM-128 is actually really bad
If they want to pay you for your opinions and then ignore everything you say, that's kinda their own stupidity
So much wasted time, honestly
And it may hurt them more in the long run if they end up in legal trouble and it comes up that they paid for a pentest and then ignored recommendations which lead to breaches
When we did custom application development we would have people come by with terrible business ideas, convinced that it was going to be the next big thing
At the end of the day though we were just a hired gun, so while it was obviously more fun to work on ideas that were interesting and had a chance of actually being "good", there were plenty of times that we just said (to ourselves), this is a stupid idea but as long as you pay me, whatever
It's not always fun work, but sometimes it's enough to get paid
It's stuff like this that just makes me want to not give a fuck
@MechMK1 Hahahah i guess it is
im still a little kid
my eyes lit up when i got a powershell window via this vdi
then i did it 6 other ways and jumped for joy
Same, honestly. And it's those of us who remain kids who are really happy in this life
Because look around, what else is there?
@MechMK1 and @J.J - I've got 2 decades of being in infosec... you think you feel old?
@RoryAlsop I'm not old, at least not yet
Just struggling with the things everyone struggles with in their 20s
@RoryAlsop Hahahahhaha
@J.J I'm assuming I'll hit my next big milestone birthday, but 2020 makes that more uncertain than I expected... I reckon it doesn't matter what age you are - currently many folks are struggling
Hopefully covid will be under some sort of control by next summer - I would like a party for my half century
I never really cared about birthday parties. Is that weird?
not really. I'm never that bothered
just figure I should make an effort next one
I mean, for decades or such I would understand
But to me it's always been like...not that important
1 hour later…
when JJ was born I was already programming... in basic and clipper (don't laugh)
I believe I had djgpp or turbo c installed on my 486 dx4 too, but without internet, without any friends knowing the language, and without any books, learning C as a first language by myself was not possible

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