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@packs - good thanks. That's me seen 8 new films because of two long flights :-)
@AviD - 100 days, you crazy fanatic :-)
@RoryAlsop I'm guessing your total flight time back was what, 12 odd hours?
3 hours later…
Well, that was fun.
I just came back from overseeing a drive crushing.
@packs Those are fun.
Haven't overseen a hard drive being done before, but I've had to watch over some bulk paper shredding in a mobile unit - those things are quite impressive.
Yeah, it is. Traditionally, our load was sufficient to just do wiping, but for the last 18-24 months we've been centralizing our IT services.
So lots of equipment got absorbed, replaced, or otherwise rendered unnecessary. I.e., lots and lots of drives all of a sudden.
It's not as cool as shredding, but still way fun to press that button until the motor popped out the bottom.
@packs It's interesting to see how different groups handle things differently. Had one mass-wiping project of probably a couple hundred drives or so, which pretty much kept me in a warehouse for about a month doing nothing but waiting for DBAN to finish running.
Yeah, that would suck.
A few times I've done a mass purge of our forensics lab. It usually results in me pulling every available computer off the shelf and retooling for about a week.
The last time, between the machines and duplicator sleds, I was able to do about 25-30 at a time.
@packs You don't by chance know anything about that BackupExec question I posted in The Comms Room, do you?
With the size of our work room, it was a little... oppressive in there while that was going on. Lots of noise and EMI. Made my head feel a little funny after about 10 minutes :)
No, sorry, I don't.
I don't really have any experience with BackupExec
I think we have some people at the university that either do, or have, used it
@packs I think we had about 12 machines on our bench, each with all available SATA and PATA ports used until the job was done.
So, about 4-6 drives per system.
Ah, yeah, that's a bit more than I had.
We really have two forensics stations, so they each have a bunch of ports
Used a nice little KVM daisy-chain to minimize peripherals too.
4 IDE, 4 SATA, and one SCSI channel
A couple of regular workstations, and a couple of 4+1 bay MASSters
@packs How familiar are you with Notepad++?
@Iszi That's a Windows thing, right?
@packs facepalm
I think there's a *nix version... but in my case, yes.
On second check - looks like it may be Win only.
Sorry, mate, no.
That doesn't surprise me.
We have vi, why would we need notepad++? :)
@packs Because we like gooey stuff?
Just like the Mac guys!
4 hours later…
@packs @RoryAlsop - Geez, this place is dead. You guys are about the only other people I ever see in here. And @AviD now and then, too.
Posted by Jeff Atwood on February 18th, 2011

As part of our ongoing improvement to our 1.1 API release, and the site that supports our API, stackapps.com, we’ve extended Stack Apps to support the listing of browser scripts.

Since Stack Overflow began, there have been tons of really cool browser scripts people have created to enhance our sites — and they usually work on any site in our network. In fact, you may remember that the favorite / ignored tags feature now built into every site originally started life as a user script listed on userscripts.org by Jonathan Buchanan aka insin. …

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