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thanks FQ!
@paj28 How would you define a "smart DB"?
@MechMK1 a fully featured db like Oracle, MS SQL, Postgres
Ah, okay.
I'm a bit of a weirdo. My favourite DB is SQLite :D
2 hours later…
@MechMK1 oooh.... you had a question hit the HNQ. I'm not sure if I've ever done that before.
Q: Can the Host Header be used to hide the existence of a service?

MechMK1Imagine a web server running on, usually reachable via the public DNS entry example.com. Web servers usually allow the distinction of multiple "virtual" servers, based on the Host header received via the HTTP request. Now imagine the same web server would offer a different service ...

I was curious if there was something that prompted that question - were you pentesting an app and find that they were doing that?
@ConorMancone To be honest, no real world application, but I made an easter-egg
@ConorMancone Let me see how many of my questions hit HNQ so far :D
I wrote a SEDE query that tells you how many questions you have written that hit HNQ
For me it's 8 :D
Man, I wish I was better at SQL
Looks like I have the most of Info Sec :DDDDD
I also have 38 answers on a HNQ, although I need to mod the query to see if those are also the accepted answer
Looks like you had 16 accepted answers on a HNQ
@MechMK1 Wow, stackexchange is weird. I've never seen any other system with something like that...
You didn't know SEDE was a thing?
It's really cool
Stems from a time when SE was cool
Remnants of an ancient era, it's inhabitants long forgotten, one with time and tide now.
@MechMK1 I theoretically knew it was a thing but never actually played around with it and had no idea what it actually did
"A weapon for a more civilized age..."
@MechMK1 I'm going to start coming up with the most click-baity questions I can, just because that sounds like a challenge :)
Sure, "civilized"
Despite my quote, I've lost interest in the star wars universe soooo badly. The movies haven't really aged well for me, and everything these days is sooo cheezy
@ConorMancone "Can I hide my service with this one weird trick?"
Just let it die, Disney!
You want my honest opinion on Star Wars?
"Pentesters in Austria are shocked by this one easy thing you can do!"
What you got?
No, your click bait title was better...
The original trilogy was fine. It was a story with a clear beginning, middle and end. And the end was fine enough. The story was done.
The prequels were an obvious moneymaking scheme, with a convoluted plot that wanted to go somewhere completely different, but it had to end where the original trilogy started
But at least we got some funny memes out of it
The Nu-Trilogy is just a mess. It has no clear direction, no theme, no story, no understanding of what people liked about star wars
Everything contradicts itself
Part 2: Luke yeets his own lightsaber away for a cheap "shock" moment
Part 3: Luke saves his own lightsaber, saying "That's no way to treat the weapon of a Jedi"
The whole character arc of Anakin - THE LITERAL AVATAR OF THE FORCE - was about how he desperately tried to learn how to save people
And Rey just fucking does it
She just fucking does it without even really wanting it
Oh God don't get me started on Rey
In fact, all of the cast is fucking dumb
I hate every single one of them
Not the actors though. They worked with what they could
But the characters they were playing acted as if they suffered a severe stroke moments before the movie began
And the whole plot doesn't make any fucking sense
The empire is defeated, the rebels won
30 years later, oppression. WHY!?!??! This is never explained!
Did J.J even watch the original trilogy?
Man I get so fucking worked up over Star Wars and I don't even like star wars. But I feel so fucking sorry for all the people who really cared about it
my main head scratching was when Anakin turned to the dark side. One second he is about to see the destruction of a Sith lord, and says he had to stand trial, not be killed because that is the Jedi way... the next he is killing kids.
It made no sense
the transition was too strong on this one
Anakin needed to fall to the dark side because that's where he had to end up
It would make much more sense if Palpatine had manipulated him much more and actually have him embrace the dark side
Like "The Jedi do not want you to reach your full potential because they are scared of you, scared of what you could become. They want to control you, have you dance like their puppet. But I can train you, I can help you become what you were destined to be."
The part that bugs me (which is silly in comparison to all those very serious issues) is just the fact that Palpatine came back in this last movie. I mean, seriously, why can't anyone die in star wars? Even Darth-maul survived being cut in half. Force users are apparently immortal even before they turn into immortal force ghosts...
Seriously, just let people die
And not "Ayy your gf is about to go bruh. So how bout ya gonna kill sum kids?"
@ConorMancone The worst part is when Chewie "died" and 5 minutes later it was a fake out
Then C3PO "sacrificed himself" and it was a fake out
Then Rey died and it was a fake out
You know how the nu-trilogy could have been good? Kylo Ren comes to terms with killing his father, and seeks Luke to repent and do away with his evil deeds. Ray meanwhile falls to the dark side, as she had absolutely no supervision at all and has no idea how to control the force, and it grows like a cancer inside her.
But no, that would have shown a female character in a bad light, we can't have that in PC Star Wars
All women are heroes and completely flawless
I saw a guy on youtube doing a "review" on The Force Awakens, and it's hilarious... and sad...
They think this makes Rey a good "role model", but a flawless fictional character isn't a role model.
An average guy who never had any trouble walking isn't a role model for someone in a wheelchair. No, a role model is someone who lost his ability to walk and through sheer force of will made sure to not let it impact his life negativel
in the end the rebels take the cruiser and slam it on their pursuers... why don't just take any smal ship, fill it with rocks, and do the same? you don't need to sacrifice a cruiser if you can send a bunch of rocks at lightspeed
and that bombing run on the beginning was atrocious too. even a 8yo that plays videogames would come with a better plan
@ThoriumBR If hyperspace travel was such an extremely effective weapon, why not build hyperspeed torpedos?
Build a "ship" with a hyperspace drive and enough mass to take out the largest ship. If you did like 50 of these, you could have taken out the death star easily
you don't need hyperspeed torpedoes, just the engine. strap it to a rock, a slab of iron, even a brick or a block of ice. a baseball going at lightspeed is a NUKE!
I mean, a torpedo in this case would just be the engine, plus a targeting computer
Basically like a modern X-to-air missile
grab some fighters, melt them all down, create a block of metal, put the engine on it, and done. star destroyer? killed. death start? killed. any planet? killed!
Do you want to know what my personal biggest gripe with Star Wars is?
@ThoriumBR Yeah. This scene was visually impressive, but made no fucking sense at all
@MechMK1 That movie would appeal to me much more. I haven't actually seen the third one yet (very little appeal), so I hadn't hear about the other fake deaths. Seriously. Do something unexpected for once. Let characters actually die. Or change.
@ConorMancone Yeah, but that's not what they do. You can't let a "good" character die
They talk about "subversion of expectations", but the only thing they subverted was my expectation of a good movie.
@ThoriumBR Oh yeah, that scene bugged the crap out of me. Let's take these "bombers" (which doesn't even make sense in the context of space) and see how slowly we can fly them over our target, and then somehow "drop" things on them (even though we're all in orbit)... uh... yeah....
My personal biggest pet peeve was when Han Solo said his ship could do the Kessel run in 12 parsecs.
Not because it's wrong
Did they actually talk about subversion of expectations? Because that clearly didn't happen.
It was fine that it was wrong. It showed the others that Han was trying to bullshit them
they are little rockets? shot a swarm of them at the cruiser, from all directions, at the same time. there's no way to stop every one (after they took down the shield)
But that they actually retconned it and gave it an out-of-media explanation as to "why it was actually right"
@ConorMancone Yes, they often talked how they wanted to "subvert expectations"
Which they eventually put into another movie, just so they could be that much more right
(aka "A Solo Story", possibly the least star wars Star Wars movie ever)
Unpopular Opinion: I actually enjoyed "Rogue One"
Other than 2 common characters, "A Solo Story" was just a standard SciFi movie
It had lots of fight scenes, which made the movie rather enjoyable on a surface level.
@MechMK1 It wasn't amazing, but I did enjoy it. You know why? Because everyone died, and I didn't expect that
And the moment where the blind guy walked onto the battlefield, praying to the force to not get hit, was singlehandedly more "star wars" than the nu-trilogy
I'm not even kidding. Probably the only star wars movie that I have actually enjoyed in quite a while.
@ConorMancone Yeah, and it bridged a nice gap between prequels and original trilogy
What I disliked was how much they broke established rules with the Nu-Trilogy
The entire prequels showed what can happen to a Jedi when they are powerful, but don't train their abilities
I think the star wars universe in general bugs me lately because it doesn't make sense. They just make up whatever is needed for convenience. "Light sabers cut through anything!" "Well, that's too overpowered, so here is this random metal that they don't cut through"
And then Rey comes along and is just the most powerful jedi of all time, no training, nothingg
@ConorMancone The "make up as you go" is also why Harry Potter got worse as it went
"Big bad guy is dead!" "Well, turns out he somehow cloned himself and rebuilt his body using technology + force mysticism"
J.K. Rowling is fantastic at wordlbuilding, but she can't write an interesting plot to save her life
@ConorMancone Yeah, "Somehow Palpatine returned" was in the title crawl
You're making me want to watch the last one even less :) That's okay though, I'll have to watch it when it comes out on Disney+. My oldest is a big star wars fan
Anyway, I have to go do some work now :) If I don't make it back, you guys enjoy your weekend!
@ConorMancone I will. You as well!
@ThoriumBR Yeah, I saw that one
God, I hated the character of the purple haired woman
How was she called again?
Holdo, exactly
What the fuck was her character all about?
this quarantine I realized that I never watched all movies in order, or all the movie. I remember had watched the Ep 1 from halfway to the end, the start of 2, the middle of 3, the 4 complete, part of the 5 and part of the 6... so I watched them all in a week
I had saw the force awakens before, and I was going more and more sad when I finally realized how bad things turned out
man, there are some star wars fans that can retell all dialogue from heart. they know every single detail of every movie. HIRE THEM as script writters
we would have a good movie, not that atrocity...
Yeah, which brings me to the question: Why did the Nu-Trilogy turn out as bad as it did?
It can't be greed, because a beloved trilogy would have made Star Wars more valuable as a brand.
I'm sure there are plenty of theories out there
If making a good trilogy were easy, Disney would have had it all figured out by now
I doubt it was incompetence. There are too many competent writers in Hollywood that Disney could have hired
incompetence is more likely... or the desire to fill up the movie with all small arcs and everything possible: space war, a casino, slavery, "pod racers", a remote island, yoda, bb8, a siege...
I have a theory
It was all aliens?
Aliens brainwashed them to keep the writers from accidentally including details that were accurate to what the real life aliens are doing?
I believe they wanted to go all-in with the political correctness in part 7. The audience reaction was rather negative, so they quickly overthrew their plans and said "Fuck it, let's wing it", threw the director out, made Rian Johnson make a completely new movie that had nothing to do with part 7, and that turned out even worse
They panicked then, brought J.J. back, told him to just do whatever, and J.J. tried to just tie up loose ends and call it a day
because you can tell that this trilogy had not one person or one small group lay out a general structure for the trilogy
It was all made up on the go
And when Rian killed Snoke, J.J was in desperate need of a villain. And who always serves as a good villain in Star Wars? Why, Palpatine of course
Well, if they stay small with one-off movies and TV series, maybe they can avoid that in the future
I doubt it
Disney and their extremely aggressive PR campaign left a very big hole in the core fan base
Tons of long-time fans who were upset at how the Nu-Trilogy treated the established canon were called "incel manbabies" and the likes
Everybody I know who has seen the Mandalorian loves it
/me waits Matrix 4 both with excitement and in panic
That's not really a good strategy to treat your core audience
more panic than excitement...
The funny thing is that you could Re-Shoot "The Matrix" and all you had to change was to turn the monitors flat and the phones with touchscreens
The rest is pretty much identical
@ThoriumBR Aww, rats. I had forgotten they were doing another one.
But let's be honest: Matrix does not need a Part 4 and neither did it need Part 2 or 3
matrix 1 was a masterpice... 2 and 3 were a crime...
please don't do the same on 4...
2 and 3 were...I mean they were "okay" I guess? But not nearly comparable to 1
Waiting for Mech to post the XKCD...
I honestly could watch The Matrix every weekend, but my gf gets jealous of trinity xD
they could just forget 2 and 3, and do a proper sequel
I think the conclusion is fine though
I still like the Matrix-in-a-Matrix headcanon though
I don't know if it was ever confirmed to be proper canon though
I saw it with my friends, on vhs, on the house of one with a big tv... we were 8 or 10, sitting on chairs, on the floor, all around. when the credits rolled was late night, we almost started the movie again
the next morning we went back to watch it again before returning the tape.
when I watched 2 and it ended without ending, I was mad... I would have waited until 3 came out to see the 2...
I remember when I was a kid, I saw it for the first time. I don't know how old I was, but i remember seeing it on dvd
but when 3 came out, I think I should have skipped both and treat it as another movie with the same cast but a different story
Funnily enough, every time I have a Déjà-vu, I immediately think "Ah, they changed something"
animatrix was nice... they could do a prequel, showing how people banded together and dig zion...
I still believe that the "real" world was never shown in the movies
movie starts when that massive robot nukes the UN and NY, and ends up when the zion mainframe goes online... with a narrator saying "but a prophecy says that one day, the war will end"
I really need to watch it one day
Also, if you like YTPs:
The joke at 2:00 is sooooo good
you know when you HAVE TO write a mail that have the possibility of frying someone, and you don't want to press SEND, but the mail is almost 24h on draft and you have to do it? I just did...
"Dear Mr. ---

I'm writing you to inform you that nothing you said made any sort of sense, and I am questioning the validity of any of your claims of past success. Frankly put, I believe my deceased grandfather would perform a better job than you, even in his current state of continuous decay."
I don't like writing those emails... but a very important project is delayed A LOT because of this guy... he can't get things moving and we are all stalled behind him
I know such people. On Fridays, I am this person
it's not this lateness... I asked for a firewall rule and 5x10G LUN allocation... nothing extreme... it took 15 days to do it. he is the project manager, he just have to send the request internally.
the firewall rule was ready when I was at the boarding gate coming home
and this weekend we lost the connectivity again, maybe the exception rule expired, and it's friday and we still have no access
I was asking him twice a day about it, and he says he will investigate... still no access
I don't like to send those kind of email, but this time I had to
I let my boss send those emails
I sent the mail to my boss, my project manager, my coworker, and they will write to the client
Yeah, understandable
I understand how frustrating this is
I hate how much I am procrastinating
Home office really fucks me up
I need people around me to be productive
You must not have chatty coworkers
I am the chatty co-worker
When I work at the office, I end up listening to a lot of political discussion, and sports discussion, and food discussion, and health discussion...
I don't talk about politics at work
I don't want anyone to get mad :D
I usually work alone (almost ever)... my team is a 2 guy team
I couldn't work like that
we talk on whatsapp all the time helping each other
if I work all alone, I end up not being very productive
home work is nice, I can help my wife with the kids
I work better alone... when I was at an office on the last job, I sometimes would wear a big dj-sized headphone and ignore people for 2h straight... when someone talked to me, I ignored them. I used to keep pointing things in the air, as if I was seeing the variables, the connections, things like that, and they would let me alone.
sometimes I need concentration, and troubleshooting infrastructure issues demands a lot of concentration.
I find my concentration by being around other people. No idea why
putting together strace, tcpdump and lots of grep isn't something you can do with people talking to me all the time
home we have the same rules... no earphone, I am free... one side plugged in? call me if something is important... 2 sides plugged in? Only if someone is dying
and it works (except for the kids)
I can tell my gf as much as I want "Please don't distract me while I am at work", she doesn't understand
I explain her I need to focus, she says she understands, 5 minutes later she comes, asks what I am doing, wants a kiss, etc....
5 hours later…
Q: What is bindshell backdoor?

TenchuI just found out a bindshell backdoor, but I don't know how to access/connect to it using Metasploit. I'm a beginner with exploiting; is there a way to access the backdoor? I tried to search for "bindshell" on Metasploit but I didn't find anything. I also searched "shell" and it displayed a bu...

someone got a ROOT SHELL and don't know how to connect to it using metasploit...
if you cannot connect to a root bind shell, what on the abyss are you thinking you will do with metasploit?
It's a student...
yes, but you cannot learn how to drift before knowing how to turn on the engine
On the other hand, Brett Favre became a starting quarterback in the NFL before he knew what a nickel defense was. He was just really good at winging it.
our president fired the health minister because the latter wanted to keep people in quarantine but the president didn't... and now the justice minister quits because the president wanted to fire the director of federal police for investigating the president
the president son....
and the economy is going down the hole WITH AFTERBURNERS FULL ON, and maybe the economy minister will be fired or quit too... our currency purchasing power is melting away...
buying a new $200 computer will cost more than the months wages
> i gained access to the machine using this Netcat command: nc -nv ip-address 1524. but i dont really know what does every command i typed did
that's the point... the user is like my 7yo solving calculus by putting the equation on google...
2 hours later…
Questions I Wish I Had Asked Sooner #37: "Is the hard drive making any clicking sounds?"

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