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Hi, is there a book or a set of articles or blogs outlining in some detail how some of the high profile hacking (the bad kind) into major systems were carried out? I just want to see some real world examples of what exactly gets done.
5 hours later…
@vin major hacking is usually done by major actors
It may be individuals or organizations or insiders
The thing is they are very skilled like they have lot's of theoretical and practical training and also plenty of talent
insiders are usually sociopathic and greedy types who doesn't like to learn, dont know how to code, very often working in infosec
that's the real-life profile
individuals (lone wolfs) are usually psychos of some sort, drug addicts, immature (childish attitude towards life), very often anti-social
@vin On Mr Robot they are showing it the true way, I've seen these things myself many times
By my own estimate there's one insider who is willing to steal information per each of 30 IT related employees in average corporation, including both state-run and private organizations
That's why I am now working on designing systems where information can't be accessed by the employees / admins / stolen etc
It works this way "Encrypt Everything" except the private keys which are securely stored
1 hour later…
@vin you won't fund such details anyway, the main thing is that 1. attackers dont take notes nor plan everything in detail 2. attackers erase evidence 3. the investigative work afterwards is not done as it's impossible due to scope of the attacks 4. most often go thru the wide open door anyway
4 hours later…
"upgrade your password to longer one today"
3 hours later…
Q: Hiding information on a physical monitor

ThePiercingPrinceI am tired of people looking at my computer display screen when I am using the computer and seeing my secrets and confidential information etc. Do you know encryption tools that can encrypt what is shown on the monitor so only I know my personal, private information?

the mind boggles

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