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@RoryAlsop Sounds like Warehouse 13, but with less steampunk.
@RoryAlsop Also. How would one say the Hilton "That's hot." in old Norse?
6 hours later…
@Gilles Nazi moonbase in another universe, no less :-)
@ScottPack heh - no idea
5 hours later…
@Gilles, did you just retag a few x.509 questions yesterday on SO? I hadn't noticed that the tag existed (with a dot, as it should be of course). Any comments on this question on meta?
Q: Merging SSL/TLS and related tags

BrunoI would like to suggest merging the ssl and tls tags on StackOverflow. I made that suggestion a while back on the synonyms page, but there are probably there have been no votes on the topic (possibly, because to few users check this). (For those who don't know, TLS is the IETF standard name for w...

@RoryAlsop Not. Helpful.
@ScottPack I. Know.
4 hours later…
why do people want to use SHA-2 for password hashing all the time -_-
Had two of those today already on SO...
One of them got 4 answers within a few minutes telling the OP that MD5 is wrong and SHA-2 is cool.
1 hour later…
SHA-2 is cool! I think it should be renamed to BroSHA-2. Or SHA-Bro.
it happens to be the correct go-to hash algorithm, for general hash use-cases. Point is that password protection is not the general case.
I'm not sure how much of this is genuinely in jest, but most of it made me laugh: quora.com/Brogramming/How-does-a-programmer-become-a-brogrammer
4 hours later…
@AviD I really want a pair of aviators, just so I can be a brogrammer.

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