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Has anyone here dealt with the Tesla vulnerability reporting process before?
In particular, does anyone have experience with how honest or accommodating they are?
I was reading tesla.com/about/security and it seems like it's worded in such a way that their lawyers will always be able to find an excuse to sue. I mean, their Responsible Disclosure Guidelines require that you both 1) report any security vulnerability you find within 7 days of discovery, and 2) provide a working PoC. I can imagine a situation where it takes longer than 7 days to develop a PoC, meaning you technically violated their guidelines (opening you up to lawsuits).
2 hours later…
i would pre-develop the poc already rather than reporting then adding the poc later, submitting the total when everything is ready to be submitted, submitting it once you claim it is found.
@AreWeNotTooSmart Not necessarily possible if the vulnerability is in their network. It means that they would know that I knew of the bug for more than 7 days.
@forest what do you mean by "in their network", what way?
@AreWeNotTooSmart Well, consider a bug in their GSM/LTE/whatever network (just an example). In poking around, I'd likely be triggering log events.
Yeah i agree with that
1 hour later…
Could anyone point me to products that offer RBAC or ABAC services through an API (I know product recommendations are generally off topic, but I was hoping somebody is chat could maybe point me in the right direction)
1 hour later…
What's up, hackers?
Is the gibson hacked already?
@Jacco Chat is usually a perfectly reasonable place to ask off-topic things. Obviously though it comes with no guarantee of answers. Take this comment for instance. The person posting it doesn't know the answer to your question, making this comment unhelpful at best.
@forest I had a look at this, and it doesn't evoke a sense of trust
It seems more written in a way like "We have been told offensive security is good, but we don't really believe in it. So if you hack our cars, we'll sue you"
You may have better chances if you work for a bigger company and have some sort of contract
@Jacco Sorry, no clue what RBAC or ABAC is
Also, look in the list of "hackers" below
2013 it was also almost exclusively individuals who found vulns
And 2014 onward, it was mostly universities and other groups
Hello there @AreWeNotTooSmart
Your question made quite the stir
But seriously, did you attempt to change the domain controller admin password?
What do you mean by "RBAC or ABAC services"? How can you provide access control as a service?
@MechMK1 It was rather meaned to be a sort of test , just a probe
@AreWeNotTooSmart But for what reason? To see if you could?
@A.Hersean, By Access Control as a service I mean that applications call an external service to check if a user has permission to do something within the application.
Yes, and it worked also ;)
Thereby basically offloading the role/access rights management to an external service.
@AreWeNotTooSmart And what was the plan after that? You changed the password of the domain controller, and then?
The use case for an ABAC/RBAC SaaS solution is that many mid-size companies build in-house software, but have limited resources. While at the same time being big enough that things like (immutable) audit trails and GUI-based configuration of access rights are becoming important
@Jacco You can always ask on Software Recommendations
A stack exchange site precisely for software recommendations
I then said to our local admins i changed it to a default user password, they didn't understand and asked how i did it, answered "our teacher gave me full access".. it could just be anyone
@AreWeNotTooSmart That's a very dangerous thing to do, as I pointed out in my answer. In a realistic worst case, they could expel you from school
It really is. Performing unauthorized penetration testing is always a dangerous thing. However, what you did really wasn't penetration testing - it was much, much, shadier.
I don't know how old you are, but if you are still in your teens, you might have it written off as "youthful overenthusiasm"
But let me give you a word of advice: Always get a PtA
@forest speak to Ian Tabor (mintynet on twitter) - he is involved with the UK's car hacking community, and was part of the car hacking squad at Defcon this year - which had a Tesla for seriously hacking on
it may have also been physically abused, with stickers, scratches, and a sledghammer to the bonnet
But the question that people really want to know is:
Can it run Doom?
@MechMK1 probably
one of the badges I got could do that, and it was free :-)
I think that's really cool
Sadly, I'm not 1337 enough to port doom to a tesla :D
@MechMK1 me neither
well worth getting over to Defcon if you can - so much to learn from smart folks
and funprojects and swag
That's sadly not possible, due to multiple personal reasons
It would be cool, but I feel like most of those talks would just be way over my head anyways
I still feel like I'm barely above a script kiddie these days :/
I mean, yeah, I've been in the business for not even a year, so there's lot of room to grow, but still
@MechMK1 they have everything from 101 up to seriously 1337
I'd like to get into binary exploitation a bit more
But it's so hard to find something that I feel like is on my level
your local dc chapter or equivalent should be able to help with that
"Local" is nice if you live in the middle of nowhere, but I'll keep an eye out. YouTube is where I get most of my conference stuff from
@MechMK1 that works too, but obviously is a bit more removed
@RoryAlsop Yes of course, but personal attendance just isn't possible for me in my current situation
@MechMK1 fair enough
1 hour later…
I've trouble with exposing information online for some reason, i want to share a block of personal information so it may be visible to entities on the internet, that appears on the right side of the returned search results
Does anyone have a whitepaper or information to done that?
@schroeder Is that process of publicity allied to the asking person?
@AreWeNotTooSmart I'm not sure what you are asking
@shroeder For example, if you lookup a person who is well known (like working for a company or local doctor)
Then that information is displayed by most of the browsers on the right side
Like in a Google search?
Yeah indeed.
you want to seed the search results so that particular info comes up?
Is this practically possible?
For Google, that's the Knowledge Panel
Let me Google that for you :P yoast.com/all-about-googles-knowledge-panels
This is very interesting.
Q: RFID High Frequency for people entrance

matt RitzI'm curious as for the use of "high frequency RFID" use for people entrances. The goal is to scan everyone coming into a building even if they enter in groups. Telling everyone they must scan is not ideal.

I love people who don't even attempt at asking a question
@AreWeNotTooSmart thanks for the rabbit hole ....
I wish there was some boilerplate text or copypasta that basically tells people we're not here to work for them
Or more concisely: "We provide answers, not solutions."
What exactly is your stance on questions that could easily be googled?
Something akin to "What does XSS stand for?"
Where you could literally copy/paste the question title into google and would get a good answer
@MechMK1 we have a meta question for this. This question gets asked about once a year in a new meta exploration.
I am aware, and actually why I came here
Because I wanted to get people's individual views, rather than a community consensus
And I think it makes a difference if a question mentions stuff like "I searched for X, but all I could find where things related to Y"
Every time I probe those situations, they were not searching for X. I have asked people to post their search terms, and they are nothing like what they post.
If I can google the title of the post and get an answer in under 3 minutes, then I shut it down. Because, I mean, c'mon
I absolutely agree with you on that
BUT, I have done this exercise and it took me a while. And that, to me, is legit.
even when I am sure that something is searchable
I mean, I would also agree if someone were to say that results came out inconclusive
And then cite the results, and why they would conflict with each other
er, then that's a different problem and not a "searchable" problem. The question would be phrased differently
I'm totally cool with that, and that's a legit reason to post
"A says X, but B says Y. How do I apply this knowledge to my situation?"
Yes, same here. Any effort prior asking a question evokes infinitely more willingness to help
even if it's totally obvious, they did the work, analysed the situation, and need help
Yes, and depending on the topic, it's difficult to tell knowledgable people apart from total quacks coughtime.aicough
"simple" or "obvious" questions are fine. But not when the question is searchable. "We are not a replacement for google"
Some would consider this desirable
I disagree with it though. Stack Exchange should be high quality
What about questions that are good but insanely hard to understand
yeah, it becomes a quality thing, and somethign that the community needs to review on occasion
And let's face it: Users who ask questions such as "What does XSS mean?" are usually not those who end up crating high quality content
@AreWeNotTooSmart Depends. Usually, good questions can be phrased in a way that makes them understandable.
Some questions can be so extremely specific though, that they are not "not understandable" because they are written poorly, but because they require so much in-depth knowledge, that you don't even know what's happening
For me, a good example is Electrical Engineering. I have no idea about electronics, and I could not tell a good question from a bad one, aside form horrible formatting.
But the question body can be written in a way that makes the overall very complex
Then it should be edited to be more clear
provide context where necessary, remove unnecessary clutter
For example, when I worked in a team in an open-source project, we used to get a lot of bug reports from people who were not necessarily programmers
That's an option
And some of the reports included so much excruciating detail, for something as simple as a spelling mistake
@AreWeNotTooSmart that's where I spend most of my time here: getting to understand the question that wants to be asked and guiding the post to that point
The report could just have been: "In the German localization, the phrase "Status berichten" sounds unintuitive and should be replaced by "Status absenden", yet they choose to explain their windows version, what GPU they have, a full DXDIAG log, etc.
@schroeder And if I could upvote edits, I would
@MechMK1 lol
I'm serious. Some questions are like digging through a pile of dirt to recover a pebble
Broken english, lots of unimportant data, lots of completely unrelated gibberish, "I heard from my friend that...", etc.
And then suddenly an edit and the question is readable
@MechMK1, That's dutch rather than german, mag ik nog een blikje bier
But by far my favourite are people who just randomly mark some words as bold for absolutely no reason at all, presumably because they saw that the editor supported it, and they felt obligated to use it.
@AreWeNotTooSmart "I want a little bit of beer?"
blikje is not really obvious to me, but the rest seems readable for me
@MechMK1 I appreciate the appreciation. I can get a ton of flack for it. I remember the Americal "technical writer" who blew up that I dared to edit a ... long ... post and inadvertently used UK spelling on a word.
@schroeder Oh no, such rude behavior from this particular gentleman
Some people just take themselves way too seriously
And I understand it. When I first came to StackOverflow, I hated when my questions got edited instantly. I was like "What? Was my question not good enough for you?"
back then I had this assumption that edits were only necessary if my question was really really bad
@AreWeNotTooSmart Here's a really short list of advice (in a too-long video) on how one guy did it: youtu.be/iWpaHumMxAY
Did you just update your profile picture? Man, everybody is so serious about things these days :D
@MechMK1 who? what pic?
dang - mine????
what did I mess up?
Good thing I noticed, huh?
yes, thank you
No worries
In regards to people raging, I had some fun on Super User a bit ago
Some guy had Wi-Fi problems, and someone suggested that the broadcom card in his laptop was to blame, so he wrote a long answer that was 40% broadcom rant, 40% intel advertisement and 20% guide on how to switch cards.
I edited the answer to remove 80% of it and he completely lost it
Called me a "Broadcom Shill", etc...
ok - profile pic back to normal
Not the same as before :( [sadness]
should be exactly the same
Don't think so, but I could be wrong
I assume you conducted some gravatar shenanigans?
Something somewhere ....
The hidden creed of the DMZ: Some things are better left unspoken.
the DMZ is not updated :(
Probably a caching thing
Q: Why isn't my Gravatar image updating?

salI updated the image in my Gravatar but my old picture still shows up. Is this a cache issue? Do I need to log out and then log back in?

@schroeder Fine again for me
@MechMK1 and now for me - thanks for the notice
and you're right, it looks ... different
I'll have a look at the archive
Man google is scary. I feel like I'm about to dox you even though I am just looking for an anime picture
ah - cool - thanks for grabbing that
I'm happy to be public, for me, but I don't want to co-mingle my work with personal stuff. Although that line might be flexing soon.
I completely understand you
There's a reason why I chose to use MechMK1 and not Andrew O'Neil
Which is a very on-the-nose pseudonym as well, in case you were wondering :D
Likewise, A. Hersean is a pseudonym. My real name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die.
In all honesty, I could just use my real name as well. Not like I am of any interest to anyone anyways
You probably took the screenshot yourself, judging by the extreme non-cooperation from google
@MechMK1 Not yet. But it's a bet on the future. You do not know how your life will be in 10 years, even less 20. But internet might remember. And if you know a bit of how police investigations works, you know that anything can be used against you, even legitimate, mundane stuff. Replace "police" by someone who came to hate you for whatever absurd reason, and you get a strong incentive to stay pseudonymous.
I am so royally screwed anyways if someone were to dig up my past. I did things I am not proud of today
Not even things that would make a funny story in 20 years
I deeply regret my past, and it keeps haunting me
That's not a reason to add stuff on your plate, when that can be avoided effortlessly.
forgiving yourself is hard
I know, man...
If I could go back, I'd make the last 10 years undone
Feels weird, given that I am just 25
But I made so many mistakes
And all of them are recorded, somewhere on the net
Nothing to be done about it. Time heals all wounds, you just need enough of it
If you regret it, that's good. It means that you learned the lesson. That makes you a better person now. And you cannot change the past. So instead of looking at it like a dead weight, look at it as a foundation for who you are now, and who you might become because of it.
(I know that's easy for me to say, less for you to do it.)
I've mostly had closure with the things I have done. I feel like I had suffered enough. It's more the fear that it might come back, some day
Someone googling my name, finding a link to an archive, etc...
And if you should find it one day, then just remember that I'm different now
Anyways, I'm done with my job for today. I'll be heading home now, cook some nice dinner and play Remnant: From The Ashes
Good game, but the artstyle is a complete mess
Like if Fortnite and Metro 2033 had a baby
2 hours later…
@MechMK1 I enjoy Metro, but fortnite does nothing for me. It's like a more annoying pubg
I'm tempted to get remnant though
2 hours later…
@MechMK1 Hey man, I don't judge.

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