@RoryAlsop I had the pleasure to have a chat with one of your Belgian counterparts down at Black Hat. He asked if I know you (As I am also Scottish). He had a lot of good things to say about you.
@TheJulyPlot If you get the chance, also try the smaller conferences that typically pop up around the big ones - such as B-Sides. Often the same speakers, but much less vendor-led. More community.
@RoryAlsop Yes I tried to get b-sides Edinburgh tickets, but there was none left, by the time the spares where released it was to late in the day to make it from Glasgow
@RoryAlsop I go to the Glasgow defcon chapter meets up each month, they are good. Excellent, that sounds great. Im based in Glasgow, if you need a spare set of hands to help organise things I am more than happy to help.
@TheJulyPlot That is good to know - volunteers from this year all enjoyed themselves (and we make sure nobody is on any stint too long, so there are decent opportunities for seeing talks)
@TheJulyPlot twitter and the blog, but also if you are interested in any volunteering role, just drop me an email/LinkedIn and we'll pop your email on the list to contact when we mobilise