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@RoryAlsop Fantastic, thanks!
7 hours later…
mornin' all
morning all
oh noes, the morning-train wrecked
@SmokeDispenser c-c-combo breakeeer!
that wasn't me, either @AviD or @JourneymanGeek
totally @AviD
btw, lookat this nice team up: security.stackexchange.com/a/120098/92273
yeah, @AviD is the usual suspect.
Brent still hasn't grasped that this isn't a discussion forum
also, wat
I had nothing to do with that q
no you broke the "morning" thread by being dolorous :op
it was this one:
14 mins ago, by SmokeDispenser
oh noes, the morning-train wrecked
21 mins ago, by AviD
funny selfmeta
@RоryMcCune still counts
@AviD I was just saying that's what people were referring to :op
@RоryMcCune nuh uh
12 mins ago, by Journeyman Geek
totally @AviD
@SmokeDispenser also I would say the close reason there is not the best.
@AviD, I voted against closure.
@AviD feel free to start a reopen vote;)
no, I think it should be closed, it was the reason that is suboptimal.
well, yeah, I'm not sure. I answered.
thus I should not VTC
@SmokeDispenser I've seen several people answer and still VTC :P
Not that I universally agree
sometimes this site, man
40 upvotes and going on a wrong answer from two days ago
when will the madness end!?
literally tells OP that what he is trying to do is impossible when it most certainly is possible, because even a neophyte like me can do it
@cremefraiche link?
A: How to know if a file is decrypted or not

cremefraicheYou absolutely can tell with varying degrees of certainty if a file, or even string, was successfully decrypted. Most of the challenges at cryptopals depend on it. I have begun to make a tool for ciphertext bruteforce and analysis that automates this very task. You can find it here if you want to...

le sigh
didn't mean to link to my answer
I'm not even in it for the upvotes anymore.. I'm just trying to battle crypto misinformation
@cremefraiche, the accepted answer is right
"You really can't, if you're just encrypting / decrypting text."
that is wrong
think of it this way: I'm doing ciphertext = e(k1,e(k2, plaintext)).
how do you tell that d(k1,ciphertext) is correct?
lexical analysis
you can't get 100% but you can provide degrees of confidence (assuming you know the language used in the original message)
@RоryMcCune w/o any knowledge of the plaintext?
so you can say (I've applied decryption key "x" and now x percentage of the words are english language words)
sure if the plaintext is just random garbage that won't work
but if the plaintext is a set of english language words, you could say what percentage of words match known words with each key
so it depends on the exact parameters as to whether it's possible or not
i don't think OP has even considered e(k1,e(k2,plaintext)), I was working on the assumption of e(k1,palintext).
so e.g. github.com/peterc/whatlanguage as a lib that can detect language based on an input string
you could apply that to the "decrypted" text and assuming a decent length of text in a known language, you could at least provide an educated guess as to which was right
i do that here rory =D (shameless plug) github.com/theRoda/uniciph
(before the crypto people say it, I know this doesn't apply where the cipher can provide multiple "valid" responses depending on key, I'm assuming a relatively basic non-tricky cipher)
hacking with python guide got me into the english detection
I don't get how a n00b like me can do some crypto challenges and bruteforce classic crypto, but dude saying it's impossibru is going down as the definitive word in that thread
need more crypto buffs with smarterer words and such
too bad bruce schneier doesn't curate D=
well yes I'm not a crypto person nor do I even play one on TV, but I can see scenarios where it works/doesn't work. and my guess in that it's a small part of a university class is that this will fall into the "does work" category
@cremefraiche It's a matter of conditions. If your plaintext is known to be English words, your answer fits for
In the general case of "random binary data", you can't tell, but this specified text, so yes, it's possible
[bad enter key!] ... fits for Caesar cipher, for instance. Not that much for OTP. If the plaintext is "random" or its distribution is not known, as @Matthew said, the accepted answer is right
I guess he doesn't actually specify what the file is
In crypto the answers usually look like "no, you definitely can't do that at all... unless we change a small condition. Then it's easy as cake"
OP says he is talking about caesar and XOR
i don't see the practical case of someone encrypting random binary data. if we are talking practical crypto, there will be patterns in the plaintext that can be analyzed
reading the question again it mentions files in specific file formats, so you could likely even do it trivially by testing each key and then running linux "file" against it, and if it's not "binary data" flag as probably decryption
but if we take the question in the context provided "it's part of a university course and they're expected to implement it" then the accepted answer is definitely not right, unless the tutor is very nasty person who assigns unachieveable tasks
file headers, footers, sigs, exif, strings, etc. there will be a pattern in the cleartext, and a well made oracle can find it if it's there. i made a crappy oracle as an undergrad. imagine what the guys in the big leagues have
telling someone it's impossibru just seems misinformed. /endrant
@cremefraiche, exactly. With Caesar and English words (or recognizable file formats, however they mix that with Caesar), your answer holds (always in terms of high confidence). With XOR (OTP, I'd understand), the accepted answer holds.
likely the best way to phrase an answer is my favourite opening phrase from my Sec.SE answers "It Depends...."
heh, always must qualify ;]
XOR is just as bruteforceable as caesar, sergio
@SergioAndrésFigueroaSantos don't you think that that ignores the context of the question? it seems a shame to send a college student down a line of "this can't be done" when logically that's very unlikely to be the case in the context of a solution they've been asked to implement for a course excercise?
sinlge byte XOR and repeating key OR
@SergioAndrésFigueroaSantos cryptopals.com/sets/1
I wish I had enough time to go do cryptopals
I've gone up to most of step two a while ago, but haven't had time lately either.
reallllly want to get to the step 6 bleichenbacher
@RоryMcCune Just phone them up! :-)
@Matthew heh yeah I guess if I got stuck I could drop them a line :) I'd be torn between doing it in a language I know (Ruby) or trying to use it as excercises to learn a new one (likely Go)
@RоryMcCune Go is such a daft name for a language. I always think of the game with the tokens and grid...
is Go getting picked up out in the field?
like, wasn't google into it?
so many languages I have no idea if they will become relevant to me (ocaml, go, swift, rust, groovy, lua, clojure)
just as long as I don't have to work with vb.net
@cremefraiche Docker is written in go
it's generally quite popular amongst people making cross-platform command line apps
as it's good for that
well huh
i like cross-platform
@RоryMcCune like built-in sys libraries?
@cremefraiche well docker was one example I've come across, keybase was another but there's a huuuuuuge list of them github.com/golang/go/wiki/Projects
oh dang, keybae too
oh look at all those crypto projects
going to have to start using the Go IDE at codinggame more
i've done an if/else
it was weird for me
why? Does it have odd syntax?
\o @RoryAlsop
o/ @SmokeDispenser
My repgain is slowing down. I'm kind of slacking or the questions got bad in the last three days. I wrote almost no answers :)
When I was super serious about repgain on SU, I tried to answer one question a day
at this point tho, I kinda cruise, and answer interesting stuff anywhere
I have odd bursts of non-mod activity, but I'm not that good at consistently answering - bit like @JourneymanGeek
@RoryAlsop that was mostly pre mod tho ;p
I throttled back a bit over the past year or so
My answering was goodish until I got 5 sites. Now most of my SE time is modding. Hence why I only have 5 sites over 10k ...
I have only one site over 10K
@cremefraiche do that guy stole your cat picture: security.stackexchange.com/questions/120120/…
ofc that is off-topic on SE ;)
Nicolas Chabanovsky on April 11, 2016
We're thrilled to announce that the Russian-speaking community of software developers and programming enthusiasts, Stack Overflow in Russian, has been graduated. Congratulations colleagues for such incredible success!
Hello people
hi @ThomasPornin
I am just back from 10 days away. Apparently there was some drama?
I got an invite for a rebel chat system.
@ThomasPornin ah yeah you missed it all :) stuff happened
Can you summarize it for me (but less summarized than "stuff happened") ?
I'm actually not sure I can :) whilst maintaining accuracy/lack of apparent bias
if I summarized I'd risk inadvertantly offending one of the participating parties
pornu shut top and join the rebellion
"You rebel scum"
Believe it or not, there was drama regarding flags.
I knew you'd find it hard to believe.
@ThomasPornin - good afternoon!
@RoryAlsop I am a bit jet-lagged; I don't really know the time of day.
Well, it still depends the country
what locale did you grace with your presence?
I was in Japan.
@ThomasPornin the best place on earth e_e
Lucky bastard!
@silverpenguin Hey fugly manatee, shoot me your email and then quickly delete it you donut.
@Simon its on linkedin :P
Blargh, I'll get it tonight then.
Got it
Check your emails
ok just waiting for it to come through (I have a central inbox)
You got it
thanks, @M'vy
@SmokeDispenser not 100% sure we need to. A chunk of it seems to be around implementation.
@RoryAlsop I think it is better in Sec.SE than Crypto.SE
I was just typing to suggest asking you :)
Q: Esclation priviliges ubuntu?

Ric NizoIm now at post-exploit phase,i want to do escalation priviliges in ubuntu to get root,i tried some exploit like https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/15704/ but it give a message error ''failed to get root'' im in a traineeship so i want to apply escalation privileges!im trying to do it in a vulne...

@Matthew, what about it?
@SmokeDispenser The OP had modified. Was still crap. @schroeder has replied to them pointing this out, since my initial attempt didn't stick
@RoryAlsop, @ThomasPornin, I answered, maybe OP can clear some things up. Yet, I'm off line in 20 minutes for the evening. Feel free to ping me if you find something horrible in the A.
I might be able to sneak small edits in from my mobile.
also, isn't the right term privilige escalation, @Matthew?
why didn't @schroeder edit that when he was editing anyways? Am I horribly mistaken?
Privilege Escalation, yes
@SmokeDispenser I was writing my own answer at that time. I have not read yours yet.
@ThomasPornin, did just see that. will read yours and may be delete mine.
yours are better, usually
@ThomasPornin, after reading your answer, I'll leave mine up, they cover different corners:)
off line for now, if something comes up, let me know by ping:)
3 hours later…
my visa was approved!! Everything's official!
need some advice: I recently contacted the author of a well known and widely used open source project and informed him about a number of issues with the encryption module that ships with their product.
Today I got a response that is quite defiant: it questions the seriousness of the issues I raised and demands that I show them a working exploit or, basically, shut up and don't bother him.
along the lines, he places question marks at my level of knowledge.
I could publicly post my findings, but I would rather give them the time to solve the issue behind the curtains. Does anyone have any advice on how to convince a person who thinks his flawed code is not flawed, unless I can show a working exploit, that they need to fix their encryption class?
@Jacco It is a psychological issue, not technical.
that's a personality issue most likely, if he's defensive then it doesn't sound like he's too open to issue reports of this nature
annnd ninja'd by a bear
how did I not hear him creep up behind me...
@RоryMcCune Because ninja. Duh.
bears are silent creatures, especially ninja bears.
@Jacco: if the product is open source, then escalating to publication is fair game.
the thing is, it is a PHP project with lots of attention from 'junior programmers' who adore this project.
You explained the issues as best as you could. Give him a week or two to think things over, then publish the exact same explanations on your favourite place.
Ah, PHP.
So I fear that raising the issue on their platform will lead to a lot of downplaying the issue.
Well, it naturally sets a high bar for what is an issue "worthy of attention".
Facts are facts. Just publish and let people wail and whine.
The issue is not 'everything is broken' severe, but it still needs to be addressed. (in this case, using the same key for mac and encrypt, among several other issues)
@Jacco you could always publish anonymously if you don't want the hassle of fanboys
The other thing is, I've several more issues lined up, with other parts of the project.
Hmm, I might go for the anonymous posting. That would save me the attack on my person.
@Jacco Using the same key for encryption and MAC is not necessarily a big issue. It is a big issue if the encryption uses CBC and the MAC is CBC-MAC.
@Jacco The person you already contacted will still know that it's you.
it uses CBC, with encrypt than mac
@ThomasPornin would CBC-MAC with length preprending also be vulnerable?
I don't think he will publicly shame me (I think/hope he is professional enough on that side)
@Jacco .... you really assume people behave professionally on the internet?!?!?!
maybe I'm still naive.
@SEJPM It would take some serious looking-at, at the very least.
@Jacco But is the MAC some HMAC, or CBC-MAC?
hmac using sha256
@Jacco Then it is probably fine (well, at least for that point)
My problem is that I'm (obviously) not a cryptographer, I'm merely 'the security guy' in my company. So i'm hardly good enough to explain the implications of things of things to somebody who is determined not to accept what I tell, unless there is no other way around it.
It is kinda sloppy to use the same key for encryption and MAC, but HMAC/SHA-256 is "sufficiently different" from whatever encryption they are using (I am guessing AES or Rijndael-256) to avoid nasty interactions.
If using AES-CBC + HMAC in encrypt-then-MAC order, then any issue will be in IV management. See if they generate a fresh IV for every message; the IV must be random and uniform (with a strong random generator); and, crucially, the IV must be included in the HMAC input.
If they botch the IV then it is worth reporting and/or public mocking.
There are quite some other issues, none of them is overly serious, but it has all clearly been written by people who are not experienced at writing secure code. (I do a lot of code reviews, I can spot the difference).
But if they use a properly random per-message IV, and use the IV as part of the HMAC input, then they got most things well.
@Jacco If they were experienced with secure code, they would not use PHP to begin with...
IV generation is ok, on most platforms. But since quality is not checked, it can be bad without any sort of warning.
Let's just say that this code is used a lot within the PHP community.
the iv is base64 encoded (don't ask me why), prepended to the cipher text and the combination is then fed into the hmac.
@Jacco PHP, even the crypto lib devs don't get crypto right :(
@Jacco encoding doesn't matter
Encoding is just not needed, but it doesn't hurt (except in that, at the cost of no extra security, it adds complexity).
Anyhow, is summary you guys recommend not trying to continue trying to convince the guy, but make raise the issue publicly within a week or so?
@Jacco For the specific case of key reuse between AES-CBC and HMAC/SHA-256, I would recommend not raising the issue at all, because there is indeed no known weakness in that.
For other security issues, it depends on these issues.
Other issues are on a separate part of the code base (the remember me functionality).
Ok, then I'll just leave this issue be.
@ThomasPorninThis looks like it's for you.
Q: is it possible to find the original value of a hashed string, if you don't have the entire hash

user3499284I'm wondering if there is a faster way than bruteforcing to find the original contents of a string if you have/know: 60 % of the original string (30/50 characters) the amount of characters the string has. know a range of the 8 first possible characters in the hashed string is it possible to f...

@Iszi Done.
@ThomasPornin So, I'm a little unclear. Strictly, it should be impossible to uniquely identify the original input if you're missing any piece of the hash. But in practice, how many possible inputs actually map to feasible inputs? i.e.: When it's known that the hash is of a password, you're only interested in inputs that actually map to characters that can be easily typed. Taking this into consideration, how likely is it that you could find the original input when you're missing X hash bytes?
@Iszi Even with the whole hash value, it is not possible to uniquely identify the original input, because hash functions are not injective.
SHA-256 has a 256-bit output, hence 2^256 possible output values. If you have more than 2^256 possible inputs, then it is a mathematical certainty that several hash to the same value.
If you work with a set of possible inputs that is smaller than the square root of the hash output space (i.e. less than 2^128 for a 256-bit hash), then it is expected that they all hash to distinct values, in which case, if you find a matching input, then it probably is "the" input.
@ThomasPornin In general, it's true that any given output of a hash function may have multiple inputs. This is assumed because the length of the output is fixed, while the size of the input may be arbitrary. However, when it comes to passwords - where the likely input size is far smaller than the hash size - is it not probable, if not even certain, that any match found within that input size will be the match?
@ThomasPornin I think this answers the above, but please clarify if not.
@Iszi Assuming the hash value "randomly" assigns outputs to inputs, this is the setup for the so-called "birthday paradox".
In probability theory, the birthday problem or birthday paradox concerns the probability that, in a set of randomly chosen people, some pair of them will have the same birthday. By the pigeonhole principle, the probability reaches 100% when the number of people reaches 367 (since there are only 366 possible birthdays, including February 29). However, 99.9% probability is reached with just 70 people, and 50% probability with 23 people. These conclusions are based on the assumption that each day of the year (except February 29) is equally probable for a birthday. While this makes for an amusing...
@ThomasPornin how well do you know the chacha20-poly1305 spec?
@SEJPM I have not implemented it.
There is a RFC, but it is unclear whether it is "the" spec.
@ThomasPornin cause Google?
@ThomasPornin, I just realized, the open-source project I mentioned earlier uses one (1) 128-bit key for everything that needs a secret key of sorts within the code.
Q: Nonce encryption with Poly1305-Chacha20

roseI have seen that a couple of companies (like Google, Apple HomeKit) are adding "ChaCha20-Poly1305" as an encryption option. Poly1305 requires algorithm to encrypt the nonce. The Poly1305-AES specification uses the AES algorithm to encrypt the nonce, but also says "There is nothing special about ...

@SEJPM Normally, "the" spec is the one that is written by the original author or standardization body. Google did not invent either algorithms, but picked them up from their original descriptions which were a bit lacking on the "specification" side.
Now Google is pushing for the definition of a SSL/TLS cipher suite that uses these algorithms, but it still is a draft.
@ThomasPornin so the spec at that point was: "Whatever DJB's code did?"
@ThomasPornin Still a bit confused here then. Is it a good thing or bad thing for a hash function to have unique outputs for all inputs which are smaller than or equal in size to its output size?
@SEJPM More or less. DJB's article tend not to nail down issues such as endianness.
@Iszi With the "smaller than or equal in size", it is not good or bad, it is just impossible.
endianness.... what a pesky little implementation detail, stopping the awesome crypto guys from doing awesome work
There are 2^257-1 possible sequence of bits of 256 or less bits.
@Iszi did you clean up the pinwall? it looks so empty :(
What is "bad" would be trying to skew a given hash function in order to get more injectivity than what you expect from a truly random function.
@SEJPM Pins probably timed out. Dunno what the timer is, but I haven't pinned in awhile and I guess nobody else has either.
@SEJPM There is a problem with standards. On the one hand, writing a good standard is a lot of effort, and there are a lot of bad standards around. On the other hand, lack of standard is also a problem.
A: Please show who pinned or unpinned a message

balphaI haven't checked the specific issue, but be aware that pins are auto-removed after 14 days, because we found this feature to be abused too much. If you feel so strongly about a particular message, why don't you just post it again and pin the new one?

@SEJPM Oh, 14 days? Pretty sure it hasn't been that long. Then yeah, someone probably cleaned it when I wasn't looking.
@SEJPM I cleared it :) I was hoping the drama to which it referred was over...
so the pins were redundant
@RоryMcCune so no awesome stories on the pinwall for now? :(
As far as I can see, one of the gripes of DJB against crypto standards is that they do not cover implementation issues such as resistance to cache timing attacks.
@SEJPM well that last set of pins wasn't a story... will need to see what comes up to make a new one :)
@ThomasPornin and he hopes to address crypto sidechannels by avoiding specs?
@ThomasPornin So, for a hash function with 256-bit output, it is expected that the number of unique outputs among all 256-bit inputs will be less than (2^257)-1 and that's... not necessarily good nor bad, but "okay"? (Or is it just more like "mathematically inevitable"?)
Pushing a reference implementation, to be included "as is", kind of solves that issue, but raises other ones, such as what happens when your target system is not a PC running a Linux derivative.
@Iszi It is mathematically expected that, with a 256-bit hash function, the set of all 256-bit inputs (size 2^256) will yield a fraction of the set of all 256-bit outputs (about 63% of that set, so a bit more than 2^255 distinct outputs)
@ThomasPornin #pclinuxmasterrace
@SEJPM When the "reference code" is a C++ source code with a GNU-specific Makefile, it tends to limit your options.
Crypto researchers in general tend to think in terms of the hardware they have on their desk, not the hardware that is permeating the industry.
@ThomasPornin I guess the issue is not "C++" here but "ASM", "intrinsics" and "GNU-specific Makefile"?
@SEJPM C++ is an issue because its support relies on some runtime components that are not available on all platforms.
I have done implementations on a HSM where code had to be written in "plain C" and even some of the most basic C functions were missing.
@ThomasPornin So, for 74% of all 256-bit inputs, there's at least one other 256-bit input that will produce the same output?
Eh, I might have borked my logic a tiny bit on that.
@Iszi With 63% instead of 74%, and "outputs" instead of "inputs", that's what is expected.
We don't expect to be able to prove it.
Intriguing, I always thought C++ was as good as plain C when it comes to "compiles everywere", utile thing to keep in mind
@SEJPM Even beyond the C/C++ debate, there are some platforms where neither is an option. E.g. on Android you must go Java; on some smartcards that will be (reduced) Java or (reduced) C#.
Or something else.
On really small platforms you will use assembly anyway.
@ThomasPornin huh, android should run C++ IIRC
@SEJPM In previous incarnations it was Java-only, so that the underlying hardware platform would not matter (e.g. MIPS vs ARM). This might have changed in recent versions.
@ThomasPornin Here's where I went... You said all 256-bit inputs will only generate 63% of the possible unique 256-bit outputs. That implies 37% of all inputs generated an output that covered in the aforementioned 63%. So, I take this to mean (corrected math a bit): at least 37%+1, and up to 74%, of all possible inputs have a "twin" - another input that will generate the same output.
@ThomasPornin it's called "Android NDK"
@Iszi I think your logic is trying to dance a salsa with its shoelaces tied together.
In fact the number is also about 63%
@ThomasPornin Say you have 10 single-digit numbers which range from 0 to 9. Now let's say only 60% of all possible single-digit (base-ten) numbers are represented in that range. We could have 0123450000 or we could have 0123450123.
@ThomasPornin you sure it's not 42?
That is, for any given 256-bit input x, the probability of another 256-bit y distinct from x yielding the same 256-bit hash output should be about 1-1/e, which is about 0.63212.
Okay, if e is getting involved I'm tapping out.
That's probabilities for you. e is always involved.
Still, even saying 63% of all likely passwords are vulnerable to collision? (Am I really interpreting this wrong?) That seems bad.
@Iszi For passwords, the set of plausible inputs is much smaller than 2^256.
You can consider yourself lucky if you could educate your users to go beyond 2^40.
@ThomasPornin Yeah, I was about to mention something like that.
Collisions, in general, are not a problem for password hashing -- you should think in terms of preimages, not collisions.
There is a widespread tendency of panicking and running in circles when one utters the term "collision" but that's unwarranted most of the time.
@ThomasPornin Is that really just because the search space for likely passwords is so much smaller than the hash's output space?
@Iszi No, it really is because the attacker's problem is really a preimage attack, not a collision attack.
The attacker is trying to find a preimage for a given hash output.
Whether there are two or more possible preimages is not a problem, as long as finding one of them is hard.
@ThomasPornin True, but collision resistance is still a factor in preimage resistance.
A flawed but amusing argument would even be that collisions are here a benefit, because then the attacker finding a matching password might not hit "the" password that the user might have reused elsewhere.
@ThomasPornin, while we're at password hashing: How large does a random salt need to be for password hashing? Unique (e.g. a few bytes)? Unpredicatble (e.g. 16 bytes)? Collision-resistant (e.g. 32 bytes)?
@Iszi Not really. See MD5: very poor collision resistance, but still very strong for preimages. (MD5 is bad for passwords because it is fast, not because of collisions.)
@SEJPM For salts, uniqueness is what you want. Random generation is a nice way to have uniqueness; 128 bits are enough for that.
Salts do not need to be unpredictable.
@ThomasPornin I'm not sure how that's flawed. From the perspective of defending one application, certainly - you don't want any vulnerability that expedites the attackers ability to impersonate a user on your site. But how is it flawed from the end-user's perspective? In theory, it does still limit the search space the attacker needs to try on a second site but there's still a crap-ton of brute-force involved regardless.
@Iszi It is flawed because having more collisions does not actually change the search space. I think it has been discussed on Security.SE (I remember having written an answer).
@ThomasPornin So, it would be a speed-bump like MAC filtering on a Wi-Fi AP?
@Iszi To get 1000 matching passwords instead of 1, you need to make dictionary attacks 1000 times easier, so you do not actually make it harder to guess "the" password.
In fact you just provide the attacker with a way to make a short list of 1000 potential passwords.
Time to go home. See ya later.
@ThomasPornin Understood. But the point remains that the password the attacker initially found, and presumably where he stopped working the first time 'round, won't work on another site that uses a different hashing mechanism (or salt, for that matter). Overall, it doesn't make finding the password any "harder" but it makes the attacker's initial work less re-usable.
Sorry guys. Couldn't help myself on this one.
I'd put a UDP joke in here, but I'd have no way of knowing if you got it. — Iszi 3 mins ago
I lol'ed!
@Iszi nice one
@schroeder He kind-of did include a source there. Said "From the Nmap page". Essentially "RTFM".
@Iszi I know, but a link to source is handy else we have to do a text search
@schroeder Okay if I edit in this one? ;-)
Apparently, people figured out how to build a qunatum computer that should scale and be programmable, right now only 5 Qubits, but if it's scalable it will be more rather sooner than later: arxiv.org/abs/1603.04512
@Iszi lol
@SEJPM I saw a documentary on it. The computer is huge
@BobEbert size isn't as much of an issue as engineering here (I guess)?
accessibility is a big advantage when it comes to technology though
@BobEbert engineers will probably figure out how to reduce the size sooner than later?
lol I didn't say they wouldn't, I was just pointing out that the computer they are building is huge, like 3 meters*3
@BobEbert because physicists tried to build it with whatever they could get their hands on and not with optimized and worked-out engineering processes?
I have a question regarding nmap, is there a way to import result from another nmap scan? Lets say the first scan was Syn scan, could I import the results to make a new scan version scan?
#ConspiracyTheory: The NSA knew about this before publication which is why they decided it's time to move to PQC.
Nevermind. Found at link.
@Iszi post quantum crypto
Oh, the other PQC.
@Iszi what did you think PQC stands for?
"programmable quantum circuit"?
Something to do with @Simon's mom.
Feel free to point out any worthwhile flaws in my analogy here:
A: Why is UDP port scanning slower than TCP port scanning?

IsziThe difference is in the very nature of the two protocols. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. This means that systems must establish and confirm a stable connection - for TCP, the process is commonly known as the "three-way handshake" - before data is actually transferred. As the process mus...

Q: PCI Scan failing at TCP Source Port Pass Firewall testing

AugustinI'm trying to get PCI scan PASS for my website, Scan failing at this step. The host responded 4 times to 4 TCP SYN probes sent to destination port 20 using source port 80. However, it did not respond at all to 4 TCP SYN probes sent to the same destination port using a random source port ...

Does this message makes sense? I don't understand the point of that scan test.
I think it makes sense - it's a scan I've seen before
it's an easy countermeasure to keep recycling SYN requests if from the same IP\port - it means that there aren't any resources consumed and there is low chance of operational impact - but it the src port is randomized, then there is still the chance that the buffers will crash due to resource hogging
thanks. I don't get it though: what does “the buffers will crash” mean? An easy countermeasure for what? How is failing that test bad?
oh sorry - it's a SYN flood thing - you create a flood of TCP handshake requests that you don't end up completing, so the target is left with a ton of half-open sockets and ends up consuming all its resources waiting for traffic that never comes
an easy mitigation is to recycle the socket when the request is coming from the same IP\port (cuz if it's legit, then there is no reason to keep the old one alive)
but there is danger if the same IP can open multiple half-open sockets just by changing the source port
@schroeder oh, so it's protection against DoS?
Why does PCI include this? I thought PCI was about protecting confidential data
PCI covers a little more than just that in version 3.1 is also concerned that you have basic security in place
@Gilles it's PCI trying to move a little beyond basic tick boxing
I see, thanks
@Iszi I don't see anything comparing UDP to Hitler
3/10, very poor, see me after class
@etherealflux I call Godwin!
@RoryAlsop You reach his voicemail
@etherealflux dammit - need to leave a message
today I set my wireless card to Monitor and turned on airodump
i could feel the Mission Impossible theme within me

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