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yeah, its like meta-meta :-)
@AviD what does it say about my brain that I immediately thought "meme tata"
too much whisky?
or not enough
I read that as me me tata ...
sounds like the sorta dirty joke you'd see slipped into animaniacs
Sounds like food to me
that's a me me tato.
7 hours later…
accepted answer tomorrow: "acutally we decided against hiring and will obtain all our expertise from your meta-site now"
"hey guyyssss, this is a bit unorthodox, but also extra meta. we just had a major data leakage. what should we do now?"
@TomK. Well, SE has had a tradition of hiring from 'within' the community
and I'd guess there's no point having a room full of experts if you can't leverage them
and unlike say, systems or other places , they don't really have a inside track here
I think the OP himself is somebody like that
not 100% sure about that
I think he goes way back?
yeah, I think so. but then got hired when it got bigger
so insider - but not in the same sense as a lot of the SRE, CM and dev team
don't know too much about them
timing's a bit.. odd tbh
why's that?
They just had a round of restructuring
well, then it isn't odd at all, is it? :D
Well, in context not so much
they probably thought: "hmm, whatever our technology farm grew back here in the last years, it doesn't look too good now"
eh, not really
we should probably hire someone to take a look at this, before shit hits the fan
Well, feels more that "we're basically selling our service to folks who may run it outside our server farm"
yeah, that as well
channels probably has a few interesting needs since they want it both integrated with SO, yet private enough that there's no data leakage
Very different running a tightly controlled service with a private/controlled back end and a very public front end
just yesterday I realized, that all of the public posts are mirrored 5 to 10 times
(on other sites)
there's a lot of scrapers
and, assuming they follow the SE licencing requirements, that can even be legal
but most of it is just advertising scam
you google for a question, see an "interesting" post in the search results, click on it, get redirected to an ad farm
ya. its sadly a thing
(which kinda is amusing considering how much some folk were panicing over that latest MSE announcements that some sites were getting affliate ads)
panicking? really?
everything was quiet around here :>
dude ;p
You clearly are not plugged into the gossip ;p
Most main sites are low drama, low "non topical stuff"
I gladly take an invite
I usually follow MSE, and "work here" to try to get a pulse on what's going on
I'm kinda procrastinating right this second
Q: Affiliate Ads Are Coming To The Network

Tim PostSome time ago, we announced that certain SE sites will have advertising enabled. This has gone well and we're extremely thankful to everyone for their support and feedback. Because it has been successful so far, we're going to be extending the program to the majority of our graduated sites. Well,...

so - this to me is not bad. SE's very cool about adblockers and expanding ads means that smaller sites turn into revenue sources. But there's folks who're kinda like "All ads are evil"
(featured tags are kind of "this is what's happening here")
is useful for gauging what SE's doing in future
(ugh, Munich)
More sales jobs in talent in europe - so one can guess that gets bigger weight in future. Azure is interesting since SE's always been about bare metal, until you consider SO enterprise, and some clients potentially wanting cloud hosted services...
so stuff like that ;p
well... okay :)
that affiliate ads post is just hilarious
"oh no, a site i am visiting frequently will have ads!"
and people assuming it is/should be a non profit
people assuming it is their site
like they can decide what's happening around here
well, to a certain extent, we can
well... there is some nudging
but SE/SO's actually been pretty good about these things
and yes, you probably won't get any porn ads on your site
Q: A New Code License: The MIT, this time with Attribution Required

samthebrand Update: January 15, 2016 Thank you for your patience and feedback. The changes proposed here have been delayed indefinitely - we'll be back later to open some more discussions. Important context for those arriving from reddit and slashdot links: The status quo is not "public doma...

here's an example when SE tried to bring about a change and... people hated it.
but the general decision "SE will get ads" - it's pretty obvious that this will happen
yeah.. I mean I've been around when documentation on SO was introduced
that was a fun time
ah, but here's the thing. SO and the rest of the trilogy already do
documentation's kind of the 'thing that ails SE'
they're really really good at one thing
(but they've gotten so good, they're trying to find the next thing, and that''s less easy)
tbh, I LOVED documentation
Careers and such is sucessful but It can't really grow any further
@TomK. I never used it ;p
(to me SO is also kinda dev focused. It makes sense considering the team but, its attracted a much wider community, both techie and otherwise IMO )
well... I loved the idea.. it wasn't done well
well, they threw it at a wall, and it didn't stick
yeah, look at the growing languages like R and scala
that's not the typical SO user
but they are all there
I'm not a SO user ;p
okay, nevermind ;)
my main sites, other than chat are SU, MSE and... I guess Pets
why are you so interested in MSE?
Officially? Its about the only place I can use my mod experience to answer things ;p
is this a "Imma work there when I'm older" thing?
alright, tell me if the offices are nice
well more if a role comes up that I'm not underqualified for
ah! Se's offices are on google maps
and a good deal of people work from home
I'm leaving germany for new york in about 2 years or so
so... yeah
Q: What do the Stack Exchange offices look like?

mumairI was curious to know about Stack Overflow and searched on Google to see what Stack Overflow offices look like and what the environment is like. I want to know about employees, but unfortunately I couldn't get any single video on YouTube. Google is a huge corporation and even they provide a vie...

somebody apply for that CISO job already
I think its already down the grapevine
is there some kind of secret mod chat?
(well, the lounge looks nice)
and there's a wee bit of networking going on here and there
i have to read the first letter in every word in every sentence?
A: "Private" Moderator Q&A site

Shog9The Teacher's Lounge exists for two reasons: Provide a place where moderators can relax a bit, commiserate and bond without every word being thrown back in their faces the next time someone disagrees with their actions in public. The name is sort of a giveaway here... Allow discussion of sensit...

this is like, the official, secret mod chat...
ah, cool
(and yes, private, mod only rooms are a thing)
that said, its mostly boring, and as a mod (elsewhere), very little of what I do is really secret.
"Top Questions
It was not possible to perform this tag search at this time due to an unexpected error."
on Sec.SE
did they break the tag engine again?
no, others work
which link?
(damn it! always hitting the wrong button)
works again
ehh. you can edit anything you say within errrr
I think 3-5 minutes? I don't remember.
that was the home button-"link"
not if you accidentally delete something
actually ya
I can't undelete.
its a strange thing about chat
hmm... while I have you at my disposal
can a mod edit a comment to "make" it an answer?
We can go the other way around tho
Yeah, I know that..
I'm just going through unanswered questions. Some of these are answered in the comments. Question is: Should I answer these myself with basically the same content that is already in the comments? Or is there a good way to flag the comments for moderator intervention.
(heh moderator invention)
@AviD @RoryAlsop Suggestions?
@TomK. nothing for a moderator to do about comments (except delete them).
I would suggest if the post/comment is rather old, go ahead and answer it yourself - just makes the site better.
If it is fairly recent, I think it would be better to give the commenter the courtesy of suggesting they make it an answer.
Oh, yonking comments, improving them and answering is pretty much fair game.
WHOA @JourneymanGeek @TomK. did they kill the documentation??
quite a while back
hey I dont use it often, but when I did I found it rather useful
Q: Sunsetting Documentation

Jon Ericson We will stop accepting contributions to Documentation on August 8 On behalf of everyone who worked on Documentation, I want to thank all 15,451 users who contributed. We particularly want to acknowledge the 294 people who tested the private beta and the 2,361 who pounded on the public beta in ...

to extend on that:
(TBH, I do keep an eye on... as much as I can, and I know all the good stalkers ;p )
and now, stop arguing! @AviD
who is arguing?
you just dont have the remote mindset ;-)
yeah.. probably
another point to the matter: at a registered association I worked for, one of our servers was used us a Tor exit node
@TomK. why?
one day, the federal police showed up
nobody was on site(!) that was qualified enough to speak with them
@JourneymanGeek the association was associated with hackers and the likes :P
Taking into account the scope of the job, and the nature of SE's workforce - many of the people actually doing the work are offsite, including key development personel
naw, for the CISO being on site
yeah the only ones that REALLY need to be onsite are the ones handling the hardware. and not even all of those.
e.g. to interact with law enforcement
well unless they move to the cloud...
SRE team is heavily US based
but also not 100%
how many people work in their offices?
@AviD even then - you'd want to have some people on site but you'd want to have some diversity
I think the "signaling" point is the most important here
or is most important to me
@TomK. technically that's legal.
well if its in the cloud there is no "on site"
but that's probably my non-remote-mindset
No one's ever actually seen legal.
@JourneymanGeek this.
Legal's kinda like the Nazgul. Only they might, possibly, be on your side.
even if LEOs show up, its the legal team that handles them, and they can call the CISO if necessary.
and I think your ass is more or less covered if you take the time to call your boss.
(who calls legal?)
Depends - but that's the sorta policy a CISO probably will need to think about ;p
point - set - match
absolutely not
sure, and by "think about" you mean "consult with legal"
Cause shockingly, you cannot trust cops 100%
say what now????
what kind of nonsense is this, young pup!
@AviD by which I mean "ok, call this person if there's LEO. This is what you should say"
well... I'm not a 100% convinced, but please, have your way
which is mostly "I'm not quite sure here, let me call legal" I suppose?
@TomK. Ever heard of possession is 9/10th of the law?
whenever cops show up in your building, whoever sits at the reception should call legal
@JourneymanGeek nope
Stuff like this happens.
@TomK. assuming there's reception - your servers might not be in your main office
@JourneymanGeek I meant, when defining the policy it is in tandem with legal. CISO wouldnt set that unilaterally.
that is true, if they go directly to your data center, there sould be someone sitting at the door though
SE has them in... er Denver (where there's no office) and NJ
@TomK. and the datacenter calls your sysadmin or SRE. Who... follows policy and presumably calls legal.
@AviD yup ;p
plus, in the cloud, its NOT EVEN YOUR SITE.
@AviD assuming SO corp dosen't do a 180 and go full cloud
I hope not! their architecture writeups are a good read for a hardware geek like me
oh yeah, love them.
And their reasoning, which wouldnt apply for like 95% of internet companies, is really well thought out.
@JourneymanGeek just to be clear, the feds seized our servers that day and what followed was not nice. So my personal love for law enforcement isn't too .. er .. great
@TomK. sounds about right
and that's why... you talk to legal
If I was to audit a webapp plugin vendor in advance of using their service what things should I be asking about? I’ve got permission, encryption, patching process, on-going support, client side scripts, code execution, webapp server code execution. Also if they scrape any of my webapps data, who their security contact is, how they notify of a breach, etc. Have I missed anything obvious?
Also I don’t think this really fits the format for a full question as it is opinion based and very broad on SE.infosec? If any of the mods/longtimers disagree I’ll ask it as a proper question.
Also pen testing and sec creds.
@TheJulyPlot How exactly will you audit them? Just by interviewing? If so, who will you interview?
@TomK. It would be a checklist/Q&A that they complete in advance of a contract being signed. It is really to provide a level of due diligence and to infom decision making.
ah I see
Hmm.. it's hard to tell. Depends where the plugin(s) will be used, how many users etc.
but I think your list looks good as a starting point
do you have a contracting department that deals with stuff like this?
no this is really to inform a change board
to ensure that security considerations have been taken into account
okay, and your role is?
Security architect
Maybe include steps when the contract ends/they end the relationship with you
and handling of any data they might collect
also with regards to any laws you/they might fall under
but other than that, I think your list looks good

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