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1:52 PM
Pot stirring in 3...2...1...
2:26 PM
The part that is definitely silly: "Infosec community disagrees" really means "We found some people on twitter that are undecided". It's like they wanted a "reaction" for their news story but obviously couldn't get one, so just decided to randomly check Twitter. How is that "news"? I don't remember being polled about my thoughts here, so it's clearly ridiculous for them to come to any conclusions about how the "infosec community" "reacted"
4 hours later…
5:57 PM
@JohnZhau you don't need 128MB... if you won't run anything graphically demanding, even 32MB is enough
@MechMK1 and if you want to crack, don't bother with a VM...
1 hour later…
6:59 PM
@ConorMancone I'm part of the infosec community, and nobody asked me.
Unless some "community" can be clearly found in one major place (e.g. the developers of that one software, players of one game in the official game forum) and there are just countless voices saying one thing, it's hard to determine what a community things
And once a community grows sufficiently, you just basically get a representation of just the general population
Even if you just look at the DMZ, you'll likely see representations of basically every major political ideology.
You'll find people who put pineapples on their pizza, and those who hate it.
You'll find people who think metal is amazing, and people to whom it's just noise.
Asking "what the DMZ community thinks" is riddiculous
I am on the infosec community too and nobody asked me anything, and I don't know anyone that was asked anything.
@ThoriumBR I have to agree with Conor. "The InfoSec Community says" means "We found people on Twitter who say..."
I am sure there are people who really pushed for the idea to remove words like "master" and "slave" from technical jargon. I know many people who think it doesn't really do anything for anyone and is just virtue signalling without making anyone's situation actually better.

With enough digging you can find any opinion
and "people on twitter" means nothing... and even if 3 or 4 said they agree black hat is racist, it does not mean anything at large...
I don't believe black hat, master/slave or anything like that is racist at all...
how people changing the term solves racism? it's just another name for the same thing, computers aren't people, and I don't think using a master branch or main branch changes anything...
unless someone says using branch is problematic because trees...
7:14 PM
I agree. All those "symbolic gestures" don't change shit for anyone
For example, the austrian national anthem had a line "Heimat bist du großer Söhne" (you are home to great sons), and it was changed several years ago to "Heimat bist du großer Töchter und Söhne" (you are home to great daughters and sons)
Does this help anyone? Do any women who suffered injustices before now suddenly have a better life?
it's like those "press releases" brands send everywhere when a customer is badly treated saying they regret and things will be better, but guess what? they don't change...
Look at all the companies changing their logo for June to "stand with the LGBT community", and on July 1st, everything was regular again
Brands are not your friends. Any brand pretending to care about you or your personal issues is lying.
Do you want to know how I know?
like blizzard and the hong kong issue...
7:17 PM
Because for example Bethesda has regional twitter accounts. And in every region where LGBT people are not accepted (middle east, russia, china, etc.), their accounts remained normal
they banned a guy from hearthstone, and a few months ago are saying they don't agree with persecution... sure...
Yes yes, I know. They later called it "a heated hearthstone gamer moment"
You can tell how sleazy and slimy they are. In all the regions where the LGBT community actually suffers, they remain silent. It's only in the regions where LGBT is largely accepted, they act like they are on the forefront of some revolution, but they're basically just saying what a vast majority of people already agree with
And the idea that the LGBT community needs to be pandered to especially, in my opinion, only furthers the "otherness" of them - the idea that somehow they're not like you and me.
@ThoriumBR Nice
@MechMK1 That's a serious face palm, but is only a surprise for anyone who expects businesses to care about anything other than protecting their profits
7:23 PM
@ConorMancone I actually like the original better. It's true. Money is the new God, and a CEO promising a road to fortune is like a modern-day prophet.
Although now both Amazon Prime and Netflix have a whole row dedicated to "black" titles
@MechMK1 :)
@ConorMancone Finally, they fixed racism
Or (I don't quite remember the details) but I was looking at a tv show/movie and it had a suggestion section along the lines of "See other films by black producers/directors/whatever it was"
I know I sound cynical, but I have to ask the question: "Why?"
I had no idea that the movie I was watching was by a black person, but (and I don't mean this in the "I'm so not-racist that I don't even see color anymore way), seriously, why should I even care?
7:25 PM
No, like...when people say "Listen to and support black creators!" I ask "Why?"
Why can't they just make compelling content that makes me want to enjoy their content?
Why do I need to be coerced by the subtle implied threat of being labelled a racist?
Why can't their content just be so good that I can't help but want to watch it?
If the whole point is that we're all just people (and to be clear, that is the whole point), then it really shouldn't matter if someone is black or white. All that matters is if their stuff is good.
I'm also rather dubious about this new "White voice-actors who play non-white animated characters stepping down for someone with the right ethnic background".
and if we need people to be treated as equals, creating a group for each one is the wrong approach
That would imply that only white people should play white people, and that's a loss for non-caucasians because the majority of animated characters are likely caucasian for simple demographic reasons
@ConorMancone I honestly agree with that though. I think it's sexist as fuck that Bart Simpson is voiced by a woman, and that Winnie the Pooh isn't voiced by an actual bear.
@ConorMancone We need more racial segregation to fight racism, obviously.
Winnie the Pooh is one of my favorite kid shows. Don't you dare talk smack about it!!!!!
7:28 PM
Have you ever been so woke that you're accidentally back to the 1950s?
(seriously though, Winnie the Pooh is hilarious - especially the books)
@ConorMancone Winnie is cultural appropriation of bears and should never have aired!
White kids must only ever see shows about white kids, by white people.
I struggle to identify if what I just said is a far-left or far-right view.
You're lucky travel restrictions prevent me from flying to Austria... them be fighting words!!!
@ConorMancone Let it be a good, clean fight, with no punches below the belt
@MechMK1 lol! That's actually a true story, and it's a terrible sign that it's true...
7:30 PM
Same with "Good thing that Uncle Ben gets removed from Uncle Ben's"
I wonder how many modern-day neo-liberals would support the idea of "All-Black Schools"
It's really very sad how, in the US anyway, blacks and whites have effectively self-segregated themselves, and it is changing only very, very, very slowly. It has resulted in such different cultures that it seems unlikely that it will ever actually change, and so the legal segregation that so many fought so hard to end 60 or 70 years ago basically continues today despite the lack of laws enforcing it
It actually makes me sad, and more so that all of these things "modern" attempts to break down walls are really only going to re-enforce this separate in the long run
I find it curious when whites segregate themselves, they're considered racist. But when blacks segregate themselves, they're "making their own space"
@MechMK1 The irony never ends.
I honestly wonder how much damage the push to label anyone and anything "racist" for the most minute things has done in the long run. I wonder how many people got labelled "racist" for completely innocuous things and just said "Whatever, call me racist, I don't care"
7:45 PM
@ThoriumBR Star Wars, eh?
That's why I push back on phase 1
saw this yesterday, makes sense...
"<thing> needs to be more inclusive!" - Why?
I find it curious that already existing and popular things "need to be made inclusive" instead of new things being created already inclusive becoming popular
Because all attempts at making woke shit popular failed horribly
I don't think much will ever change unless we have a serious "culture" merge. Because the thing is (IMO), that it isn't race that separates us. It's purely culture. We have completely different ones. I lived in an area once that was heavily african american, and I genuinely had no idea how to interact with (most) of the adults who were my neighbors
7:46 PM
Look at all modern day comics trying so hard to be woke
@ConorMancone The minority will either segregate itself or will be merged into the majority. That's how it always was. That's how it always will be.
I think 'inclusive" policy should exist for disabled people, because being unable to walk, see or speak is really a problem... inclusive signage, inclusive roads and transportation really is an issue that will make life way better for people with disabilities
but inclusive technical terms for people don't feel offended?
We had different priorities, different approaches to life, and (practically) a different language. We tried our best to be polite and kind, but apparently failed. My wife was in the local grocery store once and a random dude walked up to her and was like, "Oh, you live next door to [our neighbor]. Everyone there talks about how you're an ass all the time!". He was at least friendly about it :)
@ThoriumBR Absolutely, but that's more what I'd call "accessibility"
I have no idea what my wife did to irritate them (this was when we first got married, so she lived there a year or 2 before I moved in)
I am all for accessibility, 100%
@ConorMancone Not being black, I suppose?
@ThoriumBR "The right to not be offended does not exist"
7:49 PM
@MechMK1 Possible, but most likely the issue was that we just didn't know what their norms were for "neighborly" friendliness and so were either doing things that they disliked or were not doing things that they considered necessary for politeness
@ConorMancone Possible, though the correct thing was to be honest with your neighbors
saying "you should be a slave" is way different than using a "slave peripheral" on a datasheet... the first is really offensive, but changing the second won't change anything
and I really believe it hurts the cause
like the vegans and the animal rights advocates... they say so many stupid things that they are seen as a bunch of nonsensical people even when they say the correct thing...
@ThoriumBR I find the idea that those two are equal really offensive. Imagine someone saying "The fact that it's called rapeseed oil is basically the same level of tragedy as a woman being raped"
like that controversy about the author rights for a monkey that took a selfie... what would a monkey do with money? and fame? come on, the rights are for the photographer, not the monkey!
@ThoriumBR Look, I'm all for animal rights. If there was a way to make eggs more expensive and that resulting in chickens having a better life, I'm all for it. I'd pay twice or three times the money if that means a chicken has a decent life
@ThoriumBR It's weird as fuck
But you'll never convince me not to eat meat again.
7:53 PM
@MechMK1 me too... we buy free range eggs almost exclusively, and being born and raised on a farm makes me know a lot more about animals than most of those advocates
TIL: Canola is in the Brassicaceae family. As near as I can tell, all vegetables are in the Brassicaceae family...
@ThoriumBR Same. I always buy free range, no exceptions
but some things they fight for are downtight stupid
@ConorMancone Nice
@ThoriumBR Yeah, like IKEA selling teddy bears "because it teaches kids animals are toys"
I once was against zoos, and was sad looking at those sad faces behind bars on the local zoo... and one day, I changed my mind when a conservationist explained at reddit that almost every zoo is a conservation effort. those animals usually got rescued from a circus, from illegal breeding, or were sick, and now they care for them and breed them to give the species a chance to avoid extinction.
so the babies from one zoo are transferred to different zoos around the world to keep genetic variety, and the money people pay for entering the zoo will pay for upkeep, food, and everything a zoo needs, making anyone visiting a zoo a conservationist...
7:57 PM
@ThoriumBR I've been to multiple zoos, and my opinion is mixed. I've seen some zoos that are tragically underfunded, and some animals there live in way too small enclosures, because the land simply isn't there, or the zoo can't afford it
Seeing a meerkat in a 4m x 6m enclosure just displaying compulsive behaviour is...tragic
@MechMK1 Went to a zoo in Japan and it was terrible. I still remember seeing some deer relative that had a large open wound on its back that a bird was picking flesh out of... not even joking
the guy said that they have two bad choices to make: keep an animal in captivity under bad conditions, or let the species go extinct
@ThoriumBR Let the species go extinct
Although I'm not opposed to zoos in general: just ones that don't properly care for their animals
@ConorMancone It's weird that just today, i saw a video that I'd best not describe in too much detail, and it didn't touch me at all. But when it's about animals, I just can't help it
I guess it's because when it's about people, they "should know better"
I don't know if this is the best approach... I recently saw that a species of turtle just got saved from the brink of extinction because one male turtle got super horny and fertilized a hundred turtles
7:59 PM
But an animal can't choose to be in captivity or not
@ThoriumBR Incest Time!
now the turtles are getting back to the island they were from
@MechMK1 neither can they choose to be eaten or not, to get neutered or not, nor plants choose where we plant them, what we do with them... we have the power to choose, but usually we choose poorly
and most of the time some of us have to make hard choices to fix the bad choices of the majority
@ThoriumBR Exactly, which is why when I see a guy put his hand into an industrial machine and then get shredded to bits 2 seconds later, I find it hard to feel pity for him. He should have known the risks
Whereas if I see animal abuse, my blood boils and I am ready to do a few unlawful acts to enact some righteous fury
yesterday my wife was talking about someone her mother knew that mixed bleach with something else and ended up dead... I said that the first thing written on the bleach bottle is to never ever mix it with anything
I got up, took the bleach bottle and gave to her... she said she never saw it
@ThoriumBR "If you cannot see the dangers that surround you, you will end up dead and removed from the gene pool" - True for millions of years
Once, many years ago, we were on a walk with our two dogs. We let them roam free (since it was the middle of nowhere), and there happened to be an older couple walking towards us. Our dogs walked up to them (literally walked) because they were curious. Out of nowhere, he took an umbrella and hit one of them with full force. Before we could even react, he kicked him in the chest too.
I am trying to teach my kids to pay attention so they can care for themselves, and not make bad choices just because everyone is doing the same bad choices
8:07 PM
In this moment, I was so completely shocked, that someone could harm an animal that did absolutely nothing to him.
And the next moment, I found myself screaming at him at the top of my lungs
His self-righteous smirk, I won't ever forget it
I wish I had punched him, even though it was wiser that I didn't
not telling the guy was right... PTSD and dogs are a thing... my wife got bitten by a dog when she was 8-9 yo, and until today she screams every time a diog (even a little yorkshire) got close to her
I understand that some people are afraid of dogs, but here is the thing: When we see that people are moving away from our dogs, or even just fixate them, we always put them on a leash
my mother too... we had a little dog, and I saw my mother crying to tears once because she was sitting outside and our small dog jumped on her without her noticing
But they didn't react to them at all. Not saying anything, not even looking at them in particular
Just "Bam!" hitting them and kicking them out of nowhere
our dog was so confused that I don't know if I was more sad looking at the dog or my mom...
8:13 PM
I understand how it can be uncomfortable for some people
But in all honesty, if you had PTSD and were deathly afraid of a dog, would you smile after hitting one?
He was visibly so happy he could harm our dog
That's what angered me the most
His fucking smile
8:31 PM
Oh god I just ate a bug
fuck it tastes awful
@MechMK1 nope... in this case, I believe the guy is a mean guy...
@MechMK1 MechMK1 the Debugger...
Be angry, yet do not sin. I suppose that's true since ancient times
but you have to be angry because of something... not being angry without any motive at all
In response to an injustice of course
I think it's righteous to be angry at an injustice, but that doesn't mean it would have been righteous for me to break the guy's jaw - even if I would have wanted to do that
you did right...
8:43 PM
two little boys sleeping, and I will turn on a power drill AND a vacuum...
why have a little noise when you can have 4 big noises?
I have to hung a mirror for 3 weeks now, and every time I want to put it on the wall, the kids are sleeping
but is almost time to them to wake up, so...
What's better to wake up a little kid than the gentle serenade of a power drill?
the little daughter of a friend is terrified of blenders, drills, and vacuums... they kept her away from those noises to not terrify her...
8:49 PM
Why so? Or just because of the loud noise?
I always have them around when my wife is using the blender or the vacuum, so they grew up knowing those noises are normal
That's a good thing
and we don't make an issue of it, so it's not a big deal. but if you shield them from all noises, all noises are strange and terrifying
I don't think they will wake up... I will know in 3 minutes
only the older one woke up...
@ThoriumBR It's like trains. I know adults who are terrified of using a train
I used trains since I was 6 years old. It's completely normal to me
it's like gunshots and people screaming in pain... we Brazilians are used to it... </joke>
8:55 PM
Hunters do that with dogs
They purposefully use two big wooden paddles that, when smacked together, make a really loud noise (similar to a gunshot)
And every time they do, they calm the dog down afterwards, give them a treat, etc.
So that the dog learns the loud noise isn't scary
people here use this trick to scare birds away from plantations... it really sounds like a gunshot
and to make thieves believe you have large caliber guns at home
"Boom!" - "Ehh, it's probably just a paddle"
[Loads .700 Nitro Express with malicious intent]
unless they are serious thieves targeting you in particular, any loud noise resembling a sot will make them flee
even screaming "honey, bring the shotgun!" is enough
"Is someone there...? Ohhh yes, it's happening, it's happening! Uhuhuhu!"
> They thought it was just going to be an easy grab - but it was no easy grab. Little did they know that their target was an absolute sociopath, and slept cuddled to an AR-15 for precisely this reason.
here on my city there was a guy that got his house robbed when we got away in the weekend... we had cameras all over the place and identified the thief. we went to the police station, reported the guy, and they told they would investigate.
a few weeks later, he went away again, the same guy broke into his house again, he went to the police again, same answer: we will investigate
after being robbed 5 TIMES by the same guy, he rigged a shotgun to the door. the same guy broke at his house again, and got a shot on the face and died on the spot. the owner is serving time in jail for manslaughter...
this is unfair... the police officers should be facing jail time, it was their inaction that ended up badly for the thief.
9:10 PM
Damn, I am not even mad
One less scumfuck to worry about
had them made their jobs, the thief would be jailed and alive
and the owner would not have to resort to this
I am not sorry for the thief, I am sorry for the victim: the house owner...
Yeah. Upstanding citizens are being punished for defending their property
if that was the first time we got robbed, ok, the owner could be a psychopath killing anyone that entered his property, even for a mistake... but was THE SAME guy robbing hum 7 TIMES, and he reported the guy every time...
I can imagine the robber being like "Hehehehe, what a fucking idiot"
And suddenly, shotgun to the face
I once saw a guy from Texas that tracked and killed the rapist of his daughter and got free... here he would serve 30 years...
9:13 PM
Doing God's work, I see
@MechMK1 "what surprises had the owner left for me? I already have his tv, his another tv, his blu-ray, his playstation..."
@ThoriumBR "Hey, want to see 12 cool new lead balls I found? Let me show them to you real quick"
thief saw a surprise so bombastic it totally blew his head off!
@ThoriumBR "Guy robbed the same house 7 times! What he found the 8th time blew his mind!"
my wife would be mad at me for joking at this...
9:18 PM
"If you shoot at a thief who breaks into your house, you make a statement that you value your things more than their life"
If a guy breaks into my house, he makes a statement that he values my things more than his life.
the thief knew he was after things, but the owner don't know that... if someone breaks into a house, how can the owner know if he is being robbed, hijacked, or killed?
Though in all honesty, I would not want someone to break into my home
All the blood and bullet holes would just ruin the aesthetic
And probably leave some lasting psychological damage (not having a place where you're truly safe, yada yada yada)
yes, the psychological damage would be long lasting
imagine sleeping in peace when every noise reminds you that day that you had to shot someone inside your own home
I mean, I've been robbed once
I still dislike being in that area
I can't imagine how it might be at home
I was robbed 3 times too... I never walked that roads again
9:25 PM
Damn, I'm sorry to hear that
the first was getting back from college, guy tried to steal my skate, me and my brother ran away and the guy stole nothing. the second was almost home coming back from work, guy stole all my money (a week's worth of public transport).. the third I had just dropped my daughter at school and was walking to get the bus, 4 guys stole my phone
every time I started thinking about learning some self defense, and get some devices (like a pepper spray, shock gun or whatever) but dropped it... I am not athletic at all, and getting thieves angry at me would mean they would wait for me better prepared next time...
I guess in this case it's a gun or nothing. And the disavantage of that is that you'd end up in a gunfight.
so either I killed them and turned myself in asking self defense, or they would kill me next time... so better just buy another phone and another skate, and put another road on the blacklist...
9:30 PM
That sounds like a reasonable plan
and not listen to music on the road... every time I got robbed I was listening to something. now I walk looking at everyone planning how I would escape from them when they try to rob me
That sounds like a non fun experience.
it's not fun at all, but as a Brazilian, looking at your shoulders is almost second-nature...
because "If you cannot see the dangers that surround you, you will end up KILLED and removed from the gene pool"...
True that. I wonder who said that
I wish I could have come up with a witty pun
this week a journalist was robbed live at knifepoint...
guy only got caught because she was a reporter...
9:38 PM
Oh, I was wondering if the police was going to investigate or "investigate"
we have a registry for stolen cellphones... if you get robbed, you report the robbery and the IMEI of the phone and they should blacklist it... I did so, and last time I checked my former phone still reports as "clean"
Well, I'm sure they're on it
so when you see crime statistics from Brazil, don't believe those high numbers, they are fake... the reality is way worse, because nobody wants the trouble to spend an hour or more at the police station to report on something and not change anything at all...
Ah yes, the "defeat crime statistics by making people not report stuff"
Reminds me of sweden, where the nationality of the perpetrator was not disclosed anymore "as it would have made people racist"
I spent 2 hours on my morning reporting the robbery and they don't even bother to put my phone on the blacklist. it's just a website they have to enter my IMEI... how I would believe they would ask around if someone saw 4 guys stealing from another on the morning?
9:44 PM
Why would they give a shit if you got your stuff back?
@MechMK1 it would make all people from the same nationality reprieve those "making them look bad"...
You see, the problem with people being offended at such thing is that they're more offended at people thinking badly about their nation than the fact that fellow people of their nation are criminals
If Austrians were known for being criminals, I'd be ashamed of them
We're just known for World Wars though
Anyways, it's midnight, so I have to sleep now
See you tomorrrow
good night... and keep your AR-15 safety pin engaged under the pillow...

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