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Q: Inspirational Videos?

CTRWhat are some inspirational videos for the computer security community such as this video L0pth ? I personally find it inspirational, and admire this guys. If anybody feels the same ways and know of more videos that want to share with IT security please let us know.

8 hours later…
roryalsop on May 04, 2012

This week’s Question of the Week was asked by Purge back in February.  His concern has been echoed in various publications – the worry that scanning one of the common QR codes you see in magazine adverts and on billboards could cause something malicious to happen as most QR scanners on smartphones take you straight to the URL encoded in the QR image. This isn’t a malicious QR (unless you count linking to a particular genre of music malicious) but how would you know?

logicalscope pointed out that a QR code was simply an encoding, so anything you could put in a URL could be encoded in a QR code. This could include XSS, SQL Injection or any other URL based attack. …

@StackExchange @RoryAlsop A little shameless self-advertising there, eh?
heh -you spotted what I did there, yes :-)
I had that one lying around and thought - it looks malicious but isn't
Perfect for this
Should have thrown in the Sec.SE QR somewhere.
@Iszi is that the one you did? What day was that - can edit it in no problem
@RoryAlsop I see it on the bottom of the star stack to the right.
brilliant - I knew the stars were useful :-)
Bah. Just bumped it off my sidebar. Dunno if yours has more.
I got it in time
it's those 404 comments that I blame :-)
@StackExchange And of course it's time to start thinking about:
Q: Vote for your question of the week #27

Rory AlsopFor QOTW #27, scheduled for publishing to the Security Stack Exchange Blog on 11 May, please post as Answers, and vote for your favorite question from the whole Security Stackexchange site. Please post any question that you feel is of worth and the reason why as an answer below. Try not to promo...

I may not be online at all next week - not sure of connectivity in the highlands, so may not be able to do anything Blog-wise
@Iszi @RoryAlsop very nice post. the sec.se qr also highlights the double-indirection problem...
@AviD :-)
which would you trust more - the goo.gl shortened one, or the one with a scary mask in the middle
@RoryAlsop see, my phone has a built in qr reader, that follows your recommendation - it displays the URL, and doesnt take you there until you click it. Of course, the goo.gl blocks that....
do you think I should have split that out explicitly? I mentioned that any normal URL attack can work with QR, but didn't mention this one...
@nealmcb - you might be interested in this question:
Q: Voting System, is there a hole here?

Nick wheatleyI had this idea a few years ago and improved it today as I notice a hole or two. I believe I have the system down right but If there was a hole the first time there may be a hole this time. I believe the below will have a voter voting anonymously and impossible to tamper with unless the party han...

although it does look a bit like a 'check my code' question...
@RoryAlsop you mean the goo.gl issue? naw, can leave that as an easter egg ;-)
besides, its off topic of QR, but it does show that its not really all that different...
and seriously, Windows Phone does indeed rock.
the meta.so thread on disclosure is getting even more interesting....
i made the mistake of commenting on meta.so... :-(
@RoryAlsop just a bit?
@AviD :-) ... /me scurries off to take a look
Pretty cool looking Kickstarter project here. kickstarter.com/projects/1058059772/… Found it via ComputerWorld, which had this suggestion for an application: "One example given is a bicyclist who threads the lights through his jacket: They light up based on hand gestures to indicate turn signals, improving visibility to and communication with motorists."
@AviD @RoryAlsop Where's that disclosure thread again?
A: How much influence should an external site/entity have over the questions on a Stack Exchange site?

Rory AlsopAs a security professional with over 16 years in the field, and in my role as Chairman of the Scottish branch of the Institute of Information Security Professionals and the President of ISACA Scotland, as well as being one of the moderators over on our very own Security Stack Exchange, I thought ...

well, that's my answer :-)
scroll up a bit for the interesting stuff
@Iszi all the fighting is going on at casper's post.
I like Fabian's point - it's up to the Drupal SE. And over there it looks like they have taken the decision to delay posting the question (or temporarily deleting it) until the drupal team have a chance to respond
@RoryAlsop Same here. We've got an siem engineer on site most of next week.
@AviD - did you see the original post on drupal se:
Q: better tools for dealing with questions that disclose security issues

gregglesThe Drupal project encourages security researchers to follow responsible disclosure and this usually works. Sometimes, though, people will post a security issue to the support forum or the public issue queue or whatever. Now that Drupal.SE exists people post questions or vulnerabilities here, som...

I may have caused trouble
@RoryAlsop nice.
i was considering registering on drupal just to upvote your comments, but I couldnt be bothered.
@RoryAlsop i like how you got casper to be very clear about his position: I dont give a damn about ethics.
then again, he didnt seem shy about that.
made the mistake of adding another comment - but I just had to call him out on that.
@AviD - I couldn't think of an answer, but you may have played with different tools:
Q: Security web scanner tool for IIS/SQL Server

Michael NarinskyI'm trying to do penetration testing of our ASP.NET web-site to check for security loopholes (specifically for SQL injections). We bought a commercial web scanner tool (IBM Rational AppScan), however it only does black box scanning for IIS and fails to detect SQL injections in certain scenarios. ...

@AviD and he's come back atcha
@RoryAlsop and back.
seriously, I have to learn my lesson and just shaddap.
LOL - but there's someone wrong on the internet!!
So, am I being a little short here, or is that guy a qock?
we just got this one over from UX stack exchange - I think the q needs work, but the core of it is probably on topic:
Q: Why does Paypal send TWO verification payments not just ONE?

Inge KuijperThe process would be easier if there was only one payment, but there must be some security or financial reason for Paypal to send you two random payments

Although, I suppose I shouldn't be so closed minded. Both are entirely possible.
@RoryAlsop Do we have a thread on responsible disclosure already? I thought we did. Does it cover the security tradeoff - the possibility that not disclosing to the public will mean only black hats who have independently discovered the vulnerability will have knowledge of it, and white hats will not have awareness necessary to build defenses.
@RoryAlsop I think you meant to do...
@RoryAlsop exactly.
@Iszi ah yes, one-box wins over copy of image
@RoryAlsop I actually do, but I flagged it to come here first.
theres a new batch of "hybrid testing" tools, though I cant vouch for their quality.
IBM is talking about "glass box" testing a lot, in that space - but apparently its vapor ware for them.
@Iszi rory linked to one of them in his answer.
@RoryAlsop You seen Casper's response to you over on Meta.Drupal.SE? He does have something of a point there, with regards to 10k users. Drupal Answers doesn't have many, but the trilogy sites (of which, Stack Overflow is probably most likely to have similar issues) have quite a bunch.
okay, I'm tired of this. anyone else want to step in?
@AviD As a moderator on a Stack Exchange site, other site's security and vulnerability is not my concern (as a moderator, not as a person, that view is irrelevant). My concern about quality information and censorship of content on Stack Exchange overrides my concern for third-party software/sites issues. Again, as a moderator. — casperOne 3 mins ago
@Iszi hmm, his last comment there is actually a good point.
regarding the 10k, I dont buy that, because I think these should be special-case available for moderators only.
@AviD Aren't all deleted posts available to 10k users, unless SEI does their own nuke from orbit?
@Iszi I think that is right
By the way, I just counted... Stack Overflow has more than 2300 10k+ users!
@Iszi I believe so, but I was talking about a special case for irresponsible disclosure...
@LadybugKiller Feature request! make a question "private" (mod-only), not deleted. Would be easier to set to reopen... perhaps the "private question" feature could even automatically timeout after X days... — AviD yesterday
@AviD I'd jump in and suggest that the removal of "private question" status not be automated, and be contingent upon some evidence that the vendor has been notified. But, I don't feel like stirring the pot any more. Plus, enforcement could be a messy ad-hoc process.
@Iszi I agree about the possibility of automation, that shouldnt be the default. and I never suggested enforcement, but rather tools to support moderators handling this properly.
@AviD I meant enforcing that something be closed until moderators receive confirmation that the issue has been submitted to (and, ideally, acknowledged by) the vendor.
If SE were to come to a consensus that we should be in the business of enforcing responsible disclosure, and SEI were to give us mechanisms to facilitate that, I'd say un-locking such questions should require at least the concurrence of two moderators.
<ADD> I really wish my chat rep was actually my site rep somewhere. Preferably here. That'd be cool. Otherwise, it's just a tease.</ADD>
@Iszi highly unlikely.
@Iszi heh. how much of it is the 100 free rep on new sites where you dont do anything?
@AviD I wouldn't be surprised if it was nearly as much as the non-free rep. [Goes to look.]
Why isn't the accounts page where it used to be? I hate when they move stuff like that.
Seems I have <200 rep on 19 sites.
Oh, not as big a portion as I thought. Only about 10% of my network rep is from sites where I have <200.
I've only got >1k on 6 sites (including Meta Stack Overflow), and the remainder of my network rep totals to 4,181.
oh man, stackexchange jumped the shark! they had a perfect game going, now they ruined it all!
I'm not sure I'd see the point of private questions. Who would answer them? If they're only visible to the moderators, I'm not sure they'd also necessarily be the best people to answer or make a judgement as to whether this is about an actual vulnerability.
@Bruno they're not meant to be answered.
its like deletion, but special case - less visible and temporary.
Ah, this would make sense.
@Bruno In the case of this website, I think our moderators mostly have enough appropriate background to recognize what's a security vulnerability and what's not. The real trick will be figuring out whether or not it's a yet-undisclosed zero-day vulnerability. And for both of those factors, I'm sure we've got at least a few reputable users who have the appropriate knowledge and skills to assist the moderators in making an appropriate determination.
Yes, I agree, I'm not sure this is the case on other SE sites.
@Bruno On the other sites where vulnerabilities are likely to be posted, the case should be the same. Especially for a place like Stack Overflow where there's (presumably, based on reputation) so many experienced professionals.
Now, I certainly wouldn't be asking the moderators or community at Role-playing Games to be making these decisions...
@Iszi heh - but really, such a question might be offtopic over there - you could get it migrated here :-)
Having been on SO for a while, it seems that the "value" of reputation varies.
@RoryAlsop Could you imagine if the question were on-topic? I think that's one of the few sites that could make such a stretch.
@Bruno I'm sure that, among the 2k+ users with 10k+ rep, you could find enough who know what they're doing to support the system.
@Iszi oh wow. A Security Professional Role Playing Game.
@RoryAlsop something like what flaw in your PRNG dice throws will allow your enemy to predict your moves?
"Hax0rs and Dragons"!!
@AviD Nah, I was thinking more of existing RPGs set in the future where characters are allowed to hack. But that'd be cool, too.
@Iszi allowed to hack the game? Crazy.
so, rules are rules only as much as you dont know how to break them?
@AviD Not the game. The PCs are hackers.
I could see someone trying to bring a real-world exploit into an RPG there.
@Iszi ahh. mine's better.
@Iszi interesting.... "I cast SQL Injection!" ... "Roll D20."
@AviD Okay, but the rules are still rules if someone else knows how to keep you from breaking them - otherwise, we just have anarchy.
@Iszi so, kinda like real life? Wild.
glad my new house will be fully wired, but will still need to figure that out for smartphones (and guests)
Oooooh. Totally just got a new product idea!
Ethernet adapter for smartphones, with PoE!
Even better: Ethernet-to-microUSB adapter with PoE!
@Iszi excellent. I would buy at least a couple of those.
...oh, and Ethernet-to-iDock for the iDevices that just have to be special.
@AviD Know who'd be more likely to use it than the general consumer market? Pentesters, I bet.
i bought a couple of smartphones for my kids, but no 3g plan. so they can only access those magic internet bits from my own wireless....
@Iszi excellent, go kickstarter it up. I'll be your first signup.
@AviD I wouldn't know where to begin to start on that. No programming or EE background to speak of.
I imagine the biggest hinderance would be getting the smartphone to accept the microUSB or iDock as an avenue for Internet access.
@Iszi that shouldnt stop you, millions of VC dollars have been raised on less than that.
Looks like I'm not the first to think of it...
@Iszi oo cool
Come to think, I wonder if PoE and microUSB can even be made compatible?
PoE tends to be 24V or 48V, isn't it? That wouldn't work too well with a USB port, I think.
Although you would always take split the power first and reduce the voltage, before re-powering via USB.
I really don't imagine a home user market for it at all, the more I think about it. Sure, there's going to be your geeks that'll want one or two but most home users will prefer to put their smart-devices on wireless than bind them to a jack. But pentesters and network engineers would have a field day with it - especially if it came with Android/iOS network analysis apps.
@Iszi i like the pentester aspect... but for home markets, what about all those with the smartphones with a non-wireless house?
@AviD I have a hard time imagining a non-wireless house these days. And I expect the product price would be not far from that of an el-cheapo wireless SOHO router.
yeah, I guess thats true
Know what's really annoying? When a program has an auto-update feature - I mean it really can do updates itself, when it detects that they are available - but the "Check for Updates" button just points you to the product site.
In this case, I'm talking about Flash.
More frustration: The page shows what version you have installed, and what versions are available, but doesn't have any direct download links for updates. Whose genius idea was this?
Is CompTIA Security+ not a well-respected certification in IT Security?
Going through the various certification posts, I don't see it mentioned at all
@David It's very entry-level, just like A+ and Network+.
i skipped over any certs with the part-time jobs ive had
(not in security)
Does anyone have a recommendation for a Password cracker for Office Documents?
Or would this be on topic for Sec.SE?
My intent is whitehat, but am always conflicted when posting things on Sec.SE that could be used for either purpose...
@makerofthings7 Also, it would fit "product recommendation" which is off-topic for any SE.
@makerofthings7 however, here in chat we can discuss it :-) Elcomsoft seem to have a good share of the market here. YMMV
@RoryAlsop Wow. That's some damn expensive software.
@Iszi oh - they have obviously realised the value of their product. It used to be incredibly cheap
that cost is obviously just to raise the bar above the casual hacker
@RoryAlsop That cost is for the full bundle of their products. The Office cracker alone is $50 for "home users".
Oh, hey @David
Everything's running smooth for today's launch, scheduled in 12 minutes. spaceflightnow.com/atlas/av031/status.html
hi @ScottPack
@David Did you manage to get any useful commentary from us?
ionno lol
If you remember me mentioning internship w/ Northrop Grumman
they phone interviewed me @ 1030am on a saturday
and i totally bombed it
sounded like an idiot lol
it was totally unexpected
the questions were quite simple, looking back
@RoryAlsop Howdy! Thanks. But that's a question for crypto, if anywhere.
i just didnt know how to explain them to a person verbally
@David It happens. That's, unfortunately, only something that really comes with practice.
@ScottPack possibly could have done better if i had not just woken up and if i knew there was going to be a technical interview!
@David Nasty trick with those phone interviews there... making sure you're awake.
@Iszi the whole call was totally unexpected
who works...on a saturday...?!
It's true that I've only ever served on search committees for technical jobs, but if there was a phone interview it was pretty much always a technical quiz.
@David I have to assume private industry.
I guess
the job sounded boring, but hey free security clearance!
@David Oh, yeah. Missed that bit. I guess they wanted to test your ability to respond to an on-call event?
@Iszi no, it was just a technical quiz
asked stuff like MAC vs IP, DHCP, DNS
about some class i took 3 years ago that i couldnt remember which class it was
@David Right... testing your cognitive function at a time when you're generally un-prepared. Sounds like a good way to test your potential on-call performance to me.
A little rude, perhaps, but good.
ionno, it was the first contact with them
they siad the job was monitoring the Marines network
for suspicious activity
and he said it was boring lol
well, implied
2 hours later…
more suitable for crypto?:
Q: Wiener's attack on RSA

SecureFishI have a challenge about RSA: Using small keys improves performance. However, it has been shown (Wiener, 1990) that if d<=0.25 log(N), the private exponent d can be reconstructed from the public key (N,e). Smart, Inc. uses special private keys designed such that they are: Larger than the mi...

ah - @Ninefingers - just saw your comment
@Ninefingers - but do you want this one? Already flagged for move to crypto:
Q: Voting System, is there a hole here?

Nick wheatleyI had this idea a few years ago and improved it today as I notice a hole or two. I believe I have the system down right but If there was a hole the first time there may be a hole this time. I believe the below will have a voter voting anonymously and impossible to tamper with unless the party han...

@RoryAlsop On the first one, I think so. On the second... don't really know. Electronic voting is more bitcoin-y if you see what I mean, further out than the crypto crypto crypto normally deals with. In short, I do not know and anyone with an opinion either way, please share!
@Ninefingers I think topically it's ok on either (but crypto.se does lean towards the mathier crypto), but I'm not sure it's ok for SE. I couldn't find the courage to read it through.
@Gilles That's partly why I'm delegating saying either way. It's the end of the week, 10.30pm here. I'm not safe behind the mod tools!
@Ninefingers :-)
@AviD and I did discuss, briefly, the fact it seemed to be a 'help review my code' kind of question
I guess we can watch for votes/flags on it
So tempted to just troll this thread...
Q: What data should be logged?

user1301428Imagine having a web application. You then decide that you want to create your own logging system, for whatever reason. What data should be logged to put a very good logging system in place? I was thinking about the following: Date and time of access for every user User IP Number of consequent...

With this...
@RoryAlsop someone's answered it. I'm reluctant to NaRQ-close an answered question
@Iszi YESSS! Hahahaha
@RoryAlsop Wait... is that... MODERATOR APPROVAL? [evil grin]
(I ain't seen or heard nuffink, awright... :-)
Ok. Time to start the weekend, now. L8rz!
@Iszi Cya

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