At any rate, if either of you return, was wondering if a question would be on-topic here.
I'm building a client/server login system, was wondering if it could be secured further, I've detailed the salt and hashing code, as well as all the steps the client and server go through for login, and the fact that messages are back/forth in plain-text, but the password is hashed client-side then the hash is sent to the server.
Final paragraph with actual question:
> Can I improve this any further, or is this the best I can get? At a minimum I want to protect the plain-text password entered by the user so that it cannot (easily) be gathered by an attacker. I would also like to protect the communication between client/server if possible. At the moment an attacker could intercept the password hash and login as the player/user.
Welcome to the Stack Overflow Podcast #101. Fact: We now have as many episodes as we have adorable Disney dalmatians. Today's podcast is brought to you by the WordPress Development Stack Exchange.
I am writing because I need a way to monitor what my users send via ssh.
I have a jumphost and I tried the following:
both system-auth and password-auth have the ...