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Yeah we tried both of those. Don't believe we've tried that. We've also gone through all the words in his video to find the longest but no cigar lol
@JoshJones To find the one that is the longest word? It might be the one that is pronounced the longest/slowest, or it might be representing a physically large object.
E.g. if he said the word "eternity", then that might be the word.
Yeah. To be honest I've been sat on the sideline for the past day, everyone is is just frantically trying combinations lol.
@forest It is
But only on parr
Whoops, nevermind, I misread
3 hours later…
@forest alright, now I'm fully awake. I mean sure, you can always say that some attacks are kinda obvious once you read the paper. But somebody had to write paper first. This Rowhammer attacks is pretty sophisticated and afaik is the first one that is done over a network.
I didn't read the paper, but as the bits must be on the border, doesn't that limit a lot the attack?
also, don't know how easy to di it is, but isn't filling border bits with useless data, so sensitive data is in the center, be enough to prevent this?
I wish we got more Cisco questions here :(
Security-related ones ^
are there non-security-related Cisco questions? :x
Well yes, asking how to configure routing isn't related is it? :P
Are we both misinterpreting what one another is saying? lol
@Kepotx as far as I understand the matter, none of the methods that are currently employed are enough to mitigate Throwhammer
@JoshJones no, I'm just joking because of all the horrible Cisco related vulnerabilities that keep on being published :s
Okay so it was me misinterpreting lol
Umm yeah. A lot of remote code execution recently.
On almost all devices...
Im not entirely sure what the hell is happening.
Cisco devs not learning after mistakes are revealed, that's what's happening
"Hm, where should I store this key? better just hardcode it into the software so it doesnt get lost!"
times... three?
It all kicked off ever since the NCC investigation into ASAs.
Then Cisco PSIRT just started "noticing" the same kinds of issues in all products.
Admittedly the ASA thing was unique but ever-since then fury has sparked.
nah, it started before that
Oh. I honestly never saw that lol.
To be fair I've only been working a year so I wouldn't have seen 2014 or 2016 lol.
Not even a year actually lol, only 9 months.
it's alright to be new, just don't say stuff like "it all kicked off ..." ;)
Hah, well I was referencing how many advisories they've released in the past three months more than anything.
also, that's just googling for one issue.. there are others
Yes I know there are others, lots of them lol.
As I said, lots and lots of remote code execution.
I prefer Juniper kit lol.
Speaking of Cisco I fucking hate ASAs.
Q: Punching someone so hard that they become a duck

Maiko ChikyuI was reading 4chan's description of the exalted. In it while describing Sidereal exalted, it mentions punching someone so hard that they turn into a duck (before saying it makes more sense in context). I know White Wolf publishing has stories or story-like descriptions in almost all of their bo...

I posted this just for the title
Imagine if it worked in real life
could someone explain this to comment me: security.stackexchange.com/questions/139493/… ?
E2E = end to end
End to end protocols are based on public / private keys
You need the public key before contacting someone
And WA/Signal don't force you to check your contact's public key
So an attacker could impersonate them, I guess
security.stackexchange.com/questions/186365/… is this massive "PLEASE NOTE" at the top of his Q something we'd endorse here?
Well, I would remove it
Yes that's what I am thinking
Seems passive-aggressive and unnecessary, plus pretty sure thats not how SE works..
I've never seen anyone do that before...
@BenoitEsnard that's exactly the point I was wondering about. can an attacker do that?
I can't.
WhatsApp / Facebook could.
I guess US agencies could do it too.
So it depends on your threat model
My favourite two words :)
US agencies?
threat model?
I can't?
It depends?
on your?
Haha, threat model.
Benoit Esnard?
Benoit Esnard are my second favourite two words on the basis of his humour.
hm... well am I able to check someone's public key when using Signal?
I guess you can.
And Tom K. is my third favourite two words on the basis that he also likes the humour of Benoit Esnard. Or likes it enough to join in :)
I don't have Signal atm, so I can't tell you how. I guess Google is your friend.
I guess that might help?
"Safety number" is what they appear to call it here.
Unless I am misinterpreting again. Interactions with humans aren't my speciality :)
yeah, it's the right article
I have signal installed
Never used it. Honestly never even heard of it until I saw that Q ten minutes ago.
it's a bit hard to find though
Make a Q on UXExchange ;)
Someone said something about security & usability
Am I the only one who finds it really annoying when people don't use the accept button? (Not only on my own answers but in general, I don't suppose I am the only one..)
Even more frustrating when the user responds to the poster perhaps even upvotes it and still doesn't press accept three weeks later when nobody else has helped them. Perhaps I get angry too easily? lol
I guess some people don't even know there's an accept button
I guess so.. But it is a pretty big icon.
maybe you should ping him in a comment with a link to the tour page, and explain briefly the benefits of accepting answer
Kepotx as I said not just on my own answers
In general.
And I am not going to comment on every post where the user has clearly read the answer, responded waited two months and still not accepted the answer lol.
I think after a certain time period a moderator should be able to force an acceptance
I think thats a good approach or even a queue for it, not that it will happn but :)
or like bounties, an automatic accept after a specific amount of time, granting less rep than manual awarding
with maybe more strict rules, like at least x upvotes, with y more upvote than the second most upvoted answer
I might actually make a meta post on why moderators don't have the ability to force acceptance after a certain time.
It seems insane to me this is an action they cannot carry out.
Because some people ask a question, get a very GOOD answer, the OP reads the question doesn't upvote or accept (because they don't care to do so) and then leaves the site and never comes back.
Q: Force Accepted Answers on Questions by Inactive Users

Ian ElliottAs a disclaimer, I must admit this may benefit me (I haven't checked), but probably not as significantly as most others. This issue is also something that has prevented me from answering questions by users with 1 rep in the past, especially if they are poorly fashioned. The Problem New users wi...

well, unlike upvote, I see accept as a subjective vote, related to the OP
I knew it'd exist already :)
you are not the first ones to think about this ;)
there are more posts about this on meta.se
i think this is probably the best approach
And I've not read it but I suppose the general consensus is - it's a good idea. But hard to implement?
@Kepotx I deem that to be the case with SOME questions, not with all.
@JoshJones they did auto-award for bounties. Is that that different?
And yes Tom I like that idea. I think that is the best way of allowing such a thing to happen but it was written in '10 so I doubt it's ever going to become a thing.
well, who knows
dunno what the official stance is
The official stance is most likely - "It's a good idea in theory, but possibly to hard to implement and/or not worth the headache it could cause in the cases of subjective questions"
@JoshJones is there any policy about old meta question? I mean, is the debate closed forever, or can we say that after almost a decade, things have change and we could debate again?
I've not been on the site nearly long enough to say whether there is a policy on old meta questions.
What I do know is that IF I repost such a thing it will only get marked as a duplicate despite the 9-year time gap.
At least I am fairly sure that is what will happen.
And yes auto-award bounties is different.
In-fact it is very different.
This conversation is starting to get a little off topic from infosec but take this question for example security.stackexchange.com/questions/150733/… (Im using my own answer because its easier to reference however there are some cases where this applies much worse and I think its important that a responder actually gets the rep they worked for...)
If you read that question it's a typical question on Cisco passwords (we get stuff like this all the time)
Now Adam has 500 rep so he clearly knows how to use the site the problem is hes not visited since Apr 1st, now before I responded the Q was basically inactive for a year and all the answers he did get where sloppy, quick and basically they should've been comments.
I took my time to write a very detailed answer which I clearly put time into and it got one upvote but the vote wasn't even from Adam (We know this because hes not visited the site) - in this case this is not a subjective question, I've given him detail on every possible password type he could use, Adam will probably revisit the site in a few months who knows and maybe he will accept but the point is for now I get one upvote on an answer that took me a while.
You can see the frustration? As I said there are more serious cases (Obviously) it was just easier to reference my own post :)
//rant over.
would you rant that much if you had more upvotes ?
I mean, is the problem lack of visibility, or lack of OP answer?
Because there is a difference between upvotes and acceptance, isn't there?
Not just a rep difference. There is a difference in visibility in general.
sure, and it's frustrating to know that you "loose" time for nothing as the OP don't even read your answer
well, rep from accepted answer is not that great. for question with few upvote, sure, but if you got let say 10 upvote, is wining 100 or 115 rep that different?
A lot of upvotes doesn't always mean a GOOD answer or at least it doesn't mean a GOOD answer to the OP. But if the OP accepts the answer and when I say "accept" I don't mean just presses the button, if they actually read what's been said and then accepts it that gives out the opinion to anyone viewing the question that the answer is a good answer.
The point is; in general accepting an answer is showing to everyone what has been written has helped me, I've understood it and for the most part you should read it to if you're looking at a problem.
But upvotes don't always give across the same message.
Of course this is working on the basis that the OP isn't a total moron and doesn't just press the button because they can (That's not what we want at all)
But what we do want is good answers to be accredited, acknowledged, understood and visible.
Sure upvotes give it visibility but it doesn't always mean it's a good answer as I've stated.
Because let's be real in general new users will just upvote anything after reading the first line (Even if they don't understand the topic to a full extent)
sometimes it just need to compile, even if it's false
and sometimes, new users will accept the answer they understand the best, even if it's the worst (lambda expression? I don't know what it is and I don't want to know, I accept this old for-loop answer)
That is also true.
I get where you're coming from - but the point is if you take time to write a good answer you should be accredited for it, otherwise what's the point? I'm inclined to say that most people wouldn't be as active on here as they are if there was no reputation, no badges - you might argue - "I would" but then if we actually did it as in we actually removed all of those features for a month / removed any feature which gave you a sense of accomplishment you'd be bored after a few days.
Humans like a sense of achievement - you remove the sense of achievement the act becomes hollow.
Sure people would still post questions because they want to learn, but would people still post as many answers? I don't think they would.
At the very least reputation, badges, etc they motivate users to carry on using the site. Obviously, some people aren't interested in them at all but I would say most people who have large amounts of rep and badges are very proud of their profile and like to flaunt their rep.
I've not been on the site long and it's already happened to me a few times. I cannot imagine the amount of times it's happened to people on here and on places like StackOverflow. Perhaps it's too late, perhaps not.
Reputation is even more than just a score or shiny litle things as badges, as rep give you some privilege, so you can contribute even more to the network, and beeing accepted as a trusted user
Yes exactly.
also, rep/badges are not only goals, but a recap of all you've done
So you can see my argument for why you should be accredited to the best possible standard on all answers.
sure, and beiing "accepted answer" is a strong incentive to help people
Not only that but it's quite disheartening when you spend such a large amount of time on a question and the OP doesn't even read the answer, or they read it and don't respond to it.
not only you know you've been usefull, but others also know it
As I said acceptance of an answer in general (Assuming the OP took the time to digest it properly) shows it's a good answer or a helpful one at the least.
@JoshJones also, something crual is visibility of some questions. on another SE, puzzling.SE, i've spent quite some times answering a Einstein-like riddle, giving me something like 5 upvote
And I think that's a lot of what this site is about, it's about providing the best possible answers & questions we can and with that we would hope we are accredited to the highest potential possible for our hard-work.
the next day, I answer a small riddle in no more than two minuts, it reach the HNQ,, giving me much more upvote
Yes precisely.
That can happen. Most people aren't interested to read a 600 word answer (Even if you put a TLDR) because simply they don't care.
A lot of people come on here to just ask questions, they don't care about rep, badges, accrediting people, reading a massive paragraph they don't really care for the wider community.
not going to say i was sad to get lot of upvote, but the other answer deserve them more
All they care about is a short, concise answer to their solution.
I think that is partly why people feel these sites can be elitist at times.
it also depend a lot of what SE are we talking about
Because in essence we do have some very "strict" rulings on things but it's to improve the quality for the users that are involved with the wider community.
That may be part of it, but I think it's also that questions that reach HNQ tend to be those that are easily understood, personally I'm hesitant to upvote an answer if I don't know enough about it to verify that it's true
I mean, Worldbuilding for example have much less noob as on SO, asking question because they can't use google. Also, the answer is much more subjective, so no automatic accepted answer possible
Yes but I don't think it should be auto
I mean even hand-validated
In the post Tom linked with the best suggestion was to allow high rep users to "vote acceptance" on an answer.
I think that is THE best way of doing such a thing.
Perhaps let's say 3000 rep and you get the ability to vote acceptance on an answer perhaps after 30 days of inactivity?
Obviously there can be issues with subjectivity that's inevitable however if something is generally accepted as the answer and that doesn't help the user, there should be a function in which they can revert it, explain why they've reverted it and then ask for further help and add more specifics.
they could also send some notifications (maybe mail is too much spamish for that) to make them remember they could/should accept an answer
I'm not saying it should be set in stone by any means (especially if the user is active on a monthly basis)
I feel like I should create a meta Q on this the problem is, we've had one before.
And I am fairly certain it will just get resolved as duplicate.
maybe make a meta post before about old meta question
Theoretically, there shouldn't be anything wrong with a Q asking about what happened to the Q.
Why did I open that on the work network... >.<
What a stupid idea.
Time to go unidle all my tabs to hide the evidence lol
:D sorry i guess
Not your fault lol it's not NSFW.
We've even got the Meraki Systems Manager that runs in my laptop.
And if I disable it, it alerts them.
on my laptop*
One day I am going to rebel and install linux on this laptop
So done with Windows...
is it your work that impose you windows?
Yes it is.
(I don't work in security, I'm a network engineer)
I am not sure any security company would enforce Windows only.
Network solutions company though? Sure
it would be interesting to see from what sector do the users of security.SE come from
Most of them security, lol.
I don't use the network engineering exchange because I actually don't find networking interesting at all.
well, for high-rep user probably, but for low-rep that are here to ask question/see answer maybe not that much
Low-rep I'd say students.
@JoshJones interestingly, for day to day usage, windows is now rather good. My testers still run linux of one type or another
@Kepotx 18 years of professional consultancy and financial services
@RoryAlsop I cannot stand Windows anymore :p
as in running security teams for banks
@JoshJones for writing ocumentation etc it's grand
I'd use a VM to do anything technical
If work gave us more powerful laptops I would >.<
And I don't own my own laptop because until I got a job I was merely a student myself lol
I say student, I was doing my GCSEs you don't need a laptop for secondary school.
@AndrolGenhald yes. Small sites can benefit from HNQ, but it can also be a nightmare. Mods try to keep an eye on HNQ so if we need to we can protect/lock questions that are not working
Rory interestingly I noticed you mod like a fair few communities - wherein the day do you find the time to do such a thing? Whatever clock you're working off, I want it.
Must be living on a different planet.
I know that the HNQ points are ponderated by each SE sites, is the algorithm available to see how is it ponderated?
@TomK. I've just read that Talos post you linked and the only words I have are... Oh dear.
Well that concludes my work day. Better start heading home
@JoshJones yup, sounds pretty horrifying
the FBI supposedly has taken control over one of the C&C servers though
don't know if that means that the devices can still be "killed"
@JoshJones For the last few years I have been very lucky in having managers who trust me to manage my own time, rather than micromanage me. So I work in the most efficient way for me. If I was micromanaged, my output would go way down :-)
Know where I can buy a manager like that? Buymanagersfast.org?
Moderation on my SE sites only takes a few hours a day. Work rarely goes above 10 hours a day. My commute is short. It's fine. To try and fill time I sit on a few boards and committees and have a rock band :-)
Oh, and 3 kids :-)
@JoshJones I dunno - I have had 2 that weren't like that so I left those organisations
Always happy to move if I don't enjoy the people/culture
Wow. First job so can't just get up and leave :)
@JoshJones yeah - you do have to do a bit of "serving your time" - so those first few year safter uni are key
Didn't go to uni :O
Not yet.
I'm younger than you might think >.<
Ahh - well, you may be in a better place then - you can get a lot of useful contacts and experience before you graduate. I do various talks to final year students - if you haven't seen, I have a couple on line - hang on, I'll grab links
@JoshJones I'm...probably the opposite
So this one was 5 years ago: youtube.com/watch?v=57BzHxcn2V0
I'ma guess late 40s (If I offend you with that guess I apologise)
and this was last year: youtube.com/watch?v=p8SQz29tAAY
@JoshJones good guess
Is that InfoSec Ex shirt?
@JoshJones Oh yes - I tend to take Sec.SE swag with me to event
I didn't even know such a thing existed lol
At B-Sides Glasgow I think we had 300-odd t-shirts to give out
Damn :(
I want one now.
@JoshJones ahhh -. Listen well padawan: techies/geeks/sec folks live for conf swag!
Yeah I can imagine lol
Im still yet to attend a talk :p
SE is pretty good at providing us with swag for bigger events
@JoshJones where are you based?
There are good sec communities everywhere
Many free events
Oxford :p
Oh - you're in range of hundreds, then!
Indeed :D
5-7 June, get to London for Infosecurity Europe.
A bit commercial, like
Unfortunately B-Sides London is sold out (it's on the 6th)
Ahh if I knew last week could've booked the days off :(
As I don't work in security I doubt my company will get me go on behalf of them :p
@JoshJones Check out cyber.uk/uk-cyber-cons for a calendar that keeps getting updated
Thank you very much.
P.S is there an age limit at these events?
Sorry to be more specific, I'm 17. Do I need to attend with an adult? lol.
@JoshJones usually not really. At B-Sides Glasgow we had 6 or 7 people under 16, and next year I plan to have a kids track, if I can make it happen
@JoshJones no, but you might get ID'ed at the bar
Alright excellent lol. I literally have nobody to go with. Yes indeed, will have to bring my own Scotch ;)
@JoshJones There must be a local security group. Hang on - I'll go ask someone who might know that part of the world
Alright, thank you ^_^
@RoryAlsop I really enjoyed that talk found it to be quite helpful for an insight on the industry. (So helpful I added to my YT playlist, thank you for providing me with that. Just as a side note, as anyone ever told you that you don't sound that Scottish?)
some of the adults need to attend with an adult
I'm not regularly in the UK any more unfortunately. But there's also B-Sides Manchester, Steelcon in Sheffield and apparently leeds has a b-sides
I'm not sure about the south west but I know a couple of people who work for secret squirrel types in the area
I'll ask them if there's any meetups
Hahah Diagprov :D
You say unfortunately I think the correct term is "fortunately" ;)
@JoshJones you're doing A-levels atm?
No. I'm a network engineer.
As per my profile "Self-proclaimed youngest network engineer" :P
ahhhh, sorry I haven't logged into sec.se in absolutely ages
No problem :)
ah ok. well, there's plenty of conferences. There's also some good ones in Europe if you don't mind travelling a bit. Just as good is learning as much as you can about what you're interested in :)
and talking to people like @RoryAlsop for careers advice :D
I'm no help there, my career is... unconventional.
I don't mind travelling :D Just need to be clued up on when conferences are so I can book time off work.
CCC is quite a large famous one in Germany, usually in December every year. I've never been, but it's supposed to be good
apparently troopers in germany is like the defcon of europe. Never been to that either
it's also quite expensive
I will have to look them up. And as for talking to Rory about career advice I just watched his talk :d
He really works in HR. Security is just a front ;)
Was good. Although I was surprised to see him mention the CEH, I always thought it was a bit of a running joke in the security world.
I think it is... but @RoryAlsop care to comment?
Yeah that's what I thought. Not to mention there are A LOT better certifications for the same price.
You'll see how I commented on it :-) it has a place, and that is showing some technical competence with tools
Yes. I always just thought people deemed it to be a waste of a £1000 :d
I would far rather recommend the CSX Foundation, then proper technical training, then see which type of career you have
But I see where you're coming from.
I've still got some time to decide what cert to do next as I'm in the middle of studying for my CCNA.
The EC council folks did try to persuade me to get a hundred or so folks from my old org to get CEH. I pointed out they were already pen testers so would have no use for that
CCNA is ok. That was probably my first cert
I am required to have it for my job :)
CCNA Route & Switch (Is what I am referencing)
What about GIAC certs @RoryAlsop? They're pretty expensive but there seems to be a huge range. I think one of our members did the certified incident handler one before OSCP.
Sorry we always tend to just call the CCNA R&S the CCNA at work and then specify if we mean others like Sec, DC, etc :D
Back in my day there was only one CCNA
Hahah :D
It's changed a lot since then.
GIAC is okay, but the prices are crazy
I am still deciding whether the OSCP is a good choice.
I'd rate OSCP higher (but I'm not tech any more so I'm relying on professional testers' opinions)
I just don't know where the hell I will get the money for the lab access considering I'm in my first year of driving and it's breaking my bank account lol.
@RoryAlsop I don't suppose you know who We Were Promised Jetpacks are do you?
I think I know a couple of their songs, but I'm more a Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix kind of guy
Hi! Is this site a good one to ask the question "How do I know if someone is currently trying to log into my computer?"
@JoshJones so start with ISACA's CSX Foundation. Very cheap for students
@RoryAlsop Pink Floyd <3
Alright, I will look into it :D
@ThomBlairIII well... It depends. It would most likely be too broad...
How well do you know your monitoring tools
@RoryAlsop I'm not too sure
@RoryAlsop I am familiar with my log files, but I'm not sure of the signature a failed attempt leaves in the firewall log file (I'm on OS X)
It could be a range of things, but failed attempts are not the problem
Well, in my past experience, high speed automated attacks significantly increase my CPU temperature
We see thousands of failed attempts a day (if you include targeted scans)
They can also significantly decease internet speed
@ThomBlairIII they aren't the ones you usually want to worry about
Oh ok, thank you
And usually you can write a rule to drop them
You mean delete them from the log files?
As Rory said Thom questions like that usually get closed unless they feature an incredible amount of detail :D
Oh ok. Where would be a good place to learn about this?
I probably should've added some commas in that sentence.
Not delete from log file. Drop early in your ruleset
I'm not familiar with rulesets
Unfortunately I know nothing of OS X so I am not able to help here :P
There are a lot of posts on here about firewalls, understanding threats, managing risk, layered defence, the difference between coke routers and firewalls etc
It's a huge field :-)
Hmm...is there such a thing as a path through the questions for a pseudo beginner to begin learning about?
Or, where is a good place to begin asking some noob questions? Is there a security forum you are aware of you would recommend?
This place is fine for noob questions as long as you structure then along the lines in our help page (mostly about minimum info needed to answer, being on topic etc)
Ok, thanks
We have everyone from complete beginners through to almost retirement age :-)
Or beyond...
Nice! I wish I had the energy to really become a master of security
I worry too much but try to take as many precautions as possible
Lock yourself in a room with a laptop and a shit load of books might be a good start, lol.
(And an Internet connection of course)
Yep, lol
Worrying is fine, tempered with realism. My job is entirely about understanding threats, risks, and how much risk I want to take - then implementing controls to deliver that level
Hacking Exposed - is a good book to start
That's awesome! I wish I could keep up with the security risks of my own personal home setup -- a laptop and a couple of ipads
A basic home setup is relatively easy to manage
I used to be able to keep up somewhat, but lately I've fallen too far behind
I quite like this book - Penetration Testing: A Hands-on Introduction to Hacking :D
Unless you are a high value target (eg own a company) then installing updates/patches, use an AV, use the firewall on your home router, use blockers on your browser, etc
Will do most of what you need
I know this sounds too sad, but I can't read almost at all due to a medical condition
I have to limit myself to short articles unfortuntely
When you say can't read I assume you mean literally?
Audiobook? Accessibility tools? YouTube?
Well in that case videos will prove to be useful. I generally prefer books over videos but each to their own.
Or audiobooks yes :D
No, my eyes work, but my brain loses Orexin and I fall asleep
@diagprov CCC is great, come on by
oh... that was some time ago
It's akin to narcolepsy
All the talks from 2017 and 2018 B-Sides Scotland
Ok, thank you
I guess videos will be right for you then Thom.
Ok, thanks!
Cooper manages to film every talk at a huge number of events globally
34C3 (chaos communication congress), all talks here: youtube.com/…
Thank you...I will check them out
there are some German talks in between
@RoryAlsop just watched your talk from '17, would've loved for you to go deeper into the trust topic
Thank you - we actually get a very limited time so have to go fairly light touch (and there are guys taking on trust who really know their stuff - I'm more a shallow bit of everything)
yeah, saw the first minute of Owen's(?) talk but I had to turn that off
I work in the public sector myself and kinda expected what was coming
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