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3:57 AM
Breaking: Facebook stored hundreds of millions of user passwords in plain text. No evidence of abuse but "as a precaution we will be notifying everyone whose passwords we have found were stored in this way." https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/qvy9k7/facebook-hundreds-of-millions-user-passwords-plaintext-data-leak
1 hour later…
5:24 AM
no... really?
Oh, passwords saved in plaintext via improper logging...
Seems to be unsettlingly common.
2 hours later…
7:26 AM
Oh Now I understand.. Why there was a *automatic* loss in my rep from 98 to 83.
Since I have gained some reputation from editing the posts. And now those posts have been deleted from the site.
So I had a reputation loss. This makes sense
12 hours later…
7:48 PM
@RoryAlsop Do you have any influence over BSides London?
10:53 PM
I saw a tab that I didn't intentionally open (must have clicked on an ad) for buying .ru and .рф domains. The ad's banner had literally nothing to do with domain registrars... It was a picture of two kids with silly hair. archive.fo/4AuiD
(Archived because screw giving them clicks)
It's like the registrar just did an online search for "generic stock photo".
11:05 PM
Because that's totally related to domain registration.
The silliest stock photo I saw from an ad though (a few years ago) was a couple kissing in an advertisement for something weird like bulk trash bags.

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